Payton's Woman

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Payton's Woman Page 17

by Marilyn Yarbrough

  “I can’t.” She tried to roll away, but his leg pinned down her thighs and prevented her from turning.

  “Why not. You don’t have any family. And it can’t be because of this job with Collins. She treats you with such contempt that I can’t believe you want to keep working for her.”

  Unable to speak, she merely shook her head.

  “If it’s a matter of work, I’ll hire you as my navigator. You’re a quick learner. I know you’ll be an expert after only a few months at sea. I’ll pay you whatever you want.”

  “I can’t go on the ship with you, Payton.”

  “Why not?” Anger rose up in his voice. “Or, is that another one of your secrets?”

  “It’s not a secret.”

  “Then tell me.”

  Admitting such a major fault was difficult. Either people didn’t believe her, or they ridiculed her shamelessly. Although painful to reveal, she decided the best way to tell him was just to blurt it out.

  “I get sea sick.”

  “That’s not so uncommon.” He shrugged. “A lot of people, even veteran seaman, get sick. Sometimes it takes me a few days to get my sea legs back. You have to let your body get used to the pitching and swaying of the ocean. Once you adjust to the rolling motion of the waves—”

  “Don’t!” She squeezed her eyes shut and clamped her hand over her mouth. Her other hand pushed him away so she could sit up on the edge of the bed.

  “Just talking about it makes you sick?”

  She swallowed hard before she removed her hand from her mouth. “Sometimes I get sick just thinking about being on a ship. Reggie said it was because I didn’t have any seafaring blood in my veins.”

  He crawled over the narrow bed and sat beside her. His hand glided up her back, and he brushed her hair aside. Gently, he pressed his fingertips at the base of her neck and massaged at her tight muscles.

  “That feels good.” She stretched her shoulders. “The rubbing helps me relax.”

  “You might find you have some of your brother’s saltwater in your veins.”

  “I’m nothing like my brother. We were only half brother and sister. We had different fathers.”

  “You never told me that. But then, you’ve barely told me anything about yourself.” He kissed her bare neck. “You might find you have the half that counts. Have you ever stayed out on a ship long enough to see if the sickness goes away.”

  “It’s not the ship. I can’t even stand on a bridge and look down at the moving water. Sometimes, just watching the movement of the current makes me ill.”

  “I never would’ve guessed you’d give up so easily on anything.”

  “Don’t make fun of me,” she pleaded.

  “I’m not. It’s just that you have such strength of character and determination. I’d have thought that nothing would stop you from accomplishing your goals.”

  “Then you’re wrong about me.” She pulled at the corner of the sheet to wipe at a tear threatening to spill down her cheek. “There are a lot of things I’m afraid I’ll never have the courage to accomplish.”

  He slipped his arms around her waist and pulled her back against his chest. “Then lean on me. With you by my side, there’s nothing we can’t accomplish together.”

  Chapter Twenty

  “Oh, Julia darling. There you are.” Sylvia rushed across the clipped lawn toward her.

  Julia halted near the tables where the food spread out in abundance. She let out a deep sigh. With the garden party underway, her duties kept her busy. She didn’t want to listen to Sylvia’s tale of her previous night’s adventure with a gentleman caller.

  “Don’t you look demure.” Sylvia walked around her for a better view of the ivory colored gown covered in a pattern of tiny pink rose buds. “You blend right in with the other shrubbery. Even your hair seems to have sprouted a few weeds.”

  Carefully, Julia brushed her hand down the length of the long braid. Green ribbons and tiny rosebuds adorned her hair, but she didn’t expect a compliment from Sylvia. “I really don’t have time. Marcel is being very temperamental today. I’m on my way to the kitchen right now to calm him.”

  “Ah, yes. You’re the only one who can handle that crazy chef. I don’t know how you do it. You don’t even speak his native tongue.”

  “Politeness and respect do not require a language. Sincerity does wonders in comforting people.”

  “I suppose. That is, if one has the patience to deal with such temperamental people.”

