Pure Lust: The Complete Series Box Set

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Pure Lust: The Complete Series Box Set Page 17

by Parker, M. S.

  A moment later, after I’d hit the button, Edward’s voice drifted up to me. “Gabriella, may I come up?”

  I looked down at the t-shirt and yoga pants and sighed. We were getting married. He'd see me like this eventually. Might as well be now. “Yeah, come on up.”

  I made a halfhearted attempt to clean up the mess I’d made from the morning, coffee cups, my breakfast of granola and yogurt. I was reconsidering my decision about changing, but before I had the chance, he knocked.

  I opened the door and the smile on his face faltered slightly when he saw me. “You’re still sick.”

  “No.” I frowned.

  His gaze slid down a little lower and I found myself shuffling my feet. My yoga pants and t-shirt were perfectly decent for lounging around the house and since I hadn’t planned to leave anytime in the next few hours, I didn’t see the problem. Yet I found myself squirming and uncomfortable.

  Moving aside, I waved him in. Edward came in slowly and looked around, his gaze lingering on the wide open studio, the murphy bed where Kendra slept, the sofa bed that I'd already made up and tucked away. “Welcome to my humble abode,” I said, forcing a smile.

  He turned to me. “Why didn’t you come find me last night? If I’d have known you were sick, I would have left with you. You didn’t have to come back here.”

  Back here…? Like it was some friend's place where I was crashing out of desperation?

  His gaze slid back around the studio. It was a lovely place in my opinion, but I guess I could see where it was lacking by his standards. Hell, pretty much anything short of Buckingham Palace would be lacking compared to what he was used to. I suddenly felt embarrassed by my little home.

  “I live here,” I said softly. When he looked back at me, I shrugged and turned away, fighting back the feelings I didn't want. “I’m not sick. I had an awful headache and I just needed…” Claire’s words came back to me in a rush and I moved over to my desk, busying myself with straightening things up so I didn't have to look at him. “It was a lot to take in, Edward. Besides, you looked like you were doing just fine by yourself. It’s not like you needed me.”

  “Gabriella, I don’t know what you mean.”

  I turned back to him, the misery from yesterday rushing forward and I couldn't hold back. “You tell me that, sooner or later, I need to get comfortable with that sort of thing and then you take me to that party and basically abandon me. I knew five people—six if you included Paul, but it wasn’t like he was invited. Your mother hates me. Your step-dad tolerates me. Flynn spent the entire evening flirting, and you hunted me down one time. I spent the entire time talking to Cody and the one time I did find you, you made it absolutely clear that I wasn’t precisely welcome.”

  By the time I finished, I was breathing hard and Edward was staring at me in dismay. “Sweetheart…”

  I held up my hands and shook my head. I so wasn't in the mood. “Don’t.” Turning away, I stared out the window.

  Edward came up behind me and I could see the reflection of his apologetic face in the pane of glass. I didn't look at him, but when his hands covered my shoulders, I let him tug me back against him.

  “It would seem I messed up, didn’t I?” he said, his voice low as he slid his hands down my arms. His breath caressed my neck.

  As he wrapped his arms around my waist, I tried to let myself relax.

  “I’m sorry, Gabriella.”

  It made it easier, but I was still hurting.

  Easing around in his arms, I looked up at him and tried to smile. It wasn’t a real smile, but it was close. “I just…I didn’t feel comfortable unless you or Cody were with me. I know I can’t constantly have somebody with me, but it was the first time I was there and my fiancé wasn't even the one who introduced me to people.”

  “You weren’t comfortable. I should have done better.” He stroked his hands down my arms then back up. His gaze slid back down to my t-shirt and he rubbed the hem of the sleeve between his thumb and forefinger. “Why don’t you let me make it up to you? I’ll take you to lunch, we can go shopping…”

  I pulled away, easing out of his grasp. Crossing my arms over my chest, I moved over to the narrow slice that comprised most of the counter space in the kitchen. Easing my hips against it, I focused on the work spread out in front of me. “You don’t need to buy me things, Edward.”

