Faust, Tony, 31, 169
Fearing, Charles, 282
Federalist Party, 450
Feigenbaum, Isaac, 520n
Fettmann, Eric, 497n
Field, Cyrus W., 259
Field, Eugene, 104, 138
Fifteenth Amendment, 45, 57, 486n
Fifth Amendment, 430–31
Fifth Avenue Hotel, 112–13, 124, 135, 137, 177, 192, 206, 207, 229–30
Finney, Newton, 510n
Firestone, Clark B., 453–54
First Volunteer Cavalry, U.S., 4, 343
Fishback, George, 492n–93n
“five nightingales,” 103–4, 138
Florida, 130–31
Fogarty, Leslie, xii
Fogarty, Pat, xii
Foster, Gade, and Graham, 454
Francis, David, 393–94
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), xii
Freedom Triumphant in War and Peace, 25
free silver movement, 293–94, 301, 307, 309, 315, 326, 328, 332–33, 348, 384, 391
Free Soil Democrats, 71
Frémont, John, 154
French’s Hotel, 27, 274
Frey, Elize Berger Pulitzer, see Pulitzer, Elize Berger
Frey, Max, 16–17, 23
Frick, Henry Clay, 296–98
Frost, Richard Graham, 139
Gale, Zona, 380, 389, 522n
gambling, 83, 195, 306, 439, 490n
Gardarino, John, 349
Garfield, James, 182, 189, 192–97, 225
Garland, 19, 20
Garland, Augustus, 242
Gartenlaube, Die, 38
Gaynor, William J., 455
General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen, 331
Gentry, William, 105
George, Henry, 246
“German Diet,” 56
German Emigration Society, 54
Germania Club, 104
Gibson, Eustace, 241–42, 243
Gilmore, Patrick S., 137
Gladstone, William, 255–56, 314, 325
Gobelin tapestries, 362
Godkin, Edwin Lawrence, 192, 315
Goethe, Johannes Wolfgang von, 42, 106
gold standard, 181, 293–94, 309, 315, 391, 415
Gordon, John Brown, 145
Gotham Hotel, 458–59
Gottschalk, Lewis, 115, 116–17, 170, 501n
Gould, Jay, 198–99, 204–6, 216, 218–19, 230, 231, 232, 274, 293–94, 394, 412
Goupil’s Picture Gallery, 258
Grace, William R., 240
Graham, Margaret, 213–14
Grand Army of the Republic, 458
Grand Union Hotel, 260
Grant, Ulysses S., 24, 26, 44, 72, 73, 74, 75–76, 80, 82, 84, 87, 91, 92, 104, 106, 108, 120–22, 125, 130, 131, 137, 180, 218, 225, 488, 489n, 490n, 491n
Grant & Ward, 240
Great Depression, 462
Great God Success, The (Phillips), 303, 354, 359–60, 374–75, 381
Greeley, Horace, 21, 84, 88–94, 98, 111, 125, 126, 192, 208, 231
Gribayedoff, Valerian, 230–31
Grosvenor, William M., 45, 71, 72, 73–77, 80, 81–83, 86–88, 96, 101, 104, 106, 108, 120, 492n
Guiteau, Charles, 192–93, 196–97
Guyol, Edwin Warren, 438–40
habeas corpus, 183
Halévy, Ludovic, 100
Hall, Oakey, 121, 128
Hallam, Henry, 457
Halstead, Murat, 76, 85–86, 175–76, 229
Halstead, O. S. “Pet,” 99
Hamburg, Germany, 18, 37
Hamlet (Shakespeare), 137
Hammond, Walter, 247
Hammonia, 135
Hancock, E. C., 207
Hancock, Winfield, 182–83, 189
Harding, Earl, 437–40, 526n, 527n
Hare, Christopher, 457, 528n
Harper’s Weekly, 179, 202, 226
Harrison, Benjamin, 272, 276, 285
Hart Island, 22
Harvard University, 251, 321, 338, 361, 366, 379, 385, 403, 407, 454, 461
Harvey, George B. M., 291, 300, 302, 389, 458, 513n, 514n
Hay, John, 439
Hayes, Rutherford B., 125–33, 136, 151, 152, 179, 225
Házmán, Ferenc, 71
Hearst, William Randolph:
ambition of, 251–52, 291–92, 318, 321–32, 333, 355–59
background of, 3–4, 251–52
congressional campaign of, 390
gubernatorial campaign of (1906), 406–7
inheritance of, 251–52, 291–92, 321, 323
McKinley’s assassination and, 372–73, 407
in New York City, 291–92, 318, 321–32, 333
as New York Journal publisher, 3–4, 321–32, 334, 338–41, 343, 372–73, 388, 517n, 518n, 519n
