The Key to Erebus (The French Vampire Legend. Book 1)

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The Key to Erebus (The French Vampire Legend. Book 1) Page 26

by Emma V. Leech

Chapter 22

  We arrived in front of the huge stone building and came to a halt behind the other car. As we got out, I saw Cyd give Corvus a fierce hug. She turned and looked at me and walked over to where I was standing.


  “Hi, Cyd.”

  I felt nervous suddenly, it was the first time she’d spoken to me since the awful night Gran had come to the Château. I could remember clearly the way Cyd had looked at me that night, like she despised me. She sighed and shoved her hands in her pockets.

  “I’ve been very angry with you, Jéhenne.” She frowned. “The way you left Corvus. After everything I told you about him, the way he’s treated you … for you to act like that …”

  “I know, Cyd.” I butted in, feeling sick to my stomach. “I don’t blame you.”

  “I thought you cared about him, but you didn’t even let him explain.” She was shouting suddenly and I took a step back. She took a breath and made a visible effort to collect herself, casting an anxious glance over her shoulder.

  “Yes, I know.” Guilt made tears spring to my eyes and I swallowed the lump in my throat.

  Cyd stepped closer and jabbed her finger at me.

  “Your Grandmother is poisonous, Jéhenne, she needs to be stopped.”

  I felt anxiety grow at the hatred behind her words. “I did stop her though,” I objected.

  “Permanently!” she growled and my eyes widened in horror.

  “No Cyd! That’s not going to happen. I’ll deal with Gran … no one else touches her.”

  She gave me a hard push that made me stumble. “She nearly killed him … and you - You betrayed him!” she snarled, showing teeth that glinted in the darkness.

  “Cyd!” His voice cut through the night and I felt the swirl of power around her as Cyd gasped, dropping to her knees.

  “Corvus, it’s alright.” I wasn't sure why I was defending her, except that I knew how afraid she must have been. She worshipped Corvus. “She wasn’t going to hurt me, were you Cyd?” I knelt down in front of her and she shook her head.

  He was standing some distance away from us, but of course he had heard every word. Cyd knew that too, she never intended to harm me. She relaxed suddenly as Corvus released his hold on her.

  “Promise me you won’t touch Gran.”

  She snorted. “There’s no need, Corvus has already forbidden it. I couldn’t if I wanted to.”

  She didn’t need to tell me that she wanted to very much indeed, I couldn’t blame her either. I nodded and stood up.

  Her expression changed as she looked at me again and she looked a little sheepish after her outburst. “Jéhenne, I … I actually wanted to thank you - I’ve just been so afraid and … you threw him away so easily.”

  “No.” I stepped closer so she could see I was telling the truth. “Not easily, Cyd, you have no idea.”

  She nodded, and I was relieved she believed me. “I’m glad ... and grateful, Jéhenne. We looked everywhere, we could feel him dying. It felt like we were dying a little too.” Her voice broke and I leant forward and embraced her and she hugged me back for a moment before letting me go. “You were there for him in the end, Jéhenne, when it counted. So if you ever need anything … you can count on me too. Just ... just don’t hurt him like that again.” Her eyes blazed as she looked at me and I thought, not for the first time, that I’d far rather have Cyd with me than against me.

  She walked into the Château and I looked up to see that Corvus was waiting for me. He was standing in the doorway, just watching me as I walked up to stand in front of him. He shrugged off the coat that Cyd must have given him when they were in the car and pulled it around my shoulders. He took my hand and raised it to his lips, smiling as he kissed it gently. It still surprised me, how the touch of his skin on mine could send goose bumps shivering all over me.


  I was startled by the sound of a voice behind me and turned to see Rodney and Xavier, one of the vampires I’d met the night of the party.

  “Forgive the intrusion, Master, but we have a problem.”

  Corvus turned to Xavier and scowled, “Lucas?”

  “I’m afraid so.”

  He nodded, as though this had been expected. “Take Jéhenne to the apartment, Rodney.”

  I turned to Corvus. If he thought he was going to get rid of me because there was trouble brewing he had another thing coming.

  “What’s going on?” I demanded, a bad feeling swirling in my stomach. “Please, don’t you disappear and leave me in the dark. What’s happening?”

  He sighed heavily. “It seems my second has decided to take advantage of my absence.” I was alarmed by the fatigue in his voice. “I don’t suppose there is any chance he’ll back down is there, Xavier?”

