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Vesper Page 1

by Jeff Sampson


  A Deviants Novel




  Title Page

  Chapter 1 - You’re Not Going All Jekyll and Hyde, Are You?

  Chapter 2 - I Mean, It Could Have Been Me

  Chapter 3 - Big Ol’ Fatty Hambeast

  Chapter 4 - What am I?

  Chapter 5 - The Bubonic Teutonics

  Chapter 6 - Em Cee and Em Dub

  Chapter 7 - Sounds Like a Plan

  Chapter 8 - Thanks for the PSA

  Chapter 9 - There Has to Be a Logical Explanation

  Chapter 10 - I Heard What You Did

  Chapter 11 - The Emily and Megan Milkshake Spectacular

  Chapter 12 - Call Me Miss Webb

  Chapter 13 - Not Now

  Chapter 14 - When Will It Be Me?

  Chapter 15 - Communist Herrings, Huh?

  Chapter 16 - The Wolves Must Die

  Chapter 17 - But First, Some Clothes

  Chapter 18 - Nice to Meet You, Emily Webb

  Chapter 19 - Grown-Up



  About the Publisher

  The Vesper Company

  “Envisioning the brightest stars, to lead our way.”

  - Internal Document, Do Not Reproduce -

  Partial Transcript of the Interrogation of Branch B’s Vesper 1

  Part 1—Recorded Oct. 31, 2010

  [A chair squeaks. A male coughs.]

  F. Savage (FS): Testing. Say hello.

  Vesper 1 (V1): Hi.

  FS: Please state your name and age for the record.

  V1: [clears throat] My name is Emily Webb. I am sixteen years old.

  FS: And can you confirm that no one is forcing you to speak to me?


  FS: It can’t record a shrug, Emily.

  V1: Yeah, sorry. Sorry. Yes, I am recording this of my own free will.

  FS: I have to say that I’m very glad you’ve overcome your initial resistance, Emily. You’ll find that all we are asking is your help in forming a clearer picture of the events that took place prior to, ah, the incident.

  V1: Before you kidnapped us, you mean?

  FS: Erm, actually, I was referring to the unfortunate circumstances prior.

  [Chains clang.]

  V1: [sighs.] After I tell you everything, you’ll let us go, right?

  FS: Was that what you were told?

  V1: It was kind of implied, yeah.

  FS: I’ll have to check on that for you, then. In the meantime, we should begin reviewing your written account. [Papers are shuffled.] You’ve managed to write a lot of pages since you’ve been here, Emily. [More paper shuffling.] A whole, uh—a whole lot of pages.

  V1: Well, you asked me to write my story, so I thought—

  FS: No, no, it’s fine. It’s just a lot to read. So let’s review what we have. This is the account of the first week? Is that correct?

  V1: Yeah. That’s right.

  FS: Where does it start? The events in here,

  that is.

  V1: It starts the night Emily Cooke was killed. That was the first time I . . . the first time I became aware things weren’t normal.

  Chapter 1

  You’re Not Going All Jekyll and Hyde, Are You?

  I was halfway out my bedroom window when my cell rang.

  The ringtone was some ancient pop song from when I was twelve, the sound distorted and screechy. I was precariously balanced with one bare leg out the window and the other wedged against my desk chair. Now was definitely not the best time for a phone call.

  I ignored it, and the song cut off abruptly as the call went to voice mail. In the phone’s silent wake I could hear clearly the sounds of the night outside—the cool wind whistling past trees, a dog’s barks echoing between houses, some road-raging driver laying on his horn down the street.

  I needed to be out there. I wanted to dive into the darkness beyond my window, get filthy and carefree. Smiling, I started to push myself through my window.

  The cell rang again.

  Seriously, caller: horrendous timing.

  I shoved a hand into my shorts and pulled out my cell. The screen was blurry, so I squinted. It read REEDY.

  Reedy—my rail-thin best friend, Megan. My very persistent best friend, Megan.

  I had plans and so didn’t feel like talking . . . but this was Megan. I had to answer. Besides, I knew the whole persistent thing meant she wouldn’t stop calling until I picked up.

