Legend of the Sword Bearer: Tempest Chronicles Book 1

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Legend of the Sword Bearer: Tempest Chronicles Book 1 Page 2

by Jeremy Fabiano

  You have learned a new skill: Basic Weapon Handling!

  You have learned a new skill: Basic Field Dressing!

  “Huh.” I stood there like an idiot. Is this what an epiphany felt like? I wasn’t sure.

  The Elder burst out laughing, “Forgive me, you have the look of one of the addled children about you!” He wiped a tear from his eye as his fit of laughter calmed., “All right, it’s time for your second quest. There is a village to feed and our hunters are exhausted from helping mine the ore which made your sword. Please head out into the forest before us. I want you to kill six forest animals and collect ten heal root plants. That should keep you busy for a bit as well as give you a chance to learn some of the fighting mechanics.”

  Quest Notification: Plants and Animals

  I thanked the Elder and accepted the quest. With my massive blade in tow, I set off for the forest, determined to hit level two in short order.

  The forest was gorgeous. I'd been camping in a few different states before, but nothing I’d ever seen compared to this. Giant trees, thicker than five of me, stretched for at least a mile, but the forest was too dense to tell how far it really went. The crisp breeze carried the smell of pine and moss and decay. Leaves and twigs crunched under my feet as I walked. Was this real? It certainly felt real, but for all I knew, I was in a morphine-induced dream or hallucination; I honestly couldn't tell.

  Movement caught my eye, instantly bringing me out of my thoughts, and I froze. A pig-like silhouette flashed behind a nearby tree. I slowly snuck around the gigantic trunk and peeked at the creature. As I stood there wondering if I could take it in a fight, a dialog appeared.

  Name: Wild Boar

  Level: 1

  HP: 25

  Difficulty: Somewhat Risky

  Status: Aggressive

  I raised my sword overhead and crept forward. As soon as I was in striking distance, I swung the sword in a downward arc as hard as I could. It connected across the boar’s back, and it let out a shriek of pain, jumping forward and turning to face me, murder in its eyes. The weight and inertia of the sword brought me forward, and I dropped to my knees, almost losing the sword.

  10 Dmg!

  Well. This was going well already… I managed to get up just in time for the boar’s charge to plow me over and toss me about ten feet. I landed on my ass rather ungracefully, the sword at my side.

  That. Hurt.

  It wasn't debilitating pain, but I felt like I had been kicked by a horse. I quickly grabbed the sword handle as the boar ran in an arc, ready for another bout. I noticed a red bar in the top left of my vision, showing my hit points; I was down to 75 HP.

  I readied my sword and held it behind me, parallel to the ground. There was a moment of complete stillness as my gaze locked with the creature; then we were whistling through the air toward each other in a flash. I swung with everything I had, adding my momentum to the swing as I dodged to the side at the last second.

  Critical Hit! 10 + 5 Dmg

  With a wailing squeal, the boar collapsed, motionless. I wondered how long the corpses would hang around for before decomposing or being removed by some trash cleanup routine.

  Quest Update: 1 / 6 forest animals killed

  I stood there, shaking, adrenaline pumping through my veins. “Yes!” I screamed out as loud as I could. Birds exploded from the trees, scattering in every direction. As I realized that I was celebrating killing the easiest enemy in the game, I got myself under control and steadied my breathing. Luckily, no one was around to notice. As I glanced back down at the motionless creature, something caught my eye. A gathering of bright green leaves adorned with purple stripes sat at the base of a nearby tree. I gathered my fingers around the tangled stalks and yanked it out of the ground.

  Acquired Heal Root: A Useful ingredient in first aid and alchemy

  Quest update: 3/10 heal root acquired

  I wasn't entirely sure what to do with them, so I piled them next to the boar carcass. Now that I knew what the heal root looked like, I quickly gathered the rest that were in the immediate area and then set off to find some more boars to kill.

  After a few similar kills—and close calls—I was starting to run low on HP. I was down to 25HP. Another hit and I'd get to find out what death felt like in Tempest Online.

  I continued on, not straying too far from my ever-growing pile of bacon, and dispatched another boar. As I successfully landed another fatal blow, my body began to tingle, and an aura of lightning surrounded me, arcing off trees and branches in every direction. I totally took advantage of the situation, thrust my sword toward the heavens, and yelled, “There can be only one!”

  Congratulations, you've reached level 2!

  You've gained the following attributes






  Ability Unlocked!

  You have learned a new ability: Dash!

  Quickly close the distance to a target

  My HP bar filled to full and faded away. I still felt a little tingly but refreshed. I tested my swing, and this time, the sword felt nearly weightless. I could wield it as if I had been my whole life.

  I found another boar to test my new skill on. Once again, I leveled my sword behind me and to the side. I focused on my target and triggered Dash. My legs felt like they rippled, and I exploded forward, a giant rooster tail of dirt and leaves flying into the air. I was nearly on top of the boar in an instant and almost forgot to swing. The momentum carried through to the sword, and I cleaved the creature in two, blood spraying everywhere.

