Miss Behaved

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Miss Behaved Page 10

by Milly Taiden

  “Really, you could have just sat next to me, you know,” she grumbled as she glanced around the room to see the smiling faces of her friends.

  “You’re newly mated so he’s going to be ultra-possessive,” Carly said with a twinkle in her eye.

  Garrett cleared his throat and gave Toni a slight squeeze. “Agents Wilcox and Grant approached me yesterday in regards to Toni’s safety. Her ex, Jared, has been seen at her house when she isn’t there. From what they’ve gathered, he’s being coerced by the cartel. They don’t know what they have on him, though.” Garrett glanced to the agents. “Have I got that right?”

  “Yes, essentially. And please, as much as we’ve butted into your lives, call me Jeff. I feel like I already know everything about you all, with watching the mountain and talking to you, anyway. No reason to keep such a distance,” Agent Wilcox said with a smile.

  “Jeff, it’s nice to meet you.” Toni piped in, “I think you should know that a few days ago Jared approached me at the carnival we were at.” Toni relayed their conversation and Garrett’s subsequent refusal to leave her alone no matter what.

  Jeff grunted and nodded. “No mention of what they were after or why they chose him and you?”

  “None at all. He seemed nervous and was in a rush to get away from me,” Toni said with a shrug.

  “Can you guys fill us in on what happened here while Garrett was gone with Toni?” Jeff requested with a heavy sigh.

  Luke filled in the story, what little there was to tell. The agents frowned in confusion just like they had when they’d arrived to see the door and no scents to follow.

  “You’re saying there were no scents at all to follow?” Jeff asked Caelen and Brannon.

  Both men shook their heads. “To be honest, I didn’t even smell Garrett as having been here and I know he was here yesterday afternoon.”

  Jeff shared a glance with his partner and turned back to the room. “I’m starting to think this is a lot more serious than we had originally thought. Chris and I were here yesterday morning. We didn’t do anything to hide our scents and yet you noticed nothing in the area at all of us?”

  All the shifters gaped at their admission; it was unheard of for them to have not known or scented two humans on their territory.

  “How is this possible?” Bastien growled.

  “When we were in the woods, the same thing happened. We couldn’t follow the kids. Their scents had completely disappeared. Remember?” Brannon interjected in a rush. “This has to be connected somehow.”

  Jeff and Chris sat up a bit straighter at the words. “Wait, explain please. This is the first we’ve heard of this.”

  “Us, too,” Carly piped in with a poke to Bastien’s side in annoyance.

  “We had some of our older members scouting the area and discreetly following the teenagers around the mountain. The last few months, strange things have been happening with them. They’re lying, stealing, staying out all night, mood swings, and we can’t account for why. Anyway, one of Brannon’s pack followed a large group out to a meeting spot in the woods. They were acting like normal teenagers until all at once they froze and became almost mindless zombies.”

  “Braxton hadn’t been able to reach me on our pack link and rushed back to alert us of what he’d seen. By the time we’d arrived fifteen minutes later, the area was empty and there was no sign of them or where they’d gone.” Brannon had taken over the story and finished.

  “I noticed an odd smell, though, it was a slightly sweet smell that I’d never noticed before. When I brought it to their attention,” Bastien indicated the other Alphas, “they smelled it, too.”

  “Did anyone notice it here this morning?” Chris asked quietly.

  “No, but we don’t know how long the smell lasts in the air or how long before the door had been kicked in. It might have evaporated. I know I went back out to that clearing the next morning and couldn’t find any trace of the scent,” Caelen replied with a shrug.

  “When we spoke to Garrett yesterday, we concluded that maybe the cartel was attempting to find access to the caves or at least to verify that the caves are connected from this mountain down to town like Garrett had suggested.” Jeff filled the group in. “What if the break in was their way of discovering if you have access to the tunnels from in here? It would make sense considering your house is part of the mountain.”