  “But I enjoy buying things for you.” He started toward me, but when I tensed, he stopped. “Gabriella, what is this?”

  “I don’t need you to buy me things.” I gestured to the apartment. “I’ve been taking care of myself ever since I got up here and I’m doing a pretty decent job of it.”

  “I never thought otherwise. I just like—”

  “Buying me things. I know.” My gaze landed on the computer, on the assignment from the lousy boss that paid so little and I knew that if it wasn’t for the money I’d gotten from Flynn, right now I wouldn’t be doing much to contribute to the rent. Kendra was doing fine now that she was getting money in from her modeling, but me…?

  “Gabriella, I just…we’re going to be married. Why is it a bad thing for me to like taking care of you?”

  “I don’t need to be taken care of!” I shouted.

  He stiffened. “Gabriella, I’m sorry. I know you’re independent and I love that about you. But…” He gestured toward my clothing. “In a few months, you’ll be my wife. How can you afford the clothing you’ll need with the job you have now? You won’t even let me help you find a better paying one—”

  I shoved myself off the counter, his comment about affording the clothing I'd need to be with him putting me on edge. “I found a better job, thank you very much.”

  “Did you?” He angled his head to the side. His features softened and the smile in his eyes made some of the anger inside me fade. He was happy for me.

  When he stepped closer this time, I didn’t move away. He cupped my face and pressed a kiss to my mouth. He lifted up just a little and studied me before lowering his head again.

  The second kiss was deeper, slower, hotter. His tongue swept my mouth, claiming it, and then his hands were at my waist, pulling at my shirt. I lifted my arms to help him, the anger inside coalescing into something else. Something just as intense and just as hot, but much more enticing. He shoved his hands inside my yoga pants, pushing them down below my hips. His lips slid down my neck and I gasped as he sucked a patch of skin into his mouth and bit down lightly.

  “I want you,” he muttered. “I’ve missed…Gabriella. Now.”


  When he spun me around, I gripped the counter in my hands. I made a halfhearted swipe at the curtains, closing them, while behind me, I heard his zipper coming down. He drove inside me, thick and hard and full. I moaned and twisted my hips back against him, trying to take him deeper as he withdrew. I wasn't prepared at all, barely wet from his kisses. It hurt, but felt so good at the same time.

  Then he drove inside me again and I had to bite my bottom lip to keep from crying out. Pain and pleasure coursed through me and I slid my hand between my thighs, seeking out my clit as he continued to stroke deep, deep inside me. His fingers dug into my hips, half-lifting and hauling me back to meet each stroke. I clenched down around him and heard a low, harsh noise escape his throat. My thighs were shaking. Heat spread out from my pussy, rolling through me like waves and I knew it was going to overtake me, shatter me.

  He swelled inside me, the head of his thick shaft rasping against me in the best way and I couldn't hold back the half-strangled cry this time. He groaned and hauled me back down on his cock. The roughness of it sent me straight into orgasm. He followed only seconds later, buried deep inside me.


  “So where is your job?”

  Edward stroked a hand down my hair.

  We were sitting on the couch, him in a suit that was now somewhat rumpled and me in a t-shirt and clean panties.

  I swallowed, thinking back to the stupidity that had driven me to te
ll him I had a job. What I had was a job offer. One that involved taking my clothes—or at least most of them—off in front of his brother. Edward wouldn’t like it. In fact, he'd hate it. It didn’t matter that it was for something like book covers or that a lot of people would think that it was kind of awesome. I was still kind of baffled by it.


  I made a distracted sound under my breath and then looked up at him. “Hey, why don’t we go out to lunch? I’m getting kind of hungry.” I pressed a quick kiss to his cheek and then stood up. “Let me go change.”

  Once I had some clothes in hand and the bathroom door shut behind me, I silenced my phone and then pulled up Flynn’s number.

