Snow, Jenika - Bittersweet: A Story of Dominance and Submission (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Snow, Jenika - Bittersweet: A Story of Dominance and Submission (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 2

by Jenika Snow

  “Although the notice is extremely short, I don’t see it being a problem. As you well know, we have a conference set up for the beginning of next month, and the firm should be rather slow. As long as you can find someone to cover those two weeks for you, I don’t see why you can’t take them off.”

  All of them stared at her again, and she smiled hesitantly. “Thank you very much.” She opened the door and closed it behind her. She leaned against the unyielding wood and took a deep breath. The air had been thick in the room, and it had nothing to do with them scaring her shitless. Her hormones had been working on overload as well, and her senses seemed to be malfunctioning. Their smell and their gazes had made her so aroused the awkwardness of the whole situation had almost dimmed. Almost.

  Dawn looked her over once and went back to shuffling a stack of papers. Now all she had to do was find someone to cover her time off, and she would be going on an adventure that would change everything. She just hoped she didn’t live to regret it.

  Chapter Three

  Piper gripped the handle on her suitcase tightly as she stared wide eyed at the lobby. Since their plane had arrived on the small island, a stretch limo had picked Lucie and her up and had driven them to the resort. She stood off to the side as she watched Lucie check them in. It certainly didn’t look like a sex resort, not with the fully clothed people milling around with tropical drinks in their hands. Lucie waved her over to the front desk.

  “Give him your ID and the paperwork.”

  Piper set her bag down and fished out the requested material. Handing the concierge the items, she once again looked around the lobby. It was expensively decorated, but there was a touch of the tropics thrown in. It was only after she had made sure someone could cover her at work that she had told Lucie the trip was all clear. She had been surprised to find out she had to have a full physical, as well as a blood test, to make sure she was clean and healthy enough to engage in the activities.

  Although prophylactics were readily available at the resort, one of the many pamphlets they had sent them had stressed the importance of taking extra precautions. Piper assumed they made sure to point this out because of how fast the sexual situations could escalate.

  “Thank you, Miss. If you please step to the side, your bags will be taken to your room.” The man behind the desk slipped them two key cards and told them where to go.

  Piper took her key and looked at Lucie. “What now?”

  Lucie smirked and picked up her bag. “Now the fun begins.”

  * * * *

  Lucie and Piper had parted ways about four hours ago, and now Piper sat in her average-looking room, staring at the clock. The resort catered to about every sexual experience one could think of. Most were too extreme for Piper, but one had held her attention like no other.

  She looked down at her entwined hands and breathed out deeply. She had chosen to participate in the submissive experience when she had first decided to come. In fact, the paperwork she handed to the concierge had said as much. Although this would be something totally new to her, there was a desire deep down in her screaming to be possessed and dominated.

  Her heart fluttered in her chest, and her breathing became shallow. The very idea of completely submitting to someone left her breathless. Anticipation pounded through her like a steady drum.

  She had been instructed to pack a small bag with only the essentials. She was to go to the front lobby where someone would transfer her to a different part of the resort. After she was dropped off, she would have an hour to acclimate herself to the new building, set up her toiletries and such in her new room, and relax before she was expected to join a small cocktail party. She didn’t know what was supposed to happen at the party, but she hoped she would at least get a feel of how everything would play out.

  She picked up her small bag and made her way into the hallway. Lucie had stopped by earlier, a bag in each of her hands, as she said goodbye for the two weeks. Piper had yet to meet the mystery man who seemed to have captured Lucie’s heart. The whole situation appeared strange and surreal. Piper still couldn’t believe she had agreed to come here, and during the plane ride over, she had been excited. Now that everything was sinking in and she was making her way toward the lobby, she started to have doubts. It was never too late to leave, this was all voluntary of course, but the idea of quitting simply because she wasn’t used to alternative sexual experiences seemed cowardly.

