Damon [The Texas Senator's Sons 1] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Damon [The Texas Senator's Sons 1] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 4

by Hennessee Andrews

  This was Damon’s fault, she decided. If he hadn’t come into her shop looking all sorts of hot, she wouldn’t be in this predicament right now. She stomped back to the front of the store and looked around for anything to do. The door opened, and a courier stood with a box and an envelope in his hand.

  “I have a delivery for Regan O’Connor,” he said as he read from his paperwork.

  “That’s me.” Regan smiled, and he handed the box and envelope to her.

  When the courier left, she laid the box on the counter and opened the envelope. Inside was a note and cash.

  Regan, I really need your help. This should cover your expenses. Please meet me for dinner at Charlie Palmer’s. Seven o’clock. Damon.

  Regan counted the money, and her eyes grew wide. “Holy Toledo! Five thousand dollars to help him for one week?”

  Quickly she shoved the money back into the envelope. This was wild. He must really need help if he was willing to dish out that kind of cash, she guessed. It was too much, though. She would have helped for free just to get to see him again. She opened the box and rifled through the tissue paper on top to see a bright ivory-sequined cocktail dress. Confused, she pulled it out of the box. It was beautiful, but where did he expect her to wear this? She dug into the box again, pulling out more of the tissue, and found a pair of strappy, sequined ivory high heels to match.

  Her heart thudded. Just the thought of him sending her this extravagant dress and shoes was exciting. The shoes, much to her surprise, were her size. “How did he know my shoe size?” she whispered and turned the dress skirt inside out and looked at the size. “Weird, size eight, how did he know?”

  Well, outside of being extraordinarily gorgeous, the man knew dress and shoe sizes. Hmm. She reached in again and found a simple folded piece of paper. She opened it, and all it said was Please.

  Now he had her mind reeling, not to mention excited. Regan picked up her phone and called Bree, of course. She needed advice or an extra shove because now, all of a sudden, her stomach felt queasy. She thought she could do this, but now she wasn’t so sure.

  After telling Bree about the note and package from Damon and having her eardrums blown out from Bree’s squealing enthusiasm, Regan became quiet.

  “What’s wrong, Regan? I thought you said you were happy about this?” Bree prodded.

  Regan paced through her shop, looking around with the phone against her ear. “I know, I’m just…damn…I don’t think I can do it. I mean, I really don’t think I—”

  Bree interrupted, “Stop. Just stop, Regan. You are psyching yourself out. I know you well enough to know that you wanted him to ask again. I could tell by your mood today.”

  “You’re right. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t interested in him, but that’s a pretty wild stunt to pull because I’m attracted to him, don’t you think?”

  “I think it sounds fun!” Bree rambled over the phone.

  “You would,” Regan replied dryly as she looked again at the dress in the box. She didn’t care about the money. She had a business that was successful. Right now she just wanted to live and, for once, be crazy and wild if only for a week.

  “You have to do this. Do it for me!” Bree pleaded. “One of these days you’ll be able to look back and laugh at this, and it will be so fun to reminisce about. Make fun memories, girl!”

  Regan laughed. “You sound like Doc Holliday in Tombstone telling Wyatt to live…live for me, Wyatt! Except there isn’t a darn thing wrong with you!”

  That statement caused Bree to erupt in laughter. “I loved that movie! But seriously, if I was asked by that cowboy, I would have already said yes.”

  “I know all too well you would have. Here’s what I’ll do. I’ll go to dinner tonight and decide then.” Regan tried to suppress her enthusiasm about seeing Damon again. “If I do decide to help him then I need a disguise. I would hate it if anyone recognized me.”

  “Oh, girl, you’re in good hands. I’m already planning!” Bree admitted.

  “I’ll call you back later, bye!” Regan disconnected the phone.

  She looked at Damon’s note again and smiled. Nice penmanship for someone with such large hands. Hmmm…capable, expert hands.