  Okay. I’ll do it. I’ll be your model as long as you never show my face.

  A few seconds passed before his response came up.

  That’s not always going to work, Tennessee. I’ll have clients who will need a woman’s face.

  I snorted.

  Then work your magic and photoshop somebody else’s face onto my body or something. Besides, you said it yourself…it’s not my face you’re interested in.

  I was smiling when he replied.

  You win, Tennessee.

  He told me a time and a place. I deleted the messages and put the phone down, then busied myself with getting ready.

  I'd decide what to do about my asshole boss and shitty job later.

  Chapter 9

  “Are you sure you wouldn’t like some wine?” Edward leaned toward me and brushed my hair out of my face.

  “I’m fine.” My headache was mostly gone, but I wasn’t going to risk it coming back.

  “You didn’t eat much.”

  “I didn’t eat breakfast until a little after nine.” Shrugging, I used my fork to push some of the food around on my plate and, because he was watching, I scooped up another bite of pasta and took another bite.

  It was delicious, the sauce exquisite and if I could have made myself eat more, I would have cleaned the plate. But I wasn’t hungry. I was nervous.

  “Perhaps we should have waited until later.” Edward covered my hand with his.

  “No.” I turned my hand around and twined our fingers together. “This is fine.”

  We’d ended up at a quiet little Italian place, early enough that the lunch hour rush hadn’t really started.

  “Would you like to order some dessert?” He was already lifting a hand to flag down a server.

  “No.” I found myself having to fight not to snap at him. He was practically hovering at my elbow. I guess he was just feeling guilty after last night, but it was grating on my nerves. And that just made me feel even worse for it annoying me.

  “So tell me about the job.”

  “The job?” I jerked my head up and found him watching me, his eyes all but glowing. Panic fluttered inside me. “I…”


  “Oh…oh, yeah.” Realization slammed into me and I rolled my eyes. “I’m very nervous.” I couldn’t even explain just how nervous I was. “I can’t really talk about it though.”

  “Why not?” He frowned at me.

  Maybe thinking on my feet wasn’t my gift, but I was getting better at it. “Well, it’s a writing thing. I’m doing some writing for a celebrity, but my name is all being kept out of it. I had to sign a non-disclosure and everything just to get the job.” I blew out a breath and shot a look at him. “So, I…well, I can’t really talk about it, but it's a great job and much better pay.”

  He lifted a hand. “Say no more. I’m not at all familiar with the writing world, but I understand the terms of an NDA. Congratulations. I’m proud of you.”

  Heat flooded my cheeks, but it came from guilt rather than embarrassment at the praise. I’d lied.

  He’d believed me.

  I lied to him and he believed me.

  “Here…we can talk about this instead.” He withdrew a narrow, leather bound notepad. “We need to start talking about the wedding…setting a date, making plans.”

  A strange sensation clutched my stomach and I stared at him.

  Plans… “Yeah. I guess we do need to start making plans.” I didn't mention that I'd been hoping we'd have a bit longer engagement than we'd had dating. It was all happening so fast. I reached out and touched the notepad he’d placed on the table. “What’s this?”

  “Some notes, a little bit of information. Certain people that will have to be invited to the wedding.” He smiled. “I’ve got the name of several wedding planners who come highly recommended.”

  I was happy to see that my fingers weren’t shaking as I opened the neat little palm-sized notebook. It was a pretty small notebook. It couldn’t be that bad, right?

  Moments later, I was about to lose what little food I’d eaten.

  That pretty small notebook was all but full. The list of people who had to be invited? There were double columns of names that took up the front and back of each page for more than half of the notebook. The rest of it? Notes on how many people I should expect to have in attendance...just from his side.

  My eyes rounded when I saw the notation: plan for six hundred guests.

  “Well, I guess a small wedding is out of the question, huh?” I managed to smile at him when I looked up.

  “The Bouviers don’t really do small when it comes to formal events.” He grinned at me.