  Once she was standing in the main lobby, she looked around, knowing she was to go with a group to a smaller, more discreet section of the hotel. She noticed some familiar women and walked up to them. She didn’t need to ask if she was in the right group, not when they were excitedly talking about where they were going and what they would be doing. Piper knew she was in the right group, and that little knowledge sent a lead weight into her belly. She swallowed as they were ushered out and into a stretch limousine.

  There were ten woman total, including her, now seated in the limo. The chatter was loud and slightly unnerving, but Piper sat close to the window and stared out the tinted glass. She had nothing to say, anyway, and even if she did, she clearly did not have the experience these women did of being a submissive. They spoke of their numerous times at the resort, and Piper felt completely out of her element. It was clear she was the “newbie” in this group and knew her inexperience most likely showed like a sore thumb.

  This had always been a fantasy of Piper’s, a deep, dark secret which she had hidden, until that one night when the alcohol opened her up. The women talked about what they did with the men sexually and had Piper’s heart pounding so loud with anxiousness, she thought for sure they could hear it.

  No one spoke to her, but that was fine. She preferred to keep to herself. Her thoughts were a jumble of emotion, anyway.

  The drive was only ten minutes, but with each passing moment, Piper felt herself coil tighter and tighter. Once the car stopped in front of the small building, everyone got out, the female giggles almost too much for Piper to handle.

  The building was a smaller, two-story version of the hotel. There were smaller condo-like structures to the side of the main building, and she idly wondered if there were more in the back.

  Someone handed her a key and told her where she could put her belongings. Her room was only big enough to hold a twin-size bed and a small bathroom. She assumed the amenities weren’t anything to rave about because she wouldn’t be spending much time in it. She heated at the knowledge of what she was doing here and, more importantly, what would be done to her.

  She set her bag on the floor and shut her door, noticing an oblong-shaped box lying on her bed. Walking with wobbly knees, she opened the lid and picked up the corset lying atop crisp, white tissue. The thing looked feminine yet lethal with the ribbons and ties. The side of it had silk laces, as well as the back. It was pretty enough, but Piper wasn’t fooled. She knew a garment like this was one a man could fully appreciate. There was a pair of high heels, a feathered mask which would cover her eyes, and thigh-high stockings in the box, as well. No underwear of course.

  She picked up the folded note and read it, looking between the clothing and the paper several times. According to the note, she was now in submissive mode. The men of the house had specific likings, and Piper needed to abide by those. As she continued to read, her face grew hot.

  The men who will act as your dominates have specifically selected you out of the group of women. They want you properly prepared and want you in the outfit provided. According to their specifications, you are to properly groom yourself, using the razor and shaving cream available in your bathroom. Once dressed, you are to apply the anal plug into your rectum and secure it with the harness. Instructions have been supplied. You are then to put on the mask and head into the lobby, where you will be introduced to your masters. If you choose not to participate, you are free to leave.

  Piper knew she was owl eyed as she reread the letter. She didn’t know if she was more surprised to find she had bee
n pre-selected, that she was to wear an anal plug, or that she would be servicing more than one man. She wasn’t too surprised that she had already been assigned to men. She had supplied a photo of herself from the neck down. It hadn’t been anything lewd, just her in a pair of shorts and a tee. That photo was what the dominates had gone by to choose their prospective submissive.

  Her heart slammed against her ribs painfully, and her mouth was bone dry. She sat on the bed, holding the paper in her hand as she stared at the wall. Her eyes flickered to the box of clothing several times. She could see the thin anal plug peeking from underneath the tissue, and she turned her head quickly to stare at the white wall.

  She could leave, but did she want to? This had always been a fantasy of hers, and although anal plugs and several men at one time had never been part of that equation, she couldn’t deny that her pussy was wet or that her nipples were rock hard.

