Dodging Fate: A Charlie Kenny Redshirt Adventure

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Dodging Fate: A Charlie Kenny Redshirt Adventure Page 19

by Zen DiPietro

  Yeah, I know. It sounds dark. But the way Nana tells it, it’s a hoot. She’s got a knack for storytelling and a certain comedic timing. I hadn’t previously realized this about her.

  But Greta’s hugging my arm and laughing and I can feel her heartbeat and some other, softer things against my elbow, and I don’t give a damn about anything else. So I laugh, too.

  All too soon, it’s time to leave. The Second Chance will be moving on, and we must move on with it. I’m sad. I feel like I’m just getting to know this version of my grandmother. But my new home is in space, and a starship waits for no man, woman, unspecified, or Nana.

  It is a rule of the universe.

  Nana seems sad, too. “What’s your next port?” she asks.

  “First, Earth’s international space station, and then on for a tour of the Alpha Centauri system,” Greta says.

  She always knows what’s ahead. She’s a good brand ambassador.

  “Do you think there are any tickets left?” Nana asks as she removes her apron. She’s served us another round of tea and horrible cookies. At least this time, I’m able to shunt all my cookies Pinky’s way, and she wolfs them down like a starving Labrador.

  The Labrador species of people, not the Earth variety of dog. I’d never compare Pinky to a dog. She’s far too majestic with that crown of hers.

  Hell, she’s majestic even without it.

  “I’d have to check to be sure, but I believe so. It’s rare that we’re booked solid.” Greta answers.

  “Could you get a ticket for me, dear? Just around the Alpha Centauri system, then back to Earth again. I’d like a chance to do some traveling while I’m in good working order, and to spend time with Charlie and his friends.” Nana hangs her apron on its peg and smooths it.

  Greta’s eyes cut to me, frantically asking if this is okay.

  “It would be great to have you aboard, Nana,” I say. “Greta and Pinky are the best galactic tour guides in all the solar systems.”

  Greta beams. Both from her happy smile and a slight increase in luminescence. It’s always easy to see when Greta’s happy. “Absolutely! I’ll do it right now.”

  Greta pulls out her telcoder and, after several long moments, she announces, “Done. And, as luck would have it, I was able to get you a free room. I get comps through my employer on voyages that aren’t sold out.”

  Nana leans forward and gently pinches her cheek. “You, my dear, are a peach.” She turns to me. “You be nice to this girl, or I’ll never forgive you.”

  Pinky saves me from having to respond to this. “Greta’s not a peach. I’m a peach. I’ll show you things in Alpha Centauri that will make your servos short out.”

  “Well,” I say, “not actually short out. Right?”

  Pinky snorts. “Not literally. But almost.”

  I feel like we’ve gotten into a weird territory. To distract, I say, “Do you need help packing, Nana?”

  Nana doesn’t answer. She leaves the room and comes back a moment later with a suitcase. “Nope. All cyborgs are required to be ready to evacuate at any moment. Union rules.”

  Right. Okay. This should be interesting.


  Back aboard the Second Chance, I’ve gotten Nana settled into her cabin. It’s across the ship from my cabin, but maybe that’s okay. Gus will be looking out for her, and I can get over there in just a few minutes if I hurry. Plus, it leaves me some room for romantic freedom.

  You know, just in case I need it.

  Cyborg or not, Nana still goes to bed at eight o’clock in the evening. With her comfortably dozing, I join Greta and Pinky in the bar for a drink.

  I arrive and, as is our custom, wait for Pinky to tell me what I’ll be drinking. She likes to choose for people, and she’s usually bang on.

  “Cheerful Seagull,” she announces, pointing at me with an accusing finger that, in other circumstances, would vex me greatly.

  “Isn’t that a morning drink?” Last I knew, she was only serving them as a breakfast aperitif. But Pinky makes her own rules and changes them often, so there’s no telling.

  “Most of the time. It’s what you need right now.” She spins away to perform her violent ballet of drink making, then sets a glass in front of me.

  Greta’s already sipping a Thunderstorm, which is an old favorite of hers. It’s what she had the first day we met, now that I think about it.

  I sip my Cheerful Seagull with appreciation. Pinky’s perfected the recipe, and it does, indeed, suit my mood. It has just the right mix of carbonated effervescence and acidic juice.

  “Are you really okay with Nana Rose being aboard?” Pinky asks. “I’d feel weird about having my grandma along.”

  “Yeah. It’s nice, actually. I’ve changed, she’s changed, and it’s good that we have a chance to get to know each other again.”

  “That’s so nice.” Greta looks so happy, I try extra hard to ignore the carnage of her lushfruit muffin.

  Someday, I’ll ask her about it. Just like someday, I’ll wear that red shirt and show it who’s boss.

  But not today.

  Today, I’m just glad to be here with my friends and my nana, looking forward to some new adventures.

  I lift my glass. “To the future.”

  Just to be clear, this is not a normal toast for my people.

  Greta clicks her glass to mine, and Pinky grabs a tall, skinny cylinder so she can join in. The glass is empty, but her sentiment is not.

  “To the future,” Pinky and Greta repeat, in unison.

  To the future, I say again to myself. May it be full of adventure and happiness. I look at Greta’s honest, open face, and add another private thought. And love.

  Message from the author

  Thank you for reading!

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  Do you want to read more of Charlie, Greta, and Pinky? Dodging Fate 2 promises blagrook-whacking, adventure…and maybe even…love. You can check it out here.

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  I hope to hear from you!

  In gratitude,

  Zen DiPietro

  About the Author

  Zen DiPietro is a lifelong bookworm, dreamer, and writer. Perhaps most importantly, a Browncoat Trekkie Whovian. Also red-haired, left-handed, and a vegetarian geek. Absolutely terrible at conforming. A recovering gamer, but we won’t talk about that. Particular loves include badass heroines, British accents, and the smell of Band-Aids.

  Other works

  Dodging Fate Series

  Dodging Fate 2: Extra Fateful, Uber Dodgy

  Dragonfire Station Original Series

  Dragonfire Station Book 1: Translucid

  Dragonfire Station Book 2:Fragments

  Dragonfire Station Book 3:Coalescence

  Intersections (Dragonfire Station Short Stories)

  Mercenary Warfare series

  Selling Out

  Blood Money

  Hell to Pay

  Calculated Risk

  Going for Broke

  Chains of Command

  New Blood

  Blood and Bone

  Cut to the Bone

  Out for Blood

  To get updates on new releases and sales, sign up for Zen’s newsletter.




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