Home > Other > DRAGON'S FIRE > Page 9

by Dara Tulen

  “I can't lift the curse.” She slumped in the chair.

  “You're lying,” Judah spoke now and I was pleased to hear that his voice was strong. I hadn't been sure how what I'd said would affect him.

  “No,” Roswyn shook her head. “It's not a hex, so there's no spell to lift. I used what we used to call a 'beauty and the beast' curse.”

  “The fairy tale?” I straightened. That was an excuse I'd never heard before.

  Roswyn nodded. “The only way for him to be cured is to find someone who loves him enough to risk their life to stay with him through an entire change cycle, sundown to sunrise. It has to be done voluntarily and out of love.”

  I tilted my blade as if I were going to start a cut.

  “I swear!” She tried to pull away. “I swear by the White, Black and Red! I swear by my order!”

  “I heard that your order excommunicated you,” I didn't remove the knife.

  “They did,” she nodded. “But I found another.”

  I pulled my knife back. “She's telling the truth.”

  “How do you know?” Judah asked.

  I looked at him and he didn't look away. A surge of relief went through me. He hadn't been freaked out by what I'd said. “A witch or warlock who swears by the White, Black and Red as well as by their order is bound by their own magick. If she were lying, she'd be dead.”

  “All right,” Judah nodded. Then, to my complete shock, he held his own knife against Roswyn's neck. “Why did you kill Siobhan's family?”

  The peal of laughter that came from the witch's mouth made me shiver.

  I stepped forward again. “Answer him. Why did you kill my family?”

  “I didn't,” she shook her head.

  “Your mark was on the tree Judah woke up under and it was at the site where my family was killed.” It took all of my self-control not to hit her. If I lost my temper, she'd think she could goad me into killing her rather than following through on my threat.

  “My mark?” She looked genuinely confused. “You believe that the mark of the Praeceptor to be mine?”

  “The Praeceptor?” I echoed. I didn't like the sound of that. “Who's that?”

  “You will know the answer soon enough.” Roswyn closed her eyes. “And when the time comes, it is he who you will want to ask about the Fausts.”

  I opened my mouth to ask another question, but a wave of energy pushed me back. The wires sparked even as I tried to step forward. “Stop!” I shouted.

  “What's happening?” Judah reached towards me.

  “She's using magick. If she keeps it up, she'll...”

  My words were lost in a surge of heat as Roswyn burst into flame. Before Judah or I could react to put her out, she was gone. The wire fell to the ground with a clattering sound as ash settled on the chair and surrounding area.

  “Fuck!” I screamed in frustration. There went my best chance of getting justice for my family. I crouched on the ground and buried my head in my hands.

  * * *

  Beck didn't ask many questions, for which I was grateful, and if he recognized Judah as a reporter, he didn't mention it. I kept things simple. The ashes were all that was left of a witch who'd tried to use magick while bound by Runed copper and steel wire, standard procedure for holding a potentially violent suspect. Since Beck had already been at the hotel cleaning up the remains of the would-be assassin rougarou, he accepted that Roswyn was dangerous without question. If I had any say in the matter, Beck would be my go-to Fed from here on out.

  Once we'd given our statements, Judah and I headed back to his car, but he didn't bother starting it. What would be the point? We didn't know where to go next. The answers we'd desperately wanted had left us with more questions and no leads as to where we should start looking. Two years I'd been searching for the creature behind the deaths of my parents and siblings without any luck. And then, I find out that it wasn't some random attack or even a Paranormal Being defending its territory. My family had been targeted and the one person who could lead me to the truth had killed herself rather than tell me.

  “We've only got a few hours,” Judah's voice broke into my thoughts.

  “What?” I'd almost forgotten he was there.

  “Until sunset,” he pointed to where the sun had begun its descent towards the horizon. “There's no cure, Siobhan. I need to find somewhere to change where I won't risk hurting anyone.”

  It was only then that I saw the complete and utter despair on Judah's face. All of the hope and light that had been in his eyes was gone. My heart constricted and all of my own pain became less important. My parents, my sister and brother, they were gone. Nothing I did was going to bring them back. I would find out who was responsible for their deaths and I would get justice for them. But it wouldn't be right now. Now, there was something more important that needed my attention.

  “What do you mean there's no cure? Roswyn told us the answer.”

  Judah gave me a smile so sad that it hurt. “Siobhan, I'm not stupid. That cure is a joke.”

  What was he talking about? “I don't understand. It seemed pretty straight-forward to me.”

  “Oh, yeah, straight-forward,” Judah's laugh was bitter. “Just find someone who's willing to accept that I turn into a dragon and who loves me enough to stay with me when I'm like...that. And that's even if I was willing to risk someone I loved just so I wouldn't have to be a monster.”

  I stared at him. He really didn't see it? How could he not realize that he didn't have to find someone, didn't have to ask? Unless – my stomach dropped at the thought – he didn't feel the same way. But, I asked myself, did it matter? Roswyn hadn't said that he had to be in love with the person who stayed with him, only that they had to stay out of love.

