Neon Nights

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Neon Nights Page 13

by by: Anthony mayfield

  They reluctantly began to do as they were ordered. Vice and Connley took each briefcase, removed the money and put it in the suitcases they had brought along. 'Is that everyone?' Thayer asked. No one said anything. Thayer walked around the table looking down to making sure that every briefcase had been turned in. He stopped behind the chair of a huge German fellow whose card said Hans Weber. 'Uhhh, Mr. Weber, You forgot to pass your briefcase toward the front. That's okay though, since I'm here I'll take it with me." He reached down to get the briefcase, Hans beat him to it. Grabbing the handle, he stood up and swerved around to face Thayer. As he did, he upset a large mug of beer that he'd been drinking. 'You're not taking my money.' Hans angrily said. Thayer, still holding the gun, said' Now Mr. Weber, let's be reasonable. ' 'No!' Hans shouted. "You be reasonable. You can look all day through your papers and you won't find my name in there. I'm one of the guests. You've got nothing on me , I'm clean. I earn my money honestly.' 'Well Mr. Weber, you're partially right. However, I do have something on you, namely, this gun. And while you may have earned your money honestly that does not negate the fact that with the push of certain computer keys, I can find out where you live, who your wife and children are, where your parents and siblings are, and anything pertinent about you. And with that information, I will personally kill, or destroy everyone and everything that is near and dear to your heart.' He looked around the room at the other men. 'The same thing goes for the rest of our guests. Should any one of you go to the authorities or make mention of this to anyone including yourselves, and I find out about it I'll kill all of you. You've got my word on that.' He politely smiled, turned and faced Hans and said, 'Now, give me the money!" Hans stood looking at Thayer. He was six feet tall, thirty six years old, with a power weight lifter's body. Thayer stood looking at Hans with one hand held out and the other clutching the gun.

  Suddenly, Hans swung the briefcase and knocked the gun from Thayer's hand. Thayer lost his balance, as he was falling, Hans threw a punch that narrowly missed Thayer's mouth and landed on his chin. Thayer dropped like a lead ball. Instantly, Vice leaped on the table, wrapped a cord around Han's neck and began pulling the ends violently in opposite directions. Hans groped for air as he tried to pull the cord from his neck. He began to twist and turn one way and then the next. Vice jumped on his back and wrapped his legs around the trunk of Han's body. Terron stood blocking the door with a gun in his hand. While Connley helped Thayer to his feet. Thayer shook his head and grabbed his chin examining it to determine if anything was broken. He looked at Hans who was still thrashing around like a wild stallion trying to throw an unwelcome rider. Thayer stumbled over toward them and gave Hans a swift kick in between his legs. Hans dropped to his knees and fell over. Slowly, Vice removed the rope. Thayer rolled him over on his back and straddled him. Hans was barely breathing. Looking at Terron he said, 'throw me your knife Terron ran his hand in his pocket produced the switchblade and tossed it to Thayer. Thayer looked around at the other men. 'Obviously, my word didn't mean anything to Mr. Weber. Therefore, he has to be taught a lesson. I hope that you too will learn from this; it will prevent it from ever happening to you or your family. I'm not going to kill Mr. Weber, at least not here, it would create unnecessary trouble trying to explain a dead body and all. However, as you all know, pain is the next best way to persuade a man to see things in a different light. Hans was beginning to stir a little bit more. Thayer turned to him, rolled back his upper lip, plunged the tip of the knife into Han's upper gum and gauged out his two front teeth. Hans let out a yell. Blood spurted from the wound and ran down his throat. As soon as Thayer got up off of him Hans bolted up chaunting and spitting blood.

  Thayer smiled blissfully at the twisted, horror stricken faces of the men who had witnessed the act. He reached down and picked up the briefcase. Standing, he announced, 'This meeting is officially over. Remember, not a word about this to anyone, or worse will happen to your loved ones first and then to you.' He adjusted his clothing and strode gracefully toward the door. As Vice and Connley picked up the heavy suitcase that was filled with millions of dollars.

