Star Wars - One of a Kind

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Star Wars - One of a Kind Page 2

by Paul Danner

  “You forgot the co-pilot, laser brain.” Shandria said as she hopped down to join him.

  Sconn slowly nodded, mumbling his thanks.

  The hook-nosed Imperial, Major Daraada, waited in annoyance for the woman to be found. Unfortunately, his trigger-happy stormtroopers had eliminated two of the New Republic spies. The last two of the cell he had been trying to expose for months.

  There was still the woman, of course, but she was the youngest of the group and would know comparatively little in a New Republic cell that was already veiled in secrecy. Not to mention the deaths meant two less interrogation victims for the Major. And as much as he would have enjoyed the extra torture sessions, taking the woman alive was much more important. She had the stolen data card. As well as plenty of other interesting facts just waiting to be released in a flood of pain. Major Daraada thought with a grin.

  Daraada was infamous for not employing an Imperial interrogator. He enjoyed the task too much himself to give anyone else the pleasure. Simple pleasures were always the best. Since his promotion, he had less time to enjoy such things, which is why he relished live prisoners.

  When the woman talked, and the data card was recovered, there might be another promotion in it. One that would take him off the stinking planet he was currently attached to. The Major paused his contemplation for a moment to sniff the stale Venaarian air, laced with the stench of cheap ale. Not much longer, he thought gleefully. His troops had cut off all escape routes.

  Shandria L’hmnar was as good as his, and whatever fool had attempted to help her was trapped as well. Daraada didn’t need information from the would-be hero, so he would just have his head. Maybe on a force pike, the Major mused, stuck outside the Imperial Command Center. A message to the rest of the city — to let the populace know that the Empire still meant business, its iron fist securely grasping the worlds still under its influence. Once that was accomplished, the upstart New Republic and the traitorous Imperial factions would be next in line to feel its unyielding grip.

  Daraada grinned wickedly, his long nose bobbing up and down as he nodded to himself Yes, that was indeed what he would do, just as soon as they were caught. Any moment and they would be in his clutches. How dare they even think of defying the Empire? Or of defying the great Major Gaevril Daraada, for that matter!

  At that moment, the great commander Gaevril Daraada ceased his musings as he noticed a strike speeder roaring away from the bar at full speed. He squinted at it, checking the markings.

  It couldn’t be? Could it? Daraada lifted his comlink to his lips. “Major Daraada to Group C. Report.” His only response was silence. Daraada sprinted around the building, followed by a half-dozen surprised stormtroopers who hurried to catch up with their leader.

  The Major ran around the corner and his jaw nearly fell open. The alley was empty, except for four of his men who were strewn across the dirty pavement and among the garbage containers. His eyes widened in shock and all he could do was offer an enraged scream.

  “So what’s your story?”

  Shandria looked up from the controls and smiled.

  “You’re New Republic, aren’t you?” he asked.

  “How did you know?”

  “None of you guys ever give up any information easily. Ask for the time of day and you get looked at like you were an ISB agent. Habit from the Rebellion days. I guess … ”

  “You know that old Human maxim — old habits die hard.”

  “And so do the Rebels … ”

  Shandria widened her grin, then shook her head in wonder. “Why are you helping me? I mean, you’re a complete stranger. You’re risking your life for me and I don’t even know your name!”

  Sconn extended his hand. “Sienn Sconn. Nice to meet you.”

  “Shandria L’hnnar,” she said, taking his hand into hers. “And you didn’t answer my question.”

  “What question?”

  Shandria grunted. “And you think we’re secretive!”

  Sconn laughed for a few moments, then seemed to grow deadly serious. “I hate the Empire.”

  “So do a lot of people. But not all of them do something about it.”

  “Well, this kind of stuff isn’t exactly a habit for me.”

  She stared at him appraisingly. “Maybe it should be … ”

  “You seem to have mistaken me for a hero, lady.” Sconn shook his head emphatically. “I’m just your average guy trying to make a living.”