  * * * *

  Damon drove across the ranch checking in on his herd of cattle. He was sure Regan had received his package by now, and he was sure hoping to see her tonight. If yesterday was any indication of her answer then he was doomed. His idea was off-the-wall, but it was spur-of-the-moment when he realized just how hot she would look all dolled up. And really, the plan just might work.

  At this point he didn’t care whether she agreed to help or not. He really just wanted to see her again, but, oh, how they would have fun if she went along with the plan. The truth was he did need help. His private detective was unable to find anything out about the woman his younger brother intended to marry. His brother needed his head checked and his ass kicked for this. It really wasn’t like Drew to go off half-cocked and not thinking. Damon was sure that Luscious Cherry had other intentions. How else did one explain Drew proposing in six months?

  Women would be the death of both of them, Damon surmised. He himself thought he had fallen in love at one time and got burned. That was a lesson he’d likely not forget anytime soon. He smiled when he thought about Regan, though she wasn’t in the same class as his ex, his shallow and selfish ex who wanted nothing more than to marry and be pampered for life. Regan had been the first woman he had taken any interest in since he broke off his relationship with Suzy Selfish a year ago. There was no comparing the two. Regan had Suzy beat hands down.

  Regan was the type to work for what she wanted in life. That was obvious from reading about her in the Dallas Business Journal. Looking over the financials for her business, she had increased sales every year and was now wildly popular. She definitely had a niche market and a well-known reputation for outrageous creations that wowed people. That was impressive to him. He loved to see a woman roll up her sleeves and work.

  He looked down at his watch and hoped his trip back into the city wouldn’t be for him to sit at a table alone. He really looked forward to getting to know more about her. If she decided to help him then he might need to back off the charm, at least for the week. He really didn’t want her to feel obligated to jump into his bed. That was a nice thought, but since he was paying for her help, he didn’t want her to get the wrong idea. Now if she wanted in his bed, well…he’d welcome her. His cock ached as he pulled up in front of the barn. Thinking about Regan in his bed was too much for him right now since he had willingly lived like a monk for the better part of a year.

  * * * *

  Regan looked into her full-length mirror and frowned. She was accustomed to khakis or jeans, and now she stood here in a fabulous cocktail dress and felt odd. A glimpse of herself from the side and one of her behind yielded the same results. She had never been a girly girl, although she loved flowers and the thought of romance. Really, she was more like a tomboy. That was why her mother enrolled her in years of dance classes and gymnastics. She wanted the princess dress-up daughter and, instead, got the daughter that asked for a dump truck for her birthday.

  A knock at the door startled Regan. She peered through the looking hole and smiled. “Hi Bree,” she said as she opened the door.

  “Ooh, honey, is that the dress?” Bree glided through the door, looking Regan up and down.

  “Yeah, I just don’t feel like it looks good on me. I mean, it’s pretty and all,” Regan said as she looked back into the mirror and frowned.

  “You’re just not accustomed to being feminine, that’s all. When I’m done with you, you won’t recognize yourself. I brought supplies!” Bree squealed, holding up a bag of cosmetics and hair supplies.

  Chapter Three

  When Regan looked in the mirror she hardly recognized herself, just like Bree had said. She hadn’t overdone her makeup or hair, but she looked softer, prettier, and more feminine. “Wow, I don’t know what to say, B

  “Girl, you look great!” Bree beamed as she fluffed Regan’s loose, flowing curls. “I just enhanced your natural beauty, that’s all.”

  Regan looked back into the mirror and for once liked what looked back at her. She had never thought of herself as ugly or anything but definitely not pretty. “Thank you, Bree, really,” she said and hugged her.

  “It’s after six. You better get a move on, girl.” Bree handed Regan a small ivory purse.

  “You brought a purse to match? You’re an angel!”

  * * * *

  Damon arrived at the restaurant and was seated fifteen minutes early. He didn’t want to admit he was eager to see Regan, but he was. Of course he didn’t like to be late anywhere, and he was hoping she was wearing the dress he’d bought for her. His cock twitched in his slacks just thinking about her long legs being shown off by that daringly short hemline. Ouch.