  “You know, my parents got married on the beach in Florida. Mom was barefoot. She looked beautiful.” I looked back down at the notebook and didn't even mention the fact that there was no way in hell my parents could pay for even a fraction of the kind of wedding I saw here. “Somehow I don't think that's in your notebook.”


  We ended back up at his place…and I ended up naked and stretched out on the floor.

  His hands slid down my body. I sighed in pleasure as he lifted my hips and pressed his mouth to my core. He nuzzled me through my curls and pleasure slashed through me when his tongue flicked out and he licked me. I gasped as he circled his tongue over me and then slowly slid it inside, lapping and drawing me closer and closer to the edge.

  When I was hovering right there, he came down over me and spread my legs, settling between them as if he belonged there, made to fit me perfectly.

  “Look at me, darling,” he whispered against my lips. I tasted myself there and moaned, rising up to kiss him again, deeper and harder. He slid inside me and it was sweet and lazy and easy.

  His cock stretched me and filled me, all pleasure and no pain. I'd been a bit sore from earlier, but he'd more than prepared me now, his tongue having eased the ache, replacing it with a different sort of throbbing.

  I brought my knees up and curled them around his hips, arching up and shuddering, urging him on. Catching one of his hands, I guided it to my breast, needing him to touch me.

  He dipped his head and I cried out as he caught one nipple in his mouth, scraping it with the edge of his teeth, tugging, tugging, tugging until it was throbbing and pulsating in time to the driving rhythm of his hips.

  I tangled my fingers in his hair, arching closer. I could feel each ridge of his cock, the swollen vein, the pulsations running through it and it was driving me mad. My pussy clamped down around him when he pushed in and then held there, right there, grinding against me and my clit, already so sensitized. I tensed, ready for that last nudge to push me over the edge.

  He caught my chin, craning my head upward.

  “Open for me,” he whispered against my lips, teasing my mouth.


  He rolled his hips as his tongue stole inside, and when I started to climax, he swallowed my broken moan down until his own joined it.


  “I missed this.”

  Edward wrapped his arms around me later that night and tugged me up against him until my back was snug against his chest. I put my hand on his forearm and stroked it in response. The muscles under his tanned skin were strong, defined.

  “You know I’m sorry about
the party. I didn’t…well, I can’t undo it. But I didn’t want you to feel abandoned. I knew Cody was with you and I had obligations. I didn’t think you’d be comfortable with some of the people I’d be talking to. I didn’t realize how it would make you feel, handling it the way I did.”

  I turned my head to the side and pressed my lips to his chin. “It’s okay.”

  “It’s not—”

  “It’s done.” Snuggling more comfortably against him, I didn’t fight the yawn that came out, threatening to crack my jaw. “I didn’t sleep well without you last night. I’m tired.”

  He didn't press the matter, responding to my not-so-subtle request to let it go. As he drifted off to sleep, I lay there, staring off into the darkness.

  We’d started talking wedding plans.

  I was wrapped in the arms of a wonderful man.

  I should be happy.

  So why wasn’t I?

  Chapter 10

  “Wow. You’re up early. I thought you were working from home this week.”

  “I am.” I slid into the chair at the desk and fired up my laptop, glancing up as Kendra emerged sleepy-eyed from the bathroom. “I’ve got…” I grimaced before telling her. “I’m doing some more modeling for Flynn.”

  She stopped in her tracks, staring at me. “Does Edward know?”

  “No.” I gave her my best pleading expression. “Please don’t tell him.”

  “Gabs, this is just going to lead to trouble. You already know what a player Flynn is. Shit, he’s probably just doing this to try to get back in your pants!”

  “Give me some credit.” I rolled my eyes at her before looking down at the screen to pull up my email. I’d notified my boss via email last night of my decision to quit, along with the two assignments I’d managed to finish. Hopefully having them done promptly would make her a little less maniacal as she processed my resignation.

  Her response was in my inbox.

  I gaped when I saw the subject line.


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