  Surprise Attack! Critical Hit! 10 + 15 Dmg

  Everything happened so fast I wasn't even sure it was real. One moment I was standing there, and the next, the boar was dead at my feet. I’d never felt as strong as I did now; my muscles did look a little more defined but I wasn't Hulking out or anything.

  I finished up the quest in short order and was returning to the pile of animals when I saw the Elder and a few other villagers already there, cleaning and prepping the animals. I added them to the pile. A notification informed me that I’d reached the requisite quantity of items.

  “Well done, Abalonious, thank you for providing for the village. Everyone working together in harmony is our key to survival. Everyone contributes, even the children. You've done very well, and I see you're a bit stronger as a result.” He smiled like a proud grandfather, “Here, put this on your back. You've earned it.”

  Item Acquired - Weapons Latch

  Item Level: 2

  A utility latch for holstering large weapons

  I swung the sword experimentally up and over, resting it against the latch. It closed with a snap and secured the giant bastard sword to my back. “Whoa! That's really nifty!” I reached for the handle and pulled it into a swing. The latch immediately released the blade, and it might have been my imagination, but I could have sworn it felt spring loaded, making the overhead swing just a little bit faster. I grinned. “Thank you, this will make things a lot easier.”

  The Elder nodded and motioned me over to a trunk sitting on the table. “There’s actually one other thing here for you. The Caretaker entrusted the village to guard this until you arrived.” He opened the trunk and pulled out a solitary bracer made out of some metal I did not recognize. “This bracer was worn by the Caretaker when he was still mortal. There was once a great battle, and most of his armor was destroyed in a massive blast. We’ve handed it down from generation to generation waiting for the day when we can pass it on.”

  I took the bracer being offered and examined it.

  Item Acquired: Ancient Tech Bracer

  Item Level: 2

  Advanced Adaptive Defense Technology

  Damaged - Missing Components

  Stats: Unknown

  The metal looked like it was made from white gold. What looked like a combination of runes and circuitry was etched into the surface with some kind
of iridescent blue material, all intricately flowing from one into the other. I put the bracer on, and it began to hum. A sharp pain stabbed my forearm and I cried out.

  Neural Link Established

  “My apologies,” said Agamor. “Part of the process, unfortunately.”

  “What’s it do?” I asked.

  Agamor smiled. “Unfortunately, I do not know. You will have to figure that out as you progress. For now, know that it will give you great power. Eventually.” I frowned. “What is wrong?” he asked. “I thought you would be happy?”

  “I am,” I said. “It isn’t that. This just all feels…”

  “Like a dream?” he asked.

  I nodded. “Exactly.”

  Agamor’s smile broadened. “Then the next part will, how do you say it? Knock your socks off?” That caught me off guard, and I chuckled. From his robes, he pulled out a tablet. And I don’t mean a stone tablet. It looked like one of the newer digital tablets that they sold in stores. He handed it to me.

  “How does this exist here?” I asked.

  Agamor shrugged. “It is not my custom to question a god,” he said with a chuckle. “I was simply told to present you with it should you show doubt in regards to your surroundings.”

  “I see.” I turned on the tablet. It booted instantly, and I had five bars of Wi-Fi. How the hell? The desktop screen loaded, and it instantly starting beeping. INCOMING CALL was written in huge letters across the screen. I hit accept. A video chat window popped up then went full screen.

  And there stood Mr. Nelson in his nice black suit. And it looked like he was in my hospital room. “Good morning, Abalonious,” he said with a huge grin. “How are things on your end of reality?”

  “Confusing,” I said. Agamor looked over my shoulder with a satisfied smile.

  “Understandable,” said Mr. Nelson. “I take it you aren’t sure if you can separate reality from fiction?”

  “That’s an understatement,” I said. “It all seems so real.”

  “I have someone here who would love to talk to you,” he said. I knew what was coming…

  “Yeah, I think I can do that.”

  Mr. Nelson handed the tablet to… me.

  My corporeal self and I stared at each other, mouths agape. Then he smiled, and it turned into a grin. It pained him to even move, but he didn’t seem to care anymore. His face lit up like a Christmas tree. “So?! How is it?” he asked, eyes as wide as saucers.

  “It’s amazing,” I said. I actually can’t tell what’s real and what’s not.”

  “That’s awesome,” he said. “I wish I were there.”

  I smiled. “You are,” I said. “We are.”

  His face grew serious. “I don’t have much time left. But,” he said, “I’m glad a part of me gets to live on.” He started coughing and a nurse ran to his side. He waved her off and then wiped blood from his other hand. “Not long at all, apparently. Anyhow, you’re getting to do everything we ever dreamed of. Go out there and show them how much of a badass we are.” Tears started to stream down the side of his cheeks. “Make us proud.”

  “I will,” I said. “I promise.” He nodded and handed Noslen back the tablet. He left the room as the nurses rushed past him. I heard them call a code blue over the loudspeaker in the background.

  “I’ll see you soon,” he said. “Meet up with Garstil in Pinewood. He’ll help you along the way.” He turned from the screen and told someone he’d be right with them. “Listen, I have to go deal with some more paperwork. I’ll be in touch soon.”

  The tablet went dark and then vanished from my hands. “Huh,” I said.