  Chris shifted slightly in his chair and glanced around face to face. “How many of the people on this mountain know about the caves being connected to your place and that you brew out of them?”

  “First, can I just say I’m shocked? I didn’t know you could speak,” Luke said with a tone of baffled humor in his voice.

  The shy agent rolled his eyes but couldn’t hide his slight smile as the group chuckled at Luke and his shock.

  “But to answer honestly, I don’t think many people know. Some of the older members probably remember there was an entrance around this area, but Garrett’s father sealed it up before most of us were born. He wanted to keep access down to a minimum,” Bastien answered.

  Toni leaned away from Garrett and frowned at him. “Wait, can someone please explain what you’re talking about?”

  “You know that bottle you guys were drinking out of yesterday before we picked you up?” The ladies nodded their heads they remembered. “My family started that company. Well, my grandfather did moonshine. My dad amped it up a bit and when I took over, I moved us into fine spirits. One of which is that whiskey you were drinking last night.”

  The girls gaped at him in astonishment before they burst into laughter.

  “I knew you ran a distillery, but I had no idea,” Kira said between hiccupping laughs.

  Carly nodded. “Bastien brought me some of your ale and I loved it. But I had no idea you did more than that.”

  “Yeah, sorry, it’s not something we like to spread around too much. The cave entrance is hidden in a recessed wall. You must know where it is to access it from this house. If they come in through the caves, they will hit dead ends that I’ve put in place. They can’t get around the doors, locks, and metal bars we’ve installed over the years.”

  Luke nodded. “You know this would make sense if we thought about it in that light. I mean how likely is it that all traces of scent would have disappeared in two spots on our mountain? They have to be connected in some way. We just need to figure out if it’s the cave they’re after, if it’s definitely the cartel, and how they’re doing this with the kids in the first place.”

  “You know, Garrett, since we’re here, and you did offer us a tour…” Jeff trailed off with a hint of excitement shining in his eyes.

  Garrett laughed. “Sure, why not. Come on, guys. I’ll take you below. Ladies, you want to tag along?”

  “No, that’s okay. We will stay up here with Toni. You guys go enjoy your man talk and don’t worry about us,” Kira replied with a wink to Carly.

  “Yeah, it’s good. Go on. We’ve got plenty to talk about and we will be fine up here,” Carly reiterated.

  Garrett glanced between the two before shooting a quick glance at Toni, who wouldn’t meet his eyes. The blush on her cheeks gave her away, though. He got it now. They wanted to discuss last night and they weren’t going to miss this opportunity.

  “Babe, make sure you tell them how I made you scream my name until you were hoarse,” Garrett whispered before sliding her off his lap and leaving the room to her gasp of shock.


  “They’re gone, now seriously, how are you holding up? There’s been a lot dumped on you the last twelve hours,” Kira asked as she moved to sit next to Toni.

  Carly followed and sat on her other side. “We knew Jared had been coming around but we didn’t know it was this serious.”

  Toni shrugged. “Me, either. He was always such a douche that I had no idea. I guess when I think back on it, I could see how it was odd that he was always coming around and calling. I was just too angry to notice at the time. But when I saw him la
st night, he looked haunted and scared. It was like he was trying to protect me even after all the shit he did.”

  “Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like the guy,” Carly said hesitantly, “but what if most of what he said was an act to keep you away? If you hated him, he’d be able to get in and out of your place easier and it wouldn’t be as suspicious to whoever was watching him and you.”

  Toni thought about it for a minute before she nodded. “That would make more sense. We were friends for years before we started dating. It never made sense, that shift in his attitude. That he left me for a man; I’d never been sure of his sexuality in the first place. But you add in the harsh comments and that he went to a man and it hurt like hell.”

  “Now, I need to know. Are you okay with all this? I mean, Garrett and the whole situation. You jumped in head first. I know how these shifter guys are. Their animals tend to push them without regards to our human feelings,” Kira asked gently.

