Home > Other > DRAGON'S FIRE > Page 6

by Dara Tulen

  “Oh,” the color drained from Judah's face. He started to say something, then stopped. I waited. After a moment's hesitation, he continued. “And what happens if...”

  I gave him a hard look. “There aren't any half-breed hunters, if that's what you're asking.” I looked away and changed the subject. “Was this the tree you woke up under?”

  Judah must have sensed that I didn't want to expound on the subject because he let it go and answered my question after examining the tree I was pointing at. “Yeah, that's it.”

  I took a step towards the scarlet oak and froze. That wasn't possible. I couldn't be seeing what my eyes were telling me I was seeing. I closed my eyes. It couldn't be here, not after all this time, not after I'd spent so long looking for it. I opened my eyes and it was still there. Before I could stop it, the images began flashing through my mind.

  A circle with a star in the center and four lines at each compass point, written in blood on the side of their RV.

  The same design on the ground, written in flesh.

  Bright red hair gleaming in the sun.

  An engagement ring flashing on a slender finger.

  A pair of earphones half-buried in the dirt.

  I swallowed the cry that wanted to escape and settled for slamming my fist into the trunk of the tree. The pain shot up my arm, driving away the memories.

  “Siobhan,” Judah was at my side. “What's wrong?”

  “This bitch has killed before,” I spoke through gritted teeth, fighting the flood of emotions that wanted to well up inside me.

  “Siobhan,” he started.

  I knew a question was coming and opened my mouth to pre-emptively dismiss it. Before I could say anything, a kitsune dropped from the tree, its nails raking down my arm as it landed on the grass next to me. This one was large for its kind and I took a step back, instinctively putting myself between Judah and the creature. A second one dropped behind the first, then a third from a nearby tree.

  “What are those?” His voice was low.

  “Never seen a kitsune before?” I tried to keep my tone light but I wasn't sure it worked. Kitsune were definitely among the most odd-looking of the Paranormal Beings. The best description I could even think of was that they looked like someone had taken a computer program and merged a fox and a hunchback. They couldn't stand up straight, but they didn't always stay on all fours, often falling into a crouched position that allowed them to use their clawed hands. Their entire bodies, including their faces, were covered with reddish-brown fur and the ears on the top of their human-like head were the pointed triangles of a fox. Their features were essentially human, with golden eyes and a mouthful of razor-sharp teeth. They understood human speech but rarely used it, instead sticking to their own language of yips and barks.

  I hated fighting the damn things. I wasn't very tall and they averaged just above four feet which meant I had to bend to use anything but a gun, and that left my back open. I yanked my knife from my boot, ignoring the blood running down my arm, and wished that I'd retrieved a gun from the bags sitting in Judah's car. Maybe I could reason with them...or threaten them. Whichever worked.

  “We're not here to harm you. Leave us be,” I addressed the first one, sensing it was the leader.

  It didn't speak – not that I'd expected it to – but it shook its head, the answer clear.

  All right, time for option number two. “If you attack, I will kill you.” My voice was level, cold. “If you know of hunters, then you'll have heard of me. I'm Siobhan Faust, daughter of David Faust and Molly Donnell-Faust, of the Donnell clan. My kind has been hunting yours since time began. Leave us be.”

  The leader snarled and I knew that I was in for a fight. I just hoped that Judah had enough sense to stay out of the way. The kitsune sprung and my body instantly transitioned into fight mode. Instead of going down as most people would have, I jumped up, kicking out to meet the charging creature as it came towards me. My foot connected with its side as it tried to turn mid-air and it flew to one side. I saw the other kitsune coming at me even as I landed. Tucking my shoulder, I rolled to one side. A swipe of my knife earned a pained yelp and one of the two fell back for a moment. I had no delusions that they'd stop. Kitsune didn't retreat or give up. Once they started an attack, they didn't stop until something was dead.

  I heard Judah scream as the third kitsune snapped at my leg. I buried my silver-laced knife in the back of its neck, severing the brain stem from the spine with the equivalent of a poisoned blade. Even as I was turning, a wave of heat rolled over me and I knew what was happening. I didn't think, I just reacted. I dove towards the bushes and hoped he wouldn't see me. I needn't have worried, I saw as I peered through the branches. The kitsune I'd killed was a smoldering pile of ash and the dragon – Judah, I knew, but my brain still couldn't quite wrap around it – reached for the leader. His claws made short work of it as the wounded one gnawed at his scaled leg. Like I said, kitsune keep attacking; they're not the brightest creatures. One swift kick ended the attack and two puffs of fire instantly incinerated everything that was left.

  My heart was in my throat as I waited to see what the dragon would do next. I had no way of knowing how much of Judah was still in there while he was a dragon and, if he didn't shift back, I would need to find a way to stop him. Aside from the fact that I had no idea how to do that at all, I didn't want to hurt him. I would kill him if I had to, don't get me wrong, but the mere idea of doing it pained me more than I cared to admit. Then, even as I watched, the dragon roared and I felt another blast of heat. The dragon's outline shimmered and then its body seemed to fold in on itself. In just seconds, the dragon was gone and Judah dropped to his knees, his skin covered with a thin sheen of sweat, the clothes we'd picked up shredded around him.

