Let It Be Me

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Let It Be Me Page 14

by Barbara Speak

  "Come here."

  I wasn't expecting him to talk to me. I walked forward until I was close enough for him to tug on the waist band of my shorts, bringing me so close that I could smell him. All of my reservations went out the door.

  "You were right. It's not my place."

  "No, it's not."

  He let go of my shorts, grabbed the back of my head and brought my lips to meet his. "Can I get a pass on this one?"

  I knew in my gut it was a bad idea but what came out didn't apparently agree. "I think I can arrange that."

  "Good to hear."

  He kissed me again and we were back to where we started, or so I thought.

  Dinner was delicious. I had never had steak that tasted so good. Shelby went on and on about it like she hadn't eaten in years making both of us laugh.

  After helping clean up, it was time to get going whether I wanted to go home or not. Canyon walked us out to my truck keeping a distance I wasn't understanding. I expected a see you tomorrow. What I got was something I never saw coming.

  "Tomorrow I won't be here when you get off school. I have a buddy that I used to train with. He and I are going to work on my riding so I can make sure I'm ready."

  "Oh, okay."

  "You're more than welcome to come here anyway. I should be back around five."

  "I wouldn't feel right being here without you. I can just see you on Wednesday."

  "See, that's the thing. I'm going to need to do this every day until I know I've got the hang of it."

  I was shocked. Yes, I knew he needed to train, but to not see him for weeks hurt far worse than I thought it would.

  "Maybe I will come by sometime."

  "All right, darlin’, thanks for staying for dinner."

  "Thank you for having us."

  No kiss goodbye or anything. I turned away from him to get in the truck as he walked away. He may have said he was okay with things but from the way it sounded to me, he was trying to be the one doing the pushing now and I hated every second of it.

  Shelby and I got home around eight o'clock. It was just enough time for her to get showered and cleaned up before bed.

  Step-dick and my mother were sitting in the family room watching some sort of news channel when we came in. I only knew because I heard that name again. The decision had to have just been made that day. I looked at John to gauge his reaction and found he was about as happy as I was with the news. President? They both deserved to be in a hole in the ground.

  That night, laying in bed, I thought of all the people I missed. My friends had been texting, calling and privately messaging me through Facebook since the day I left but I never responded. The non-disclosure agreement kept me from being able to answer any of their questions and quite honestly I missed them so much I thought keeping in contact would hurt more than it already did. That didn't mean I didn't still read every one they sent me or each post they put on my newsfeed.

  Kale is the only person who never tried to contact me. The one I wanted to hear from most didn’t care enough. After everything we had, he let it go in a blink. I hated him for so many reasons but this one took the cake.

  All of the posts on my newsfeed seemed to be about his dad and I couldn't look at it anymore. I threw my phone on my nightstand and forced myself to find something good in my life to focus on.

  Canyon came to mind every time.

  Friday came and I hadn't seen Canyon all week. I hoped on my walks to hear him but I guess letting the cat out of the bag cut that possibility off. Every time I drove by I prayed he would be somewhere I could see him but that never happened either. Four days felt like a lifetime to not see his smile.

  Step-dick didn't even so much as look at me when I was there. My mother never did either, leaving Shelby and me to fend for ourselves for things to do. She talked about missing Canyon but I didn't have an answer other than the one he gave me. He was busy.

  The talk of the school was the town fair that weekend. Apparently everyone goes. Rides, games, a live band and a tractor pull—which I still don't get the point of—was going to happen and Shelby wanted in on the action. The last thing I wanted to do was have anything to do with the people of this town but honestly, I was bored out of my mind.

  We changed out of our school clothes and Shelby talked me into wearing the cowgirl boots Canyon bought for me with my yellow sundress. The season had gone from late spring to early summer but the nights still cooled off considerably compared to what the midday sun would bring. I grabbed a jean jacket, brushed my hair, put on lip gloss and was ready to get the night over with before it had even begun.

  When we pulled onto the street where the fair was being held, we both said, "Wow" at the same time. It seemed like there wasn't a car missing from the whole town.

  "They must either take this seriously or be very bored people."

  "I think it looks like fun."

  "I bet you do."

  After we parked in a field directed by men with flags, Shelby and I walked the mile it took to get there. Music could be heard through the speakers and the lines for the rides seemed endless.

  "Which one do you want to go on first?"

  It didn't take her two seconds to decide. "That one!"

  She had pointed out the one ride that was sure to make anyone vomit. You sit in a circular seat with a wheel in the center that you turn to spin but that wasn't all. The whole thing spun simultaneously making me nauseous just watching it let alone riding it.

  "Do you want to maybe ride by yourself?"

  "No. Do you not want to come with me?"

  "It's not something I would want to do but I will for you."

  "Oh my gosh, there's Maddison!"

  I wasn't sure if I was grateful for the distraction or not. While she was running over to little girl with long brown hair I was stuck looking ridiculously alone. Maddison was with her parents and it made me sad that my mom and step-dick would never be the type of normal Shelby deserved. Seconds later, the family was walking in my direction. I plastered on a smile and welcomed them in introductions.

