It Wasn't Me

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It Wasn't Me Page 14

by Vale, Lani Lynn

  She hummed something that sounded suspiciously like ‘that’s cool.’

  I rolled my eyes.

  “I ride my bike for fun, not for work,” I murmured. “And that ridiculous uniform you saw at lunch? You didn’t see the pants.” I paused. “And even better, I’m being forced to go to team morale meetings, and that is the very last thing in the world that I want to do.”

  Piper tugged on my hand and turned so that she could see my face.

  I looked down at her and raised my brow at her in question.

  “I know that you don’t want to be doing this,” she said softly. “But how about you give it a chance before you say you don’t like it.” She held up her hand when I was about to interrupt her. “The circumstances in which you found yourself in this particular program are less than ideal. But, saying that, it could be fun. You could enjoy the job. And despite the uniform being something that you don’t want to wear, they could’ve been complete assholes and fired you after the accident. But they didn’t, because they know that it wasn’t your fault. Show them that you’re an asset. I wouldn’t worry about curbing your attitude, but your police work should reflect your commitment to the job.” She leaned forward and pressed a kiss to my lips. “And bonus points, I get to see you looking all hot in a police uniform.”

  I tugged her close and pressed my lips to her soft ones.

  “We’ll see what you think when you get a look at this uniform,” I muttered.

  Chapter 13

  I hate small talk. What the fuck do you want?

  -Jonah to the random stranger that knocked on his door


  “Okay,” Piper said, sounding amused. “I like the uniform…until I think about other women seeing you in said uniform. Then I kind of hate it.”

  I looked at her with a tolerant expression on my face. One that was clearly humoring her.

  “I feel like my balls are sucked up to my anus,” I muttered darkly.

  She leaned forward and poked me in the dick.

  “That’s not them?” she wondered.

  I looked over at her where she was still lounging in my bed, and though I’d had her before I’d forced myself to get up for work, I still wanted her again.

  The sheet that was covering her wasn’t doing a very good job.

  Oh, it was covering her all the way, but the sheet was threadbare and white. I could make out the outline of her nipples, as well as the triangle of hair that covered her pussy.

  I could also make out the wet spot that was on the sheets from where I’d used the top sheet to clean myself off before getting out of the bed.

  It’d been a whole twenty minutes, max, since I’d been inside of her, but that didn’t matter.

  Looking at my watch, I calculated how much longer I had until I needed to be at work.

  It was ten until seven right now. I had to be at work by eight.

  I had to leave the house at seven forty, and I still hadn’t gotten coffee or gone through my mail, nor had I fed my dog or the cats.

  I looked over at Piper once again, saw her playfully twirling a piece of hair with her fingers, her eyes not on my face but on my hardening cock, and decided, ‘Fuck it.’

  She could feed the dogs. And I didn’t need to eat.

  Leaning over, I yanked the sheet off of her and tossed it to the side of the bed.

  She gasped and tried to make a go for the sheet, but I caught her before she could do it, pulling her down the bed and twisting her over to her front all in one motion.

  She went up on a knee and gasped. “Jonah, what the hell?”

  That was when I saw that my seed was still leaking from her pussy.

  I groaned and yanked at my pants, unbuttoning and unzipping all the while holding onto her leg so she couldn’t go anywhere.

  “You poke the beast,” I teased as I pulled my cock out of my pants and gave it a firm stroke. “You have to be prepared for the consequences.”

  She looked at me over her shoulder and saw my hand on my cock.

  Her struggles ceased, and she stared at me with open-mouthed shock.

  I let her leg go and then pulled her until she was resting on the edge of the bed on her knees.

  It put her at the perfect height.

  “I like seeing my seed spilling from you,” I said as I swirled my finger in the white liquid around her entrance. “I can’t tell you how much it turns me on.”

  Her pussy clenched and even more spilled out.

  Groaning, I lined my cock up to her entrance and breached her.

  She moaned and widened her thighs slightly, putting her at an even better angle for me to penetrate her.

  “Fuck,” I said as I slipped fully inside of her.

  My earlier release, paired with her desire, was enough to ease my way entirely.

  I didn’t stop until my balls were pressed against her overheated skin, and I had nowhere else to go.

  Hands going to her hips, I slowly started to pump my cock inside of her, amazed at how good it felt and how close I already was despite coming only twenty minutes before.

  “You might want to touch your clit and get yourself there.” I squeezed her. “I have to be at work in less than forty minutes, and despite coming not too long ago, your pussy does weird things to my control and I’m already close.”

  She didn’t hesitate to reach between her legs and start playing with her clit.

  She also didn’t take long to come.

  Within five strokes of my cock, her body was tightening around me.

  By my tenth stroke, she was crying out loudly, and I was once again depositing my release deep inside of her.

  It was the hardest thing in the world, pulling out of her. Yet, I reluctantly did it.

  Work was calling, and if I didn’t at least get coffee, I was going to hate myself all day.