  Thayer decided to keep Han's briefcase because it matched his suit beautifully. Just before exiting, Thayer turned and said to the men, 'be sure to retrieve your empty briefcases and stay here until lunch has been served. As for Hans, call the desk, tell them he slipped and hit his mouth on the table, they'll probably call him an ambulance. Oh, and try not to feel too bad about your little investment. Just call Jake up, he'll help you get this back and more. Don't be harsh with Jake, use him, afterall, you never know, I might just need

  another little investment from you boys. And since Jake has the golden touch, I personally suggest that you hurry

  idly call him to increase you bottom line. Chow.' One of the men stood up defiantly and began to complain. He was saying,' we can't let him get away with this.' Suddenly the door sprung open, Thayer popped in holding the nine millimeter gun. He aimed it at the man and pulled the trigger. The gun clicked, Thayer said,'Bang. You're dead." The man fell back in his chair as though he'd been shot. His eyes were wide and his mouth agape. 'The next time it will be loaded, I assure you.' Thayer said as he turned, chuckled and exited the room.


  Chapter 12

  Ora was kneeling in front of the stereo working the knobs as if they were Nintendo joysticks. She was trying to pick up the latest tunes. On the radio 'Boom, Poppa, Boom, you gotta fight the power that Be!' It was a rap song. She kicked up the volume, adjusted the base and began to dance. "Hey,' I like that, she said.' 'Yeah, you would.' Sisela said under her breath.

  Thayer and the others entered the room. Thayer was talking to the others when Ora pranced up to him and asked, 'How do I look?' 'You look like the tramp you were sent to be. Now sit down and shut up. No, on the other hand, make yourself useful and hand me the phone.' Broken in spirit, she turned and went after the phone. Thayer was still giving orders, 'Terron, take Vice to the garage to pick up the car. Then, take the money to five different banks and deposit 20 million at each one in my name. Make sure it's deposited in an interest bearing checking account and be sure to bring back a starter checkbook from each account. Vice, you bring the car back here, 'What am I supposed to do with the van?" Terron asked. 'Yeah, that's right,' Thayer thought out loud.

  The sound of one hundred million dollars perked Ora up. She returned smiling as she handed Thayer the phone. Thayer took the phone and began pushing buttons. 'Hold on a minuet, Terron,' he said. He dialed the car rental place and asked to speak to the manager. "Hello.' 'Hello. My name is Thayer Diamond. A few hours ago, my partner rented a van from your store.' 'Is there some problem with it, Mr. Diamond?' 'No. It runs well. In fact, it runs so well we would like to buy it. How much do you want for it?" 'Well, we really had no plans to sell it. A brand new van like that will cost you $24.000' Thayer interrupted, 'Yeah, but it's not new. Listen, I don't have time to play crappy negotiation games, how much do you want for the van?' There was a moments silence. 'Well!' Thayer shouted. '$18,000.00.' the manager replied. 118.000, Thayer squalled as if it were a lot of money. I'm sure you'll take $16,000 in cash, right?" 'Cash?' he asked. 'That's right, Cash.' Thayer repeated. "Uhhh, yes, sir.' 'I figured you would, Thayer smugly said. 'All right, someone will be there shortly with the money. Have all the paperwork ready and put everything in my name. That's Thayer Diamond. T.H.A.Y.E.R. You got that?" 'Yes, sir. I've got it.' 'Good,' Thayer said, before slamming the receiver back into it's cradle. 'All right, Terron, you heard that, now get going." Terron pointed toward the briefcase. 'What about that?" 'What about it?' Thayer asked. 'You want it to go to the bank too?' Thayer thought for a minuet. 'No, leave it I'll need some spending money.'

  Terron turned and began to walk away. Vice was following when he got a thought. 'Hey Thayer,' he said. 'What in hell is it now?' 'Are we all going to live in the same house?" 'Good question. No we aren't. That wouldn't look right. Tell you what, on you're way back, pick up a paper and we'll go through
the real estate section and find the rest of you somewhere to live on the other side of town.' With that, Vice and Terron left.

  Olar and Quanna had observed all that had taken place. Quanna was pacing the floor with one hand on her hip and the other underneath her chin. 'I've seen these hoodlums somewhere else. Where was it?' She kept asking herself out loud. Olar butted in, 'Listen Quanna, I didn't invite you here to renew old acquaintances. You saw the way Ora reacted when Thayer rejected her. That's a golden opportunity. Now get to work or I'll find someone else to give such an easy mark to.' 'Yeah, you're right, she said.' With that, she eased over to Ora and began whispering in her ear. 'Whew!" Olar said breathing a temporary sigh of relief, 'that was close.' Seeing things under control he took off after Terron.

