Make Me Whole (Brothers From Money #3)

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Make Me Whole (Brothers From Money #3) Page 20

by Shanade White

  The dinner display looked like something out of a homemaker's magazine.

  "I think you have another talent you are not tapping in to," Kate commented, speaking of the elaborate dishes that Bruce prepared. Accompanied by her eye for decorating, the entire meal looked like something straight out of an ad campaign.

  "Maybe a partnership that we haven't explored yet. Here, sit this bowl over here next to the asparagus."

  Kate made herself busy, trying to make everything perfect.

  "Sweetheart, stop fusing over everything. It all looks perfect." Bruce turned her to face him.

  "We are perfect. There is no reason for you to feel otherwise. Let's just make this happen tonight. Our families will be happy for us and life will be great."

  Hearing those words were like music to her ears. It was exactly what she needed to settle her nerves.

  The doorbell chimed and Kate practically jumped out of her skin.

  "They're here!" She smoothed her red, knee length dress and then checked the hallway mirror to make sure not a hair was out of place and her lipstick was perfectly applied.

  "You look sensational. I'm here with you."

  Bruce squeezed her hand to reassure her. He nodded in the direction of the door and she walked over to open it.

  Her mother's smiling face was the first thing that Kate saw. "Mom! Hey!"

  The women embraced, spreading love. Kate's father stood behind, waiting his turn. "Daddy, it’s so nice to see you. You look great."

  Kate's father rarely left the house for social gatherings, so it was a treat to have him out.

  "Katie, you look beautiful." Her father was the only person that called her Katie.

  "Thank you, Daddy. The two of you remember Bruce."

  Her father offered Bruce a hearty handshake. Her mother did a polite wave.

  Just as Kate was about to close the door, she heard a "Hello!"

  "Mrs. Stanger. Mr. Stanger. The two of you are right on time."

  Kate hugged them both and stepped to the side to let them inside.

  "Something smells absolutely fabulous here."

  Kate threw up her hands in surrender. "I can safely say I was not the one to cook today. It was all Bruce."

  "I certainly can't wait to eat then," Mrs. Stanger commented. Kate directed them all to the dining room.

  "Everyone, please take a seat wherever you are most comfortable." Kate tried to be the perfect hostess.

  Their parents took a seat at the table and Kate waited for them all to appear comfortable. Bruce came from the kitchen, holding a bottle of wine.

  "If we are all ready, dinner is served."

  "I'll have some water please. No wine or alcohol for me," Kate's father commented.

  "Sure thing, Mr. Walker. Let me get that for you."

  Kate almost kicked herself for not remembering to get her father a bottled water since he did not drink alcohol.

  "Here you are Mr. Walker."

  "Ah, thank you, Bruce."

  Bruce took his seat at the head of the table. He took the lead and blessed the food. Everyone began eating, commenting on how good the meal was. Bruce took the compliments in stride and everyone continued the friendly conversation. As the meal came to a close, Kate was grateful that their parents were all getting along. She had not known what to expect, but she knew she wanted nothing more than an easy going night.

  "If we could all go to the living room, I have a little dessert and coffee. And Bruce and I wanted to share something with you all."

  The older couples gave each other a glance, then got up from their seats to follow Kate in to the living room.

  Once seated and comfortable, Kate told them that she would be right back. She went to her room to get her wedding ring. She had not had it on the entire dinner because she thought it best they break the news to their parents on their own accord, not because someone saw the ring on her finger.

  She met with Bruce in the kitchen and helped him put the plates with the cake on a tray.

  He was grinning. "Are you ready for this?"

  "We can't turn back now. Let's get in there."

  Bruce followed behind her as they entered the living room. Setting the tray on the table, Bruce then began to serve the cake and Kate poured the coffee. She could not believe that no one had seen her ring.

  Bruce and Kate stood there in front of their parents. Kate was hoping Bruce would speak first. But she knew if she did, he would simply blurt out the facts, versus breaking it to their parents slowly and delicately.