  “What do you do, anyway?”

  Sconn looked at her, then bit down on his lip. “I, uh … Well. I guess, I’m what you call a ‘procurement specialist.’”

  Shandria flashed a wry grin. “Oh. So, you’re an ordinary thief.”

  Sconn’s face flushed. “I may be a lot of things, but I am not ordinary. And other people may call me a thief, but other people still call you Rebels, even with your New Republic … That doesn’t make the description true.” He took a deep breath, then continued. “If someone wants something, they hire me to ‘acquire’ it. Which I do, if and only if I think the target deserves it. And they’re usually obscenely rich Imperial sympathizers. If that makes me a thief in your eyes, well so be it.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you.”

  “Hey! I’m just a thief, remember? On a backwater planet, no less. I’m not easily offended.”

  “Not so backwater. If you knew what was going on here … ”

  “Don’t tell me. I don’t want to know.”

  “That’s why the Empire is still around. Too many people like the bliss of ignorance.”

  Silence pervaded the strike speeder. Finally, Sconn cleared his throat.

  “So, where exactly does this transport stop?”

  “Ven-Kavi Starport. I’ve got to get off this planet. I have information that must get to the New Republic immediately. Information that could save millions of lives.”

  “So that’s what this is about. Looks like we’re not so different after all.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, I steal material goods. You steal data.”

  Shandria frowned. “It’s not the same thing at all.”

  “Why not?”

  “You steal for profit. I’m doing what I do for the greater good.”

  “Well, so am I.” Sconn jerked a thumb to his chest. “My greater good.”

  Shandria sighed, slowing down the strike speeder. She pressed a button, opening the door as the vehicle pulled to a stop.

  Sconn glanced at the exit and then back at her. “What are you doing?”

  “Letting you out. This isn’t your concern. You helped me escape. And for that. I’m grateful. If there’s anything I can do to repay — ”

  ‘Wait just a minute.”


  “I’m not bailing out here! You have to get your information back to the New Republic.” He pushed the button and the door closed. “And believe me, you’re going to need all the help you can get.”

  “But … ”

  “Back at the Binary. I made you a promise. And I always keep my promises.”

  “You’re a difficult person to figure out, Sienn Sconn.”

  “I told you … one of a kind,” he grinned at her and gave a quick wink. “Now, let’s go.”

  “Hurry! Speed this thing up! That’s an order.”

  Major Daraada slapped the back of the pilot’s chair and glanced out the viewshield. The two strike speeders were in pursuit of the captured vehicle, but their quarry had a large head start. No matter. He would get them. “Where are they now?”

  “Just passing Herak Square.” The co-pilot turned to look at the Major. “Looks like they’re headed for the starport. sir.”

  “Yes, yes. Trying to make good their escape. Well, I will not allow it! That data card will not get off this planet!” He lifted up his comlink. “This is Major Daraada. Get me Imperial Governor Vaerganth at once. It’s an emergency.”

  A tired voice echoed over the comlink. “What is it n
ow, Daraada?”

  “The Rebel is headed for the starport!”

  A sarcastic laugh echoed over the comlink. “Which one?”

  “The one with the data card containing the plans for Project Orrad. You must divert the Retaliator immediately.”

  “Impossible. It’s engaged with the terrorist forces in the Southern Reach.”

  “But this is top priority!”

  “So are those damnable terrorists! And I am not about to tie up our only Star Destroyer in the hunt for a single Rebel!”

  “TIE fighters, then. Surely you could spare a few … ”

  “They are in the midst of a dogfight that they are losing at the moment. I can’t help you, Daraada. You’ll have to handle it yourself. That’s what you get paid for!”

  “This is an outrage! The data card in the Rebel’s possession is of great importance to the Empire. I shall report this immediately!”

  “To who, the Emperor? All the insane Imperial warlords trying to assume that mantle? Please, Daraada. Spare me your idiotic threats.”

