Miss Behaved

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Miss Behaved Page 1

by Milly Taiden

  Miss Behaved

  Raging Falls Book 3

  Milly Taiden

  Latin Goddess Press




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30


  About the Author

  Find out more about Milly Taiden here:

  Also by Milly Taiden

  Also by Milly Taiden

  Also by Milly Taiden

  Black Meadow Pack

  Raging Falls

  FUR-ocious Lust - Bears

  Night and Day Ink

  Also by Milly Taiden

  Contemporary Works







  Toni Lys is not looking for a relationship. She just climbed out of a dark hole her ex-beau left her in, and she doesn't want to dig into another. But when she sees sexy Garrett in need of saving, her kindness overrules to give the poor guy a hand. He’s exactly what she doesn’t need, but her heart has other ideas.

  Garrett has finally found his mate. She’s feisty. She’s strong, and she’s got curves for days. Now she just has to agree to be his. Easier said than done. Along with all Toni's wonderful personality traits comes hardheaded and stubborn. Sweet words won’t sway her. Hopefully, keeping her out of danger will.

  When bad guys get too close to his girl, Garrett won’t let anything happen to his mate. She might not agree to being his, yet, but she will agree to being safe. She can argue and fight her feelings, but her heart has a mind of its own.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are fictitious or have been used fictitiously, and are not to be construed as real in any way. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Published By

  Latin Goddess Press

  Winter Springs, FL 32708


  Miss Behaved

  Copyright © 2016 by Milly Taiden

  Cover by Willsin Rowe

  Edited by: Tina Winograd

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  Property of Milly Taiden

  December 2016

  Created with Vellum

  —For my readers

  You curvies rock!


  Before we start, have you signed up for my newsletter? There’s always giveaways and tons of fun stuff going on. I promise not to spam you.


  Antonia Lys, aka Toni, loved weddings. All the happy people, the love evident on the bride’s and groom’s faces. The chance to get freaky between the sheets with a hot groomsman you won’t see again. The only part she hated was the bouquet toss; it was like they were pointing out to the whole room that you were still single and at the ripe old age of thirty-five.

  She loved her cousin Kira, and the woman had snagged one sexy shifter. Luke was perfect for Kira in every way.

  “Carly!” Kira yelled. “Get your butt in here! You, too, Toni!”

  There went her hope of hiding in the bathroom when the time came. She joined Kira’s best friend, Carly, at the back of the crowd of jostling women vying for the best spot to catch the bouquet.

  “You know, I wouldn’t want to catch the bouquet if they paid me,” Toni said. “The last thing I want is for some guy to marry me. When I get married, I’m doing the proposing.”

  Carly laughed, but Toni was serious. Men weren’t worth the trouble they caused; her ex-fiancé had left her bed for another man. That wouldn’t have been so bad, but his parting words sliced her self-confidence into non-existence. “I found a man who could give me what you never could. Maybe if you lost a bit of weight and applied yourself, we could have had some fun in bed instead of the same old thing day after day.”

  Even now, a year and a half later, his words burned through her like acid. He was the twatwaffle who refused any of the suggestions to try new things. She had even gone so far as to leave toys, skimpy negligees, and lube laying around. He just ignored it all.

  She may be a big girl, but she was healthy and most days she loved her body. It was only when thoughts of that pile of shit entered her mind did she falter. All her life she had carried a little extra cushion for the pushing. She had curves, large breasts, a stomach and jiggly thighs. She could also rock the world of any man she allowed into her bed if given the chance.

  She’d never lacked second looks from men with her brown complexion that made her jet-black hair look incredibly dark and shiny. A lot of people assumed she was Native American but Toni was very vocal about being a “Latina mixed with Black and a host of other ethnicities.” She was a melting pot of wonderful cultures and experiences.

  “Ready?” Kira called out to the group of women.

  A chorus of yes and giggles followed by “toss it” got everyone’s attention.

  “You know,” Toni said, meeting Carly’s gaze with her brown one. “I had some wedding cake sent to your room.”

  Carly smiled wide, excited over the news. “Really? Thank you! I was running around with Kira, getting her changed into the shorter dress for the reception and didn’t get a chance to eat my piece. I know it’s going to be so good. She got a guava filling that I loved at the tasting.”

  Toni nodded. “It’s really good. I had some sent to my room, too. We can eat it away from the crazy.”

  “Now if she just hurried up and—”


  Toni’s eyes widened and she burst into giggles. “Better you than me, chica,” Toni laughed and patted her on the shoulder. “Good luck.”

  While Carly stood there and fumed, Toni took advantage to escape from the throng of deathly single female glares being sent that way.

  She found herself beside Luke’s stepmom, Luna. The woman was sweet and wonderful just like a mother should be.