political influence of, 338–43, 372–73, 390–91, 406–7
as presidential candidate, 390–91
Pulitzer as rival of, 3–4, 151, 251–52, 291–92, 321–32, 333, 365, 372–73, 406–7, 441, 455, 458, 517n, 518n, 519n
Pulitzer’s agreement with, 355–59, 370, 377, 518n, 519n
reputation of, 372–73, 377, 390–91, 406–7
salaries paid by, 321, 322
in San Francisco, 251–52, 321
sensationalism used by, 330–31, 338–41, 372–73, 377
Spanish-American War supported by, 338–43, 388
staff hired by, 321, 322–24, 330–31, 334, 339, 341, 353
“yellow journalism” of, 330–31, 372–73, 377
Hebrews in America, The, 498n
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 34, 39–40, 51, 67, 89
Henderson, John, 122–23
Hendricks, Thomas, 228
Hesing, A. C., 111–12
Hevrah Kadisha, 10
Hewitt, Abram, 246
Hill, Britton A., 78, 113, 489n
Hill, David, 279, 293, 306–7, 390, 391, 514n–15n
Hill, Edward B., 437
Hinton, Chalmers A., 478n
Hinton, Richard J., 479n
Hobbes, Thomas, 314
Hoe printing presses, 162, 167, 171, 177, 194–95, 286, 340, 415, 500n, 506n
“Hogan’s Alley,” 330–31
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 449
Homer, 255
home rule charters, 118, 495n
Homestead Strike (1892), 296–98
homosexuality, 380–81, 483n–84n
Honor, 408
Hood, John, 338
Hooker, Isabella Beecher, 143
Horace, 368
Hosmer, George W., 284, 285, 287, 290, 291, 292, 294, 300, 301, 305, 338, 364, 370, 372, 376, 377, 378, 395, 407, 408, 413, 436, 461
Hotel Bristol, 254, 272
Hotel Cap Martin, 328–29
Hough, Charles, 447
House Committee on Elections, 139
House of Representatives, U.S., 131–32, 139, 234, 240–43, 423–24, 508n
Houser, Daniel, 102, 153, 173, 192, 493n
Howard, Joe, 248–49
Hudnut’s Pharmacy, 291, 499n
Hughes, Charles Evans, 407, 446
Hummel, Henry Charles, 479n
Hungary, 4, 9–19, 35, 55, 71, 108, 116, 135–36, 146, 253, 382, 474n, 476n, 481n
Hunt, Richard Morris, 274
Hutchins, Stilson, 53, 75, 76–77, 84, 95, 96, 101, 102–3, 113–15, 120, 121, 122, 124, 137, 138, 145, 146, 153, 173–74, 178, 195, 196–97, 488n–89n, 494n, 499n, 502n
Hyde, James Hazen, 399–400
Hyde, William, 82, 154, 164, 165, 178–79, 181, 184, 186–87, 198, 201, 301
hyperesthesia, 303–4, 514n
Illinois-St. Louis Bridge Co., 158
Illinois Staats-Zeitung, 52, 98, 111, 120, 122
immigration, 181, 214, 225, 236, 271, 278, 287, 350, 482n
income tax, 219, 327
Indiana, 89, 124–25, 128, 130, 182, 183, 185, 188, 189
Indianapolis News, 420–21, 434, 435
Indianapolis Sentinel, 125, 126, 491n–92n
Injuries of
Nerves and Their Consequence (Mitchell), 288
Ireland, 255
Ireland, Alleyne, 452–53, 457, 465, 480n, 482n
Iron Mountain Railway, 51, 186
Ittner, Anthony, 56, 62, 63–64, 68–69, 74, 140, 483n
James, William, 483n
Jay Cooke and Co., 101, 103
Jefferson, Thomas, 461
Jellett, Morgan, 362
Jerome, Leonard, 259
Jerome, William, 427, 428, 430, 431, 432, 526n
Jewish Emigration Society (Pest), 17
Jews, Judaism, xiii, 4, 9–11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 47, 66n, 108–9, 141, 146, 178, 248–49, 252, 253, 260–63, 265, 288, 324, 366, 395, 443, 474n, 498n, 499n, 520n
John Romer, 22, 28
Johnson, Andrew, 26, 81, 84, 121
Johnson, Charles P., 43, 48, 61, 66, 77–78, 82, 95, 96, 98, 101, 104, 137, 153, 172–73, 184, 187–88, 200, 480n, 489n
Jones, Charles H., 301–2, 305, 307–8, 332–33
Jordan, Elizabeth, 458–59, 516n
Journalist, 223–24, 261
J. P. Morgan & Co., 417
Julius Caesar (Shakespeare), 202, 436
Jump, Edward, 104