  I ran to his side, aware that I needed to get him out of there before people started coming to find out what was going on. The whole encounter had taken barely five minutes, but no one within a few hundred feet would have missed the roar, even if they hadn't heard Judah's scream. The last thing I needed right now was a bunch of college students with cameras on their phones recording the scene. The roar plus the crispy critters would definitely get more than one person thinking 'dragon.' I'd need to call someone and report what had happened, some of it at least, but I was going to wait until I got Judah out of there. I had a feeling that a dragon hadn't factored into the regulations set up after The Revealing and I was worried what the authorities would do if they discovered what Judah was. I knew that this didn't have to be my problem. I could just turn him over and let the government decide what to do with him. I never considered it to be an option.

  “We have to go. Now,” I pulled Judah to his feet and snatched the keys that had fallen to the ground when his jeans had vanished. He had a dazed expression on his face, almost as if he'd been the one to take a blow to the head.

  The urgency in my voice got through to him and he quickly followed me to his car. This time, I drove. Judah didn't say a word and seemed to be in a state of shock, not that I could blame him. I'd be freaking out if I were him. I had a question I really wanted to ask him, but I had something I needed to do first. I waited until I got us out of the parking lot and onto the main road before pulling my phone out of my pocket.

  Agent Beck answered on the first ring which surprised me. “I'm driving so I can't talk long,” I didn't bother with a greeting. “Send a Disposal Squad to the Lauinger Library at Georgetown.” After a moment, I added, “and you'll probably want a Containment Crew as well. There are three dead kitsune. They attacked me. I'm in pursuit of another Paranormal Being.” I hoped he wouldn't press the issue. I was bending the truth on that last one. I was going after a Paranormal Being, just not the one that had burnt the kitsune. Part of me was hoping the Beck would assume I'd used the flamethrower I'd unintentionally left in the sewer to make short work of the kitsune.

  “Do you have the information for a warrant?”

  I liked this guy. Agent Ass-hat would've made
me prove six ways from Sunday that my pursuit was valid before I could even bring up the idea of a warrant. “All I have so far is that it's either a witch or a warlock performing curses. I have a contact in New Orleans who can tell me more.”

  “New Orleans?” Beck sounded surprised, but not angry. “Are you flying or driving?”

  I had a momentary mental image of Judah shifting on a plane. “Driving.”

  “You'll need federal authorization to pursue a Paranormal Being across state lines, so use me as your contact point. I'll get a Magick Practitioner warrant and we can fill in the details whenever you have them.”

  Yeah, I really liked this guy. “Thanks, Agent Beck.”

  “Be careful and keep me posted.”

  I tossed the phone onto the seat between Judah and myself. It was only then that I realized he was still naked. A jolt of desire went through me. My body was humming, the after-effects of the fight finally hitting me. I still had one question answer I needed.

  “Judah, what triggered you to shift?”

  “I...” Judah glanced at me, his eyes finally focusing. His cheeks turned red as his hands fell to his lap, covering himself.

  I really wanted him and it was only through great self-control that I pursued the question. “I need to know why you couldn't control it.”

  “I chose to shift.”

  I almost slammed on the brakes. “Excuse me?”

  “I meant to do it.”

  “You...” I was at a loss. I needed to pull over. A few yards ahead, I saw a sign for the Foundry Branch Valley Park. With any luck, it'd be deserted and I could take care of two things at once. I pulled in and, seeing no one else around, pulled off of the parking lot and maneuverer Judah's car behind a small thicket of trees. I yanked off the seatbelt and turned towards him. “Did you just tell me that you intentionally shifted into a dragon?”

  Judah nodded. He didn't seem to know how I was going to respond. Understandable since I didn't know how I felt about it.


  Judah's eyes implored me to understand. “I thought they were going to hurt you and I knew that I didn't stand a chance as a human, but as a dragon...” His voice faded.

  “Get out of the car,” my voice was strained.

  “What?” Judah looked completely bewildered and hurt flashed through his eyes.

  I leaned across the seat and pressed my lips hard against his. I scratched my nails down his chest and shoved my tongue into his mouth when he gasped. I didn't wait for him to respond to the kiss and pulled back, panting. “It's way too small to try to fuck in here.”

  Judah stared at me, but I just climbed out of the car and walked around to the passenger's side. He was still watching me, as if waiting for me to say that I was only joking. There was one surefire way I knew to make him realize I was serious. I pulled my shirt over my head and tossed it through the open window. My bra immediately followed.

  “Shit,” Judah's hand fumbled at the door.