  All I had to do was tell him, but if what I feared was true, could I still go through with it, knowing he didn't feel the same way? And when, exactly, had I decided that I was in love with Judah? When had a good fuck (okay, a great fuck) and helping out someone in need turned into this deep longing that I'd never experienced before?


  Based on how puzzled Judah sounded, I assumed he'd been talking to me for at least a couple of minutes. Well, there was one sure way to move things along and avoid admitting that I hadn't been listening to him.

  My lips molded perfectly to his as my fingers curled in his hair. The kiss was slow and thorough. Judah's hands made their way under the back of my shirt, his palms skimming over my skin, leaving a trail of figurative fire. As my tongue thrust into his mouth, things low inside me tightened and throbbed with an intensity that was beyond the usual desire.

  When I finally pulled back, both of us were panting. Judah's eyes were bright, all traces of his previous despair gone.

  “What was that for?”

  Idiot. He still didn't get it. “I'm going to stay with you tonight.”

  Judah's eyebrows shot up. “I can't ask you to do that. Besides, it doesn't work just because we slept together. It only works if...”

  “I know.” Was he really going to make me say it?

  Judah reached out and brushed his fingertips over my cheek and I shivered. An expression of pure wonder came over his face. “Siobhan, what are you saying?”

  Yeah, he was going to make me say it. “I'm saying that I love you and if you weren't so thick you would've figured it out already.”

  He shook his head. “Feeling sorry for me isn't good enough.”

  “Fuck it,” I sighed. Apparently he was going to need some convincing. Ignoring his shocked yelp, I climbed across him, settling my knees on either side of his waist. I was tall enough that this wasn't exactly comfortable, but I needed us to be closer together. I pressed my body against his and took his face in my hands. “I don't know how much more specific I can be, but I'm going to try.” Our eyes locked. A flock of butterflies exploded in my stomach as I began to speak. “I don't feel sorry for you or pity you. I see the expression on your face when you talk about being stuck as a Were, and
my heart aches. I want to comfort you and protect you. I fell asleep in your arms because, for the first time since my family died, I felt safe. You make me feel safe. I want to make love to you, not because the sex is fantastic, even though it is. When you're inside me, I'm complete. We fit with each other in ways that I'd never dreamed I could fit with anyone. I love you, Judah Mills. Dragon or human. I would give my life to save yours and I will not leave you.”

  Judah wrapped his fingers around the back of my neck and pulled me down until our mouths collided. Our tongues danced together and our bodies moved against each other. I could feel him swelling beneath my moving hips and I groaned. I'd always enjoyed the way men responded to my body, but this was so much more.

  “Siobhan,” he gasped as our mouths parted. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  At first I thought he was talking about fucking in the car, which I was seriously considering, but his next statement made me realize that he was referring to what I'd said earlier.

  “I don't want to hurt you.”

  “I'm staying with you tonight when you change.” My voice was as firm as it could be with what little air I'd managed to inhale. “But,” I reluctantly leaned back. I really wanted him inside me, but we needed to take care of some things first. “We're going to need to be careful.” An idea came into my mind. It was crazy, brilliant, but crazy. “And I think I know just the person to help.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “Are you sure those chains will hold him?” I eyed the steel links hanging from the ceiling. “I mean, we don't really know how strong a dragon is.”

  “Listen here, little hunter,” Malane scowled down at me. “There will be no doubting of the merchandise.”

  I raised an eyebrow.

  “I enchanted these myself to adapt to whatever the situation needs based on the thoughts and desires of the person to whom they're linked. I connected them to you so as long as you pay attention, it'll be fine.” He held up a hand. “And before you ask how I know they'll work, I have an identical pair at home that I recently used on a pair of one thousand year-old vampires.”

  “Does the Coven know you had vampires chained in your house?”

  “They're both part of the Coven,” Malane winked at me. “A little S&M with a vampire is quite fun.”

  I didn't bother to respond to that comment. It was more than I needed, or wanted, to know.

  “Well, I'll leave you to it,” Malane snapped his fingers and vanished, leaving Judah and I alone.

  It had taken the better part of the afternoon to get set up and now, sunset was fast approaching. I was confident, however, that all of our work would pay off. I'd called Malane from the car, then located an abandoned warehouse just a few miles from Tranquility. When Malane had arrived, Judah and I had followed the warlock's instructions and painted symbols on the floor and walls while Malane set up the chains. Now, the entire building was shielded from outside magick, fire-proofed and sound-proofed. The chains were for keeping Judah restrained while in his dragon state. We weren't sure just how much of himself he'd retain during a cycle change and we weren't going to take any chances.

  “Nervous?” I asked him.

  He nodded. “You?”

