The Prison Guard's Son: Young Guns Book One

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The Prison Guard's Son: Young Guns Book One Page 9

by Ursula Sinclair

  “Wait what? You cook?” While I knew the kitchen was used I didn’t think Pike would be the one using it.

  “I do all right.”

  Something told me the use happening in this kitchen was his doing. “Yes, roast beef is fine. On a wheat roll, just mayo please.”

  “Coming right up. Beer okay? I have cold lite, there’s also red or white wine.”

  “After the day I’ve had, I could use a dark beer, if you have it.”

  “It’s not going to be cold, only the lite is.”

  “Lite is fine then.”

  He pulled two bottles out of the fridge and placed one in front of me after opening it.

  I didn’t have to be told twice. I sat up on the stool and grabbed the beer taking a nice long pull. The cool crispness of it hitting the back of my tongue and going down with a bit of a tickle. Just what I needed. “Ahhh, thanks. That was perfect.”

  I watched Pike quickly put the sandwiches together for all of us like he’d done it hundreds of times. Which he probably had.

  Rusty and Tank picked up two plates and the napkins set out next to them. “Good night all,” Rusty said, then Tank before both men left the kitchen area. They went through the dark French doors that separated the kitchen I assumed from the rest of the house.

  Pike placed one of the plates in front of me. He grabbed the other one and came to sit on the stool next to me. “Go on, eat up.” He raised his beer toward me.

  I did too, clicking them together. “Thank you.”

  “Taste first, then thank me after.”

  I grinned and bit into my sandwich.



  I waited for her to take that first bite and then I saw the look of pleasure on her face, when she closed her eyes to savor the flavor. I smiled and bit into my own sandwich. Damn, she was lovely. So frigging beautiful as she sat with me in this house. I’d never brought a woman here. Never. Other than my housekeeper, no woman had ever set foot in my little getaway since I bought it.

  This was my refuge, the place I came to get away from the bullshit of my existence. The place my dad and I came to have some quiet time together. We would spend hours out on the boat with our rods in the water. Most of the time hardly catching anything, but it never was about what we caught or what was said. It was just our time together. We’d spent more time out on that water together than we had while I was growing up.

  I thought about the last time I saw him and the state he’d been in. Although these last couple of years, he’d been doing pretty good. It helped he hadn’t had a drop of alcohol in five years, but at times the melancholy just got the most of him. Loving someone like that could do that to a man, I never wanted any part of it. My music was always enough for me.

  Then what exactly was I doing here with Eryn?

  Fuck if I know. For now feeding her, and giving her a place to stay until that crazy ass fucker could be put behind bars. I couldn’t bear to think of her being harmed. Besides, she was safer with me than anywhere else I reasoned. I wasn’t going to lie to myself. Nothing had changed between us. I still wanted her. More than ever now.

  “Wow, this is good.”

  I chuckled. She’d polished off the sandwich and chips like a champ. I noticed she’d finished the first beer. I got up and grabbed her another one, placing it down in front of her.

  She held up her hand. “Whoa, I’m running on adrenaline, so let’s split this one,” she said after taking a sip then pushing the bottle in my direction.”

  “Okay. Would you like any dessert?”

  “Nah, I’m good. And Pike…thank you. Thank you, for being with me today, for staying. I enjoyed our lunch, very much.”

  “It’s just the everything that came after.”

  “Yes. I’m sorry about that.”

  “You don’t have a damn thing to apologize for, so no worries. I’m just glad I was there and you weren’t hurt.” I shook my head unable to complete the thought. “I’m just glad you’re okay, and I was with you.”

  She reached over and took my hand.

  I squeezed it and drew it to my mouth, planning a kiss on her knuckles then placing our joined hands on the counter, but not releasing her.

  “You know, it could just have easily been you.”