  “I’m sorry, Corvus. We’ve all tried reasoning with him, but you know how he's been recently.” Xavier glanced at me and away again.

  Corvus closed his eyes and pinched the ridge of his nose cursing under his breath.

  “I’m sorry, Jéhenne, but I must deal with this.”

  I felt a tremor of fear as I considered what that meant? “Deal with it how? Do you mean this Lucas wants to be Master?”

  “Yes, he is challenging my position. I must defend it.” He sounded resigned rather than surprised and a rush of cold made its way though my veins as I realised what that really entailed.

  “You have to fight him.”

  He nodded.

  “But Corvus, are you … are you strong enough?” I whispered, sick with worry. “The silver weakened you so much.”

  He smiled at me. “Ah, Jéhenne, so little faith in me still,” he teased. “Don’t worry, my heart. Lucas wants to be free of me and he has chosen this moment for just that reason, but he underestimates what he is dealing with, which is why he is not ready to be a Master himself.”

  I put my arms around him and hugged him tight.

  “Please be careful,” I whispered, and he bent and kissed the top of my head.

  “I’ll be fine, don’t worry.”

  He released me and went with Xavier, leaving me standing in the entrance hall with Rodney.

  “Come on then, luv,” said Rodney. “You’d best come with me.”

  I folded my arms and glared at him.

  “Where’s the fight, Rodney?”

  He looked at me in alarm. “Oh no, Jéhenne, Corvus said I was to take you to the apartment.”

  I raised my eyebrows at him with my best, you cannot be serious expression.

  He looked horrified. “Aww, come on, Jéhenne.”

  “You better take me, Rodney. Don’t make me do something I’ll regret.” I raised my hand, waggling my fingers as though I was going to throw a spell at him and his eyes widened.

  ‘Jéhenne!” he said reproachfully. “You wouldn’t?”

  I shrugged and gave a heavy sigh. “I don’t want to, Rodney, but I’m not being left in the dark anymore. Take me to him or you’ll regret it.”

  “Well, that’s nice that is, and I thought we was friends. Come on then, I don’t know …” I followed him through the Château with him grumbling the whole way. I managed to placate him a little by saying I’d tell Corvus he had no choice in the matter. We came to a halt outside two massive oak doors; the power radiating from inside pulsed around us and seemed to thicken the air making it hard to breath. Rodney turned to me and put his finger to his lips.

  “Not a word, Jéhenne.”

  I nodded and Rodney pushed open one of the heavy doors and we slipped through into a great medieval looking hall. The ceiling was vaulted and the stone walls hung with tapestries which seemed to come to life in the flickering torch light. The room was filled with vampires, some of which I recognised from the party. Rodney led me quickly around the back and up a small staircase which took us behind the thick wooden panels and out onto a small balcony hung with heavy red velvet curtains.

  From here I had a clear view of the room and felt my heart leap as I saw Corvus
stroll in. He looked totally relaxed and took a few moments to speak to some of the family who had come forward as he arrived. I was relieved to see he’d taken the time to change his filthy clothes and now looked as striking as ever in a pale blue shirt and jeans.

  From behind him, my attention was taken by a tall, athletic looking vampire, who looked to be in his late twenties although that, of course, meant nothing. His face was all sharp angles which gave him a fierce appearance and he had short black hair which had been gelled into place. He was dressed in black trousers and a black suede coat with a black shirt underneath - if he’d been auditioning for a part as a vampire he’d have got it hands down. I realised I'd seen him once before, at the council meeting where I'd seen Corvus for the first time. He radiated tension and his gaze never left Corvus as he walked up behind him.

  I felt sure Corvus knew he was there, but he never turned just continued his conversation, making Lucas wait for him, before he turned around and addressed him.

  “Hello, Lucas,” he smiled at him as though he’d just popped in for a chat.


  Corvus turned and sat in a large carved chair not unlike those which were used at the council meetings. He leaned back and crossed his legs.

  “Is there something I can do for you?”

  “You know there is,” Lucas growled.

  “And you know why I denied you. You are not yet ready to be a Master, as your current predicament only serves to illustrate.”

  “As I see it, the only one here with a predicament is you,” he snarled. “You have allowed yourself and your position to be weakened by your obsession with that witch. I would never allow a woman to do such a thing to me.”