  She started talking. "So as you all know, Bruce and I have been dating for about a year now. We are happy, in love, and plan to be together forever."

  When Kate looked around, all eyes were on her. But she saw as Bruce's mother's eyes zeroed in on her hand. She had seen the ring. Mrs. Stanger looked from Kate to Bruce.

  Kate wanted to finish her statement before Mrs. Stanger, or Bruce blurted anything out.

  "We got married in Paris." Too late. Bruce beat her to it.

  The room was silent initially.

  Mrs. Walker was the first to speak. "Married." It was more a comment than a question.

  Kate flexed her fingers and showed the ring. "Married."

  Mr. Stanger bolted outright out of his seat. "Well, son, we thought this would be the next step. Congratulations."

  Kate could not decide if the look on Mrs. Stanger's face was one of confusion, anger, or sheer surprise. She looked to her own mother who sat stoically, while her father rubbed his temples and sighed.

  "Thanks, Pop. I appreciate it." Bruce hugged his father. Mr. Stanger turned and hugged Kate, who was happy to have some kind of response from someone.

  "Is everyone just going to sit there? These two have gotten married. They love each other and have made it official. That should be something to brag about." Mr. Stanger stood in the middle of the floor, throwing his arms in the air in disbelief.

  Kate looked over to her parents, waiting for them to say anything. Bruce pulled Kate closer to him.

  "I love this woman," Bruce began to confess. "She is the single most important thing in my life. I could not wait to marry her and I will spend the rest of my life trying to make her happy."

  Mr. Walker stood up. Kate braced herself for what would happen next. He extended his hand to Bruce first.

  "Then I guess congratulations are in order."

  Bruce received the handshake. Mr. Walker then turned to shake Mr. Stanger's hand.

  "Welcome to the family," Mr. Stanger said to Kate's father. The men then looked to the women.

  "So does this mean that we aren't having a wedding?" Mrs. Walker questioned.

  "We planned to have a ceremony here very soon with our friends and family."

  "Please forgive me," Mrs. Stanger jumped in to the conversation. "You know how us womenfolk are about weddings and brides. It just felt like, for a moment, that we would not be allowed to be a part of such an important time in our children's lives."

  Mrs. Walker nodded in agreement.

  "I assure you both, we will have the whole ceremony."

  Tears came to Mrs. Stanger's eyes. She pulled a tissue from her purse to dab at them. "What happened? When did you propose? When did you decide to marry? Can we have some details?"

  Kate and Bruce looked at one another. He gave her a gentle nudge.

  "Well, we've touched on the subject of marriage from time to time. So we always knew it was a possibility on the table. Last year, Bruce gave me a beautiful promise ring to let me know he was going to be here and be patient with me.

  "He whisked me off on a trip to Paris and everything was so magical. When he proposed, the only thing I could say was yes."

  She turned to look at Bruce, who gave her a reassuring smile. Kate continued.

  "He has encouraged me to be spontaneous, and live in the moment. So we decided to get married. At the base of the Eiffel Tower. The day was perfect. And to be honest, I was happy to not have the stress of wedding planning on my back
. So now, I feel like I can take the time to plan this wedding the way I would like to be because we're already married."

  "Well then, I guess we need to get to planning a wedding." Mrs. Walker approached her daughter with open arms.

  Tears came to Kate's eyes. She snuggled in her mother's embrace. All she wanted was to know that her parents supported her decision. As her mother hugged her, she felt a hand on her shoulder. It was Mrs. Stanger, with an approving expression.

  "Bruce, you kept this a secret. But I knew it. I knew how much you loved this woman. Your father and I love her too."

  Mrs. Stanger gave Kate a tissue to wipe her tears. The ladies laughed as they stood there hugging.

  "Why don't we all grab a cigar?" Mr. Stanger offered. Bruce nodded in agreement and showed the fathers the way to the balcony.

  The women sat back down.

