The Cleanup_a Washington Rampage Sports Romance

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The Cleanup_a Washington Rampage Sports Romance Page 14

by Megan Green

  Not Liv though. She doesn’t give two shits on whether or not she offends me.

  It’s refreshing as hell.

  Besides, I’m not that full of myself. I just wanted to see what she’d say to me acting like a total…what did she call it?


  She never disappoints.

  A fact she proved over and over again this afternoon, her smile wide and her face happy each and every single time I stepped out of the dugout.

  Seeing her in the stands today was even more than I could’ve ever imagined. I’d already known I wanted her to see me play in person. But I’d had no clue just how much it would affect me.

  Her being there…made me proud. It made me want to play the best damn game I’d ever played so that she might feel some semblance of the same pride I was feeling myself.

  Having her there meant the world.

  And made me realize it was time to take things to the next level.

  Hence the reason I’m wearing this stupid-ass tie and jacket, waiting to be seated at one of the hottest restaurants in town without a reservation.

  I don’t do dinner. I don’t go on dates. There is no doubt in my mind that, even as we stand here, multiple gossip rags are uploading our photo and speculating on what this means.

  I’m going to show Liv exactly how serious I am.

  And then hope like hell she agrees to what I’m going to suggest.

  The hostess is back within minutes and leads us to a table way in the back. I’m sure there will still be plenty of opportunities for people to snap our picture, but hopefully, we’ll at least get a little bit of privacy. I’m gonna need it.

  And, as if right on cue, a symphony of shutters goes off as every single person within our line of sight snaps a picture on their phone.

  Liv turns and looks at the commotion behind her, but I quickly grab her hand to bring her attention back to me. I purposely sit her with her back facing the crowd to try to save her from too much of the public eye. Let them take as many pictures of me as they want. But Liv doesn’t deserve to be splashed all over the main page of every major search engine.

  “Pay no attention to them. You’re here for me, not them.”

  “But, Brandon—”

  “No buts. Let them take however many pictures they want. It won’t change the fact that I’m here with the most gorgeous girl in Seattle and that she came to my game today.”

  Liv grins at me, her cheeks blushing furiously from my compliment. “You don’t care what people are going to say?”

  I shake my head. “Nope. I’m counting on it actually.”

  She cocks her head at me, her brows furrowing as she mulls over my words. “What do you mean?”

  “Exactly what I said. I want them to talk. I want them to know I am here with you tonight. I want everyone to know that Brandon Jeffers is officially off the market.”

  Her eyes widen. “Wait, what?”

  I chuckle at the look of complete surprise written all over her face. “I want to do this, Liv. With you. I want us to be an us. I want you to come to my games and cheer me on. And I want to rush back to Maple Lake as soon as I finish up a road trip because I’m just that damn desperate to see you. I want everyone to know that you’re having my baby and how happy that makes me. And, most of all…” I trail off, sucking in a deep breath of air to steady my nerves at what I’m going to say next. “I want them to know that I’m falling for you.”

  If I thought she was surprised before, it’s nothing compared to the look of utter bewilderment that crosses her face at those words. It would almost be comical, the way her eyes widen into saucers and her chin drops nearly down to the floor, if it wasn’t so damn nerve-racking. The seconds tick by as I wait for her to say something…anything to put me out of my misery. But she just continues to stare at me like I’ve suddenly grown another head that speaks fluent Chinese.

  “Now would be a good time for you to say something,” I finally blurt out after what feels like an eternity of silence.

  “I-I-I…” she stammers, closing her eyes and swallowing hard before trying again. “That’s not possible.”

  Now, it’s my turn to be shocked and confused. “What’s not possible?”

  “You. Me. This. How could you possibly be falling for me?”

  I blow out a relieved sigh that she’s not actually telling me we’re not possible. It’s just her crazy insecurity once again rearing its ugly head.

  “How could I possibly not be? You’re amazing, Liv. You’re sweet, you’re funny, and you’re sexy as fuck. You aren’t afraid to put me in my place, and you’re smart as hell. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since the moment I laid eyes on you. And having you here with me today, seeing you in the place that has come to mean so much to me, has only made me realize how much you’ve come to mean to me as well.”

  “I just don’t—I don’t think—”

  “So, don’t think. Stop putting so much damn thought into every single thing you do and just go with it. Listen to what your heart tells you. Not your head.”

  I sit back in my seat, rather impressed with myself after my little speech. Dear Abby ain’t got nothing on Brandon Jeffers. Just call me the relationship guru.

  Liv props her chin on her hand, her eyes sweeping over me in an assessing gaze. “Are you serious, Jeffers?”

  “As a heart attack, baby. I want to be able to call you mine. And I want to know that I’m yours. So, I say we make this official. Olivia Hunter, will you be my girlfriend?”

  A laugh sputters past her closed lips, and even I have to crack a smile at how absurd my words sound. I suddenly feel like I’m in the ninth grade, asking my crush to go steady with me. Except I never did that. Even in the ninth grade, I was a little douche bag. Never tied myself to any one girl for longer than a quick make-out sesh.

  “This might be hard to believe, but that’s the first time I’ve ever uttered those words.”