  “Then you are a bigger fool than I realized,” Corvus said mildly and a ripple of nervous laughter from the rest of the family, echoed around the room.

  “You are asking to be challenged by your behaviour!” Lucas spat.

  “Is that so?”

  His words were softly spoken but there was no doubting his tone as the atmosphere in the room became almost unbearable. Lucas began to look slightly less sure of himself as Corvus stood and walked towards him.

  “Well then, Lucas, take your best shot.” Corvus smiled at him and stood waiting, looking totally at ease.

  Lucas reached behind him and withdrew a knife hidden in the sleeve of his jacket.

  I grasped Rodney's arm in fear but he shook his head, leaning over to whisper to me.

  “He'll not best, Corvus, luv. Don't fret.”

  I tried to allow Rodney's words to calm me but I hardly dared breathe. Corvus however just chuckled as Lucas circled him. His amusement only served to enrage Lucas even more, which was no doubt the intention.

  “You will not be smiling for long, Master,” he growled. The two of them stared at each other and I felt there was some silent battle going on that we couldn't see. Corvus smirked and I knew Lucas was losing when with a blur of movement he lunged for Corvus and I gasped in fear, a reaction that Corvus must have heard, as he looked up in my direction and scowled when he saw I was watching. Lucas didn’t hesitate to take advantage of his lapse and plunged the dagger into his chest. Corvus grabbed his hand and wrenched it away before he could drive it home but a deep crimson stain bloomed on the pale blue shirt.

  Lucas laughed and turned triumphantly to the crowd. “You see how she weakens you!”

  With that Corvus appeared to vanish and almost immediately reappeared holding the knife to Lucas’s throat, pressing the point into his flesh so that blood trickled down his neck. Corvus released him and walked away with the knife, before throwing it at Lucas’s feet where it dug into the wooden floor and swayed violently from side to side.

  “You begin to bore me, Lucas. If you intend to take my place or at least win your freedom, I suggest you get on with it.”

  Lucas snarled in fury and grabbed the knife. I clutched Rodney’s arm while my eyes tried to keep up with the frantic movements below us, but it was impossible. When they finally stopped, Lucas staggered and fell to his knees, his shirt torn and a gash scored deeply into the flesh over his heart. Corvus walked away and sat back in his chair regarding Lucas steadily.

  “Get up,” he commanded. Lucas struggled, desperation etched on his face and blood pouring from the wound on his chest, but he could not stand. “Get up!” Corvus said again, and although Lucas seemed to be putting his whole energy into doing exactly that, he remained on his knees.

  “I cannot!” he yelled furiously through gritted teeth.

  Corvus sat back, his face emotionless and cool. “And why is that?”

  Lucas glowered at Corvus while struggling vainly against the unseen force holding him. He seemed determined not to answer him but in the end it appeared he had no choice.

  “Because you will not allow me to!” he growled, the sweat pouring down his face.

  “Ah,” smiled Corvus grimly as the power in the room magnified and Lucas blanched, groaning as he was forced to the ground. He was laying face down, arms outstretched and Corvus got up and walked over to him - staring down at the man prostrate at his feet.

  “Why is it you cannot do as you wish, Lucas?”

  Lucas did not reply for some time, his whole body racked with violent tremors.

  “Because… you… are my… Master!” he spat.

  Corvus nodded and took a step away.

  “Get up now, Lucas.”

  The air cleared and I realized Corvus had released his hold on him. He got to his knees but stayed where he was.

  Lucas sat before him, head bowed, defeated and humiliated. “I am almost a thousand years old, Corvus,” he said, his voice quiet. “You let Alex go when he was less than six centuries and Raoul before him was little more than four hundred when he was emancipated - why not me?” His voice had grown desperate as he spoke and the last demand was shouted with rage.

  For the first time I saw Corvus' face soften and his words were hard but not unkind. “Because there is far more to being Master than power and age alone, Lucas, which despite my teaching is a lesson you have still to learn. Most vampires never become Master because they are not suited to the position. As Master you do not take your own pleasure nor do as you please, you must do what is right for your family, to serve them as they serve you. One day, I have no doubt you will be a great Master, but not until you have learned a little humility.” Corvus turned and regarded the crowd of vampires who had been watching and obviously enjoying the entertainment. “As my second, you could have feasibly taken control of the family in my absence, Lucas, yet it seems that you stand here alone. Or are there any here who would prefer Lucas as Master of this house?”