  "So tell us everything," Mrs. Walker encouraged.

  "Oh wow." Kate was still sniffling, taking in the gravity of the moment. She wiped away another tear.

  "Bruce is such a wonderful man. He is exactly what a girl would ask for when it comes to love. Mom, after talking with you, I did not want to lose the man that is the love of my life. And I always have all of you telling me that I don't focus on my social life and my personal life enough. I simply decided to take everyone's advice and put as much time in to my love life as I do my career. And that worked out.

  "I've never thought about having the huge wedding with all the trimmings. That's not me. I would rather have a quiet ceremony with friends and family. A simple dress. Good food and good music. And of course, the man I love."

  "Well then, that's what we will do."

  Kate was surprised. She turned to her mother. "Are you serious?"

  "Yes. You and Bruce should do this your way. It will be your memory."

  "Mom, that means the world to me. I had no idea what you all would think when I told you that we got married."

  "Oh dear. Bruce's father and I absolutely love the two of you together. I have to apologize for my reaction. I was taken aback. Bruce has always been one to be spontaneous, and I knew the two of you were obviously on the path to marrying. But I had no idea the two of you would go off and get married. But I'm happy that you did."

  "Thank you. You two don't know how much this means to me. I was so worried about how our family would react to the fact that we left for vacation and came back married."

  Mrs. Stanger gave Kate a pat on her leg. "Dear, we do things when we are in love. We've all been there."

  Mrs. Walker confirmed. "Yes, I have to agree with that."

  "But I will say, the two of you will not leave us mothers out of the planning phase. We will not be denied that much."

  Kate smiled, filled with happiness that the night had gone better than she imagined.

  "It's a deal."

  Chapter 7

  Once everyone was gone for the evening, Bruce and Kate sat back with a glass of wine, sitting in front of the fireplace. Bruce held her hand up in the air.

  "That ring looks amazing on you."

  Kate admired the sparkle. "It is absolutely perfect. Just like you."

  Bruce hugged her. "Perfect I am not, but I make do."

  They sipped their wine.

  "I'm a grown adult and I have no clue why I was so nervous to share with our parents."

  "No matter how old you get, you are always your parents' child. Hell, I'm over forty and I know my mother still sees me as her little boy from time to time."

  Kate curled up closer to Bruce on the couch. "I get it. I wanted them to jump for joy. The fact that it took them a moment to come around was almost scary."

  "We made it through. That is all that matters. But did you have any doubt that we would?"


  Bruce sipped his wine. "And besides, even if they did not like it, there was no turning back. You are Mrs. Bruce Stanger."

  "Hmm. That is true. Can you say that again?"

  That sly grin came across Bruce's face. "What? The part about you being Mrs. Bruce Stanger?"

  Kate kissed his soft lips. "I love hearing you say that."

  "If I would have known that I would get this kind of response, I would have made you Mrs. Bruce Stanger a long time ago, pretty lady."

  Bruce kissed his wife.

  "Let's set the date," Kate suggested.

  "Alright. Let's give it two months. That will put us both past the busy season and make sure that we have the time to properly spend with our family and friends celebrating over the weekend. I have a few speaking engagements coming up and want to clear some of the travel off of my schedule."

  Kate whipped out her cell phone and opened the calendar. "Here is the date."

  Bruce looked at the phone. "Okay, July 5th it is."

  Although they were already married, Kate was excited all over again to marry him. She shared with him her idea of getting married at the beach.

  "You want small and intimate right?"

  "I do."

  "I have an idea."


  Kate gathered every wedding magazine she could get her hands on. She wanted the right inspiration for the ceremony. She and Bruce settled on a cerulean blue theme accented with silver.

  She put her mother in charge of the centerpieces. Mrs. Stanger was in charge of décor. Linda was in charge of finding the caterer and the music. Kate would oversee all areas. She knew they were pressed for time and two months would not be a lot of time to pull it all together. Especially when she and Bruce had full schedules.