  I flipped open the cell and held it to my ear. “Hello?”

  “Emily?” Megan’s voice was jittery, anxious. “Is that you? Are you okay?”

  “What?” Weird question. Of course I was okay. I was better than okay.

  Something flitted past my window, some night bird swooping down to snatch up a rodent, maybe. My thoughts drifted away from Megan, from Megan’s tone and her questions, back to the world outside.

  It was as though the night had a smell. Some heavy scent that washed thickly over me and hovered in the air like beckoning fingers, as if I was in some old Looney Tunes cartoon. My body itched with the urge to leap out the window, hit the ground, and run.

  “Emily?” Megan asked again. Her voice was too low, too intense, and the sound of it buzzed in my ear like a fly.

  I shook my head and focused on the carpet inside my room. Splayed open on the floor was a book I’d dropped. Its words were fuzzy smudges on the pages. I vaguely recalled reading it earlier, but I had no memory of how it ended up thrown to the ground. That was . . . strange. Why had I dropped the book? What exactly was I in the midst of doing?

  “You there?”

  An itch to do something prickled over my limbs, and the wondering left me, washed away. I said, “It’s me. What’s up?”

  From the other end came a sigh of relief. “You sounded like Dawn for a second. Want to hear what I heard?”

  I didn’t, really. I wanted to click off the phone and dive outside. Instead I said, “Sure.”

  “You hear anything about Emily Cooke?”

  “What about her?”

  “She got shot,” Megan said flatly. “They just found her tonight, blocks and blocks away from her house. And get this, she was barefoot and in pajamas. No one has any idea what she was doing way out there. I heard it from that deputy in my brother’s band—you know, the drummer guy.”

  My hand went limp, and I almost dropped the phone. My mind went woozy for just a moment, and the words on the book beneath me focused, became clear. Whatever had been beckoning me outside vanished, and the bare leg I had stretched over the window felt suddenly cold.

  “They . . . found her?” I asked.

  A pause on the other end, then, “You know, found. As in, her body.”


  I blinked. My eyes felt far too dry. Should I be crying? I didn’t know Emily Cooke very well. We’d shared classes since elementary school and were the same age, but for the last nine years I’d only ever known her as “the other Emily.” It had been annoying to always be confused with her by teachers each school year, but that annoyance felt stupid now.

  “Are you still there?”

  I nodded. Then, feeling like an idiot, I said, “I’m here. That’s really awful. Poor Emily. Her poor parents . . .”

  “Whatever, she was just some insipid rich girl who’d have grown up to be the next Paris Hilton, anyway.” Megan’s voice softened. “It was just . . . I heard ‘Emily,’ and ‘dead,’ and I freaked. It happened only a few streets away from where you live, and Em, I thought it was you. Lucas told me that it was Emily Cooke, but I had to call you and make sure.”

  “No, it wasn’t me,” I said. “I’m . . . fine.”

  Except, no. I wasn’t fine at all.

  “Well, okay. I’m glad you’re okay, Em. See you in the morning. Seven thirty?”


  The phone clicked and I lowered it from my ear. My leg trembling, I started to pull myself back inside. Whatever it was that had made me want to jump out of my bedroom window was gone, and the dark outdoors seemed about as inviting as an off-season summer camp when a masked serial killer is on the prowl.

  Feelings I didn’t really understand washed over me, distracted me. Sort of like my brain was filled with air and making me woozy. I couldn’t focus as I pulled myself inside and I lost my balance, toppling off the windowsill and onto the floor.

  Graceful. And to think I used to want to be a ballerina.

  Behind me, the bedroom door opened. “Hey, you okay? I heard a noise.”

  My stepsister, Dawn, stood in the doorway, her highlighted hair tied back into a neat swirl, her face like a teen magazine cover model’s even without makeup. Her body always appeared flawlessly curvy, even now when it was covered with a giant Tweety T-shirt. I had no idea how she did it.

  Getting a good look at me sprawled on the floor, Dawn’s eyes grew wide. “Dude,” she said, “wow. You look . . . wow.”

