Neon Nights

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Neon Nights Page 21

by by: Anthony mayfield

  the oomph, and ows as the lazar severed all those it hit. When all was quiet, Johnny deactivated the device and they ran down the stairs.

  From another section, a wave of others attacked. Johnny and the others took cover and the fighting continued. Johnny slipped behind the enemy and went to look for Nancy as the angels held off the attackers. He looked in room after room until he came to the altar room and there he found Nancy. She was nude and tied to the altar. She had been connected to a blood letting device that drained her blood drop by drop. Johnny ran over to her, untied her, and disconnected her from the device and she slipped on one of the robes that was at the altar.

  A light came on, standing in the back of them was Terron and Thayer holding guns. 'Nimmeon, Thayer said, I've waited a long time for this very moment. Take the bullet proof vest off." Johnny just stood there as if he hadn't heard a word Thayer had said. 'I won't ask again.' he pointed the gun at Nancy and Johnny complied. Thayer and Terron approached them. 'Vengeance, how sweet it is. I shall win.' Thayer said.

  'Not really.' Johnny said. 'What do you mean, not really?' I'm holding the gun, my men are getting closer and closer to yours, and in a matter of minuets you'll be dead. So, I win." 'No, you're wrong. In a matter of minuets, we'll all be in the spirit world.' 'What are you talking about?' "You see this, Johnny said, while pointing to a bulb like device attached to his belt, this is a bomb. Not your ordinary bomb. It's an implosion bomb. I planted them in each room down here; in a matter of minuets this place with implode. Can't you feel how thin the air is getting?' 'He's lying Thayer, Terron said. He's just trying to buy time. Let's kill him and get out of here." Terron walked up to Johnny, put the gun to his head and was about to pull the trigger when Thayer yelled, 'Terron, what are you doing? I told you he was mine. Now drop that gun fool, or pay the price right now.' Olar, having returned from hell, whispered in Terron's ear, 'It's time.' Terron spun around pointed the gun at Thayer. Thayer was faster. "Blam!' Terron fell dead from a single shot to the head. Thayer walked over and took the machine gun from Terron's hand and pointed it at Johnny. 'Well my friend, it's time for you to go back to the spirit world, and should I go back and we meet again, I shall utterly destroy you."

  Just then, someone burst into the room. It was one of Johnny's men. Thayer turned and fired, the angel dropped to the floor and returned fire striking Thayer in the chest. Thayer stumbled backwards and fell to the floor. 'Quick, Johnny said, we must get out of here. This place will go in two minuets. Take her, see if there is anyone else and get out." 'What about you?" the angel asked. 'I'll be right behind you, I just want to check on BA-El.'

  Nancy and the angel were about to exit when they heard some tussling. They turned and Johnny was trying to wrestle a gun from Thayer's hand. Thayer pulled the trigger. 'Rat a tat tat." The angel pointed his gun at Thayer and shot. Thayer dropped as Johnny fell back. Nancy made a motion toward Johnny. The angel stopped her. "We haven't time, let's go!" He snatched her arm and pulled her out. They managed to get out seconds before the building caved in.

  Meanwhile, Sisela had found several hundred thousand dollars in the basement. She called and had first class seats reserved for her and Ora to Switzerland. While looking for the money, she found bank statements that showed the millions of dollars Thayer had at various banks. She accessed the banks computer numbers and had some money sent to Marla Roberts, Kenny Matthews, her relatives, Ora's relatives, and to Nancy and Michael, and she sent another ten million to the bank in Switzerland. 'That ought to do it." she said. They called a taxi and went to the airport. Once there, Sisela dropped some letters in the mailbox. 'What's that for?" Ora asked. "Oh, that's just information that will clear Kenny Matthews name and some letters to our relatives that will explain the money and pleading with them to accept Christ while there's still a chance.' 'Yeah, we blew our chance." Ora said. But that doesn't mean we can't help others.' 'And live extremely good while we do it." Ora added with a laugh. "Come on, let's board that plane.' Sisela said, and with that they left.

  Chapter 23

  Olar was jubilant. He was deliriously ecstatic. He zipped and zoomed through the air singing about his victory over BA-El and Quanna. Suddenly, out of no where, the demon that was at Quanna's trial appeared. He was much larger and more mighty than Olar. He plucked Olar from the air like a frog plucks flies, and then he descended back to hell. There, everyone waited. The demon reported his findings and tossed Olar at Satan's feet. Groveling, Olar wept and begged for mercy. "And mercy you shall have, Satan said, all of the mercy BA-El wishes to grant you." Olar looked up in time to see BA-El's foot raised high above his head once again. This time, however, he had no news that would deliver him, this time, the strongman eagerly anticipated Olar's doom. The crowd cheered and urged BA-El on, which he really didn't need. 'N0000! Olar cried, Don't dooo " 'Stomp.'

  Chapter 24

  Two weeks later, Marla, Nancy, and Michael were sitting around the table talking when someone knocked at the door. 'Now who could that be at this late hour?" Nancy said as she got up to answer the door. 'Who is it?' She asked while peeping through the peep hole. A man stood at the door with his face buried in his chest. He raised his head looked back at her through the peep hole and smiled. It was Johnny. She flung open and door and threw her arms around him joyously crying. 'Look everybody, it's Johnny.' She called out. Michael and Marla came to the door.

  'Johnny!" Michael exclaimed as he embraced him. They introduced him to Marla. She hugged him and thanked him for his prayers and help. 'But, I thought Thayer shot you.' Nancy said. 'But what you didn't see was the angel that stood in front of me. No one can harm you if God is on your side. Remember that.' 'I really can't stay long, I just wanted to say goodbye and let you know that I love and appreciate you guys. Stay with God and he'll stay with you.' He said. 'I've got to run,' with that he turned and trotted down the steps and on down the street. He had on the same jogging suit that he had on the day he and Nancy met. As he trotted down the street Nancy watched him. He seemed to grow brighter and brighter until in a flash of bright light, he was gone. For the first time, Nancy realized that he really was an angel. Excited she exclaimed while turning to the others, "Johnny is really an angel." 'Yeah, he is a super nice guy at that,' Michael said. 'No, I mean he is a real angel.' They looked at her blankly. 'Are you talking about his last name?" Marla asked. "Yeah, you didn't think I meant anything else did you?" She turned back and looked out the door, smiled in a wry, warm way, secretly thanked God, then turned and went back to the table with the others.

  the end




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