  Neither of them worked normal nine to five jobs so they needed to carve out the time wisely. But being in control of their own careers allowed them to make the time they needed for family and for their wedding.

  So far, everything was coming together smoothly. The anticipation building as the day drew near.

  Kate was happy that for the next few speaking engagements and conferences, Bruce would be in town. For the first time, he invited her out to see him in action.

  On an extended lunch break, Kate drove over to the convention center where Bruce would be speaking. She was in awe of the man she had fallen for. On stage, he was charismatic, commanded attention, and was witty and knowledgeable. She knew there was something about him that attracted people to his workshops, but to see Bruce in action, room filled to capacity with people eager to learn from him, made her admire him even more.

  Kate sat in the back of the room, watching him at work. It was as if she was getting to know him all over again. He had seen her at work, and she hadn't had a chance to check him out in his element.

  There were so many facets to this man. He was the former Fortune 500 executive who was brave enough to branch out on his own and start a consulting business. He was also the family man who loved his parents dearly, loved to live off of the land, and was the rugged cowboy she first met and fell head over heels for.

  He was easily able to make the switch between the two, but the more she took a look, the more she realized he was doing nothing more than changing clothes. Bruce was always confident, self- assured, and willing to take a step out and try something new. It was the same principles he taught during his speaker's workshops and it was the same principle she learned from him.

  Of course, maybe Bruce had picked up these life lessons in his experience. She was sure to pick them up and learn from them as she lived as well. Thankful that she had such a wonderful man by her side, Kate gathered her things and quietly left out of the back door.

  Her heart swelled with love for Bruce. Even more so than normal. It was nice to have a reminder of what kind of man loved her. Not that she questioned her marriage, or had any second thoughts, she knew now that taking that risk had yielded such great return.


  The day of the wedding, the weather was absolutely perfect. It was warm. The sun was high overhead, brightly illuminating the day. Kate had no idea what the venue would look like and she was excited to see how everything had turned out.r />
  She and Bruce decided to have the wedding at the ranch. It seemed like the ideal place for friends and family to gather and celebrate.

  The ceremony was set for early afternoon so they had an early start for their day. First up was a relaxing massage to get rid of the pre-wedding jitters. She had a facial a few days before and was now completely relaxed and glowing.

  As much as Kate wanted it to be a smaller, more intimate affair, with no fuss, the family wanted the opposite; an all out social extravaganza. Between the mothers wanting to invite each and every member of their church ladies' league or all of their neighbors, and the list of decorations beginning to get out of control, Kate was sure she would lay down that night with a migraine. Instead, she sat both her mother and her mother in law down and asked them both to compromise.

  Out of that came something to make everyone happy. A guest list of about two hundred and fifty people, the archway of the ranch decorated with an elaborate spread of white roses (Mrs. Walker's idea), a caterer to handle all of the food and drinks, and a wedding coordinator to handle the day of activities.

  Once Kate knew the mothers were happy, she could breathe a sigh of relief. There was nothing worse than a mother who felt like she had not had proper input in the wedding planning for her child's big day.

  It all came together smoothly and Kate was happy that she did agree to go ahead and have a ceremony and reception to celebrate such a momentous occasion with family and friends.

  Kate and Bruce decided not to have a wedding party. The day would just be about the two of them. They wanted to share the love they had for one another with others without holding anyone else financially obligated to be a part.

  The couple spent the night apart, the first in many weeks. Kate had not been able to sleep that night without feeling Bruce's warm embrace. She tossed and turned, partially because of his absence, mostly because of her anxiety about the wedding.

  It had been so much easier to say 'I do' with no one else around. Now, they would have an audience and for some reason, that seemed to make it feel more official.

  The wedding coordinator sent Kate a text to let her know that everything was going as planned and she had nothing to worry about. As she approached the ranch, Kate was overcome by the sight of the roses intertwined with the wrought iron gate. As she drove in, she could see the workers hustling to and fro setting up the white fold up chairs.


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