  I knew exactly what she was getting at. I wondered how long before the thought would occur to her. I could be a target too. “Yes, but I’m not going to lose any sleep over it.” I gestured with my hand around the room. “We’re both safe here, and I won’t be going anywhere without my body guards for awhile. Also, any packages I get are scanned first before they come to me. I’ve had crazy fans send me shit in the mail before that was well…not quite as dangerous as a bomb but bad enough. I’ve also had my share of death threats, so I’m real careful about deliveries or anything else here.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “Why? None of it is your fault. Nothing for you to be sorry for.”

  “To have to live like that. I don’t know if I could.”

  I shrugged. “I wasn’t born into this life, but I learned to adjust. Don’t really have much of a choice.”

  When she yawned or rather I noticed her stifle one for the second time, I stood up. “Come on. You’re tired it’s been a long day, and you lost a friend today and who knows what’s up for tomorrow. But you need your beauty rest.”

  Eryn carried that sense of sadness ever since she saw her assistant’s body. I’m sure she carried a touch of guilt about it, unjustified, but still there. She rose with me and placed her palm on my chest, right over my heart.

  Damned if the thing didn’t beat out a thumping rhythm with her touch.

  “With you?”

  I wrapped my arm around her waist. “I told you I wanted you. That hasn’t changed for me. But if you’d rather go to your own room, I’ll understand and give you your space. For now. So long as you know it’s for now, but you lost someone that you worked closely with today, so I understand if you want to be alone.”

  “A reprieve, huh?”

  “Whatever you want to call it. You are after all, my lawyer and you have a thing for words.”

  Suddenly, tears welled up in her big brown eyes and I pulled her flush against my chest. She grabbed my shirt and cried soft tears that reached into some part of me and stirred it even more.

  “I’m sorry. I’m not very good company tonight,” she sniffled.

  If she just needed me to hold onto her tonight, then that’s all that I would do. Damn. When did it ever become for me what some female needed? I’d only ever been about my own needs, but suddenly or maybe not so sudden, I thought about her first. “How long have you worked with…Babs right?”

  “Yes, Babs. Short for Barbara Babora.”

  I could hear the smile in her voice as she spoke about her assistant who even my dense brain could gather was also a friend.

  “She’d worked for the last ten years at one of the other family offices and then transferred over to us about a year ago when I needed an assistant. She’s worked for me ever since, but I’ve known her all that time. She was a wonderful human being. Oh God, this is hard.”

  I kissed her forehead and wrapped her tighter in my arms while she cried again. She felt so right in my arms. I was a sorry fucker to take advantage of her grief to get her into my arms. But no that’s not true, she’d been ready for me even before all of this shit went down. Really screwed up shit. Even more so than what happened in my world. Crazy ass death threats yes, bombs no. “Come on, I’ll take you to the guest room.”

  “I’m going to need to borrow one of your shirts and then tomorrow, I’ll be out of your hair and try to get my shit back together again.” She didn’t even have her purse with her, much less a change of clothes. She had no keys to get back into her condo. The detective didn’t want her going back to her place tonight, at least for a couple of days.

  I shook my head. “You are one of the most together people I know, male or female. So cut out thinking t
hat shit right now. You are not in my hair, in fact, I could get used to that if you decide to be.” I’d said those words teasingly, but damned if there wasn’t a grain of truth woven within them. I walked her up the back staircase from the kitchen to the second level of the house.

  We passed through the wing where the bodyguards had rooms, then over to the other wing where I stayed and my dad when he came to visit. His room was right next to mine and that’s where I put her. It had a great view of the water but it would be too dark for her to see anything tonight.

  Turning on the lights in the room, I stood in front of the bed and gestured in that direction. “Well, this is your room.” I glanced around the cheerful room, while it had been decorated to my dad’s liking. It was still pretty nice and simple with gray and brown stripped patterns on the bedspread and curtains, and plain throw rugs covered the wooden floors. “Bathroom’s over there. My room is just next door. I’ll be right back with something for you to sleep in. There should be toiletries in the bathroom cabinet and even new toothbrushes in the cabinet under the sink.” I took a couple of steps to move past her.

