Kennedy's Redemption (The Protectors Series Book 3)

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Kennedy's Redemption (The Protectors Series Book 3) Page 1

by KL Donn

  Table of Contents

  Kennedy's Redemption


  Early Reviews

  Note from the author





  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Other Books in the Series

  Meet the author


  Coming Soon

  Ember’s Burn

  KL Donn


  Copyright 2016 Krystal Fahl

  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under the copyright reserved above, no part of this publication or any part of this series may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Please purchase only authorized electronic or print editions and do not participate or encourage the electronic piracy of copyrighted material. Your respect of the author’s rights is appreciated.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names of characters, places, brands and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and owners of various products and locations referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication or use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people.

  Warning: This book is intended for readers 18 years or older due to bad language, violence, and explicit sex scenes.

  Editing by KA Matthews from K&J Book Promotions:

  Cover Design by Kari March Designs:

  All promotions organized by DD’s Book Room:

  Formatting by Affordable Formatting:

  Early Reviews

  Yaya from Sinful Swag and Sass!

  “Have you ever found yourself in a shade of darkness and you were just hoping that there was a glimpse of light? KL Donn made me feel the pain that Kennedy was feeling. Kennedy is trapped inside herself. Her darkness is so deep that she needed "whiskey and a lullaby" to find a glimmer of light for hope. Creed and Linc are two men that want to protect and help heal Kennedy. They show patience, strength and a love for a woman that they know belongs to them. The amount of emotions that runs through this book is absolutely amazing. You feel each and every moment. KL Donn shows the drama, love, heartache and healing within these pages. Kennedy's Redemption will take you on a journey of being in a dark place and help you heal from the two streams of light. Within the works of KL Donn she has showed us fighters, protectors and survivors. I had said from the moment I read KL Donn's debut that she is one to watch out for. Her second book I said she was worthy of being a one click author. That has not changed. KL Donn's writing has grown, her story telling is amazing and the way she wraps herself around you with the love in her books are outstanding. KL Donn doesn't give you a story to read she gives her mind, body and soul. Sometimes you need Sunshine, Whiskey and a Lullaby. Well done KL Donn Well Done!”

  Kaci from She’s a Lip Bitter

  ‘"He'd never seen anything so beautiful...or broken."

  Have you ever been so deep in your head that you cannot pull yourself out? So depressed and lost that you feel like you're out of options? That's what this book is about. This is the 3rd book in The Protector Series by KL Donn and it's another 5 star read.

  Kennedy is broken beyond repair...or so she thinks. She has lost hope that she will ever love or be loved again. Her "whiskey and lullaby" are gone and running is her only option. Linc and Creed have loved Kennedy since the minute they laid eyes on her. But getting her to believe that and let them into her head and heart proves to be a difficult task.

  KL has a way of painting a picture that you feel like you're actually there with the characters, and this book is no different. This book is so emotional, so raw and so well written. The love that the Black brothers have for Kennedy is unparalleled to anything I've ever read. No matter how broken she is or how much she blames and hates herself, they see nothing but the good in her; they only see the woman that they love more than anything in this world. KL brings the drama, love, angst and heartache in this book and it's all done in perfect harmony. “

  Sandy from Erotic Romance Book Blog with Sandy

  “IT BROKE MY HEART REPEATEDLY! Why would that be a good thing you may ask... because her characters shows the strength and resilience humans/females are capable of achieving; giving inspiration to others who have endured severe struggles. I recognize and understand that there are REAL individuals that go through horrible acts which this character lived through to some degree and survive. This book is a great tribute to those who not only survive but thrive under the worst possible circumstances at the hands of another along with giving hope to others for a better tomorrow.

  This book completes KL Donn's Protectors series and it is a 5 solid gold star rating of a conclusion. SENSATIONAL creative and writing skills KL Donn!”

  Note from the author

  As I sit here writing this it occurs to me that there are more people than I can possibly remember to thank for everything you do for me. I will always forget someone, and not because of anything you’ve done, but because I am so overwhelmed with emotion. With how often you’ve made me smile or laugh. With the way you selflessly give so much of yourself to someone like me. I never in a million years thought I would be so well received with my books. I am simply stunned by the generosity and openness of the Indie community. Every day there is someone new who is willing to help, or looking for help, and when open arms are given I smile. I smile because for every bad egg in this community there are 10 more amazing people, and I simply love that.