  “Fine,” Daraada hissed. “I’ll do it myself. Daraada out.” Still fuming, the Major changed the frequency on his comlink. “This is Major Daraada to Ven-Kavi Starport Authority. I have a stolen strike speeder headed your way. Listen to me, and listen closely. Aboard this vehicle are a New Republic spy and her accomplice. I want all available security to block off the main entrance. Nothing is to get through. And until I give the word, under no circumstances does any ship get departure or landing clearance. Keep all craft in a holding pattern. Is that clear?”

  “Yes, sir,” the comlink crackled in response.

  “Good. Now get moving.” Daraada turned to his operations officer. “Run the Delta emergency code. Special Operative 1312.”

  The officer was shocked. “The bounty hunter, sir?”

  “Do it.”

  The co-pilot turned back around. “We’re not going to be able to catch them before they get to the starport, sir.”

  “We don’t have to. Starport Security will provide the front wall. All we need to do is close off the rear.” Daraada grinned maliciously. “And Graphyt will do the rest …”

  Sconn looked up from the nav terminal. “We’re almost there. And the other two strike speeders are still way behind us.”

  Shandria laughed, a surprised giggle. “I think we’re actually going to make it!”

  A dull roar filled the cabin as something passed overhead. Sconn and Shandria exchanged a look. The roof shook as something landed on it.

  “What was that?” Sconn said as he stared upwards.

  Shandria looked up in alarm. “Someone’s on the roof.”

  “Give me your hold-out. I’ll check it out.”

  Shandria handed over the small blaster. “Be careful.”

  “I’m always careful,” Sconn said as he unlocked the top hatch. As it opened, the rushing wind whipped Sconn’s hair back into his face, blinding him. He pushed away the fallen locks, and brandishing the blaster in front of him, lifted himself up.

  There was nothing on the back of the speeder but the mounted heavy repeating blaster, hanging uselessly on its stock and waiting to be fired. Shrugging, the thief turned to check the front of the vehicle.

  Strong hands locked around Sconn’s blaster arm as well as his neck, squeezed taut, and lifted him up with inhuman strength.

  Shandria whirled around as Sconn was hauled up and out of the strike speeder. His kicking legs lingered for a second, then he was gone. Eyes wide, she turned back to stare at the road. Her voice came out as a low whisper. “Oh, no … ”

  Pentix Graphyt was huge. A mountain of a man, if that’s what he truly was. Sconn couldn’t exactly tell, since the giant’s face was covered by a mirror-like helmet. All the thief saw was the reflection of himself being choked to death.

  One of the bounty hunter’s heavy gloved hands was crushing his throat, while the other was busy turning the bones of his right wrist into powder. Sconn roared in pain as he tried to aim the hold-out at his captor.

  Graphyt merely squeezed harder. The pain was too much, and Sconn released the weapon. It clattered to the roof, then bounced off, careening away. The gun finally hit the road and shattered into a thousand pieces.

  The thief figured that the bounty hunter’s sizable mass, combined with the heavy chitinous black armor he wore, kept him standing upright even in the face of the buffeting winds. Sconn also realized that if the giant released him, he would endure the same fate as Shandria’s hold-out blaster.

  Sconn could barely breathe. He had to think of something fast. Graphyt was holding his right arm, but the attached wrist laser was still pointing in the necessary direction. If he could just stretch his arm.

  Sconn screamed in pain, but managed to twist his wrist enough and fired off the laser. It struck the bounty hunter on the right shoulder-piece of his armor, but to Sconn’s shock and horror, didn’t even leave a scratch on the shiny surface.

  From underneath the mirrored mask, a deep booming voice began to laugh.

  Sconn was enraged. With his left arm, he reached back, under his nearly airborne cloak and wrapped his fingers around the familiar thick metal handle of his stun staff.

  The bounty hunter was one step ahead of him, however, and slammed Sconn down on his back, wrenching the thief’s left arm painfully in the socket and pinning it behind him. Sconn was in agony as Graphyt jammed the knee joint of his armor right into his midriff. All the while, the giant retained his hold on Sconn’s neck and wrist.

