Let It Be Me

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Let It Be Me Page 9

by Barbara Speak

  "And I'm sorry about that. I am willing to show you several more that I think could work out perfect for you."

  Bruce was pissed. You could see it easily from the color his face was turning. Richard and Steve, on the other hand, were happy to say the least.

  "Get ‘em out here and let's get this done."

  Two hours later Canyon had sold not one but two horses. Forty seven thousand dollars was handed to him making everyone wear a smile. After we stood side by side and watched the three men pull out of the driveway, Canyon turned, grabbed me under my arms and spun me in circles forcing me to wrap my legs around him for security.

  "You are amazing!"

  I didn't know what I had done for him to be giving me any credit.

  "That was good, right?"

  "That was unbelievably good. Ari, what just happened will put me back on the map."

  I began to laugh to keep me from getting sick.

  "You have to stop! Canyon!"

  When he did, the look he gave me was something I wasn't prepared for. "Thank you."

  "I didn't do anything."

  "You gave me something I haven't had in a long time."

  "What's that?"


  He let me slide down until the weight of my feet crunched the gravel underneath them.

  "You give me far too much credit, Canyon Michaels."

  "Speaking of giving. Are you ready to go get you your first shit kickers?"

  "My what? Or do I even want to know?"

  "Just get in my truck. This is going to be fun."

  We laughed about Stucky's reaction, talked about how you ship a horse and went through a few tell-me-more-about-yourself games before pulling up to the little country store in town. Walking through the door, Canyon was teasing me about the sweet tea thing again when I attempted to push him to make him stop. I didn't even make contact before he grabbed both of my hands in one of his and taunted me, "Come on, Ari, whatcha gonna do now, huh?"

  I was laughing so hard I didn't have the energy to do anything when, "Are you kidding me?" was heard from the back of the store.

  I looked around, trying to follow the voice just as Canyon let one of my hands go, taking the other one and intertwining his fingers with it before he said, "Have fun with this."

  I had no idea what he was up to when he led me to the back of the store until I heard, "There is no way. No way!"

  "How are you, Ashlynn? It's been awhile."

  I was speechless. Had I known she would be here I never would have agreed to come. Her face looked like someone shoved five lemons in her mouth at once letting me know just how happy she was to see me too. I let go of Canyon's hand and put both of mine in my pockets, uncomfortable to say the least.

  "I've been apparently better than you."

  There was something in her tone that showed more than her usual hatred toward me.

  "Your mama didn't raise you to be rude."

  "Well yours didn't raise you to keep trash for company. I guess neither of us care too much for what our mamas wanted."

  The grin Canyon had been wearing dropped instantly. I don't know what it was that she said but he locked up.

  "Look. I'm not here for you to like me. I don't really care if you do or don't. We came here to shop and if you're the only one working I think it's best if you start. What was it that we came for… shit kickers?"

  Canyon burst out laughing, at what I didn't know. Ashlynn just huffed and walked away throwing her hands in the air as she called me a stupid bitch and then walked into the back room.

  Turning back to Canyon I said, "What's so funny?"

  He grabbed my face with both of his hands while looking into my eyes before he spoke. "You. You're the best thing that has happened to me in a long time. I sure am glad you're here."

  Two pair of the tightest jeans I had ever put on my body, a pink pair of boots (aka shit kickers), a flannel shirt, a rather-cute-if-I-do-say-so-myself cowboy hat and we were ready to go. Ashlynn did everything she could to make the experience a dreadful one but Canyon wouldn't allow it. He had her bring out every pair of boots in my size only to tell her to take them back to the stock room before I ever tried them on. The jeans were my favorite part.

  "What size pants do you wear?" he asked as he was looking through the rack.

  "These look small so I guess a ten."

  Ashlynn pretended to cough as she said, "Fat ass.”

  "I don't think that's right, do you, Ashlynn?"

  She pretended she wasn’t paying attention when she asked, "Do I think what's right?"

  "Canyon, I know my size. Why are you asking her?"

  He gave me a look like he was up to no good when he questioned her again. "What size do you wear, Ashlynn?"

  She had no problem looking me up and down when she spouted back, "Six."

  Canyon looked back at me and then her again before he said, "Can you grab a size four in these? I think it's the Tuff copper bling fit." He looked down at the tag of the jeans in front of him. "Yep, that's the one I want."

  I was just about to correct him when Ashlynn laughed before saying as she walked to the back room, "Yeah, I'd like to see that happen."

  I gave Canyon the look of death before the chastising began. “What are you doing? Why would you want to humiliate me in front of queen—"

  "They'll fit."

  "No they won't and I—"

  "Will look fantastic in them."

  "Quit cutting me off!"

  "Here you go. Just the size he wanted for you," she practically sang as she came back holding the pants that an Ethiopian would probably have a hard time getting on.

  "Do you have a dressing room I could use to try them on?"

  "Hell yes we do. I can't wait to see this one." I gave Canyon one last look before I followed her to the back of the room. "Here you go. Don't forget to come out and show us."