  She reached out her hand toward me, placing her hand on mine. “Thank you, Pike.” Standing on her toes, she kissed me.

  I think she meant it to be fleeting, but nothing was fleeting between me and this woman. Music flared in my head, when I closed my eyes, I could see the notes, all of them were about this woman in my arms, they sang to me of Eryn with the sad eyes.

  The kiss became more than just a kiss because our tongues were dueling for dominance and her hand went from mine to lifting my shirt until her palm rested on my chest. My heart leaped, yearning for her touch, I moaned into her mouth. “Baby, are you sure? Please be fucking sure. Because don’t start shit you can’t finish. I won’t.”

  She shook her head and pulled mine back down to her lips.

  Still, I pulled back. “No. I want the words Eryn.” I think for the first time in my ever loving life…I needed the words from a woman, I needed to know she wanted me. The man. Not the musician. The rush that came with fucking a rock star. She had to want Me.

  Looking into her eyes, I could see the shine of lust in them, but then I swear I could see a softening around her mouth when she stared back at me as intently as I was at her. I needed her, wanted her to truly understand what I was asking. Even if I might not have been too sure myself, other than the obvious, to sleep with her. Although sleep was the last thing on my mind.

  “Yes, John. I want you.” Then she lifted off my shirt and tossed it on the floor.

  And that fucking did it. Game fucking over.

  I picked her up took her into my room and slammed the door shut with my foot. I walked over to the bed, placed her on it, and began to undress her. I didn’t miss a beat. There was no turning back.



  Wow! Never in any reality would I think I’d ever see vulnerability in a man like John Pike. He was human, very much so. When he asked me if I wanted him, at first I was going to immediately nod my head, hell yes. Who wouldn’t? But then I stopped, some silent plea passed between us. He wanted to know if I wanted him, the man. The truth was, I knew the musician and I think after the last couple of days I was learning to know the man behind the music. I liked what I found. Very much so. There could be only one answer to the question from the man who asked it.

  “Yes, John. I want you.”

  He didn’t give me any time for second thoughts, not that I was having any. Maybe it was all the stress of the day, maybe because we’d gone through it together. Whatever it was I would still be here with him tonight. I wanted to be. This was about us. Two single people who were attracted to each other and were acting on that attraction. We didn’t have to explain it to anyone. Besides, young and horny works too. Not to mention the man came with a nicely hard, toned and ripped six plus package.

  I laughed at the thought. He’d been in the middle of pulling off my slacks.

  “I must be losing my technique. What’s so funny?”

  “I just thought we had every right to be together, we’re both adults and besides, we’re both young and just damn horny.” I giggled again and reached for his jeans to unzip them eager to see the rest of him.

  He laughed. “You’re right about that.” Then he stopped laughing and placed his hand under my chin, so I could look up at him. “But it’s more than that. I need you to know and understand. I want you, yes. Horny, no shit, but…it’s more than that. You being here with me means more than that.” Leaning over me he gently laid me back until I was laying flat on the mattress and my head on the pillow. He continued kissing me as he meticulously took his time removing my clothes. He would kiss my mouth, my arms, my breasts my fingers. Each part of me until I wore nothing.

  Peeling away my clothes was like removing the layers of myself, like he truly wanted to see me. Then he sat up and stared, his eyes raking over my body. I clenched my stomach at his hungry gaze.

  Quickly, he finished pulling his jeans down, but kept his briefs on. I could see the harsh outline of his full thick long cock. Damn, boy was hung. I began to glide my legs up and down against each other. My skin felt flushed, my pussy quivered in anticipation. It had been a long time since I’ve felt so revved up by a man. Then again, not many had such a fine specimen of a body as John Pike, right down to the Adonis V.

  He bent down and retrieved something shiny then tossed it on the side table. He must have noticed my gaze tracking it. “I’m clean. I always sheath, so you have no worries there,” he stated.

  Damn the thought only now crossed my mind. Me, who paid attention to the details. “Good to know, so am I and I take a shot, so we’re covered.”