  I know I’m dragging this out, and most of you probably aren’t even reading this right now, but I’ll be honest for those of you that are, you’ll understand just how emotionally crippling letting a series go can be. Today I am doing that, I’m saying good-bye to my girls, to my protective men, and to their amazing journey’s. I only just realized this, even though I hit the end in Kennedy’s story back in Jan, it hits me recently that this series is over. I cried a little for that, but I’m also over-joyed with how amazing these girls have done, how amazing my fans are, and how blessed I am.

  So I thank you from the very bottom of my heart for loving this series as much as I have. I know a lot of people ha
ted what happened to Kenny in Emily’s Protectors, they’ve even gone as far as to say they won’t read Kenny’s story, that made me sad to hear. But it gave me hope too because maybe, just maybe you’ll try Kennedy’s story anyway. She’s a fighter, she’s broken, and she has some amazing men on her side.

  I truly hope you’ll love her in her own book as much as you did in Keeley and Emily’s books! I promise only good things for her! Thank you for everything!

  I’m not done yet though! Dominic and DeeDee are coming this summer!


  Broken. Trapped. Alone.

  Kennedy Maxwell is running from demons haunting her soul. Left to fight alone, she’s soon lost to the monsters in her head.

  Fighting. Searching. They won’t back down.

  Twins; Creedence and Lincoln Black have finally found the one thing they’ve been searching for, only to lose her in the blink of an eye.

  When they find her again will she be as lost and alone as before?

  Or can they help her find her redemption?

  Three lost souls fighting to become one.


  There’s no way to thank everyone, so if I forget to mention you, please know I still thank you!

  My husband, Steven, thank you for pushing me to write even when I had other things to do. For knowing how important Kenny’s book is to me. For picking up my slack while I was immersed in making this book perfect. For listening to me ramble when I was pissed off about how I couldn’t make things work the way they were in my mind. For not letting me delete the entire book because I thought everything sucked. Just thank you for loving me, for letting me follow this dream I never knew I could be successful at.

  My babies, Savannah, I swear you’re my biggest cheerleader! I love that you want to be like me and write your own stories, and baby when you make that dream happen I will be your biggest cheerleader! Chaser, you always knew when to give me hugs, when to leave me alone, and when to rub my back! Liam, you spider monkey, stay away from my computer! JD, keep doing you, you drive me insane but you make me laugh even harder! I hope you all know just how much I love you!!

  My mom and grandma, you’re support and badgering for me to follow my instincts and live my dream is something to cherish. I wish everyone knew the love and support that you both show me daily, even when I’m so deep in writing I more often than not forgot to call. I love you both to infinity and beyond!! Your women I will always look up to and hold in the highest esteem!

  Dessure Hutchins you greedy fucking whore, I love you!! Thank you for pushing me to be my best. For not letting me settle. For making me better. Every day your support astounds me. There are no words I could properly convey to express how much your friendship has meant to me. You do so much for so many people in our community, and let more slide off your back than I ever could, and for that I admire the hell out of you! Thank you for being in my life!! You really are my soul sister!!

  Jordan fucking Marie! I’m still pissed at you for Captured, BUT, you are my biggest inspiration! Your words of encouragement and advice are things I will hold onto forever. Your strength and patience are things I will inspire to have but never gain because I’m too damn hotheaded. Thank you for any piece of advice you’ve given me in the past, and will probably give me in the future. When I do things and I’m unsure of what to do next, I always ask myself ‘What would Jordan do?’ I will stand by that till my dying day.

  Kaci Stewart, (my newly appointed badass PA) lady you just don’t know how amazing you are! Pimping, teasers, reviews, oh my! You do it all! Thank you for wanting to do those things for me! I am always floored when I see you doing it and I love it! Keep doing you girl, cause YOU are amazing!

  Veronica Garcia, Denise LaMee, Sonya Covert Lavida Brisco and Sandy Crossen, thank you for absolutely everything you do for not only me but countless other authors as well!! You’re all amazing ass women!!

  Tamra Simons and Ashley Richards, thank you for beta reading for me again! For pointing things out that I over-looked. For loving my words as much as I do! I may not always listen but you better believe I take everything into consideration before making a decision. Thank you for your honesty and advice!!

  Natalie Weston and Elizabeth Wright, I swear you two are my biggest supporters and heaviest pests ;) and I love it! I love how much you demand from me but not so quietly wait for me to share!! Thank you for being in my life!!

  Jamie Sexton and Katherine Anderson, your words of encouragement and support and ear lending were what I needed on more occasions than you could imagine! Thank you!!

  Annelise Reynolds, Baylee Rose, Winter Travers, Honey Palomino, Kaylee Song, Autumn Jones Lake, Sam Crescent, Sherri Crowder, and so many more amazing authors that I simply can’t name them all, thank you for your words of encouragement and any advice and just being you!!!