  Thayer was on the phone again. 'Yeah, this is Thayer Diamond. Is Jake still there?" 'Yes he is.' the voice on the other end said. "Just a minuet." After a long wait, a hurried Jake Quinnery snatched up the phone. 'Ba-El, sorry to have kept you, my lord. I was offering a sacrifice to satan. How can I help you master?' Irritated from waiting, Thayer said nothing. 'BA-El? Master, are you there?" Afraid that Thayer hung up, Jake got nervous. Panic set in and he began shouting. 'My Lord are you there?' 'No need to shout,' Thayer calmly said. I am here.' 'Oh, thank God, for a split second' 'Thank who?" Thayer yelled. 'Forgive me, sire, I meant, Uhh, thank goodness, I mean thank darkness that you were still there.' 'Quit your rambling Jake and listen,' Thayer ordered. I need all the information that you have on these men. Are you ready?" 'Just a second, Lord, let me get a pen and paper. I'm ready.' Thayer began rattling off the names of the 15 men who had attended the meeting. Also I want you to give me an honorable background. Tell where I went to school, law school specifically, who my parents are, how I acquired a vast wealth, and where I've been before now. Add anything that's important which I have overlooked. Insert this information in the FBI's computer system and have a copy hand delivered to me at 1749 Oakwood, in Briarpatch, at 4:30p.m. sharp. And since I'm going to run against Kenny Matthews for the Mayor's office in Briarpatch, I'll need you to gather up a committee of men and women to work and support my campaign. Scour Briarpatch until you locate a building large enough to serve as our headquarters. And one last thing, find out what important issues concern the citizens of Briarpatch and how Matthews stands on each issue. Do you have all

  of that?" 'Yes, BA-El, I have it.' 'Can you do all of that?' Thayer asked. "Yes," Jake answered. Thayer hung up.

  Terron and Vice were quiet all the way to the garage. Once there, Vice hopped out, told Tenon he'd see him later, turned and walked away. Tenon never uttered a word, he just stepped on the gas peddle and headed for downtown.

  Olar sat and watched him for a few minutes before he said anything. At the right moment, he said, 'Thayer is really losing it. He would not have had a place for us to stay if Vice hadn't said something. And for someone who claims to be in "absolute control", Jake Quinnery is supplying a whole lot of the answers. Without him, where would Thayer be?" Olar sat quiet again and watched Tenon to see if the words were being accepted. Olar started again. 'He has everything, and we have nothing. All the money will be in his name, the property is in his name, and he has control over the women. If he botches things up, we're all right back in hell." Angrier, Tenon pressed down hard on the accelerator. He pounded on the steering wheel with both hands and shouted, 'I'm gong to kill that low life and take over!' Olar whispered, 'How's your nose?" Instantly Tenon grabbed it, It was still sore. 'Remember what Thayer said, olar continued. 'Think about the consequences of your actions before you commit them.' There is a better way, Vengeance is oh, so sweet. 'Yeah," Tenon thought, calming down just a bit. He spotted a bank and pulled on to the parking lot. Olar eased away from him and smiled at the progress he was making.

  Tenon was at the last bank when he realized he had 34 million instead of 20 million. He was about to deposit it all in Thayer's name when Olar spoke to him. 'Thayer said to put 20 million in each account. Remember he said he was in complete control and for you to do as he said without asking questions. After all, it's not your fault that 14 million is left over." Olar continued. 'So why not take enough out to pay for the van, put 20 million in Thayer's account, and put the rest in an account in your name?" Tenon smiled, nodded his head and thought 'Yeah, that's exactly what I'll do. I"ll show him." He had given all of the information for Thayer's account and was completing his own when the teller asked 'Sir, what is your last name?" Startled momentarily, Tenon repeated, 'My last name?' 'Yes sir. I need your last name to complete the account.' He thought hard for a moment, 'let's see, what's a good last name. I'm a terror demon. That's it, uhh. My last name is demon.' 'Demon?' she asked. "Yes with two m's" "Oh, Demmon,' she said. I didn't hear you the first time.' He snickered at his cleverness at adding the extra letter to avoid suspicion. Upon leaving as with the other banks, he left with an armload of gifts for his deposit which included anything from VCR's to furniture to airplane tickets. Once back in the van, he

  carefully separated his checks from Thayers. Smiling broadly, he started the van and headed for the car rental store to purchase the van.

  When Vice returned to the hotel, it was 3:15. Thayer was anxiously awaiting his return. He was pacing the floor murmuring curse words every so often. When Vice walked in, Thayer bellowed, 'What took you so long, fool! You know I've got to be at the house by 4:00p.m.' 'Well, I didn't. . ." "Oh shut up and give me the keys.' Vice held the keys up, Thayer snatched them and said, 'Vice, you and Connley wait here for Terron to return. When he gets back have him bring me a checkbook to the house. 'Sicily come on, you're going with me.' 'What about me?" Ora moaned. 'You go with them. And listen,nobody touches her, understood." Connley looked at Thayer and said, 'Yeah, we understand.'