  Toni blushed. “Well, it might be me who pushed it the other day. He was willing to sleep in his truck or the couch, but when he came out of the bathroom, I ambushed him, so to speak.”

  The two women laughed. “It’s not easy to get a drop on these guys, but when you do, look out, ‘cause there is going to be fireworks.”

  Kira nodded and sighed. “Oh hell yeah, there will be.”

  “I kept the lingerie and garters on and put on fuck-me shoes and waited in my doorway for him to leave the bathroom. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life, but when I saw the lust and love in his eyes, I knew I’d made the right choice.”

  “So where do you go from here?”

  Toni glanced at Carly and shrugged. It was the only reply she could give right now. “I guess one day at a time. I really don’t know. He’s not going to let me stay alone, and if I’m honest, I don’t want to. It freaks me out to know people are watching me like that.”

  Carly nodded. “I know what you mean. Maybe we put our heads together and figure something out. After all it was Kira’s idea for the older members to track, and look what that turned up.”

  “I keep thinking we need to get Jared alone with no one watching him and find out what he knows.” Kira paused and glanced between the two before finishing. “If they’re coercing him like Jeff and Chris think, then he has to have information that may help us and him at the same time.”

  Toni got excited at the idea. The more things she heard and put together, the more she knew this wasn’t Jared’s fault. It wasn’t like him to treat her like this. Indifferent, yes, outright mean, no. It wasn’t in his nature. “But how do we do that?”

  Before they could say much more, the guys returned. Jeff and Chris said goodbye and that they’d be close by if needed. Caelen and Brannon followed them out.

  “Love, something came up. I need to be out of town for a few days. I kind of forgot about it and unfortunately I can’t miss it or send anyone else since it’s a vital new contract for my company.” Garrett sighed. “I know I promised not to leave you alone, but I’ve come up with a plan and I’m hoping you will understand. I want you to stay here while I’m gone. The FBI and the Alphas will be keeping a close eye on you while I’m gone. You can ride to work with Kira and Carly until things settle down. They won’t be going in without an escort anyway, just in case.”

  Toni smiled and moved to his side. “I’ll be fine. Your business needs you. I understand that. I wouldn’t expect you to let that go for me. This was unexpected. What do they say? Something like ‘life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.’ Go, I trust these people. They’re family after all. I’ll be here when you get back.”

  Garrett hugged her close and sighed. “I love you, woman.”

  “On that cue, it’s time for us to head out,” Luke called as he dragged his wife by the hand out the door.

  “I’ll see you in the morning,” Kira said as she disappeared.

  Carly stopped beside them and gave Toni a wink. “I’m just around the corner. You need anything, Bastien will be here in a heartbeat.”

  Bastien grunted. “What she said.” They both turned and left them alone.

  “When do you have to leave?”

  “The quicker I go, the quicker I can get back. I’d originally planned on leaving tonight so I’d be there first thing Monday morning. But that was before last night and you.”

  “If you leave tomorrow, what does that mean?”

  “That I wouldn’t get there until late Monday night or early Tuesday and that the first chance for a meeting wouldn’t be till Tuesday afternoon or even Wednesday morning. Depending on how things go, I’d be back by Thursday late or Friday early.”

  “And if you left tonight, you’d be back when?”

  “Most likely Wednesday evening at the latest. I have a meeting set up for tomorrow afternoon. If I leave tonight, I’d make that and we wouldn’t have to reschedule anything.”

  “Then I say we run to my house, let me gather some things, and then you can bring me home and head out. I want you back here as quickly as possible.”

  “You said bring you home. I like the sound of that. I want you to always think of this place as your home.”

  “Wherever you are is home for me,” she whispered as she kissed him.


  Garrett had only been gone a couple hours and Toni already missed him as if he was a vital piece of her anatomy. If anyone had said she’d fall in love with the devilish rogue, she’d have kicked them in the balls for such slander. Now, she couldn’t imagine a life without him by her side.