  “You helped Kira and Carly put on the wedding, I hear,” Luna said with a wide smile at Toni.

  “I did. I was so glad she asked me. Moving here to help with Rakida and the wedding has been a godsend.”

  Luna frowned in puzzlement. “Why’s that?”

  “I needed a change of scenery; everywhere back home reminded me of my piece of shit ex-fiancé. This gave me a chance to start over and be close to my cousin like I’ve always wanted.”

  “Would you mind if I asked what the piece of shit did?”

  Toni sighed. She wasn’t sure why she was spilling all this to a perfect stranger, but there was just something about Luna that invited confidences. “He left me for another man, basically said I was frigid and caused him to turn to the

  Luna gasped. “What a creep. He was an idiot.” Luna sighed. “Can I ask you a favor? Do you see that man over there, the good looking one with all the women surrounding him?”

  Toni glanced over and felt her mouth drop open. He wasn’t gorgeous; he was sex on a stick, let me use you as a stripper pole, can we do all the kama sutra positions fuckable.

  “Hun, you might want to close your mouth before you start drooling.” Luna chuckled.

  Toni blushed and turned back to face Luna. “I wasn’t that bad…was I?”

  “No, but I couldn’t resist. Would you mind helping him with something? He’s having an issue with that blonde bimbo. That Barbie wannabe is shooting daggers at the rest of the women. He’s trying to get away, but the woman won’t take no for an answer. Can you rescue him for me?”

  Toni’s eyes widened in horror. “You’re loca, aren’t you? There’s no way that man would walk away from them with me. I’d look like a fool for even trying.”

  “Oh, baby girl. That fucktard really did a number on you, didn’t he? I’ll bet you an extra piece of that delicious cake, he will not only walk away with you, but will ask you to dinner.”

  “You’re certifiable. Does Kira know what type of family she’s married into?”

  Luna laughed. “I’m not crazy. I just know Garrett. He’s like a son to me. Please rescue him from that tramp before she follows him into the bathroom…again.”

  She knew this would be a mistake. No way in hell would a man like him even give her a second glance when he had stacked blondes virtually throwing their panties at him. As she approached, she saw him glance at her and then do a double take before his attention was pulled back to the vermin on his arm.

  This was not going to be easy if Blow Up Barbie had her way, and by the evil glare she was getting from her, the fight was on.

  “Excuse me, ladies. I hate to interrupt, but Garrett promised me the next dance,” Toni politely said.

  “Can’t you see he’s busy? Why don’t you make yourself useful and get another round of drinks,” Barbie replied cattily.

  Toni was furious. No way in hell was she letting this bleach blonde with fried hair and fake boobed hooker talk to her that way. She pulled herself to her full five-foot-three height, put her hand on her hip, and cocked her head in a don’t mess with me attitude. “Pardon me, but he looks like he needs some air. The fumes from your blow-up boobs are becoming a little overwhelming.”

  Toni didn’t wait for a reply. She grabbed Garrett’s hand and pulled him onto the dance floor.

  “I have to admit,” he said with a sexy rough voice that made the hairs on her arms stand on end, “that has to be one of the most unique ways a woman has ever picked me up. I’m intrigued and excited to see what the rest of the night will bring now.”

  She winced and gave him a sheepish grin. “Hi. I’m Toni. Sorry for that. Luna begged me to rescue you from the leech.”

  He chuckled. The smile made his face light up and her knees weak.

  “I’m not complaining. Her perfume was a bit overwhelming and you’re much more to my liking, anyway. Toni, it’s a pleasure to meet such a gorgeous woman, especially one who played my princess on a white horse. You know, not many men can claim that status.”

  Toni rolled her eyes at his obvious lines. She would give almost anything to be chosen by this man for her wedding fun. She was wet just from dancing with him.

  “Speechless?” Garrett said with a sly grin.

  “Hardly. Just enjoying the glares from your groupies. Something tells me they’ll be trying to take me out before the night is over.”

  Garrett smiled wickedly. “Let’s give them something to stare at then, why don’t we?” He lowered his head. Toni frowned and leaned back.

  “I don’t think so. I may have rescued you, but that doesn’t mean you can stick that tongue of yours anywhere in my body.”

  His brows rose before another round of chuckles left his chest. He laughed so heartily, she couldn’t help but grin and wink. “That’s no fun, but if that’s the way you wanna play it. You don’t know what you’re missing out on, though. There’s a reason all those women follow me around, you know.”

  “Your stunning personality. Quick wit?” Toni gave him a once over, stared at his cock and replied, “I know it can’t be for your...smooth lines.”

  “Says the woman currently inspecting me. You sure you don’t want to come back to my room and see for yourself?”

  She cursed herself. She had only meant to look for a second while she delivered her insult, but carajo! the man was packing. She hadn’t been able to look away as thoughts of what he could do with it flooded her mind.