  Terron showed up about twenty minuets after Thayer had left. They told him what was going on and that Thayer needed a checkbook. Vice, Connley, and Ora piled in the van. When they arrived the broker , Thayer and Sisela were coming out of the house. Each of them sported big plastic smiles. 'Here they are now.' Terron heard Thayer say. He briskly walked up to the van. Talking lower, he said park the van on the street. Ora, stay in the van until they get back. Come on in guys.' 'Why can't I come too?' she protested. 'Shut up and so as you're told. 'Thayer barked.

  The property they were viewing was a large, beautiful ranch style home, with 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, a kitchen, dining room, living room, family room and a large finished basement with a three car garage. The asking price was $240,000. Thayer offered $220,000 in cash. The offer was accepted and he wrote a check. The broker went away with a grateful grin on his face. He waved heartily as he pulled off. As he was leaving, Jake Quinnery pulled up. 'My lord, I have the information you requested.' he said. Thayer pulled him over to the side and chastised him. 'Are you trying to ruin our whole mission?' Puzzled, Jake asked, 'Huh? Who me?' 'Yeah, you, buffoon. I appreciate the admiration but keep it in private. In public I'm Thayer Diamond, got it?" 'Yes, sir. Mr. Diamond.' Quinnery answered. 'Thank you. Now, what have you got for me?' Oh, excuse me one minuet. He went over to the van, pounded on the side and told Ora she could get out. She emerged with a sullen expression on her face. She eyed Thayer and Jake before going into the house.

  'All, right, Thayer said, now show me what you've got." 'First of all, Jake began, this is the address to your campaign headquarters. It's about three miles from here. Even as we speak, signs are being erected, telephones are being installed, and slogans are being written. The campaign manager's name is Simon Zeek and your advisor is Paul Smith. Here are

  dossiers on them, their pictures are included also. Now , he continued while handing Thayer a stack of vital papers, this is you. Everything in here is registered in computers worldwide. It tells your parent's names, when and how they died, and it has school transcripts, degrees you received and even copies of your fingerprints. Thayer , in awe asked, "My fingerprints! How did you do that?" "We took the prints from one of the children born at the center, enlarged them t
o adult size, and stored them in the computer with your name." 'But what about the child?' Thayer asked. 'There is nothing to worry about, he was sacrificed as I was leaving today.' Thayer burst into joyous laughter. 'Excellent, Jake. This is excellent." Jake smiled and said, 'Thank you sir." 'Come on, let's go in the house," Thayer said as he put his arm around Jake shoulder.

  The others were walking through the house admiring it. Ora simply loved it. She wanted desperately to stay there. Quanna was at her side to remind her constantly that she wouldn't be living there. She told her that she'd probably be living in some dumpy little shack. 'Well, What do you think? Thayer asked the others. The response was the same, everyone loved it.

  "So, did you find a place for us?' Connley asked. 'As a matter of fact, I did" He handed Connley the real estate section of the newspaper. There was a property circled. When you leave here, go and buy this property for yourselves. Connley took the paper and read the description. 'Hey, this is a two family flat, on the south side of town, and it's in need of repair." he complained. 'So what, it needs a little work, We'll get it fixed up.' Thayer said. 'Why a two family flat?' Vice asked. 'So it won't look strange. I figure Vice, you and Connley can stay in one unit and Terron in the other.' 'Why does he get to have an apartment by himself?' Vice angrily asked. 'Listen, I don't care who lives where. You can live in the van for all I care." 'What about the prostitute?" Terron asked. 'I ain't no prostitute?" Ora yelled. Thayer asked Jake, 'Can you find a nice apartment somewhere not far away for her to stay?" 'Sure, I can handle that. I'll call the hotel and let you know where it's at. I'll find a furnished one, it that's all right.' 'That's fine, Thayer answered. Well that's that. Now I better get to the press conference.' 'Would you like Paul and Simon to meet you there?" Jake asked. 'Can they? Is it too late?' Thayer wondered. 'No, remember I told you that progress was being made and that your headquarters are just three miles away. They are there now. I can stop by with you, introduce everybody, to you and they can go with you.' 'Splendid' Thayer answered. 'Yeah, let's do that.'


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