  I unsnapped my jeans as the door opened. Judah climbed out of the car, but still made no move to touch me. His hands were over his cock, though they wouldn't be able to do much once he was hard, and I expected that to happen very soon. I cupped one of my breasts and slid my other hand down my stomach and into my pants. Judah made a sound low in his throat as I teased my nipple with my thumb and finger. My other hand moved beneath my panties, my fingers slipping between my folds to find me wet. “If you aren't going to help me out, I guess I'll have to take care of it myself.”

  Judah's arms were around me before I'd made two strokes, crushing me against him. His mouth found mine and he kissed me with a fierceness that made me shiver. I pushed back, our tongues tangling as they fought for dominance. One of his hands worked its way between us and grabbed my breast, the touch rougher than I'd expected, but exactly what I wanted. I scraped my teeth across his bottom lip, biting down as I broke the kiss. If we'd been in a more private place, there would be so many things I would have that mouth do to me. Right now, I just needed the release.

  “I need you inside me.”

  Judah gave an almost animalistic growl and spun me around. My hands barely caught me as he bent me over the hood of the car. He yanked on my pants, taking the panties with them until they were down to my thighs. This was going to be a tight fit.

  “Fuck,” I swore as I felt one of his fingers probe at my entrance. “Stop teasing already. Just fuck me.”

  I half-expected him to protest, but it seemed that his need was as great as my own. He grabbed onto my hips and shoved himself inside of me. I'm not embarrassed to admit that I wailed. He was almost too big in this position, with my legs barely able to part, but it felt amazing. He didn't wait for me to adjust and I didn't want him to. The pressure was already building inside me and I knew it wouldn't take much for me to explode. He fucked me hard and fast, his hips snapping forward at an almost brutal pace that drove the air from my lungs. The hot hood of the car burned my skin, the pinpricks of pain rushing along my nerves to join with the exquisite pleasure radiating up from the place where my body accepted his. I dropped my head and closed my eyes, so close.

  Judah moved his hands from my hips, running them up my stomach to where my breasts swayed, my hard nipples brushing against the smooth metal. His fingers played across my flesh, kneading and pinching and squeezing until it was all I could do to keep myself from falling face-first onto the hood.

  “Please, cum,” he begged, his hips stuttering as his own release neared. He took both of my nipples between his fingers and pulled on the tips.

  I wanted to scream as I climaxed, my entire body shaking and spasming beneath his, but nothing came from my open mouth. My legs buckled and only Judah's cock in my pussy kept me from falling to the ground. Spots danced behind my eyes and Judah slammed into my twice more before he came. His body shuddered as it slumped over me, his arms crossing beneath my breasts to hold me. I could feel his legs trembling against mine, but he held us up as our bodies slowly came down.

  He pressed an open-mouthed kiss against my shoulder. His voice was breathless in my ear as he said, “I think I need to find something to wear if we're going anywhere public.”

  I chuckled, a lazy grin spreading across my face. There were going to be some serious perks on this road trip.

  Chapter Eight

  I stopped at the first store we passed that sold clothes. As much as I enjoyed looking at Judah's very nice body, we'd never make it to New Orleans in sixteen hours if I kept wanting to stop and fuck. I was well aware that this was unusual, even for me, but I didn't want to analyze the intensity of this attraction. I had too much else on my plate and I was actually enjoying his company, even without the sex. It was nice to forget the crazy, even if it was only for a little while.

  We took turns driving and talked about everything except the elephant in the room, or I suppose, the dragon in the car. The only other thing I didn't want to talk about was what had happened to my family, but Judah never asked. I figured it was safe to assume that a journalist who'd been following my career would know that they were all dead. No one alive knew the details. After I'd found them, I'd called Paul and we'd cleaned up before bringing in the other authorities. Death for hunters was supposed to be private and what had been done had been particularly degrading. No one else was going to see my family that way.

  Judah kept telling me how his life had been so unexciting and boring by comparison to mine, at least until the curse. He'd said that, often while growing up, he'd wish for a more exciting life. Now, he said, he was thankful for the quiet suburban upbringing his two sisters and he'd had. I told him that I'd never thought about another kind of life. Hunting was the family business, and not just from one side. Both of my parents had been born into it. On my mother's side, we went back to the founding of the country. There'd been a Donnell on the Mayflower. Granted, he'd been a sailor and not a passenger, but he'd saved the settlers from a very pissed off necromancer who'd fallen asleep on the boat and woke half-way ou
t to sea. Then, there was my father's side. Despite their Jewish heritage, the Fausts had stayed in Germany to fight against the Paranormal Beings Hitler had recruited. They'd nearly been wiped out by the time the war ended. Only my great-great-great grandmother and her infant son had made it to America. There'd never been a doubt in my mind as to what I would be doing with my life.

  We didn't talk constantly and, during one of the silences, Judah had finally fallen asleep. I waited until we were just outside the city limits before waking Judah. I'd insisted he catch a few hours while I drove the last leg. I'd gotten a whole four hours while he'd driven, so I was good to go. Besides, he'd shifted three times in twenty-four hours, fucked twice and been attacked once. That was bound to wear anyone out.


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