  After she closed the door I flipped her my middle finger before slipping off my shoes and the jeans I had on. I held up the size four and laughed at myself for even attempting to put the damn things on. One leg went in smoothly so I prayed harder than I ever had in my life before I slid in the other.

  "Holy shit they fit!"

  I tried to keep my excitement down to a whisper but I seriously wanted to do the happy dance when the zipper came up to meet the fastened button at the top. I twisted from side to side, making sure all angles looked good in the mirror before I opened the door and stepped out. I noticed the two of them arguing as I crossed the room hoping they would take notice without me having to clear my throat or do something just as equally ridiculous. Ashlynn saw me first and the mouth open, hands on hips, lack for words reaction she had was absolutely priceless.

  Canyon looked me up and down before he asked, "Turn around for me."

  Normally I would have refused, feeling put on display, but I had never wanted to shove something in someone's face so much, not like I did for Ashlynn.

  I slowly lifted my shirt until I exposed the waist line of the pants and turned in a complete circle.

  Ashlynn stayed quiet while Canyon whistled and then laughed before he said, "Smokin’ hot, just like I thought. We will take two pair and you can go ahead and ring up the rest while you're at it."

  I held in the smile that wanted to take over my face until I was back in the changing room putting my clothes back on. Holding a size four in my hands felt like Heaven and when I carried them to the counter Canyon was standing at with his wallet open. Something about him paying for all of it felt wrong but I knew it wasn't something I could argue when Ashlynn announced the total. Seven hundred sixty-three dollars and thirty-five cents. Don't get me wrong, I had a single pair of shoes worth more but I didn't think much about how much things cost until I was looking at what life would be like on my own when I left.

  "You're really paying for her? You don't have the money to be doing this, Canyon. It’s not like when she—"

  His hand slammed down on the counter halting her spew a
nd making me jump. "What I have or don’t is none of your business! Now ring it up and keep your mouth shut."

  He was seething. I'd never seen him talk through his teeth and I can honestly admit I was scared myself. Ashlynn took his bank card and ran it looking just as pissed off as Canyon was.

  "I'll just go wait in the truck."

  He grabbed onto me before I could move. "Why don't you stay and carry some of this with me?"

  My guess is that he was trying to still make Ashlynn uncomfortable. What he obviously didn't see was that I was just as much. She tore the paper off the print out machine and handed it to Canyon without making eye contact. I was sure she wouldn't say a word as we walked back through the store with our hands full but she did. "We will miss you tomorrow night," came out just as bitchy as only she could be right before we walked out the door to the street.

  Canyon held the door open for me but leaned his head back in the store to say, "Don't worry. Ari and I will be there just to make you more uncomfortable. See ya soon." Then he let the door close behind him.

  I walked to the truck and opened the back door to put the bags in without saying a word. Canyon walked around to the other side and did the same thing before we both were sitting inside the truck in silence.

  He turned the key looking down at the ignition refusing to make eye contact with me. I didn't know what to say when he said, "Listen, Ari, there are things you don’t know..."

  I put my hand on his right shoulder to stop him from continuing. "It's not my business."

  He let out a breath of air I didn't know he had been holding. "Thank you."

  "There's no reason to thank me for being your friend, Canyon. That's what having them is for."

  Chapter 11

  Canyon picked me up the next night at my house after practically pulling a tearful Shelby off his leg. "Darlin’, I would have bought another ticket if I had known you wanted to go so bad. Please don't be upset. How's this? I will buy you the best cowgirl hat I can find and you can wear it when I take you next time."

  "But I want to go with you guys."

  "Shelby, stop this. I have never been to one of these to even deem it appropriate. Let me judge it tonight and we can talk about it later. Now, we have to get going. I love you and—"

  "There's nothing there she can't see."

  I shot Canyon a look that could kill. "You're not helping."

  He bent down and picked her off his leg, bringing her up into his arms. "Next time, I promise."

  She looked at him, wiping the tears from her face. "Okay. But don't forget you promised."

  "I couldn't forget you." He set her down and then scratched her head, messing her curls up, making her look like she had an afro.

  "Now we really need to get going. I’ll see ya tomorrow."

  I had already opened my door to get in when I heard Shelby ask, "Tomorrow?"

  Canyon climbed in his side, shut the door and rolled down his window. "Yep, you can watch me teach Ari to ride."

  Shelby jumped up and down, back to being the happy girl I was used to seeing before she screamed, "See you tomorrow!" as we backed out of the driveway and headed on for our hour drive to my very first PBR.

  The parking lots filled with trucks and trailers amazed me so you can imagine how I felt walking in to the arena packed full of people dressed just like me. I had felt ridiculous putting on the outfit Canyon had bought me only hours before. Now I realized how much I would have stood out in my normal garb.

  "What's going through that head of yours?"

  I looked around once more at the dirt floor, the gates where they kept the animals, and the cowboys who lined the walls waiting for their turn on one.

  "You used to do this?"

  Canyon turned and looked up at the seats above the tunnel we had just walked through. "I lived and breathed for it."

  I was just about to say something when I noticed a man grinning from ear to ear approaching us. He yanked the hat off his head and threw it in the air before he hollered, "Holy shit, if it isn't Canyon-fucking-Michaels! Damn, it's been too long."