  Katrina Miller! You lady are kick ass! I love your messages!! Keep em coming chicky!

  AF Crowell, you sneaky woman! I had no idea how amazing and selfless you are until someone pointed out that you shared one of my teasers, to say I was stunned and floored that you would do that for someone like me? Someone who you weren’t even friends with says so much about your character and how amazing you truly are!! Thank you for silently supporting me and so many others with no expectations in return. You are truly one of a kind!!

  My fighters, my street team, my voice of reason and sometimes my voice of insanity thank you for everything you have ever done! For supporting me, for just being there when I felt goofy or sad! You all rock!!

  KA Matthews, thank you for wanting to work with me again!! I swear I take notes as we edit each book, but sometimes it feels like I don’t incorporate them into the next, even though I try. So thank you for rocking and putting up with my misplaced grammar!!!

  Kari March, omg lady you fricking rock!!! You made Kennedy’s cover everything I could ever imagine it being!! Thank you for putting up with my picky ass while you re-vamped Keeley’s Fight and Emily’s Protectors too! They are stunning!!

  Every blogger who has shared or took a chance on my girls, thank you!! Keep being amazing!!

  My fans, you humble me, you keep from going crazy, and you all rock!! Thank you for taking a leap of faith on me!!


  To every woman who has felt trapped and alone. Who has fallen prey to an act of violence, I admire you and your strength. Women like you are who the world needs. May you find you strength to survive and hold onto the sunshine.


  BOOM! She was thrown from the driver’s hand right into a dumpster and pain immediately assaulted her body. Shaking off the buzzing in her head and the aches in her body, Kennedy got up in search of Emily and Eric. “Em!” she cried out and started a coughing fit from the smoke and debris of what could only be their vehicle.

  Crawling towards where she last thought she had seen the others, she nearly collided with a body. “Kenny?” she heard Emily call out, her body sagging in relief. She grabbed her friend at the same time she felt a pinch on her neck… and then blackness.

  ·٠•● ●•٠·

  Waking up to a hand running gently across her bare flesh, Kennedy’s skin broke out in goosebumps and a shiver of foreboding ran up her spine. She just knew she was in a world of trouble when she opened her eyes.

  “C’mon, Red. I know you’re awake,” a silky voice whispered in her ear right before stabbing pain met her thigh making her scream out in agony.

  Opening her eyes, she did a quick look around while gritting her teeth, noting she was chained to a wall with one window on the other side of the room and a closed door adjacent to that. Looking at her captor, she was shocked to see it was a woman.

  Grabbing Kennedy’s face, she kissed her square on the lips whispering, “We’re gonna have so much fun together.”

  ·٠•● ●•٠·

  “Noooo! Don’t touch me!” she screamed stuck in her nightmare— the pain, the endless harsh laughter with every scream she let out
every time she begged for relief. The hands on her arms felt like pricks of ice dropping on her and slicing her skin open.

  “Kenny? Kenny, kid, it’s Nate. You’re safe, but you have to stop fighting. I can’t untie you if you keep fighting.” She could hear Nate’s voice in her head like a cruel reminder of what she’ll never have again. The love of her family, the freedom of youth. She was going to die and never get to tell her family and friends she loved them again.

  “Kennedy!” She heard a harsh yet soothing voice snap right before something was put over her nude body. “No, please, take it off. Oh God, it hurts,” she half whined half yelled out.

  “Kennedy, enough,” another voice demanded, smoother, like fine whiskey sliding down your throat it had a burn but then it warmed you from the belly up. Finally, her struggles ceased and the yelling stopped. “Alright, sunshine, we’re gonna untie you.” The whiskey voice soothed her fears. It was like a whisper of air across her skin. Feeling hands on her again she tensed, ready to scream from the ice pricking her skin, only it didn’t hurt. It was almost soothing. Their hands whispered across her flesh. She struggled from the uncomfortableness of it, but the pain was gone.

  “You’re gonna be ok, doll. We’ll take care of you,” the first voice whispered in her ear again, lulling her into a sense of security where she could finally relax and give in to the darkness again. Hearing “Sunshine,” just before her mind and body gave up the fight to stay awake.

  ·٠•● ●•٠·

  “Mrs. Maxwell, I’m sorry, but we just can’t treat your daughter without sedating her, and even then, she keeps ripping out her stitches. She won’t let any nurses or doctors touch her. I think a medically induced coma is her best option for healing right now,” someone explained to her mom. She couldn’t summon the energy to open her eyes or to scream no, that when she was asleep the nightmares followed her.


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