  “I’m sure. I did Luna a favor and now I’m done.” Toni turned to leave. She really needed to splash cold water on her face before she overheated.

  “You can’t leave me yet. If you do, that viper will be all over me again. I don’t have it in me to be rude to a woman. I promise, no more innuendos or jokes. I’m a gentleman. Rescue me and I’ll find a way to pay you back.”

  Toni growled but gave in to his request. It wasn’t often she saw a man who had Alpha stamped all over him beg a woman for help. Not to mention she wasn’t ready to stop staring or sniffing his amazing scent. Thank the heavens she’d remembered to bring toys, otherwise she’d be heading home or to the nearest store.

  The next couple hours were a lot more fun than Toni could have anticipated. They talked, danced, laughed, and battled his entourage. They were persistent, constantly trying to pull him away.

  “I can’t thank you enough for rescuing me. You made this wedding fun. I’d like to see you again, if you don’t have a boyfriend waiting for you at home.”

  Her brows drew down. She couldn’t answer the boyfriend question. That was too personal to go into. “I don’t think so. I won’t accept pity dates from you or anyone else. I’m glad I could help you, and I’d do it again. I must draw the line at this, though. I see the type of girls you prefer, the ones who caught your eye. I’m not in the mood to get the look from people. The one that makes me put on every bit of patience so I don’t kill someone for looking at me like I’m not good enough. I had a great time, though.” She smiled and tried to inject some cheer into her voice. “Have a good life, Garrett.”

  Toni walked away feeling lighter than she could ever remember being. For once in her life, she wasn’t nervous about what a man thought of her. She had fun and didn’t care. She knew he was so out of her league, it was ridiculous. The man looked like a model. He was prettier than most women. So, there hadn’t been any pressure to impress him. It was liberating. Now if she could just convince herself her ex had spoken lies to hurt her, and that she wasn’t a frigid, overweight bore.


  “Mom,” Garrett said excitedly on the call to his birth mother, “I found her, my mate.” He sounded like a fucking softie on the phone, but he couldn’t help it. He’d found his one and only. “She was at the wedding tonight. She rescued me and we talked for hours. She’s amazing and everything I could ever want in a woman or mate,” Garrett said in a rush.

  She laughed. “Son, calm down. I can barely understand you. You met your mate. Is that what you said?”

  “Yes, her name is Toni and she’s…perfect.” Amazing. So beautiful and smart and sassy.

  “When do we get to meet her?”

  Garrett sighed. “It’s not that easy. She’s human and she rejected my offer of a date to see her again.”

  “She was at Kira’s wedding, son. That means they’re friends.”

  Garrett laughed. “I knew you would be able help me find a way around this. How are things going?”

  “Of course, I will always help. That’s what a mother does. We’re good. Your dad is in his workshop, tinkering. Your sister is out with friends again.” Reyna sighed softly. “Garrett, have you heard anything odd going on in the pack?”

  “No, should I have? What’s up? No one has brought anything to my attention lately that was
out of the normal.”

  “I don’t know, just little things. Some of the younger crowd has been acting weird. If I didn’t know better, I’d say it was drugs. I mean, that’s the way they’re acting but it’s impossible. Some of the others were talking.” She paused and took a breath. “They said the kids are starting to stay out all night, sometimes for a day or two at a time. They’re belligerent and rude. It’s not normal for our young. I told them you’d look into it.”

  “Don’t worry, Mom. I promise, I’ll get to the bottom of it, and as soon as I can I’ll let you know what I find out.”

  “Good, and one more thing.”

  Garrett smiled. “Anything for you, beautiful woman.”

  “Always remember that to win your mate, you have to show her how much you love and want her. Make her feel special every day. Don’t ever forget.”

  “I won’t, Mom. We will be like you, Dad, and my grandparents. Sixty years down the road, sitting on the porch holding hands, still in love as much as the day we first saw each other.”

  They hung up and Garrett sighed. She gave great advice and a new problem to solve. Like he didn’t have enough of that on his plate already being Alpha of his own pride and sharing the mountain with other packs.

  The next couple of weeks flew by with little success of learning what the kids were up to. He had made some unexpected progress with Toni, and for that, he was grateful. He would never have guessed that he’d meet her at Kira’s wedding of all places. His mate. Fucking hell, this was insane. She hadn’t given in yet, but it was only a matter of time now. He wasn’t giving up.

  Kira and Luke were back from their honeymoon. Bastien and Carly were hiding in his house making the walls shake, and here he was still struggling to make things add up. He would continue asking her out and if that didn’t work, then he’d have to call in a few favors. Between him and the other Alphas, they’d figure out the problem and put a stop to whatever was causing the issue with the kids.


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