  She dabs at the tears in her eyes with her napkin, smiling over at me as she drops it back down to her lap. “Actually, considering whom I’m talking to, I don’t find that hard to believe at all. And I guess it makes me sort of happy that I’m the first girl you want to take to the prom.”

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa, Tink. I never said nothing about no prom. I thought maybe we could try the winter semiformal first. You know, work our way into the big leagues.”

  She rolls her eyes at me again, but there’s a tenderness in them that’s impossible to miss. I reach back across the table and take her hand in mine, running my thumb across the back of it in slow circles.

  “So, what do you say, Tink? Are you willing to give us a shot?”

  Her eyes drop down to the table for a moment, and I can see the thoughts running through her head. When she pulls her hand from mine and scoots back from the table, my heart skips a beat, fear that she’s going to storm out of here and out of my life rushing through me like a tidal wave.

  But, instead, she walks around the table, tapping me on the shoulder when she reaches me. I slide my chair back to make room to stand, but before I can get to my feet, she plops down on my lap. Turning to face the people before us, she makes sure several have their cameras up and waiting before she looks at me.

  “How’s this for an answer?” she asks just before she slams her lips against mine.

  Chapter 19


  Pressing my back against the wall, Brandon pins me in place the moment we step off the elevator and onto his floor. His mouth is hot and greedy on my neck, his hands making their way up and down my body. They’re on my breasts, my legs, my sides, my hips, in my hair…seemingly all at the same time. My head rolls back on my shoulders, and I moan at the intense heat his lips leave on my skin.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful, Liv. You don’t know how much it’s been killing me, waiting this long. I’m dying to have you again. I need to have you again.”

  My mouth collides with his as I wrap my legs around his waist. His hands dig in
to my ass as he pulls me away from the wall and carries me over to his door. He makes quick work of the lock, and before I know it, we’re tumbling inside.

  It’s eerily similar to our first night together. The passion, the frenzied need I felt for him.

  Only now, I actually know him. I know what an amazing man Brandon Jeffers is when he wants to be. And I know exactly what his body has in store for me.

  I take it back. This is nothing like the first time.

  It is so much more.

  Brandon carries me over to the giant couch in front of the fire, gently laying me down before covering my body with his own. He thoroughly kisses me, his tongue tracing every inch of my mouth, before his lips move down my body.

  He takes his time as he goes, pausing to taste and lick every exposed square inch of flesh he passes. By the time he reaches my lower body, I’m burning with need, my body writhing beneath his touch.

  He lightly runs his fingers up my inner thigh, sending a delicious shiver down my spine. I twist my body in an attempt to hurry his movement, desperate to feel him where I need him most.

  “You sure you want to do this now? We can wait if you’re not ready.”

  I stifle a groan, instead using his momentary pause to my advantage, pushing up on his shoulders and flipping us into a sitting position, my legs coming down on either side of his.

  “I’m done waiting.”

  I reach for the hem of my dress and pull the silky fabric up over my head in one fluid motion. Brandon’s eyes flare as they lock on my bare breasts, his teeth biting into his lower lip as he takes in my naked form. I’m suddenly glad a bra didn’t go with my dress tonight.

  “Fuck me. Have they gotten bigger?”

  I giggle. Leave it to Brandon to ruin the intensity of the moment with a frat-boy observation.

  “Pregnancy tends to do that to boobs. Just wait a few more months.”

  He throws his hands up in the air in victory. “Thank you, pregnancy gods. I mean, not that your tits weren’t perfect before. But my God…”

  Another laugh escapes my lips. “Well, how about you stop ogling them and start doing something with them?”

  “Don’t have to ask me twice,” he rushes out before burying his face in my chest.

  He licks and sucks his way around my breasts as I slide off his jacket and loosen his tie. He breaks contact for just a moment, so I can pull it over his head, but his mouth is right back where I need it before I can even protest the loss of his wet heat.

  After unbuttoning his shirt, I slide it off his shoulders, locking his arms behind his back in the tangled fabric. I push him back against the couch, pressing my chest against his, brushing my nipples against the hard ridges of his sculpted torso.

  I drop my mouth to his shoulder, my tongue trailing along the line of one of his many tattoos. I could spend hours here, studying and worshipping every inch of his gloriously inked skin, but that’s going to have to wait. Because right now…

  “I need you, Brandon,” I moan into his hard body, rubbing my soaked center against the bulge in his dress pants.

  I’d like to chalk up my overwhelming need to those damn hormones I love to blame. But this is all Brandon.

  I’m hungry for him.

  Needy for his body.

  Starving for his touch.

  He shudders against me, a shaky breath warming the skin on my neck.

  “I’m yours, Tink. Always yours.”

  Freeing himself from his shirt, he grabs me around the waist, standing and spinning us so that I’m beneath him once again. He straightens, his eyes perusing my body as he does so, his hands going to his belt.

  I know what to expect. After all, this isn’t our first time. I know how big he is beneath those clothes. But still, I can’t stifle the surprised gasp that escapes my lips when his pants fall to the floor. His cock is hard and ready. Hungry. Just like me.