Justice Department, U.S., xii, 4–5, 421–24, 426, 428, 429–36, 446–50, 525n, 526n
Kansas City Journal, 65
Kealing, Joseph, 435
Keller, Helen, 288
Kelsoe, William A., 482n
Keppler, Joseph, 75, 108, 494n
Klunder, Charles, 258
Knapp, Charles, 186, 195, 198, 346, 393
Knapp, George, 154, 195, 198
Knapp, John, 154
Knott, James Proctor, 140
Know-Nothing movement, 225
Knox, Philander Chase, 423
Kossuth, Lajos, 11, 12, 116
Ku Klux Klan, 108, 493n
labor movement, 183–84, 190–91, 212, 272, 293, 296–98
Laclede Hotel, 166–67
Lake to Gulf Waterways Association, 423
Lamar, Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus, 140, 145
“land sharks,” 27–28
Langtry, Lillie, 229
Lathan, Robert, 456
Ledlie, George H., 304, 341, 373–74, 375, 396, 454, 459
le Doll, Masy, 247
Lee, Robert E., 24
Leech, Margaret, 461
Lemps brewery, 60
Leo X, Pope, 73
Leslie, Miriam, 254
Leviathan (Hobbes), 314
Lexow, Rudolph, 112
Liberal Republican Convention (1872), 80–94, 105, 126, 138, 173, 181, 489n–90n
Liberal Republicans, 57–58, 69, 71–77, 78, 80–94, 95, 97, 100, 104–6, 112, 120, 125, 126, 127, 128, 136, 138, 140, 173, 175–76, 181, 488n, 489n–90n, 492n, 493n, 494n
Liberty (Pulitzer’s yacht), 1–2, 5, 412–13, 415, 416, 420, 421, 424, 426, 427, 433, 434, 436–37, 444, 446, 452, 456–57
Life, 377, 521n
Life of Louis XI, The (Hare), 457, 528n Liggett, Dolly, 171
Lincoln, Abraham, 22, 23, 24, 84, 103, 123, 128, 154
Lindell, Peter, 489n
Lindell Hotel, 153, 176, 200–201
Lippmann, Walter, 462
Livy, 12
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 313, 315, 316–17
London Evening Standard, 256
Los Angeles Times, 261
Louis-Philippe I, King of France, 11
Louis XI, King of France, 457, 528n
Louisiana, 32, 130–31
Louisville Courier-Journal, 76, 85, 178, 249
Low, Seth, 377, 379, 458
loyalty oaths, 43–44, 53, 57, 74
Lucas, Charles, 62
Luce, Henry, 521n
Lucille Pulitzer Scholarship, 337
Luther, Martin, 73
Lyman, Robert, 413–14, 434
lynchings, 107–8
Lyon, Nathan, 67
McAllister, Ward, 241, 258
Macarow, Maud Alice, 396, 404, 405, 408
Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 422, 457
McClellan, Brinton, 306
McClellan, George, 306–7, 514n
McClurg, Joseph, 71, 72, 73, 74
McCullagh, Joseph, 80–82, 111, 156, 157, 158, 161, 164, 173, 174, 177, 184, 201, 493n, 500n, 502n
McCullough, John, 144, 202, 499n
McDougall, Walt, 225–28, 230–31, 248, 259, 263, 296
McDowell, Joseph Nash, 481n
Mackay, Katherine, 379–80, 389, 399
McKee, William, 102–3, 120, 488n, 493n
MacKenna, Stephen, 405, 409, 410
McKim, Mead, and White, 257, 362–63, 371–72
McKinley, William, 327–28, 338, 339, 342, 359, 369–70, 372–73, 389, 407, 521n
McKinley Tariff Act (1890), 285–86, 296
McLane, James W., 264, 271, 458
McLane, Robert, 254
McLean, John, 204, 217, 320–21
McNamara, Stewart, 433, 434, 437
McReynolds, James, 449
Madison Square Garden, 137, 209, 406
Maine sinking (1898), 3, 338–39
Majestic, 290, 291, 343, 374
Makó, Moravia, 9–12, 14, 15–16, 17, 474n, 475n
Manhattan Club, 128, 216
Manlius, Titus, 12
Mann, Friedrich, 457, 459
“Map of Bryanism: Twelve Years of
Demagogy and Defeat—An Appeal of
Independent Democratic Thought, by
the New York World, The,” 415
Marable, Manton, 263
Marie Antoinette, 278
Marine Bank, 240
Marmaduke, John, 153
Martin Chuzzlewit (Dickens), 517n
Mary Stuart, 353
Maximilian I, Emperor of Mexico, 17–18, 26
Meilhac, Henri, 100
Mendelssohn, Moses, 14
Mephistopheles, 154, 493n