  That, and others were going to hate me as well.

  I grinned wickedly at Piper, who just laid there in the bed, knees in the mattress and ass in the air. Her face was pressed into the pillow, and she looked like she was there to stay for a while.

  “You going to get up?”

  She opened her eyes and grinned at me.

  “Do I have to?” she questioned.

  “No,” I admitted. “But you probably should anyway. Not that I have any problem with you staying exactly like that all day long, but you did say that you had something to do today.”

  She sighed. “You’re right.”

  I smacked her butt lightly, loving the way it sort of jiggled, and left her there.

  After getting my cup of coffee going, I reluctantly started to go through the mail that was stacked high on the counter.

  Luckily all of my bills were on auto-pay, so really there was nothing too important.

  Other than I knew if I didn’t go through it, my new wife would, and she’d already said that she would make sure to open each bill and pay a few of them.

  Not wanting her to do that, because there was no way in hell she was ever paying for anything ever again, I made a point to start throwing most of it away.

  I kept the gun magazines and a few of the bills.

  When it was only down to a small pile, I grabbed my cup of coffee and took a long sip before opening a nondescript letter that was the only thing left. Sensing it was likely from the land company that’d been trying to buy my house for the last couple of months, I was almost interested to see what they were offering me for it this time.

  What I read chilled me to my bones.


  My belly rolled as I looked at the letter that I’d gotten in the mail this morning.

  Remembering another one that was similar to it, I walked to the letter that had been in my mailbox yesterday morning, too. Once it was in my hand, I opened it and stared at the letter with anger.

  “What’s wrong?”

  I looked over to the table where Piper had arrived at some point in
the letter-opening process. She was watching me with worry etched all over her beautiful face.

  “I got another letter from the land guy asking to buy my property, but he just offered an outrageous amount for it, and it’s making me worried. I have a bad feeling about it.”

  She stood up and walked to me, her eyes going to the letter I’d left lying on the counter.

  Her eyes bugged out at the number of zeros that were tacked on at the end.

  “That’s a lot of money,” she whispered.


  She gestured to the clock on the wall.

  “You need to go.”

  I did.

  I most certainly didn’t want to go, though.

  What I wanted to do was take the woman I loved back to bed.

  What I did instead was give her a hard kiss on the mouth, drain the rest of my coffee, and say, “I’m meeting you at your dad’s later, right?”

  She nodded.

  “You’re going over there before?” I wondered.

  She shook her head. “No, I’m going to wait for you to tell me you’re off. If I go over there before, they’ll get it all out of me.”

  I grinned. “Okay, baby. I’ll see you this afternoon.”

  She smiled wickedly. “In case you can make it home for your lunch break…”

  I laughed my way out of my house, hoping that I did, indeed, have time for a lunch break.

  Sadly, that didn’t happen.

  Even more sadly, the reason that I wasn’t was because I was in the hospital.


  At first, I hadn’t thought to call Piper at all.

  It wasn’t that I hadn’t wanted her there but because my head was hurting too badly to think about it.

  Luckily, yesterday I’d changed all of my contact information at the PD. So, instead of my brother and sister being alerted that something had happened, Piper was instead.

  My eyes were closed when I heard her worried voice break through the nausea that was rolling through my stomach.

  “Room four, ma’am,” I heard a nurse reply to Piper’s frantic question.

  Then I was opening my eyes in time to see Piper charging into the room like she owned the place and a worried expression that bordered on terrified pasted onto her beautiful face.

  It didn’t suit her.

  She shouldn’t be terrified.

  Sadly, I’d just had an accident very similar to her father.

  Another hit and run, actually.

  Lucky for me, I’d skated by with a pounding headache, two stitches on my cheek thanks to some gravel being tossed up into my face, and what I thought might be road rash on my calf. Though, since my boots were singed and burned, they weren’t quite sure if it was a burn or what.

  So I was going with road rash.

  “Jonah!” she cried out. “Oh my God.”

  I smiled at hearing her beautiful voice.

  “I’m okay,” I promised. “I’m sorry I forgot to call you.”

  She pressed a soft kiss to my hand that was now in both of hers.

  “It’s okay,” she said. “You unfortunately had other things on your mind. But I can tell you that having a police officer come to our door when I was expecting you for lunch is definitely not something I want to repeat again.”

  That sucked, too.

  I’d been on my way home to eat lunch, had even called her to expect me, and hadn’t quite made it.

  “What happened?” she whispered.

  Before I could even open my mouth, Detective Rios, a veteran detective, walked into the room saying, “That’s what I want to know, too.”

  I grumbled something unintelligible and Rios grinned.

  Captain Morgan, my immediate supervisor, followed in on his tail.

  “Get to talking, Crew,” Captain Morgan grumbled. “First day on the fuckin’ job, and you’re already getting hurt.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  Then I told them exactly what had happened.