  She glanced again at the sexual paraphernalia. She reached in and pulled out the sleek anal plug and the bottle of lube. Looking at the two for several moments, she knew she needed to decide. Her life was mediocre at best, and although she had friends and family she loved, she had never done anything remotely exciting in her life. This was a chance for her to open up, to be free and finally experience something she had only dreamed about.

  She grabbed the box and headed into the bathroom, knowing she needed to take a chance, needed to fulfill the one thing in her life which was missing. She may have been apprehensive, maybe a little frightened of this new adventure, but most of all, she was aroused as hell.

  This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and she wasn’t going to run away like a coward. She was going to face it head on and enjoy it as much as the next person, maybe more.

  Chapter Four

  The sound of laughter and talking pierced through Piper’s sensuality-filled fog. She slowly made her way down the stairs, gripping the banister so hard, she feared it might crack under her weight.

  She had “prepared” herself according to her masters’ specifications and couldn’t help but feel exposed.

  She had shaved her pussy until she saw not a single hair. The corset was snug and cut off her blood flow. The corset stopped underneath her breasts and with every move she made, the twin mounds bounced and jiggled. The anal plug sat uncomfortably in her ass and the ties she had used to secure it in place pressed against her pussy lips.

  The cool air in the room wafted across her nether regions but didn’t help in cooling her over-heated body. Although she wore the mask and no one could possibly know who she was, Piper couldn’t help but feel completely bare. A stupid thought for sure, given the fact that her tits, ass, and pussy were laid out like a midnight snack for anyone passing by.

  She stopped once she was at the last step and peeked around the corner. She couldn’t see much, the twin, thick banisters blocked her view. She stepped onto the landing and made her way toward the room where the noise was coming from. For a moment, she feared she would be the only one dressed like this. The female laughter and talking weren’t things she assumed a submissive would do, but she wasn’t an expert on the matter.

  As soon as she stepped into the room, she had a premonition of all noise ceasing, and everyone staring at her. Sweat started to coat her palms as she looked at the filled room. No one stopped talking and no one turned to look at her entry. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw several of the women wore garments similar to hers and some were naked, save for pasties covering their nipples. She wanted to cover her pussy and breasts, but after a moment, she straightened her spine and took another step inside.

  Every woman wore a mask, and that brought her a semblance of comfort. The men, on the other hand, didn’t wear masks and were dressed casually. Piper moved to stand in the corner, not knowing what to do but feeling completely out of place. A server passed by and Piper snagged a glass of champagne. She wasn’t much of a drinker, but she knew a little alcohol might help calm her nerves.

  Thirty minutes and two glasses of champagne later, Piper was feeling more than a little relaxed. As she downed the last of her beverage, she nearly choked.

  Oh. My. God.

  As the sea of bodies parted, standing no more than ten feet from her was someone she would have never thought she would see at a place like this. Ian Grayson held a square-cut glass in his hand as he leaned against the wall. His three younger brothers were nearby. Their deep voices made everything else in the room seem small. She had never seen them in casual attire, but the button-down shirts and slacks they wore hung from their physically toned bodies with perfection.

  She entertained the idea of sprinting out of the room but remembered the mask she had on. They wouldn’t know who she was. Her dark brown hair was average, and besides, every other woman in the room had dark hair. Even though she was anonymous, her heart quickened. She brought her fingers up to her face, knowing the mask was still in place but needing reassurance.

  The room suddenly became silent and everyone parted as a middle-aged man stepped in the center of the room. She realized her hands were shaking as she distractedly listened to the man speaking. It took everything in her power to drag her attention from the four powerfully built men on the other side of the room.

  “Welcome, guests! All of you are here, so it is safe to assume everyone is consenting to participate. The rules are simple, submit to your masters. Doing so will result in an experience you will not forget.” He clapped his hands. “Would the submissives please take your place?”

  All of the women stood off to the side, and after a moment, Piper followed suit. She glanced at all the women, not knowing what was happening. Her skin felt tight, and her pulse hammered. She couldn’t help but continue to glance at the Grayson brothers. She realized she was on the verge of hyperventilating and willed herself to calm down.

