My pulse which has been legally returned to its rightful owner!
Imagine that!
Having your life handed to you on a plate of fresh favour!
The Government finds it in their heart to favour Ronald Ryan!
And out into oxygenated hope go I!
With my body unbroken and my kids back with Daddy!
And I’d like to place a sprig of forgiveness on George’s new-dug grave!
By God that is the very first thing on my list!
And place fresh flowers not stolen on the guards’ new-dug graves!
I would remember them who died for me
Even their bullet shells from the towers were swept well out of sight
But I saw them all glitter on the baking hot twisted tram rails
And I heard all their bangs literally
Now it is certainly a minute to go and they lead me up and down
Which in death is the same thing of course
I have been saying my prayers
I have been a good boy
I have been patiently waiting for the telegram to flit in the iron door
I have even hallucinated on the flit of it and the life it contains
But it came leaving nothing but the power of despair
Like the everlasting seal of disapproval
Because the Cabinet didn’t like me much
And realised I could win the 1967 Victorian State election for them
With my marginal swinging seat
It’s quite funny now but I’m unafraid of life or politics
Are they the same thing—in my case certainly!
The twelve journalists are all drunken watching down there below by gum!
They think it’s going to be terribly exciting or even fun or dramatic
But it’s business as usual for D Division where I die now and don’t come back not once
The hangman tugs my rope roughly and my tinnitus kicks in something shocking
They drop a linen hood over my face that’s had a Dad and Dave
The mumbo jumbo of the Catholic bullshit and I am faithfully despatched to memory
And Father Brosnan listens faithfully to my pounding-away heart beating like mad
Over two hundred strokes a minute he says later to his brother a bookie
‘You should have had a bet on it!’ says his bookie brother and they laugh and do a bottle
It beat so powerfully of its own volition for twenty minutes as I hung there all black in the dial
Then I was hurled in the quicklime and even now there’s no grave for Ryan
But they won the vote all due to me
If they dig me up again I’d gladly do it again for the Liberal Party
They’ve got my vote now
I tell you that for nothing
Listen my dear friends of the Theatre of Imprisonment right here
You can hear the mermaids in Bass Strait if you sit perfectly still and respectful
And so forth and so fifth
And they will sing for me.
Copyright Details
Remember Ronald Ryan first published in 1994
This edition first published in 2014
by Currency Press Pty Ltd,
PO Box 2287, Strawberry Hills, NSW, 2012, Australia
[email protected]
First digital edition published in 2014 by Currency Press Pty Ltd.
Copyright: Introduction © Barry Jones, 2014; Remember Ronald Ryan © Barry Dickins, 1994; Ryan © Barry Dickins, 2014.
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The Australian Copyright Act 1968 (Act) allows a maximum of one chapter or 10% of this book, whichever is the greater, to be copied by any educational institution for its educational purposes provided that that educational institution (or the body that administers it) has given a remuneration notice to Copyright Agency Limited (CAL) under the Act.
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Performance Rights
Any performance or public reading of Remember Ronald Ryan or Ryan is forbidden unless a licence has been received from the author or the author’s agent. The purchase of this book in no way gives the purchaser the right to perform the plays in public, whether by means of a staged production or a reading. All applications for public performance should be addressed to the author c/- Currency Press.
ePub ISBN: 9781925210149
mobi ISBN: 9781925210156
Typeset by Dean Nottle for Currency Press.
Cover artwork by Barry Dickins.
Cover design by Katy Wall.
This eBook was developed by IntegralDMS
Remember Ronald Ryan Page 11