Mercantile Library (St. Louis), 32–33, 39, 51, 126, 202, 482n
Merrill, Bradford, 300, 312, 341–42, 345, 348, 358, 386–87, 388, 391–92, 394, 459
Merrill, William H., 244, 250, 253, 265, 296–98, 335, 353–54, 383, 400–401
Metcalfe, Lyne, 139
Metropolitan Museum of Art, 461
Metropolitan Opera House, 258, 399
Military Academy, U.S., 435
Mill on the Floss, The (Eliot), 290
Mississippi River, 29–30, 103, 112, 480n, 496n
Missouri, 43–46, 70, 74, 82, 97, 106–10, 115, 116–19, 120, 130, 139–40, 144, 199, 220, 229, 332
Missouri Constitutional Convention (1875), 109–10, 115, 116–19, 120, 144
Missouri Democrat, 43, 45, 65, 71, 73–76, 77, 80–81, 83–84, 92, 102, 120, 154, 346, 485n, 488n, 492n, 493n
Missouri Grange, 105
Missouri Pacific Railroad, 56, 106, 297, 485n
Missouri Republican, 43, 74, 82, 102, 106, 114, 164, 165, 166, 178, 184, 187, 198, 201, 202, 346, 485n
Missouri River, 56, 401–2, 496n
Missouri Staats-Zeitung, 77
Miss Vinton’s School for Girls, 380
Mitchell, Edward P., 130
Mitchell, S. Weir, 287–88, 290, 294–95, 376
monopolies, 102, 162–63, 171, 176, 198–99, 208, 217–18, 219, 220, 225, 230–31, 246, 271, 296–98, 356, 371, 389, 392–93, 399–400, 454, 507n, 518n
Monroe Doctrine, 26, 313
Montgomery, Elizabeth, 362
Moore, Edith Pulitzer, see Pulitzer, Edith
Moore, William Scoville, 462
Moravia, 9–12, 14, 15–16, 17, 474n, 475n
Moray Lodge, 324–25
Morgan, Edwin D., 492n
Morgan, J. Pierpont, xi, 1, 254, 258, 259–60, 290, 315–17, 331, 391, 401, 405–6, 417, 434
mortgages, 155, 160, 170–71, 175–76, 257, 289, 293
Morton, Anna, 260
Morton, Levi P., 126, 127, 259, 260, 313, 496n
Mountain Democrat, 72
Mount Desert Island, 271, 337
Munkácsy, Mihály,
Nast, Thomas, 231, 496n
National Associated Press, 160
National Grange, 105
Navy, U.S., 338, 342–43
Neolog reform movement, 11, 15
Neuda, Max, 442
Neue Anzeiger, 55
Newark Advertiser, 99
Newman, Eric P., xii
newspaper boys (“newsies”), 169, 183–84, 191, 226, 238, 349–54, 355, 358, 518n
afternoon, 157–58, 162, 171, 172, 273
auctions of, 101–3, 153–57, 172, 175–76
circulation of, 195, 203, 207, 261–62, 320–22, 343, 344–45, 481n
comics published in, 330–31
compositors for, 190–91, 198, 208, 209
counting rooms of, 167, 169
crime stories in, 166, 213–14, 226–27, 321
“ears” design in, 211
editorial staff of, 85–86, 90–93, 129–30, 138, 173
evening, 153, 157–58, 159, 168, 261–62, 273, 349–53, 424
“extras” of, 350
finances of, 173, 197–98, 500n
free speech protections for, 118–19, 150, 426–27, 429, 434, 449–50
German, 31, 44, 61, 90–93, 101–2, 482n, 491n
headlines of, 165, 321
illustrations in, 76–77, 225–28, 230–31, 245, 259, 296, 321, 496n, 506n
independent, 159, 161, 192, 195, 208–9, 217, 231, 461
management of, 173, 197–98
mergers of, 156, 160–61, 170, 206–7
morning, 159, 321, 350, 355, 414, 462
newsstand price of, 183–84, 211, 219, 224, 289, 322, 323, 325–26, 349–53, 355, 357, 517n, 518n
paper used for, 12, 159, 237, 326, 350, 454
Park Row headquarters of, 21, 27, 98, 129–30, 191–92, 205, 206
penny, 98, 203, 320, 321, 322, 323, 325–26, 350, 357
political cartoons in, 225–28, 230–31, 245, 259, 296, 496n, 506n
printing presses for, 154, 159, 162, 167–68, 171, 175, 177, 194–95, 198, 286, 340, 415, 500n, 506n
“Pulitzer formula” for, 213–14, 251–52
sensationalism used by, 3–4, 209, 213–15, 251–52, 253, 260, 261–62, 273, 297, 320, 330–31, 338–41, 345–46, 357, 372–73, 377, 403, 453, 521n
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