  “Exactly,” she agreed. Her patience with this woman ran thin.

  Sylvia groped at Julia’s arm in an apparent attempt to prevent her from walking away. “Speaking of comforting someone, your captain was very upset last night after you left. I couldn’t bear to see him in such an unhappy mood. I did what I could to ease his distress. We talked long into to the night. Of course talking wasn’t all we did.” She lifted her eyebrows as if surprised. “Oh, dear. I didn’t intend to make you jealous.”

  Julia rolled her eyes upward to the heavens as her impatience grew. Provoking jealousy was exactly what she had intended. But she didn’t know Payton had spent most of the night with her. He’d shown up at her window shortly after she’d arrived home, so Sylvia couldn’t have spent more than a few moments talking with him. Whatever silly scheme she planned to hatch, Julia didn’t feel inclined to participate.

  “You don’t have to worry on my account, Sylvia. I’m not the least bit jealous about anything that might have happened between the two of you last night.”

  “Don’t you want to know what the captain did after you left?”

  “No need to explain.” Her lips curled into a smile she couldn’t suppress. “I think I know exactly what he did.”

  “You certainly have a smug look on your face. It makes me think you’re keeping secrets.”

  She tried to change her expression and busied herself by rearranging some of the food on the table. “What possible secrets could I have?”

  “Precisely,” she said while studying her carefully.

  “If you’ll excuse me, I have work to do.” She didn’t want to be the subject of Sylvia’s intense scrutiny.

  “Before you go to the kitchen...” Sylvia glanced around as if looking for some reason to delay her departure. “These crab puffs seem salty to me. Would you taste them?”

  She let out a deep sigh while trying to hold onto her temper. The woman obviously wanted to tell her something, but was taking her time doing it. But after saying politeness and respect were universal, she couldn’t bring herself to be rude.

  She walked to the tray, picked up a puff, and took a small bite. “It tastes fine to me.”

  “Well, perhaps it was just the one I ate,” she stammered for an excuse before stepping in front of her so she couldn’t leave. “Getting back to the captain, you can’t expect to keep a man like him all to yourself if you never give him what he needs.”

  “What makes you think I want to keep him all to myself? He’s a grown man. He can see whoever he likes.”

  “Are you saying that you wouldn’t mind if I steal him away from you?”

  “You’ve been trying to do that for the past month,” she said. “Why bother to get my permission now?”

  “I don’t want your permission. It’s just that—” She let out a huff. “Oh, what difference does it make? Even if you did give him what he wanted, I’m certain you wouldn’t satisfy him. You act so pure and virginal. All you would probably do is just lie there on your back and scream and cry and beg him to stop. He’ll come to me sooner or later when he needs a real woman.”

  “Sooner or later?” Her lips twisted together in an attempt to stifle a giggle. “I thought you spent all night with him?”

  “I...I did. I just forgot for a moment.”

  Her laughter bubbled out. “You forgot?”

  Memories of last night with Payton returned to her in a flash. A warm flush crept into her cheeks. “I should think that if I’d spent the entire night makin
g love to the captain, it would be a very long time before I forgot.”

  “I do remember,” she snapped. “I just didn’t want to upset you by—Oh, look. There’s the captain now.”

  Not really believing her, she obligingly turned in the direction Sylvia pointed. She spotted Payton walking across the lawn toward them. He’d evidently come as a guest of the Baxters, for he just now left their company.

  Suddenly, she felt awkward. Heat gathered in her cheeks. Her heart fluttered. How was one supposed to greet a man after spending the night naked in his arms?

  “Captain,” Sylvia purred. She stroked her fingers down the front of the crisp, white shirt he wore beneath a black suit. “You look marvelous this afternoon. I see our little, ah, chat we had last night did you a world of good.”

  “Good afternoon, Mrs. Morgan.”

  “Please, call me Sylvia.” A smirk covered her face when she glanced at Julia. “After last night, I feel we should call each other by our first names.”

  He seemed puzzled, but he nodded politely before turning to Julia.