  There was a resounding No! that echoed around the hall and Corvus smiled and tilted his head slightly in thanks. He reached his hand down to Lucas.

  “Come now.”

  Lucas ungraciously accepted his hand and Corvus pulled him to his feet and into an unwilling embrace. He looked just like a father comforting his rebellious son and I suddenly realised, that was exactly how Corvus saw himself. This was his family and they were his children. They looked to him for protection and guidance. He had punished his son for his behaviour, but after the punishment comes forgiveness.

  Lucas still looked mutinous but Corvus stepped back and put a hand on each shoulder and looked him in the eyes.

  “I don’t blame you for trying, Lucas, but I hope when you do one day leave me, we can part as friends.”

  Lucas nodded stiffly, still rigid with tension

  “Go now. This will not be mentioned again, by anyone,” he commanded. “Xavier, I think Lucas has earned a night out.”

  There was a general chorus of approval around the room and suddenly the tension was gone. Everyone was laughing and joking and I was surprised at how Corvus had handled the whole affair. I knew enough about vampires to understand that Corvus would have been well within his rights to kill Lucas. In fact, I got the impression that most Masters would automatica
lly kill anyone who threatened their authority. But then as Cyd said, Corvus wasn’t like most Masters. He seemed to have a real affection for Lucas despite his rebellion. The question as to what kind of father he would make to a real child came to mind, but of course, as a vampire he could never actually be a father. The thought gave me a weird feeling I couldn’t identify, but I pushed it to the back of my mind, filing it absently under ‘things to be considered another day’.

  “Thank God that’s over,” sighed Rodney.

  I watched the vampires filing out of the hall below with misgiving. “What will Lucas do now?” I asked. He didn’t look the type to forgive and forget.

  “Bide his time, I imagine,” he scowled down at Lucas from the balcony.

  I felt a shudder of anxiety as he echoed my concerns. “You think he’ll try again?”

  “Course he will,” Rodney snorted. “Corvus should ‘ave taken his chance to get rid of him if you ask me. He’s nuthin’ but trouble that one.”

  I hated the idea, hated the violence of their world, but I worried too that Corvus had an enemy close to him. “Why didn’t he?” I asked, knowing it wouldn't have been the first vampire he'd executed.

  “Don’t ask me, I’m not Master, am I?”

  Rodney glanced at me and must have noticed my worried expression as he chuckled. “Don’t you worry, luv, Lucas overestimated his abilities. He was humiliated out there today so I think it will be a very long time before he’s brave enough to try again.”

  I nodded and followed Rodney up the stairs in the direction of the apartment. We’d just reached the bottom of the second staircase when there was a commotion downstairs and I heard a loud yowling noise. A small blur of movement dashed up the stairs and hid behind my legs, hissing and spitting for all it was worth.

  “Astro!” I said in surprise, picking up the anxious looking animal and rubbing his head. “How on earth did you find me? What a clever cat … who’s a clever boy, then,” I crooned.

  Corvus appeared on the staircase.

  “I take it that creature … belongs to you then?” he pointed at Astro in irritation.

  “He’s not a creature!” I said, frowning and holding tightly to Astro who was squirming unhappily. “He’s my cat and he’s called Astro.”

  Corvus raised his eyebrows, “Astro?”

  “Yes, Astro,” I replied firmly.

  Corvus scowled at the cat and sighed. “Well, Astro got in through the library window and has just laid waste to a sixteenth century vase and smashed a bottle of vintage brandy onto several first edition books. Not to mention the fact that he tried to eat Nerva!”

  “Oh!” I watched as a very disgruntled, and slightly ruffled looking crow landed on Corvus’ shoulder and cawed loudly at Astro. “I’m so sorry. Astro, bad cat… how could you?” I scolded him. Astro looked at me disdainfully and turned and hissed at Corvus who glowered back at him.

  Corvus narrowed his eyes and glared at Astro and Astro glared back, green eyes flashing with indignation. “That is without a doubt, the ugliest damn cat I’ve ever seen.” he said, as he tried to smooth Nerva’s feathers.

  I covered Astro’s ears. “He’s not ugly.”

  “A matter of opinion,” Corvus said with a scowl. “Well he can stay if you insist but not in the apartment. Rodney, take Astro to the kitchen and find something for him to eat before he tries for Nerva again.”