  God, he hoped she showed up. He glanced around the room and looked at his watch. He was nervous but didn’t want to admit that fact. If Regan didn’t show, he had plans for the rest of the night, though. Those plans were at a small dive of a club on the way out of the city where Hank Williams Jr. was still played in the jukebox. He never could get into the whole nightclub scene, preferring the simplicity of a run-down bar with a couple of pool tables in the corner and, of course, a jukebox.

  From where he was seated, he could watch people enter the restaurant. Regan entered in the outfit he purchased. Wow.

  The hostess led Regan to his table. He watched her wobble a time or two in the heels, looking nervous and absolutely ravishing.

  Damon stood as Regan walked up and smiled. “Hi.”

  “Hello,” Damon drawled, and pulled out her chair.

  When they sat down, Damon said a quick prayer of thanks for his good fortune. Now he was glad to be seated because seeing Regan in that dress caused an enormous erection instantly. Have mercy, the woman is hot and doesn’t even know it. He supposed that was why he was so attracted to her.

  “I’m glad you came. Wow, you look great,” Damon said, trying not to sound like a drooling teenager in the process.

  “Thank you.” Regan smiled. “You didn’t need to send the dress, I...”

  “I know you have probably have a closetful, but I thought of you when I saw it.” Among other things he thought about her.

  Regan blushed. “It’s too much, and the money—” she whispered, “that’s too much, way too much.”

  Damon smiled thoughtfully as he looked at her. “No, if you’ll help me, you will have expenses and, of course, you’ll have to pay someone to work at your shop for the week unless you plan on doing both, and please don’t tell me that’s your plan.”

  “Well, I don’t know. I have staff that can work, so that isn’t a problem.”

  “You’re going to help me, aren’t you?” Damon smiled. “If you do, please don’t try to run your business at the same time. You’ll wear yourself out.”

  Regan laughed, and her green eyes sparkled. “I won’t, and yes, I’m going to help you.”

  Damon grinned as he opened his menu. This is going to be a thrill ride. “What are you in the mood for?” he asked as he studied his menu halfheartedly.

  Regan followed and glanced at her menu. “I’m not picky.”

  That was a first for Damon, a woman who wasn’t picky. “Me personally, I love beef, so I’ll be having the steak.”

  Regan looked over the menu a moment longer then laid it down. “Sounds great. I love steak.”

  Damon smiled. He also loved a woman with a good appetite. And one that loved steak, huh, he was in heaven.

  The waiter poured them a glass of wine, and Damon fought his still-trembling hands. It had been quite a long time since he’d been out on a date, and even longer since the woman was as hot as the one sitting across from him.

  She watched him bring his glass to his lips, wetting her own. Mmm. He loved subtle cues. For him, they were sexy. He winked, making her giggle. That sound was music to his ears. They exchanged glances and smiled while sipping their wine. Damon liked to think they were communicating without the use of words. Were words necessary anyway?

  “You’re smiling. Penny for your thoughts.” Damon grinned.

  Regan blushed and twisted her napkin with her hands nervously. “I was just thinking how lovely this restaurant is. Do you come here much?”

  Damon laughed. “No, first time.” She was a terrible liar. If he was a betting man, and he was, he’d bet she was thinking as much of him as he was of her. Hopefully her thoughts included tangling between silk sheets.

  “Oh, well the hostess didn’t even ask my name. She knew who I was and said you were waiting, so I just assumed you were a regular.”

  “Nope, I told the hostess I was waiting for a hot brunette.” He winked.

  Regan choked on her wine and lightly coughed.

  “Are you all right? I’m correct you know. You are hot.”

  “Thanks, but that was unexpected. I, uh, feel really silly all of a sudden.” Regan grinned and avoided eye contact for a moment.

  “Must be the wine,” Damon drawled as he looked intently into her green eyes, liking what he saw in front of him. The woman was absolutely clueless about how she looked.

  “Yeah, you’re probably right,” Regan agreed, looking back at him.