  “A little,” I admitted, heat rising to my cheeks. I made myself clarify because I knew that Judah would tell me again that I didn't have to do this. “But I'm not scared of being hurt, not physically at least. I'm afraid that once you're cured...”

  “The claim will fade and I won't feel the same way about you?” Judah finished my thought. “Malane told me.”

  “Stupid warlock,” I muttered.

  Judah crossed to my side and placed his palm on my cheek. His eyes locked with mine. “Hear me clearly, Siobhan Faust.” His voice was serious. “If I thought for a moment that my feelings about you would change, I would reject the cure and stay cursed. I will want you and love you forever. Dragon or not, I'm claiming you. You're mine and I'm yours.” He pressed his lips against my forehead.

  My eyes burned and I couldn't speak around the lump in my throat. I hadn't known that I'd longed to hear those words until he'd said them. I was turning into such a girl.

  “Now,” Judah led me over to the office chair we'd found and stood me in front of it. “I'm going to help you relax.” He dropped to his knees and, suddenly, my heart was in my throat. As his fingers worked to open my pants, he kept his eyes locked with mine, desire blazing in those jade depths.

  I didn't look away as I steadied myself on his shoulders, carefully stepping out of my pants and panties. He left them pooled on the floor as he gently pushed me back towards the chair. I sank onto the seat without a word. My stomach clenched at the hunger on his face as he wrapped his arms around my legs and pulled me forward until my ass was at the edge of the chair.

  “I'm going to take care of you this time,” he smiled up at me before leaning in to run his tongue up my slit.

  I moaned, my head falling back as Judah buried his face between my legs. Fuck, he knew how to use that tongue. It danced around my pussy from core to clit, lapping up every drop of the juices that flowed with every stroke. One hand slid up my stomach, under my shirt, to palm my breast. I could feel the heat of his skin through my bra and it spread across my body.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” the words fell from my mouth as Judah took my clit between his lips. When he began to suck, I keened, my entire body going rigid as pleasure coursed through me. My hands found Judah's head and held him against me, my body writhing as I rode out every last tremor of ecstasy.

  I was still shaking when Judah pulled back. I forced my eyes open and watched as he unzipped his pants with hands shaking from anticipation. He shoved his pants and underwear down over his hips, freeing his cock. It was swollen and hard, curving up towards the flat stomach hidden by his shirt.

  The instant he drove into me, I wailed, my body not quite ready for the intrusion. The stretch took my breath away and pleasurable pain rippled across my nerves, sending mini-orgasms through me. They rolled into a nearly overwhelming climax as Judah pounded into me, each thrust filling me, rubbing over all of the right places.

  Suddenly, his arms were around me and he was pulling me to him. He crushed our bodies together and captured my mouth with his. I clung to his shoulders as our bodies danced together. I'd never felt anything like it. It was beyond pleasure, beyond ecstasy, beyond any word in any language. Judah and I were so much more together than we had ever been apart, as if we were two halves made to be a whole. I had always scoffed at people who'd talked about two people feeling like they had 'become one,' but now, for the first time in my life, I understood what it meant. I could no longer tell where I ended and Judah began. It was more than physical.

  Without me realizing when it had happened, the orgasms I'd been experiencing and building towards had turned from sharp and bright into a slow, intense burn. Our bodies were slick with sweat, our shirts sticking to our torsos, as we raced towards release.

  Judah pulled his mouth away and rested his forehead against mine. Our breath mingled as he began to speak, repeating the same statement over and over again. “I love you. I love you. I love you.”

  Tears mingled with the sweat on my face as I echoed it back to him, the truth of what I was saying reaffirming itself with each time I spoke the words.

  “Let go,” Judah whispered. “I've got you.”

  I cried out his name as I came. The moment my body tightened around his, Judah found his own release, my name a breath as he emptied himself into me. We sank to the ground, our bodies still joined. I rested my head on his chest as our racing hearts slowed. I knew sunset was close, but I wanted just a few more minutes before we had to move on.

  “Dragon or not, you are mine and I am yours,” Judah repeated his previous sentiment as he ran his hand down my back to cup my naked ass.

  A new throb of desire went through me, but I knew my libido would have to wait. There was one thing I did have to say, though, before we got down to the serious busin
ess at hand. I lifted my head. “I'm yours and you're mine. Dragon or not.” I remained where I was for just a moment longer, making sure he understood that, even if he didn't turn back to being a human, I was going to be with him.

  When he sighed, I knew it was time. I didn't wait for him to say it and rolled off of him, feeling a sharp loss as his cock slid out of me. The slick of our mingled juices was wet on my inner thighs, but I didn't bother cleaning myself up. I wasn't going anywhere for a while.

  Judah sat up and yanked his pants the rest of the way off. After he'd pulled off his shirt and dropped it next to his pants, I held out a hand and helped him to his feet. Heat coiled in my stomach at the sight of his naked body and I pushed it down. If my appetite had been insatiable before, I didn't think there was a word for how much I wanted Judah.


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