  I handed a very unwilling Astro to Rodney who took him back downstairs yowling and complaining to get free all the way.

  “He likes Lasagne best,” I called to him down the stairs. Rodney paused long enough to look up at me and roll his eyes before carrying on, holding a struggling Astro at arm’s length so he didn’t get scratched.

  I turned my attention to Corvus.

  “Are you OK?” I looked uneasily at the bloody stain over his chest.

  “No.” He pulled at the material irritably. “This was my favourite shirt.”

  I sighed and pulled a face at him. “I was actually more concerned with what’s underneath.”

  His eyes twinkled, “I should hope so,” he said with a seductive tone before amending his words. “Actually, I’m mortally wounded and I’m going to need a lot of attention if you want me to recover,” he said with such gravity that I couldn’t help but chuckle. “You’d best come and tend to me before it’s too late,” he added, with a mournful expression.

  He grabbed my hand and pulled me in the direction of the apartment while Nerva flew off down the stairs, no doubt to go and torment Astro.

  When we got inside, he unbuttoned the ruined shirt and let it fall to the floor before walking towards me. I swallowed nervously and tried to remember how to breathe, as the knack seemed to have left me. My heart was thundering in my ears. He must have been able to hear it loud and clear, but it just sped up with every step closer he took. Corvus stopped in front of me and I lay my hands flat on his chest, the crow tattoo put its head on one side and watched me with interest from over his shoulder. There was a small pink mark where the knife had cut him, but otherwise no visible sign that he’d been stabbed. I bent forward and kissed the mark lightly and smiled at the shiver I felt run over him. He bent his head to kiss me but stopped just a fraction away from my lips and turned his head. Someone had left the TV on and his attention seemed to have been taken by the woman who was talking animatedly to the camera.

  I tried to focus on what she was saying but the sound was down too low for me to hear. I could, however, see the breaking news banner at the bottom of the screen which announced Vampire murders in Paris.

  “Oh my God!” I breathed, as a cold chill ran over me.

  I looked up at Corvus but he’d got that faraway look which meant he was talking to the other vampires. “Corvus?”

  He sighed and pulled me against him and kissed the top of my head.

  “You’ve got to go?” I guessed, and took a breath as a wave of disappointment broke over me.

  “The family is already making preparations I’m afraid,” he looked down at me. “Hopefully it will just be a few days.”

  I nodded feeling miserable.

  “When do you have to leave?”

  “Not for an hour or so,” he smiled, and bent down to finish what he’d started. When he finally let me up for air, he brushed his lips beside my ear. “Cor meum semper erit tuum,” he whispered. His breath fluttered against my skin.

  “What does that mean?” I managed, as he tugged gently on my earlobe with his teeth.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him smile before he replied. “My heart is yours forever.”

  I buried my face in his neck.

  “Come, Jéhenne,” he said, taking my hand with a smile.

  “Where are we going?”

  “I want to show you a room that you haven’t seen yet. I think you’ll like it.”

  He led me up a different flight of stairs, and into a part of the Château that I hadn’t been in before. He glanced at me before turning the iron handle on a small wooden door and opening it, gesturing for me to go inside. As I did, I found myself in a large room, where the beams were laid open and the space stretched all the way up to the very top of the roof. I found myself lost for words. Huge, carved wooden bookshelves lined the massive expanse of the walls, and they were filled with hundreds of leather bound volumes and ancient artefacts that Corvus must have been collecting for centuries.

  There was a small window slightly open and a strong smell of brandy pervading the room. I realised that this was where Astro had broken in and I wondered how he’d got up so far. Corvus wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck before whispering in my ear.

  “I want to give you something,” he said, his voice a soft breath over my skin. “Choose whatever you desire.” I looked up at him smiling and he pressed a soft kiss to my lips. “Anything you want, anything.” The words were whispered against my mouth and I felt my heart do a little skip in my chest.

  “You don’t need to give me presents,” I said
, looking up at him and feeling so happy my chest felt like it might burst with the emotion.

  “I want to…” he said, and his tone was fierce now. “I want to give you everything,.”

  I was slightly taken aback by the force of his words and bit down on my lip to hide a smile.

  “Well, if you insist then.” I grinned and kissed him lightly, before turning to face the rest of the room.