  Glancing up at Canyon, I saw a gleam in his eye that melted my heart before he was wrapping his arms around the man, pounding him on the back as only men do. They broke apart but Canyon didn't let go of his shoulders.

  "Look at you all cowboyed up. I've been watching your numbers, kid. I can't wait to see you ride again."

  "I can't believe you're here. It's been years, man. I never got to tell you how sorry I am about your mom. What your dad did made all of us want—"

  "You don't have to worry about apologies, Chett, it's all in the past. So, who did you draw for tonight?"

  "Dark Storm, if you can believe it. It's so crazy how that worked out with you being here."

  "No kidding! How in the hell did that happen?"

  Canyon turned back smiling and called me over to them. "Chett, this is my friend Ari. Ari, this is Chett Morgan one of the best bull riders in the country.”

  "THE best! What do you mean one of the?"

  They both laughed as I stood back and watched Canyon be someone I had yet to see. He was truly happy and it came through so vividly as he joked with his longtime friend. "You still have a record to beat before you go claiming that prize."

  "Ari, is it?"

  Chett stepped back from Canyon to walk over and shake my hand. "Are you ready to watch magic happen tonight?"

  "Sure, I guess."

  "Do you know anything about bull riding, beautiful?"

  "I can't say that I do."

  "Well, get ready. Tonight I am going to not only beat this guy's record but I am going to shatter it on the very bull that put him at number one."

  I couldn't have heard him right. I was still trying to process the loss of Canyon's mom, something he hadn't wanted me to know. Now his friend was informing me that Canyon held the record in bull riding. There was so much I didn't know about him.

  "Is that right? Well, we'll just have to see about that."

  I winked at Canyon letting him know I would always have his back, getting one hell of a grin in return. "For a girl who knows nothing she sure doesn't have much confidence in me."

  "That's not what—"

  "No, she just has too much for me is all. Anyways, where is everybody? I want to say hi."

  "Follow me. Damn they're gonna shit their pants when they take one look at you."

  Chett started to walk back the way he came while Canyon took my hand and squeezed it before leaning down to me and saying, "If I forget to tell you later, thank you for coming with me tonight. I had a good time." Followed by the best smile I had seen from him yet.

  "Thanks for bringing me. I had a lot of fun too. Especially when Chett didn't break your record."

  "You are too much, woman."

  He pulled me along as we met up with the world's roughest and toughest cowboys. Remington Airs, also known as Remy, Dalton Haywood and Trenton Moore. Each one of them were as shocked as Chett to see Canyon. Standing back and watching five grown men act like little kids, putting each other in head locks and chasing each other around was quickly setting itself up to be the highlight of my night.

  Canyon introduced me and every one of them was a true gentleman. They went on and on about Canyon and his ability to predict every bull he rode like no one else could. It bothered me that we were reminiscing about someone who was perfectly capable of continuing his passion. Why he quit would be something I would love to ask about but I knew my place.

  The time eventually came to say our goodbyes and take our seats. "Something's just wrong about you sitting up there, man. You belong down here with us!" Remy all but shouted as we were almost out of sight.

  Canyon turned and with a somber face replied, "Some things change."

  With my hand in his we climbed the stairs up into the middle area of the arena and sat down. "You were right, Shelby would love this."

  "Told ya. That there is Mitchel Braxton. He’s been announcing for the PBR ever since I can

  "So you know everybody here?"

  "Not everybody but for most of us this is like family. We made this our life years back competing in rodeo."

  "You still include yourself even though you haven't seen these people in years?"

  "That’s what family should be like. You don't have to see them every day to appreciate how important they are to you."

  "I guess that's something I can't wrap my head around."

  His hand fell to my thigh and squeezed. "You got me now and I don't plan to let go anytime soon."

  "Thank you for that."

  Our conversation was cut short when the announcer spoke over the loud speaker asking everyone to please rise to their feet for the playing of the national anthem. Every hat in the place came off and were placed over hearts. When the song ended, I wanted to scream, “Play ball!” but figured no one would find it funny other than me.

  "It's showtime," Canyon all but whispered.

  He looked adorable as he balled his fists up and pounded them against his thighs, almost appearing nervous.

  "Ladies and Gents out there, before we begin, I would like to inform you of something that was just brought to my attention. It seems we have a legend in our mix. I would love for all of you to rise again and give applause to one of the best bull riders this world has ever seen. Canyon Michaels, you have been missed and it's our honor to have you in the house tonight."

  The stadium went wild. Everyone stood and clapped but most were looking around for him.

  Canyon lowered his hat as he sunk down in his seat saying, "I'm gonna kill the guys when I get ahold of them."

  I grabbed his arm trying to force him to stand up and be proud but he wanted no part in the attention. "All right since nobody can obviously see Canyon out there with everyone standing, how about we do this another way. Would everyone take a seat so Mr. Michaels can take a stand?"

  My jaw dropped. The entire place sat, immediately murmuring back and forth about getting the chance to see him. I had no idea Canyon was anything like what the people that filled the arena thought of him. He was a God to them. All I could see was my only friend in the world.


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