  “Miss Anderson, you look marvelous this afternoon. There appears to be stardust shimmering all around you. I trust you are well.”

  “Yes, very.” The heat intensified in her cheeks. She feared Sylvia would notice her reaction to Payton’s compliment. Quickly, she looked for a neutral topic to discuss. The appetizer she held in her hand caught her attention. “We were just sampling the crab puffs. Sylvia thinks they’re a little on the salty side.”

  “Perhaps I can help. I’m an expert when it comes to delicacies from the sea—mermaids, or otherwise.”

  His fingers encircled her wrist. He lifted her hand to his mouth and ate the puff from her fingers.

  “Delicious,” he murmured.

  Enraptured with his gentleness, she watched in silence as he licked and nibbled the last remnants from her fingertips.

  “You seem to have a few morsels left on your lips.” He stepped closer. “Allow me to assist you.”

  He leaned forward until his mouth hovered near hers, but instead of his lips touching hers, he carefully glided his middle finger over the invisible crumbs. He touched his finger to his own mouth, allowing his tongue to flick across the tip.

  The warmth of his breath flowed across her cheek. She saw the heat gathered in his eyes and sensed the restrained power of his body.

  “Very delectable,” he whispered.

  “Don’t you have work to do in the kitchen?” Sylvia’s annoying voice startled her.

  “Yes,” she answered quickly. “I must go.”

  Reluctantly, she pulled her hand from him. As she hurried toward the back entrance of the house, Sylvia’s chatter trailed after her until she heard Payton’s voice interrupt.

  “Excuse me, Mrs. Morgan. I’d like to get the recipe from the cook for these crab puffs.”

  Instead of going into the kitchen, Julia continued down the hallway. Payton’s brisk footsteps echo behind her on the hardwood floor. She turned around just as he caught up with her. His arms slipped around her waist.

  “Payton,” she said in breathy whisper. “I’m so glad you’re here. I wanted desperately to see you once more before you left.”

  “I’m here, Angel,” he said against her lips. “It was all I could do to stop myself from kissing you in front of Sylvia and everyone else.” He pulled her tightly against his body. His mouth, warm and insistent, covered hers.

  Other footsteps in the house forced him to break off their kiss. He opened the door next to them. With Julia still pressed against his body, he stepped into the room and closed the door.

  “This is the study,” she said, her voice a ragged whisper. “We shouldn’t be in here.”

  “It’ll just be for a few minutes. I want to hold you in my arms one last time so I can remember how you feel while we’re apart.”

  “I’ll never forget the feel of you.” She put her arms around him and hugged him.

  “I only wish we could make love once more before I go, but the steamer I’m taking leaves soon.” He tugged at her short, puffy sleeve. “Even if we could slip up to your room, by the time I get you out of this fancy rigging, I’d have to leave.”

  She caught her lip between her teeth. What she was about to suggest seemed too wanton, and she hoped he wouldn’t think her too bold. “Is it important to take off all my clothes? Couldn’t I just remove what’s necessary?”

  His quiet laughter reverberated against her breast. “You are a tempting little siren.”

  “Are you afraid of crashing against the rocks?” she teased.

  “Not the rocks.” He placed nibbling kisses on her neck while moving her backward. “More than likely we’ll crash against this desk.”

  “No, Payton,” she said when she realized his intent. She twisted in his arms and grabbed for the doorknob. “Not here. Someone could walk in on us.”

  He slipped his arms around her waist and pulled her against him so her back pressed against his chest.

  “I doubt there’d be anything to see since you have on too many clothes.” He nuzzled her braid to one side and nipped at the back of her neck. His hand slid over her breast and tugged at the bodice front. “You’re cinched up too tight.”

  “Be careful you don’t tear the seams.” She let out her breath, allowing the fullness to ease.

  Carefully, he edged his hand beneath the material and caressed her bare skin. His fingers crept lower until he captured her nipple hidden beneath the material. A gasp of pleasure slipped through her lips.