  I reach for him, needing to feel that silky hardness in my hand. He lets me stroke him once before stilling my movement.

  “It’s been…” He trails off, his eyes flicking to the ceiling as he thinks. “What? Five months? Five months since I’ve been with a woman, Tink. If you keep that up, I’m liable to blow my load all over those gorgeous tits before we can even get started.”

  Five months? But that was when…does he mean…

  “You haven’t been with anybody else? Since me?”

  He shakes his head. “I told you, Tink. You’ve ruined me. I haven’t been able to get you out of my head since the day you walked into my life. No one else even comes close.” He lowers himself until he’s pressed into me, his lips once again returning to that sweet spot on my neck.

  But his words hit me in a place I don’t expect.

  My heart.

  It means the world to me that he hasn’t been with anyone since me. I didn’t expect that. Hell, I would’ve bet everything I owned on the exact opposite. But hearing that our night together meant so much to him, even before he found out about the baby, it does something to me.

  His words from the restaurant echo in my head. “I’m falling for you.”

  Is that what this is? Is the overwhelming feeling in my chest…love?

  I immediately want to balk at the idea. After all, we still don’t know each other…

  But is that true anymore?

  Brandon has shown me so much of himself in the last few weeks. A side of him I never even imagined could exist beneath all the layers of baseball bad boy and womanizer. I know he would do just about anything for the people he cares about. I know he likes to eat crappy fried food even if he can afford something nine hundred times more expensive. I know he’s witty as hell and funny, always able to put a smile on my face regardless of my mood. I know he’s kind and generous; the day we spent playing laser tag with a bunch of kids permanently inked in my mind. He was so good with them, joking and laughing with them as though it wasn’t completely crazy for a professional baseball player to be hanging out at a random kid’s birthday party.

  He is down-to-earth and humble despite the reputation he gets in the press. And, above all, he’s shown me there is nothing more important than me and our baby, dropping everything to rush to our sides when he thought we might be in trouble.

  It’s time for me to stop using the excuse that I don’t know him. Because I do.

  Brandon Jeffers is a good man.

  And I’m not falling for him.

  I’ve already fallen.

  “Make love to me, Brandon,” I whisper against his skin.

  I feel the instant he hears the words, his body tensing and his skin pebbling beneath my touch.

  He pulls back from me, his eyes searching mine. I nod slightly, not wanting words to break the connection currently coursing between us.

  He positions himself at my core, his eyes never once leaving mine. And, as he slowly breaches my entrance, he drops his forehead to mine, the tip of his nose brushing mine, his lips hovering just above my own.

  I want to close my eyes and revel in the feel of him as he pushes inside me. I want to feel every inch as he drives into me, getting lost in the feeling of what only his body can do to me.

  But, more importantly, I want to stay here, in this moment. Eyes locked with his, lips touching but not kissing, bodies melded together in every way possible.

  I want to live in this moment forever.

  Because, despite what he’s doing to me with his body, it’s Brandon’s eyes that give me what I need.

  The raw emotion, the blind devotion, and the adoration…

  They reflect every single thing I’m feeling right this second.

  This isn’t Brandon fucking me.

  Brandon Jeffers is doing exactly what I asked.

  He’s making love to me.

  Chapter 20


  Waking with Liv’s lithe body wrapped around my own just might be my new favorite thing.

  My eyelids open gradually, my body taking a minute to adjust to its newfound posi
tion in the center of my bed. Normally, even though this thing is gigantic, I tend to gravitate toward the left side.

  But this morning…this morning, I’m dead center, a gorgeous brunette fairy’s limbs entwined with mine, her soft breaths puffing out against my chest. Not wanting to wake her, I slowly adjust myself, tilting my head down so that I can watch her sleeping face. My slight movements cause her to rustle, her back arching slightly as she stretches in her sleep, her breasts brushing against my arm.

  Scratch that. Waking up with Liv is definitely my new favorite thing.

  My cock hardens as her perky nipples come into view, and it’s everything I can do to stop myself from dropping my head and pulling one into my mouth. I can still taste her on my lips, her sweet flavor intoxicating as I close my eyes and remember last night.

  Last night…

  I think, by now, it’s pretty clear I have a lot of…experience. I love women. I worship them. I have been with more women than I could possibly count—a fact I was ridiculously proud of until recently. But, in all the years I’ve spent trying to fuck my way through all the available women in the continental US, nothing—and I mean, nothing—has come close to what I experienced with Liv last night.

  Something shifted between us when she told me to make love to her. There’d already been a shit-ton of emotion in the room. But, when those words left her lips, it was like everything else disappeared. I didn’t give a shit about baseball. I didn’t care that we were well on our way to the playoffs and potentially the World Series. And I sure as fuck didn’t give a second thought to the fact that our faces were going to be splashed all over the internet the next day, if they hadn’t been already. The only things that existed were me and Liv. And the only thing that mattered to me was pleasing her in every single way possible.

  I can’t say I’ve ever made love to a woman before. Fucked? Yes. Screwed? Definitely. Nailed? You betcha. But making love? It was completely unfamiliar territory for me.

  But it felt damn good.


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