  The thief was having trouble seeing. Everything was getting dark and he couldn’t draw a breath. Sconn began to realize that he was finally out of tricks. This is it, he thought angrily. This was the end. Done in by some armored idiot who dropped in out of nowhere …

  Sconn’s eyes widened as he spotted the rocket pack on the big bounty hunter’s back. That explained the roar they had heard. That’s how the hunter got aboard! The thief watched as the cooling vents released tiny hisses of smoke and a plan began to quickly form in Sconn’s head.

  The thief almost blacked out for a second, but fought off the darkness with sheer willpower. He focused on the cooling unit of the pack, locking his eyes on it. At the same time, he twisted his wrist and took aim with the laser. Waves of unconsciousness began to flow over him, a tide of darkness pulling him down. His eyes fluttered wildly. Now or never, Sconn thought — then he fired off the beam.

  His aim was true. The laser punctured the cooling unit, and a burst of flame mixed with the escaping steam. Graphyt turned his head to look as a warning beep sounded, followed by a tinny computerized voice.

  “Warning! Coolant core has been breached. One minute to destruct. Please stand clear.” Flashing indicators were in the red. The pack was about to explode. Snarling, the hunter released Sconn and stumbled back, ripping desperately at the straps on his back and shoulders.

  Sconn groaned and rolled over, grabbing onto the open hatch for support as the wind tore at his light body. He leaned his head down and saw Shandria staring up at him. Her face went from shock to relief. “Thank goodness … ” She blushed a bit at the emotion that flooded out with her last statement, then her face was all business once again. “They’ve got the starport entrance sealed! And the other two strike speeders are right behind us!”

  Sconn looked up right into the wind, and saw that it was true. A large array of stormtroopers. Imperial starport security personnel, and combat speeders blockaded the entrance. No two ways about it. They were trapped.

  As he considered their options, the sound of a grunt behind him drew the thief’s attention. Sconn turned and saw that the bounty hunter was still trying to struggle out of the pack. The straps were caught in the jointed segments of the armor, which hampered the giant’s movements even further.

  “Thirty seconds to destruct,” intoned the computer, and Sconn grinned. He leaned down to yell at Shandria. “Speed up!”


  “Do it!”

“You’re crazy, you know that?!”

  “It’s my best quality.”

  “What’s your worst? Never mind, I don’t want to know!”

  Laughing, Sconn reached into his pouch and pulled out two silver half-spheres. He leaped onto the struggling bounty hunter’s back and locked them into place on the pack’s cylindrical body. Graphyt whirled around and swung at him, but the thief ducked under the arm and came up right in front of the bounty hunter using his large body as a shield against the wind.

  “Fifteen seconds to destruct,” announced the voice.

  Sconn reached for the rocket pack’s control unit attached to Graphyt’s right chest-piece and pressed the power button. The thief quickly dropped to the roof of the vehicle and rolled forward. Sconn’s motion drove his coiled body directly into the bounty hunter’s legs, toppling Graphyt forward just as the pack fired wildly, emitting a burst of incredible power.

  Screaming, Graphyt and his runaway jet pack streaked forward at twice the strike speeder’s speed.

  From the cockpit, Shandria watched in wonder as the struggling giant soared overhead, headed right for the Imperial blockade at full speed.

  Grinning, Sconn hopped back down into the cockpit and pulled out the silver control unit. As the bounty hunter streaked into the front of the blockade, Sconn hit the control switch.

  The explosion that followed shook the entire area, throwing two of the combat speeders into the air like toys. A gout of flame roared out from the center of the explosion.

  Sconn gestured wildly at the hole. “There’s our hole! Punch it!”

  Shandria pushed the strike speeder to its limit and the vehicle roared in response, tearing into the flaming hole at full speed. Sconn wrapped his arms around Shandria and both of them ducked down as the viewshield exploded from heat expansion.


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