  "Hi, I'm Arianna, Shelby's sister."

  "It's nice to meet you, Arianna. Maddie talks about Shelby all of the time."

  "I'm so glad to hear she's making friends here. Moves are always so hard."

  "Well, no worries there. It seems your Shelby has hit it off with all of the kids at school."

  I looked down to a beaming Shelby.

  "Anyway, I know we just met but we wanted to offer you a break. Surely you'd like to go have some fun of your own and we have no problem taking Shelby with us."

  Shelby and her friend started jumping up and down. "Please, Arianna."

  "Are you sure?"

  I wasn't really comfortable with leaving her with them but I caved, gave them my cell phone number and asked for them to call me if they needed anything or were tired of her. They both laughed and assured me she would be a pleasure, then off they went.

  I had no desire to even be at this event and I especially didn’t want to be by myself. Standing in one spot made me feel like a target so I chose to walk around and at least see what the fuss was all about.

  Funnel cake, corndogs, and lemonade stands seemed to be everywhere. A barn full of livestock drew in quite the crowd as well. The music didn't sound half bad and was coming from a white tent pitched over a wooden dance floor. Country music must be all that the people in the town listened to because as I got closer, I noticed a large group line dancing to the band. It was actually kind of neat to watch. They all moved in sync with each other putting most flash mobs to shame. The way the group slapped their heels and stomped their feet mesmerized me.

  One person seemed to stand out from all the rest with her long blond hair, perfect body and smile that I remembered all too well. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. The band stopped when the song ended and everyone began to clap while those on the dance floor started to walk off. I assumed that they were going on break but then the guitar began playing a slow b
allad and people started their way back onto the floor in pairs.

  I couldn't help but notice Brooke was walking onto the floor but this time she was with...

  "Are you kidding me?"

  Canyon was smiling as he led her to the center, making them the spotlight you couldn't help but focus on. I cringed as he drew her body close, swaying back and forth to the music. Brooke was looking up at him like her world was finally complete and it made me sick.

  "They always made the perfect couple. Just look at them. Had it not been for his piece of shit father he would have taken his football scholarship and been with her like they always planned. You’ll never stand a chance against what they have. Time to get back in his dad's truck and get the hell out of this town. You never belonged here anyway."

  I hated Ashlynn but she had a point. I didn't want to be here any longer than I had to. I never knew he gave up going to college or that he and Brooke had plans that they never got to live out. I reached in my pocket for my phone so I could call Maddie's parents and collect Shelby when Kyle walked up.

  "I can't believe you’re here."

  "Why would you think I wouldn't be?" snapped the queen bitch behind me.

  "Arianna, can I have this dance?"

  I had my phone out ready to dial, completely ignoring Kyle's offer when Ashlynn began to scream.

  "You son-of-a-bitch! You only did that to piss me off. I don't give two shits about you anymore..."

  I had turned my back to them and put the phone up to my right ear while I used my left hand to cover the other one so I could hear. The phone continued to go unanswered until it kicked over to voicemail. I was waiting for the beep to leave a message when someone grabbed my arm. I hung up knowing it was Kyle, fully prepared to lay into him when I looked over my shoulder and saw Canyon. Instinctively, I glanced out onto the dance floor where I had last seen him, only to find Brooke standing by herself glaring at me with her hands on her hips.

  I turned back to Canyon and snapped, "What are you doing?"

  "I didn't expect you to be here." I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

  "That's obvious."

  "What does that mean?"

  I jerked away from him and walked back over to Kyle and Ashlynn arguing.

  "I'll take that dance if the offer's still open."

  The shock written all over each one of their faces was priceless.

  "Absolutely it is."

  Kyle took my hand and led me out on the floor right next to a fuming Brooke. I had single-handedly pissed off both of the Stanton sisters.

  His hands went around my waist and mine around his neck as we began to sway to the music.

  "What changed your mind?"

  "Something's just aren't meant—"

  "Kyle, I suggest you get your hands off my girl."

  I couldn't believe him. I didn't belong to anyone and for him to stake a claim on me after he had the nerve to be here with Brooke was unbelievable!

  I looked up to Kyle and said, "Just ignore him."

  "I dare you."

  Kyle looked at Canyon, down to me and then back to Canyon. He was visibly scared. "Dude, I didn't know."

  I felt his arms press into my sides before he pushed me away and walked off. Spinning on my heels, I came face-to-face with a man who didn't intimidate me in the slightest no matter how angry he looked.

  Putting my finger in his chest I began, "You're the one that put us here, not me. How dare you scare Kyle like that!"

  "If I can't have you, he can't either."

  "That's the most childish thing I have ever heard. What makes you think—you know what, never mind. "

  I tried to walk away but he grabbed my right arm and held on taking the option away. I wondered if anyone had taken notice and sure enough, when I looked around, the dance floor was practically empty, leaving us as the focal point.