  “Do you feel better?” asked Agamor.

  I thought about that for a moment while he patiently awaited my answer. “Yes, actually,” I said. “It’s rough seeing yourself basically die, but it’s like a weight’s been lifted from my shoulders.”

  Agamor smiled. “Excellent,” he said. “I have one more quest for you before you depart. Merchant Evans was due to arrive a few hours ago. Yet, he has not. I fear that he may have been waylaid on his journey here. When you travel to Pinewood Village, keep an eye out for him.”

  Quest Received:

  Find Merchant Evans on the road to Pinewood Village


  A New Journey

  After saying my goodbyes to Agamor, I started down the dirt road toward Pinewood Village.

  I made sure to use my skills as often as possible on random animals as I came across them. I figured I’d see some kind of new or exotic animals I had never seen before, but the forest was pretty tame. Maybe when I got to the upper-level areas I’d see something more interesting. About two hours into my travels, I came across a group of people harassing what looked like a traveling merchant. That has to be Merchant Evans. His small cart was overturned, and his wares spilled onto the side of the road. The three robbers had the man surrounded on three sides, his back to the cart. My entire life, I’d always despised bullies. People who preyed on those weaker than them for the sake of doing it, those were the worst in my eyes.

  Quest Updated:

  Save Merchant Evans from the cutthroats!

  I wasn't sure if I could take on three at once, but I had to intervene. “Hey, assholes! Leave the old man alone!”

  All three of them turned to look at me and laughed. That pissed me off even more. The obvious leader sneered, “Get out of here, kid. Unless you want to join him.” I pulled out my bastard sword and triggered Dash. I scored a critical hit and cleaved the leader in two. The next closest goon swung at me, and I managed to block, parry, and thrust. His friend slashed me across the back. Pain flared, and my health dropped to half. I inverted my blade and thrust backward, scoring a blow to his neck, and he dropped like a sack of potatoes. Seeing his friend fall, the other thief took off from the path and ran.

  The merchant stood and came over to me. “Thank you for saving me! They'd have killed me if you hadn't come along when you did. How can I repay you?”

  I thought about it for a second. “I didn't save you for a reward, but if you had any skills you could teach me, I'd be most grateful.”

  The merchant smiled. “Yer a bit different than most adventurers I've met. Most of ’em likely asked for half my stock as recompense. Hmmm… what about skinning and basic leatherworking? Could come in handy to patch that armor of yers. Afraid ain't much else I can teach ya.”

  “That would be perfect!”

  He nodded and placed his palm on my forehead, and the droning bees filled my skull as knowledge flowed into me.

  You have learned a new skill: Skinning!

  You have learned a new skill: Basic Leatherworking!

  You have learned a new skill: Basic Cooking!

  “There ya go, son. Now ya can fix yer own gear whenever it gets damaged. Learned ya cookin’ too.” He looked me up and down and walked a slow circle around me. “Why don't ya go into the forest and kill us some animals. A deer would be best, but some smaller animals would work as well. I'll show you how to use those new skills of yours, and we can eat.”

  Quest Received: Dinner Takeout

  Hunt a deer and a few smaller animals

  I went into the forest and killed a few raccoons. I was starting to get desperate when I noticed a buck foraging past a tree. I crept within range of Dash and took it out.

  Congratulations, you've reached level 3!

  You've gained the following attributes






  You have learned a new skill: Stun!


  You have learned a new skill: crushing grip!

  (reduced chance of being disarmed)

  Awesome! My muscles rippled as my body grew into its new stats. I was really liking the leveling system so far. I decided to head back to camp and picked some mushrooms and other spices I’d noticed at the trunk of a tree.

  “I saw the ligh
tning, you must’a leveled in the forest. You look a wee bit stronger too. Congratulations, boyo.”

  “Thanks. I learned two new skills too. A stun for my Dash and something called Crushing Grip.”

  His eyes widened. “Crushing Grip, you say? I've heard of that one before. A useful skill that one. I once heard a story of a man who crushed someone's skull with that skill. Probably other uses too.” He sat silent for a while then pointed at the animals I'd dragged back. “Let's see what we got here for dinner."

  Merchant Evans and I skinned the animals and roasted the deer meat over a pit. We set camp on the side of the road and ate the deer and roasted mushrooms. We had prepped the skins using tools from his cart which we had righted. Apparently, they had to stretch for half a day. The sun was just starting to set, so it would be morning before they were ready.

  “I have something for you, here take these. They belonged to my guard, but sadly, he won't be needing them anymore.”

  Item received Bedroll

  Item received Coin Purse (290 Silver)

  Item received Skinning Knife

  Item received Belt Sack

  Item received Small Health vial (x2)

  Item received Rope (5 Ft)

  “I’d noticed you didn't really have much gear on ya to be adventurin’. These should help out a wee bit.”

  “Thank you, Evans. I'll put them to good use.”

  “Also, in your excitement, ya forgot to loot yer kills. I took care of lootin’ the cutthroats when I hauled them into the forest. Figure we split the loot since they were after me an’ all. You can take your pick from the winnings, of course, I'll likely sell whatever’s left.”


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