  I got to my feet, trying to ignore the stunned look on her face.

  Then she took in the open window, the pale yellow curtains fluttering in the evening breeze. “Going somewhere?” she asked.

  I hesitated, because I didn’t understand what I’d been doing. The way I’d been thinking . . . wanting to leap outside and run around? Not wanting to pick up a call from Megan, of all people? It didn’t make sense. I would never do that.

  I stood, shivering. The breeze was insanely cold. I shoved the window down and latched it.

  Dawn shut the door and came to my side. “Hey, you didn’t hit your head or anything, did you?” She crouched down and set the desk chair upright, eyes not leaving my face. “It would suck if you just learned how to dress less like a soccer mom only to have to miss out on the first day of school because of a concussion.”

  “No,” I muttered. “No, I’m okay, I think, it’s just . . . Emily’s dead.”

  “Is that a metaphor or something? Like the old Emily is dead and this”—Dawn waved her hand at my clothes—“is the new Emily? That’s so meta.”

  It took a moment for me to realize what Dawn meant—then I glanced down and saw my cleavage. My very exposed cleavage. I spun toward the mirror that hung next to the open closet and saw myself: short-shorts, way-too-small shirt, brown hair flowing to my shoulders, no glasses, and way too much makeup—vampy red lips and smoky eyes, like I was about to head out to go clock in for my shift at the local house of ill repute.

  “Oh, what the—” My arms shot up to cover my chest. “I look—I don’t know what—”

  I never dressed like that. Ever. The day I sprouted breasts and hips before all the other girls in my grade was the day I learned what it felt like to have everyone stare at me, not knowing what they were thinking. Wondering if they thought my lumps and bulges were as hideous as I did, feeling ashamed as other kids pointed, snickered behind their palms, brushed their hands against parts they shouldn’t have gone near.

  So, yeah, my attire generally didn’t include cleavage.

  I met Dawn’s confused eyes, tried to pretend I wasn’t embarrassed that she was seeing me like this. “I opened the window and Megan called. She was checking on me because another girl named Emily was found. Dead, I mean. She was shot not all that far from here.”

  “Oh no,” Dawn said. She sat on my bed and picked up the plush Corgi dog that sat at its end, cradling it in her lap. “That’s so sad. And really scary. Did you know her?”

  “No, not really,” I said. “She was Emily C. and I was Emily W., in every class ever, but that was about it. We aren’t—weren’t—into the same things.”

  Dawn held up the stuffed toy dog. “So she wouldn’t have any Corgis named Ein, then?”

  “She was more into clothes and stuff, I think.” I shook my head. “I can’t believe it. Emily Cooke . . .”

  “That’s so sad,” Dawn said again. She stood, arranging Ein just so on my wrinkled bedspread and gave me a serious look. “But if someone just got shot down the street, going outside right now is not a good idea, Em. Whoever did it could still be out there.”

  “Yeah, no outside for me. I don’t even like outside. I don’t know what . . .” I trailed off as I went back to studying myself. Whatever feeling that had possessed me to start climbing out my freakin’ second-story window was long gone, and now I was feeling . . . normal again.

  I went to my closet. Digging through the dirty laundry piled on the floor, I found the ratty University of Washington hoodie I usually wore around the house and pulled it on. All covered up, like I preferred. Surveying myself in the mirror, I said, “There.”

  “Seriously, Emily, middle ground,” Dawn said as she came up behind me. “You don’t need to go over the top, but you are way too good-looking to hide yourself under a hoodie. Boys are only gonna see you as one of the guys if you dress like this all the time.”

  I pulled my hair back into a ponytail. “Thanks, but that’s just not me. I don’t mind that boys don’t see me as anything.”

  It was a lie. Of course I hoped that maybe one day someone would notice me, even if I was afraid of what they’d think when they did. But admitting that to Dawn would have given her way too much ammo to fire the next time she tried to convince me to let her do a makeover.