  Just as she felt a twinge of calmness settle through her, shock replaced that as she watched the men step forward. None of the Graysons looked at her, so she felt confident enough they hadn’t realized who she was. One by one, the men took a woman. Some men only took one woman, others took two. There was one woman who left with three men, and Piper couldn’t help the emotions going through her. No doubt if she wasn’t wearing the mask, she would have looked like a deer caught in headlights.

  She expected any one of the brothers to take a woman, but all four of them hung back, watching with mild interest, as the female count dwindled until there was only her. She breathed heavily and felt faint. The corset constricted her from taking deep breaths, and she felt herself become lightheaded. Resolved to stay in control, she dropped her head, so that her hair fell slightly across her face, hiding her features.

  There must be more women coming. No way are all four of them for me, she thought, as she glanced through the curtain of her hair. None of them had moved from their position, but each one was staring at her with a heated look. They don’t know who you are. In all honesty, she wanted to leave, run right out of there and never look back. Even as she thought of doing just that, a spark flared to life inside of her. These beautiful and powerful men were looking at her as if they were starving and she was their last meal. They had no idea who she was, but she knew them. Oh, did she ever know them!

  She couldn’t pretend she had never thought about them on a not-so-professional level. She was, after all, a female, and they were powerful, gorgeous, and virile men. Her body heated as she let her thoughts run wild. This may be the craziest situation she had ever been in, but she didn’t see why she couldn’t play along. As long as they didn’t know who she was and never found out, she could enjoy herself to the fullest. She didn’t let the smile she felt tugging at her lips become full. She kept her head down, waiting for them to lead the way.

  She heard the sound of footsteps and saw them approach. She could have moaned at the smell of rich, expensive cologne that assaulted her. It was the aroma of the Grayson brothers. That dark spice filled her senses and made her needy with want every time she inhaled the
fragrance. A finger under her chin forced her head up, and she stared into Ian’s light green eyes. His dark hair was impeccably combed, as if not even the promise of sex could stir his immobile appearance.

  He stared at her for several long moments, his eyes drinking her in and making her knees weak. She was aroused even before she had seen and smelled them, but now, now she was beyond lust. The air did nothing to cool her swollen and overheated pussy lips. Ian had done nothing more than touch her chin, and she was on the verge of shaking with want.

  Her eyes darted behind Ian’s massive shoulder when she saw movement. Logan took a couple of steps toward her, stopping long enough to look at her body and then stepped behind her. She sucked in a gasp when Logan’s hands slipped around her waist and his fingers skimmed along her upper thighs. Her flesh tightened, and goose bumps popped along her skin with every caress he made. Ian stepped away, but didn’t get far. He was down on his haunches in front of her, his hands gripping her legs and commanding her to open for him silently.

  She looked at Brendin and Jake, seeing the heat in their eyes as they stared at her exposed pussy. Logan’s hands snaked up the corset and caressed her breasts. His fingers tweaked her nipples, plucking them until they stood stiff and hard. His mouth sucked on her neck, his teeth gently scraping across her throat, as a fire ignited inside of her. Her legs went weak when she felt Ian’s warm breath along her exposed cleft. She knew what it looked like down there, because after she shaved and got dressed, she looked at herself. The straps holding the anal plug in place slipped between her legs, pulling and keeping her pussy lips apart, as it attached to the front of the corset.

  Her inner labia were on display, the color a bright pink. At least they had looked that way in her room. She was so wet now, she assumed more blood had filled down there and the color fluctuated. As Logan teased and massaged her breasts, Ian sucked in her clit. She stiffened on the first stroke, feeling moisture flood her channel when he sucked the hard bud in his mouth and drew on it vigorously. Ian’s hand slipped between her legs, and she knew he was seeing if she had the plug in place. When his fingers pressed against it, he grunted, sending vibrations straight to her clit.


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