  "People are staring."

  "Let them stare, Ari. I don't care."

  The band started playing but the people continued to stare and began whispering to each other. My mind changed in seconds. I didn't attempt to jerk away this time but instead put my left hand on his shoulder. He had no clue what I was doing. I could tell when he let go of me allowing my right hand to join my left behind his neck.

  Just as I thought, the people waited a few seconds but then started walking back out and dancing like nothing ever happened.

  "You confuse the hell out of me."

  I wasn’t positive but all signs pointed to the town plaguing him as an abusive ass just like his father. They were just waiting for him to screw up and I wasn't going to give them that.

  "You aren't so easy to read yourself."

  "What do you want from me?"

  I had the opportunity to drill him about Brooke but I let it go. What I missed most of all was his friendship. If she was what he wanted I had to be okay with that.

  "I want my best friend back."

  "I never left."

  "Listen, I know I'm all over the place and you never know which side of me you're going to get. That should tell you to run as fast as you can the other way and that's exactly what you did. I get it. I just missed you and wished things could be different."

  "Why do you have to think so deep all of the time? Yeah I might have needed to clear my mind a little but, Ari, I seriously was training."

  There was so much I felt in that moment. Ashamed was in the front of all of them. Here I was pushing him to pursue a passion of his and at the same time I was jealous of the time it took away from me. It wasn't his place to make sure I was happy. There was no place for happiness. Not until I got my money and took down the very people that destroyed me.

  "Can we start over?"

  "I don't want to, Ari. I kind of like the feel of your lips. In fact I miss them more than I can explain with words."

  I was confused yet I understood at the same time as I met him in the middle. Once I could taste how much he still needed me it fueled me to let go of everything other than what I was feeling in that moment. I wanted to stay. For the first time I was admitting to myself that I had something I didn't want to let go of with him.

  Chapter 17

  When the song ended, Canyon didn't want to let me go even though what the band began to play was certainly not a slow song.

  "We need to go. I don't know how to line dance."

  "You don't have to. Just stay here with me."

  "We look ridiculous slow dancing to this."

  "I don't get why you care what they think. My family has been the center of this town’s drama since I can remember."

  And there it was, confirmation that they were looking to label him.

  "You could always leave, you know. You have nothing here to hold on to."

  "That's where you’re wrong. I have everything I ever wanted in the palm of my hands now to prove them all wrong."

  His grip on my waist let me know I was included, causing me to smile for the first time in four days.

  "What will you do when I go?"

  "I will do what I was always meant to do. Raise champion quarter horses and beat out the hardest bull to ride there is."

  "That sounds pretty fantastic."

  He had a plan. It didn't need to include me and I think that was my favorite part. It seemed I was the only one without a plan.

  The song changed again. Canyon pushed me back away from him with the first few plucks of the guitar strings only to grab my hand and pull me back to him. Keith Urban's “Somebody Like You” was a great song on its own but after that night it will always be burned in my mind as the first song Canyon sang in front of me. As he spun me around I couldn't have pulled the smile from my face if I tried. His voice melted me as he sang about how much having me in his life changed him from a place where he was going nowhere to feeling invincible. I couldn't honestly take that credit but knowing these weren't his own words helped me enjoy them.

  Rocking me close while holding my hand to his chest, he sang the last few words before he d
ipped me and the song was over. When I came back up I surprised him by jumping into his arms, grabbing his jaw and kissing him like I never had before.

  "You liked that, huh?"

  "You singing to me will forever be my favorite thing, Canyon Michaels."

  His face turned red showing his embarrassment making him look all the more adorable. He set me down and took ahold of both of my hands pushing me slightly so he could look me up and down.

  "Have I told you how much I like those boots on you?"

  "I think maybe once before."

  "Well, let me tell you again. You look freakin’ hot!"

  "You're crazy. They're just boots."

  "It's not the boots, darlin’, it's who’s wearing them."

  I pulled on his hands to bring my body closer until I was close enough to pick up on his breath again. "That's the booze talking."

  "No, that booze you speak of just lets me say things I normally wouldn't say."

  "So you wouldn't have scared Kyle off without it?"

  "No, I still would have done that. That punk needs to know not to come near you."

  "Now you're just being stupid. I feel bad for putting him in that situation to begin with."

  "Don’t. He was just trying to get a rise out of Ashlynn anyway."

  "Speaking of apologies, you need to find Brooke."

  "For what?"

  "You left her on the dance floor, Canyon!"

  "So? She knows we're just friends and that's it."

  "You kissing me in front of the whole town pretty much shoots that idea to crap."

  "Not you, her."

  "That's where you're wrong again. She loves you."

  "Now that's where you are insane."

  "I know when I see that look what it means and she had it out here with you before you rudely left her to come find me. You came with her, Canyon!"

  "No I didn’t. I came up here by myself and I'm not going to stand here and argue about my feelings for her with you. What she and I had was a long time ago. It’s over. Can we please just drop it and go get some funnel cake?"


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