  Dawn threw her hands up, surrendering. “Okay, well, don’t say I didn’t try to share my older-stepsister wisdom. I just want you to discover the inherent hotness that is Emily Webb before it’s too late.”

  I turned Dawn toward the bedroom door and playfully pushed her out. “All righty, fashion hour extravaganza is over, I need to go to bed now. First day of school tomorrow.”

  “No going out your window!” Dawn said as she began to close the door.

  I kicked off my sandals. “I won’t. I wasn’t really going to go outside, I was just hot.”

  Dawn gave me a doubtful look.

  “Hey,” I said. “I was gonna ask you, this weekend sometime: you, me, and a Whedonverse marathon? I feel a need to get my Buffy on.”

  “‘Get my Buffy on’?” Dawn shook her head. “Seriously? Once we rid you of your shlubby clothes, we’ve really got to work on how you talk.”

  “What’s wrong with how I talk?”

  “Too large a topic to deal with now, Grasshopper.” Dawn pointed at me. “Now, wait. Don’t think changing the subject will make me forget about the window thing. Seriously, there could be some wacko out there killing people.”

  “Don’t worry, I got it. No sneaking out.”

  I smiled at Dawn as she gave me a flippy wave and headed to her room, then shut my bedroom door and leaned back against it to take in a long, deep breath.

  Okay, so whoa. Let’s stop for a second, flip it, and reverse it, because listen: As you’ve likely guessed by now, I was so not the type of girl who gets dressed up in tight clothes and sneaks out of windows. I’d never snuck out of anything in my life. I didn’t have any place to sneak out to. My idea of a fun night was diving into the massive To Be Read pile of books stacked near my dresser, or draping myself in a Slanket and marathoning old sci-fi shows on DVD. No latest fashions, no parties, no football games—I was the girl with the big sweatshirts who loved everything geeky.

  What I wasn’t was someone who ran around dressed like she just got finished with a particularly sleazy Maxim photo shoot. Maybe that was what the other Emily was like, but I don’t know. I guess I’ll never know.

  Yet only a few minutes before, I’d felt . . . different. Wild, free from all my debilitating self-consciousness, and, well, pretty. It had been thrilling, because I can’t lie—I’d thought about it. A lot. What it would feel like to not be so endlessly mousy, not so ashamed of what I hid beneath baggy clothes. To instead be a girl who oozed confidence, who was actually at eas
e with the body she was stuck in. Someone graceful and commanding and as kick-ass as the women in all the books and shows and movies I loved.

  But still. You usually don’t just become that type of girl overnight. It was all massively unsettling.

  I opened my top dresser drawer. Pulling a makeup wipe from its little box, I began to clean my face. I had to really scrub. The makeup was heavy and thick, foundation cracking on my cheeks and the eyeliner goopy. The chemical in the wipe stung my eyes and made my contacts burn.

  I went to the bathroom and popped them out. My reflected image went blurry around the edges, and I remembered how the book on my floor had seemed fuzzy while I was talking to Megan, even with my contacts in. Then Megan had told me about Emily Cooke, my brain had gone all dizzy, and I’d started to see clearly again just as I began to feel normal.

  Yeah. That was weird.

  I finished wiping off the makeup, put on my glasses, and examined my reflection. Except for the short-shorts, I looked like myself again.

  I studied my face beyond the toothpaste-splattered mirror. “What were you going to do?” I asked my reflection. “You’re not going all Jekyll and Hyde, are you?”

  Biting my lip, I thought about what had happened. All I remembered was sitting on my bed, resting against the headboard, reading my book, and then . . . Everything between that moment and the phone call from Megan was a blur.

  My bedroom had felt so tiny, so stuffy, and outside had seemed so open, so wide and breezy and interesting, that I had to go out there and . . . do what, exactly?

  “What were you going to do?” I asked myself.

  My reflection stood there silent, as clueless as I was.

  Chapter 2

  I Mean, It Could Have Been Me

  By the next morning I’d completely forgotten about Emily Cooke. Having a close encounter with an alternate personality tends to weigh on your mind, and that was on top of the whole first-day-of-school thing.


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