  “I never asked if you were okay with me making your house my home while you were away.”

  “My home is your home,” he said, watching her.

  She eyed the bed with a frown. “I just thought of something.”

  “What’s that, love?”

  “Have there been others in this bed with you?” She shook her head. “I don’t mean to sound accusing. I’m just…I’m not sure I want to sleep in the same bed you did with other women anymore.”

  He grinned, showing off his gorgeous white teeth. “I knew after that dance that only you would ever grace my bed again. The next day I threw the old one out and replaced it. I just wish the first time I had you in it, I’d be by your side. Fate is a fickle bitch, isn’t she?” If she hadn’t been in love with him before, that might have been a tipping factor.

  Toni had known right then she wouldn’t be sleeping in the bed without him. She’d use the couch or the spare room, but he was right, she didn’t want to climb in there without him by her side.

  The phone ringing jolted Toni out of her head. She ran to grab the phone in the hopes it was Garrett. On the fourth ring, she picked it up out of breath and panting.

  “That’s not a sound I like to hear considering I’m a couple hundred miles away,” Garrett grumbled into the phone.

  “It was a mad dash to pick up the phone before it stopped ringing. I was behaving…I’m waiting on you to come home for the fun stuff,” Toni purred into the phone.

  “Oh, you’re going to be the death of me, aren’t you? Be glad I’m driving and can’t do anything about the erection you give me when you talk like that.”

  “Then I shouldn’t tell you I’m wearing nothing and climbing between the sheets with thoughts of you.”

  Garrett growled and swore. “Don’t make me turn this car around and spank you. I will do it, don’t doubt me for a second.”

  “I’m not sure how much of a punishment that is, but okay, I don’t want you to lose this deal on my account.” She paused and smiled before continuing. “But when you get back, I’ll be counting on that spanking.”

  “Miss Behaved. That’s what your nickname should be, always coming across as the good girl, wholesome and innocent. I know better now. You’re a wild cat in bed and I have the claw marks to prove it.”

  “You say the sweetest things. Now, hurry up and get to a hotel so I can tell you all the things I plan on doing to you when you get home. Hav
e I mentioned how much I love nipple clamps?”

  “Fuck,” Garrett swore. “That’s it. I have to hang up before I drive off the damn road. I love you. Be good if that’s possible and I’ll talk to you soon.”

  Toni chuckled. “Love you, too. Text me and let me know you arrived safely, and sweet dreams, my pussy cat.”

  It was true, she really did the love him, more than she thought possible. Toni drifted off to sleep with thoughts of the beautiful man filling her mind and heart. The blaring of the alarm clock jolted her out of bed. Not his bed, his guestroom bed. After a long night of tossing and turning from her sex-filled dreams. One night with him had not been nearly enough.

  Toni glanced at the clock and froze. She was already late. How many times had she hit the damn snooze button? She climbed out of bed and rushed to the bathroom to take a shower, but the smell of fresh coffee stopped her in her tracks.

  She tentatively moved to the kitchen and had to laugh at the sight before her. Caelen, wearing a chef’s apron, was stirring something on the stove while Kira and Carly sat at the table reading the newspaper like being in Garrett’s house first thing in the morning was no big deal.

  “Morning, what’s going on?”

  Caelen turned and smiled. “Morning, sunshine. Just thought I’d make you breakfast while you got ready. Don’t want you missing out on the most important meal of the day now, do we?”

  Toni gaped at the addled man and turned to the two women for an explanation that actually made sense.

  “We got here and when you didn’t answer, we came in. All the Alphas have keys for each other’s places in case of emergency. Anyway, we heard your alarm going off and we saw how exhausted you looked. Carly turned the alarm off and reset it for a bit later, then Caelen offered to make breakfast and there you have it,” Kira said with a wide smile.

  “I just…I…um…” Toni stammered.

  “Just take your shower and get ready. It pays to be the boss sometimes,” Kira replied with a wink before turning back to her newspaper.


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