  Damon needed some sort of distraction to keep his mind from imagining how she’d look out of that dress. He cursed himself for being so one-track-minded. It wasn’t very gentlemanly to undress a woman at the dinner table.

  After dinner, Regan looked relieved. He hoped it was because of her nerves getting the better of her, and not because she couldn’t wait to get away. Surely not, he thought, remembering her cute giggles and grins. Regan was as attracted to him as he was her. It occurred to him that maybe the plan was bothering her. He hadn’t stopped to think about it from her perspective. Maybe she only agreed because she was attracted to him and hadn’t thought it through fully. He began to feel like a complete jackass. What kind of man asks a woman to apply for a job in a strip club anyway? I’m such a prick.

  “I was thinking…maybe this isn’t such a good idea,” Damon paused.

  Regan’s smile fell, and she looked down at the sidewalk beneath her feet. “Oh, okay. Yeah, I’m probably not the best applicant for the job.”

  He laughed and looked embarrassed as he stroked his jaw thoughtfully. “I have asked too much of you. It wasn’t right of me to do that, but you are most definitely the perfect applicant.”

  Regan exhaled and started to giggle. “No, it’s fine, really. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous, but I’d also be lying if I said that it didn’t sound like one heck of a fun adventure…and besides, I’m partly to blame.”

  “I was wrong to ask that…damn, I’m not good at apologies,” Damon confessed as he looked at Regan. He was offering her an out in case she changed her mind, but she didn’t seem to be wavering. Now he had to find a way to be around her for the next week without seeming like a lovesick puppy.

  “It’s obvious you need to find out about this woman and for good reason, and I’m here to help, so what do we do now?” Regan grabbed his arm and looped hers through it, giving him a reassuring smile.

  They began to walk to his truck, and Damon abruptly stopped and turned to face her. “You’re great. Thank you,” he said, then grabbed her shoulders and kissed her unexpectedly.

  Regan let out a small squeal as their kiss flamed. She placed her hands on his chest and moved closer, allowing him entrance.

  Damon slowly ended their kiss and looked into her eyes that fluttered open. “Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.” His eyes searched hers for any indication that he was wrong to do so. Instead he was blessed to see her eyes glimmer as they looked back at him and a smile stretch across her face. Whew.

  “No apology necessary,” Regan said, wobbling as she stepped back. “So what now?”

  “I guess you better see the club,” he said, o
pening the door to his truck for her, and she slipped in as ladylike as possible in her short dress. “I want you to see what you are getting yourself into.” He shut the door and walked around. He’d like her to get into his bed, but first things first.

  Damon slid in and smiled. Watching Regan shift in her seat and wring her nervous hands together was priceless. She seemed to have it all, good looks, brains, killer smile, and eyes he could stare at for hours. Even if she changed her mind, and he was sure she would, he wanted to see her again.

  A smile stayed on Damon’s lips as he drove. He wanted to continue what he started, and so did his cock which was trying to poke out of his trousers. What an idiot, he thought to himself. He was semi-erect throughout dinner, and now it was so hard it hurt just from kissing her. If she hadn’t been so blissfully unaware of her appeal, she might not have affected him so much. But when she let a moan escape he nearly lost it, and not in a good way. He was sure that could have been very embarrassing.

  “So, this club, is it very big?” Regan said, breaking the silence. “Honey, I don’t think big covers it!” Damon winked.

  Regan coughed, alerting to the fact she was no longer thinking about the size of the club, and Damon laughed, just watching her face turn various shades of red. This was fun.

  “Sorry, I got distracted,” Regan admitted and tried to look out the window.

  “If you say so.”

  Minutes passed by as Damon drove. Regan was avoiding eye contact with him, and he had to smile about that. She was just adorable.

  “So this woman, what’s her name, anyway? I forgot, but it seemed so silly when I sent the flowers.” Regan finally spoke again.

  Damon rolled his eyes and chuckled, “Luscious Cherry.”

  “Right, now I remember…it seems just as silly now.”

  “Her real name is Shay Reynolds,” Damon added as he flipped on his turn signal.


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