  With his other hand, he gathered up the length of the ivory colored skirt. His fingers searched for an opening between the linen tapes that held the wires of the crinoline in place. He grasped at the ruffled pantalets that covered her leg.

  “Way too many clothes,” he said with a groan.

  “We should stop.” She tugged at his arms.

  “Not yet.” His fingers searched around until he found the unstitched seam of her pantalets. “Not until I touch—”

  He sucked in a breath through his teeth when his fingers rubbed at the flesh between her thighs. Her own breath caught in her throat. He stroked again, and her knees buckled. Her hands went behind her as she searched for him, but he was too close. Instead, she grabbed at his hips.

  Holding her too him, he shuffled around until his back hit the door. She felt him lean against it—either for support, or to keep out intruders, but she no longer worried about being discovered.

  His fingers stroked over her, bringing her body to the brink of pleasure. Her body trembled, and she groaned with delight.

  “That’s right, my lovely mermaid,” he said while placing nibbling kisses on her neck. “Sing for me.”

  Her body shivered and shook from his intimate caresses. A coil of heat tightened in her belly. When her body unraveled, she called out his name.

  After the last wave of pleasure washed over her, he lifted her in his arms and carried her to the sofa. He flopped down with her in his lap. He kissed her full on her mouth before positioning her legs so she straddled him.

  “Aren’t you afraid of missing your ship?” she murmured when she felt him fumble with the opening of his trousers.

  “The only thing I’m worried about,” he said in a tortured voice, “is getting these damn buttons undone before I completely humiliate myself.”

  Her breath caught in her throat when the back of his knuckles brushed over her exposed flesh. “Everything is so sensitive.”

  “Aye,” he agreed. He accomplished the goal of freeing himself from the trousers. His hardened flesh pressed against her. “Much too sensitive.”

  He continued in spite of their shared sensitivity. Their bodies shuddered and shook as he eased into her.

  If anyone had chanced to listen at the door, they won’t know if the couple cried out because of extreme pain, or extreme pleasure. Only the looks on their faces when they were finished revealed it had been ecstasy.


  “I wish I c
ould hold you like this forever,” Payton said, “but we can’t stay here much longer.”

  Julia lifted her head from his shoulder. Her eyelids felt heavy with the aftermath of passion. A smile tugged at her lips. “This is a fine time to worry about someone walking in on us.”

  “Right now, I wouldn’t care if everyone on the entire guest list walked through this room, but I have a ship to catch. I don’t want to swim all the way to San Francisco.”

  “I understand,” she said as she moved from his lap.

  He pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and offered it to her. “You can go with me. I already told you that.”

  “You have business to take care of there.” She turned her back to him while she straightened her clothing. “I’d just be in your way. And I have business of my own to take care of here.”

  His hand caressed her shoulder, and he turned her to him. His brilliant blue eyes filled with concern. “While I’m gone, I want you to promise me you’ll be careful and not get into any trouble.”

  “You’re the only one who’s given me trouble,” she said in an attempt to lighten his mood.

  “I mean it, Julia.” He gripped her arms. “I don’t want anything to happen to you. I’d prefer you went to live with the Baxters, but if you won’t do that, at least swear to me that you’ll stay in Sacramento and remain out of harm’s way. Can you do that?”

  She closed her eyes and looked deep into her soul to determine if she could keep that promise. She let out a sigh and opened her eyes. “Yes, I swear I’ll stay here and avoid trouble of any kind.”

  The worried look vanished from his eyes. His lips curled into a smile. He pulled her close. “Shall we seal this bargain with a kiss?”

  Footsteps in the hallway startled her. She pushed him away. “I think you’d better button up your trousers before someone walks in here.”

  She opened the door a crack and peered out into the hallway. While she waited for a servant to pass, Payton tucked his shirt into his trousers. When the passageway cleared, she darted out of the room. He caught up with her just as she entered the kitchen.

  Dishes clattered. A buzz of confusion hovered throughout the room as the newly hired servants scurried about and tried to avoid bumping into each other. Julia had to raise her voice to get the chef’s attention.


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