  “I was driving home for lunch. I’d called in that I was taking my break, and was swinging into Subway to grab my wife and me lunch. When I got it, I pulled out of the parking lot and headed south on Main Street. The light turned red, so I stopped. The person behind me didn’t stop. They hit me from behind. Pushed me right into oncoming traffic,” I said.

  The memory of the accident still made my heart beat frantically in my chest, and the monitor that was connected to my chest by sticky pads and wires proved it.

  “Eye witness accounts say that they were stopped well and truly behind you. It was only when that large trash truck was coming that they drove forward and hit your bike, pushing you out into oncoming traffic,” Rios said. “You weren’t rear-ended, you were pushed. Deliberately,” Rios said.

  Piper gasped.

  I squeezed her hand.

  “I don’t know if that happened or not,” I admitted. “The trash truck was luckily able to avoid me, and for the most part, the bike was able to protect me.”

  Thank God.

  The bike had fallen almost the second that the person had hit me. I’d been tossed over the front of the handlebars, and from there I’d been pushed along with the bike. The gravel embedded in my uniform shirt and Kevlar vest proved it.

  “You were right, though,” I found myself saying, eyes closing when a particular bad wave of pain rocked through my head. “That uniform saved my life.”

  The tall fuckin’ stripper boots, paired with the reinforced tight pants, along with the reinforced, extra thick uniform shirt and the helmet? They saved my life.

  I’d be in a much different place right now without those on.

  “Good,” Captain Morgan said. “We’ll make sure to hang your uniform up as a reminder. You know, seeing as all of you bitched and moaned for so long yesterday when I handed out assignments.”

  I grunted and opened my eyes when Rios again started asking questions.

  “Is there anybody that you think might want to hurt you?” Rios pushed.

  I shrugged. “I don’t know. I don’t think so.”

  “Anybody that you pissed off lately? Anybody that could quite possibly hold a grudge over something that you did?” the detective pushed.

  I opened my mouth to deny that, too, but Piper placed her hand on my thigh and interrupted before I could.

  “The cab driver in Vegas. You turned him in, remember?” Piper suggested.

  I closed my mouth and frowned.

  I had done that.

  I’d called the cab company and first asked if he worked there. After doing that, I’d reported him. I’d then pretty much done my level best to ensure that he would never do that to another tourist ever.

  “And that woman on the plane and her daughter,” Piper continued. “The hacking woman that you told was disgusting, and the daughter that you called spoiled.”

  My lips twitched.

  So did the detectives.

  “Then there was the woman at the apartment complex. You looked into the matter of me not getting in, and you found out that she signed her friend into that lease for a hundred bucks less than what she was charging everyone else,” Piper pushed.

  I sighed.

  “And that woman at the grocery store yesterday. You called her lazy when she put that large block of meat on top of the Snickers bars next to the checkout,” she continued.

  I placed my hand over Piper’s mouth.

  “You’re not making me look good, here,” I told her.

  She grinned behind my hand.

  “Those all sound fairly petty,” he said. “And for the most part, I wouldn’t think that any of those incidents would cause someone to get pissed off enough that they’d push you into oncoming traffic.”

  I agreed.

  “He also has someone that wants to buy his land,” Piper muttered.

  “Our land,” I corrected. “And she’s speaking the truth. I have someone that’s been offering for
it for a while now. I opened a letter this morning that was the biggest offer that I’ve ever gotten.”

  “How much was the offer?” Captain Morgan asked curiously.

  “Eight million,” I answered. “I looked my property up on the county website today. They have it listed at half a million.”

  “Which begs the question…why?” my wife asked. “It’s all undeveloped land except for the one acre that the house is on.”

  Rios jotted down the information in his notepad.

  “I don’t think this is something that would cause someone to get that pissed off either. But I’ll look into it,” he said. “You have a name of who’s sending the letters?”

  “I do,” Piper said as she pulled out the letter. She looked over at me with a grin. “I was going to have my dad’s friend look into it. He’s a guru on the computer.”

  I squeezed her hand and sat up, wincing slightly at the soreness in my body.

  “All right, Mr. Crew.” The nurse came in. “You’re all ready to go.”

  I looked at my nearly naked state.

  I was in a pair of boxer briefs and nothing else.

  She laughed. “I have a set of scrubs in the back I can get you.”

  I waved her off and looked over at Piper. “I have a gym bag in the back of my truck. Could you go get it?”

  Piper nodded, pressing a soft kiss to my cheek. “Yes.”

  Then she was gone, leaving me with two men who were staring at me with curiosity.

  “What?” I asked grumpily.

  “You love her,” Captain Morgan said.

  I gave them both a look of disgust. “Of course I fuckin’ love her.”

  Rios grinned. “It’s just surprising. You’re the biggest asshole at the station. You don’t like anybody…not even your brother. But her? You love her.”

  I thought about that for a long moment, then shrugged.

  “I do.”

  Chapter 14

  People say I’m condescending. (That means I talk down to people.)

  -Text from Piper to Pru


  “Are you sure that you want to go?” I asked worriedly.


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