  He grinned. “Not yet, but we will be.” Then he spread his body over mine, his weight pushing me into the mattress.

  As much as I loved the feel of him over me, I needed him to know I was no docile missy. Twisting, I used surprise and leverage more than anything, to flip our bodies, so now he lay on the mattress and I over him, straddling his legs. “Mmmm, now that’s better. Did I tell you I like control?” I said as I licked his left nipple…it stiffened and pebbled on contact.

  He pressed his head back against the pillow, his hips thrusting up and a moan escaped though his parted lips. “No. But go right ahead, baby. I have no trouble giving it up to you. Right here. Right now. Control the fuck away.”

  I shifted until I sat in a way that my wet pussy rested over the base of his cock. I moved back and forth taking pleasure in the feel of him pulsing under me. Enjoying the way his mouth was slightly open, like he needed to taste the sex permeating the air. I decided to give him something else to taste. Sliding up his body, I watched him open his eyes, zeroing in on me. I know the moment he realized what I wanted to do.

  He grinned and grabbed my thighs pulling me closer. “Oh yeah baby, fucking any time.”

  I lowered my sex right over his open mouth, rubbing myself over his lips, coating his tongue in my juices. I felt his tongue snake out into my channel, then his lips grabbed a hold of my clit, sucking and pulling, driving me to that brink of pleasure pain.

  I placed my palms against the headboard for support. “Oh, damn!” Sinking downward, I ground onto him even more. My stomach muscles clenched and my body trembled, lava raced through my system, wanting…needing a release. Climbing higher and higher to that summit. I threw my head back, this time my mouth opened gasping for air as in one powerful downward thrust, I flooded his mouth. “Take it baby, take all of me.”

  He did, with each flick of his tongue my body spasmed again, gushing so hard, I felt it to the roots of my scalp. I don’t think I had anything left to give. Suddenly, our roles were reversed. I was no longer on top of him, straddling his face. Once again, he was on top of me, covering me, all over me. He grabbed one of my legs and raised it. I could feel his other hand between our bodies guiding his cock into me. I tilted my hips up as he pushed down burying himself fully inside me.

“Ohm fucking hell.” He was huge. He stretched me, filled me, no portion of me was left untouched. Damn good thing I was prepared for him. My sex was still slick from his tongue. I’d been wrong, looks like I still had more liquid in me because I covered his dick in my cum.

  “My turn, baby. Uhh. Fuck. You are tight. Hold onto me.”

  We wrapped around each other. He surged forward even more, for a moment I thought he wouldn’t be able to get it all in, but my muscles relaxed and sheathed him snuggly. He twined his hand around my other leg and raised them both, spreading me open like a pretzel. Then the man began to move.

  “Holy Fuck!’ All I could do was hold on for the ride. The man fucked the way he sang, from his soul. Deep. And damned, if I wasn’t melting whenever I looked into his icy gaze. I knew his secret now, he was anything but cold. Oh, no…Heat. Heat flamed up from the depths of that gaze and burnt through me all the way down to my core.

  “Almost there baby, I want you to come with me,” he gritted out. “I want you all over my dick.”

  “Together,” I breathed out.

  “Aaaahhh. Together.” He slammed into me even faster, harder.

  His balls pounded against my ass, had me quivering even more. I let myself go just as a shudder raced through his body and infected my own. Together, we surged into the roaring inferno, and in perfect synchronicity…we came.

  The only thing separating our cum from mixing, mingling, the damn barrier between us. Still, I felt his fullness. He didn’t come once, but twice his body jerked again and mine answered him. Finally, our bodies stopped vibrating, he stopped moving and lowered his head to mine, both of us breathing hard, sharing the air. He kissed me quickly, then rolled to the side. Reaching down between our bodies, he removed the condom. He tied off the end then tossed it across the room.

  I didn’t bother to turn to see where it landed.

  Pulling me into his arms, he buried his face in my hair. “You are so fucking beautiful.”

  I felt his hot breath against my neck just before he plastered his lips to it.


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