  I didn’t know where to look. It was like standing in a magpies nest and each individual item had its own appeal. His eyes followed me as I looked around and I couldn't shake the feeling that he was testing me somehow.

  I moved over to gaze at a cluster of Fabergé eggs, the bright colours and precious stones glittering as I inspected them. Then I browsed through the books, trying not to touch them too much and only reading what I could make of the titles on the spines. I almost ran across to one shelf to inspect a set of Shakespeare texts which looked like they could well have been around at the same time as the man himself. As I looked around, the same went for the other books, some of them were actually signed by the authors. Another shelf was stuffed with rolled vellum scrolls, and I wondered how many of them were from the time when Corvus had been human. The papers had the same appearance as old skin, thin and cracked and yellowing. I was frightened to touch them in case they crumbled at my fingertips.

  Corvus drew my attention to a small cabinet in the corner of the room. He opened the glass fronted doors and pulled out a couple of drawers to reveal the most amazing collection of jewellery I’d ever seen. There was a beautiful necklace set with sapphires arranged to look like forget-me-nots, emerald earrings, diamond bracelets, and dozens of gold bangles. But as I looked over the collection for a second time, my eyes fell on a battered wooden box tucked away at the back of one of the drawers. I could only see the corner of it, so I tugged the drawer a little until I had a better view. It was quite an ugly little thing, obviously very old and worn smooth in the corners, but for some reason, my heart began to beat faster and I couldn’t resist the urge to pick it up. I lifted the lid to find a small leather bag with a drawstring pulling it together.

  Frowning with curiosity, I tugged at the strings so that the bag opened, and then put my hand inside. There was a flash of gold, and I drew in my breath as the object I’d pulled out was revealed in the soft light of the room. It was a bracelet, or some kind of armband, and it was stunning. It was made in the shape of a snake eating its own tail, with each tiny scale marked out in bronze, silver and gold. The contrast of the metals picked out the detail in the engraving. A pair of ruby eyes burned brightly in its fine, clever head and winked as the torches burning on the walls flickered. It was obviously too small to fit over my hand and I searched for the little clasp that must release the mouth. I glanced up to see that Corvus was watching me intently, utterly still.

  As I ran my fingers over the bracelet I got a weird sensation. I followed the pattern of the scales until my fingernail hooked on a tiny indent in the metal, just before the tail went into the mouth of the snake. I stared at it. There was a minuscule catch hidden among the scales, and as I pulled it with my nail I heard a little click. The bracelet opened, as an invisible hinge swung free and the head of the snake slid away from the mouth. Feeling quite smug with myself for figuring it out, I put it on to my wrist and then closed it. The sensation of the metal was cool against my skin, and I looked at it for a moment before turning back to Corvus, still feeling pleased with myself to find him staring at me.


  He didn’t answer, but looked stunned and overjoyed and moved closer to me, turning the bracelet on my arm. I looked up and saw that there were tears in his eyes.

  “I had almost given up hope,” he whispered.

  I swallowed feeling shiver run over my skin and wanting suddenly to take the bracelet off. “What do you mean?” I asked, though I had a bad feeling that I knew the answer.

  “You told me once, that if anything ever happened to you I was to wait. 'Wait for me, my love. As I will wait for you.'“

  I knew full well I had never said those words to him and I felt a sick, desperate feeling grow in my stomach.

  “I have waited, and waited, I had given up truth be told,” he said, his voice thick with emotion - with love and yet the words chilled me. “The past years have been hard. So long and so very lonely.”

  I shook my head, feeling tears prick at my eyes as I realised what I had always feared. It wasn't me he loved. It wasn't me he saw when he looked at me. It was her. Jéhnina.

  I looked up at him, feeling such sorrow and frustration that I wanted to cry and scream and hit him for wanting me to be something I wasn't, someone I wasn't.

  “I'm not her. I'm not like her, you said it yourself.” My words sounded angry and I realised as I spoke I was angry. Angry at him for wanting her and not me. Angry at myself for letting me forget what was really happening. I'd wanted to believe in him so badly. I'd let myself pretend the love in his eyes was for me when I knew in my heart it wasn't true.

  “There’s only one person who ever been able to wear that bracelet,” he said and I closed my eyes, shaking my head, too overwhelmed to speak.

  He moved closer, putting his hand to my face and I felt a tear spill over as his voice said the name that belonged to another woman. The one he truly loved. “Jéhnina.”


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