Romance: Young Adult Romance: The Perfect Game (A Highschool Football Romance) (Bad Boy Nerd New Adult Romance)

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Romance: Young Adult Romance: The Perfect Game (A Highschool Football Romance) (Bad Boy Nerd New Adult Romance) Page 54

by White, Stella

  Michael had made her doubt herself that she was unable to keep a relationship. He had made her think that she was selfish and always thought about herself first. His words still echoed in her ears. I can’t imagine I wasted such a long time with you, Sofia. When I was thinking about us, you were making your own plans and dreaming about just yourself. What was your intention all the way? You just wanted to pass your time with me and then move on. You wanted to give everybody an impression that how easily you can pick me up, use me and then leave me behind. You know what, Sofia? I won’t give you that satisfaction. I won’t let you have your way. I dump you, right now. Go wherever you want to go. I am done.

  Saying that, he had left her humiliated in front of almost the entire high school where she had known everybody all her life. In that moment, she had gone from sweet, nice Sofia to bitchy and selfish Sofia who had broken Michael’s heart. Dramatic much, but she had refused to go after him and explain herself. She had kept her dignity and parted ways from him and every other person who once was her friend. Her family hadn’t been much different from Michael. Their reaction was more or less same. “You seriously aren’t thinking to accept this, Sofia, are you?” her father had looked at her acceptance letter and asked. “I want to avail the opportunity,” she had told him. In return, he had given her a cold disapproval and told her that no support would be provided to her financially if she pursued this. She hadn’t needed any financial support because she already had received a full scholarship. So she didn’t wait for someone else to tell what she should do, she had gotten into her old sedan and drove all the way from Ontario, California to Berkeley.

  She picked her phone up and logged into her Twitter account. The first post on her newsfeed caught her interest. It was about the two day Literature Festival in Los Angeles, starting next day. She had always attended these festivals when she was back in Ontario. And twice she had gone with Michael. Desolation tried to take over her again but she quickly pushed it back and tried to think of something else. To her utter surprise, what came to her was those emerald-onyx shaded, intense eyes that belonged to her hot-beyond-description Professor, Raphael Giovanni.

  Sofia groaned in frustration. There was no way she was able to put away both the thoughts that were detrimental to her sanity.After a shitty first week at the college, haunting thoughts of her ex-boyfriend and encounter with the English Professor, maybe going away from the campus for the weekend was a good idea. She decided to leave for L.A. early morning next day.


  “Fresh from Monaco, performing for Microsoft, Miami to LA, G-4, we takin’ off,” Sofia sang along Pitbull and Chris BrownAs she raced her old Toyota sedan on Interstate-5 at eight in the morning. She was really looking forward to attending the event and the best part was that her favorite writer, Logan Malfoy was launching his newest book too. So her decision of travelling all the way down to L.A. was definitely going to be worth every minute.

  She was more than halfway through when her car started to make strange noises. She didn’t give much attention to it. Accustomed to such sounds, she kept driving until the engine halted all of sudden after a couple of jerks and then died in the middle of the road. “What the hell?!” She opened the hood and black soot welcomed her, making her cough. “Holy hell!” she cursed. Her car had finally given up and that too in the middle of highway with no help in sight. She tried to look through engine herself, but she was just as clueless around the mechanics of car, as an engineer around medical appliances. She knew next to nothing about cars.

  She picked her phone up and scrolled through the numbers. Her luck, there was no one she could call. She had no new friends from college, and older ones, well, they were old news. She called the tow truck. Now she had to find a ride to take her to L.A. or back to Berkeley. “Damn it!” she hit the tire in rage. Of all the time, this was when her car decided to crash down.

  She decided to wait for the tow truck and then see what she could do next.Just then a shiny silver Mustang passed through. She looked at the car in awe, if only she too could have something that was better than her old rusty sedan. Before she could look away, the Mustang stopped and then reversed back towards her. It stopped just in front of her and the door opened. She caught her breath as Raphael Giovanni stepped out of it.


  Sofia had thought so much about Raphael that she thought it must be hallucination that she was seeing him here in middle of nowhere. She blinked twice, as if expecting him to disappear. “Ms. Hawthorn, is everything alright?” his same deep voice affirmed that she wasn’t dreaming or imagining. How on earth was he standing before her? She hadn’t realized that she was gaping at him with her mouth open and eyes wide. “Sofia, are you okay? Is something wrong with your car?” Her name from his mouth, it sounded delicious. Get a fucking grip, Sofia! She admonished herself and cleared her throat and thoughts. “Professor Giovanni,” she managed to say. His eyes were hidden behind dark wayfarers, but she could tell his emerald-onyx eyes were boring into her. That thought only made her blush. “My engine died.” She gestured at the open hood of the car.

  Raphael asked if she had called some help and then went to check the engine himself. “How did you manage to bring this piece of crap this long? Do you realize what danger you put yourself into?” She felt like a ten year old. How dare he treat her like that? She wasn’t going to let him talk to her like that. She straightened her spine and said in a very brusque tone, “I have been driving this piece of crap for years and it is only natural for a car to break down. You don’t have to stand here and question me, Mr. Giovanni. I didn’t ask for your help.”

  He cursed under his breath and before he could start another lecture, she was saved by the tow truck. After giving them her credentials and contact details, she asked the driver how she could go to L.A., but Raphael didn’t give him a chance to answer. “I am headed there. I’ll give you a lift.” “That’s unnecessary, Mr. Giovanni. I don’t want to impose.” A four hour ride with him? God forbid. “I insist, Sofia. You don’t have to wait here to get a cab. I am driving there, I won’t mind company.”

  He had taken his wayfarers off. God help her, how could she turn him down when he was looking at her with those radiating eyes? She gave him a sharp nod, “Alright.” He put his glasses back on, thankfully, and opened the passenger door of the Mustang for her.

  Her nostrils filled with the scent of spicy cologne and Raphael, she instantly regretted her decision. And when the Greek God himself sat next to her, she closed her eyes and cursed. Bad, bad decision. How was she going to survive the next two hours ride without making a fool of herself? She had to play cool and never for a moment let the fact slip from her mind that Raphael Giovanni was her Professor and he was clearly off the limits.


  Raphael looked at Sofia from the corner of his eyes and gritted his teeth. What was he thinking when he had offered her a ride? And why the hell did he stop his car in the first place? He glanced at her again. Her head was rested against the window and she was staring out at the passing pole signs. She was spaced out of reality, into the world of her own thoughts. He had to adjust in the seat so she couldn’t see what effect she was causing on him.

  They entered into the territory of Los Angeles. “Where should I drop you?” That was the first time he had spoken. “At the Literature Festival, please.” He snapped his face in her direction. Literature Festival? So much for trying to run away from her.God had the most twisted sense of humor.

  He parked the car and opened the door for her. “You don’t have to come with me, Mr. Giovanni. I’ll be fine on my own.” He didn’t answer her. She stepped out of the car and shifted on her feet. “You are free to go, Ms. Hawthorn.” He pointed at the entrance. “Right, thank you for the lift… and everything else.” She turned and walked away. “Fuck me.” He squeezed his neck and then followed her inside.

  They kept bumping into each other and every time the air became more intense between them than the previous. He had t
o keep himself in check but no matter how much he tried to avoid her, her presence spoke volumes that he couldn’t avoid. Sofia Hawthorn had a magnetic pull in her and he was irresistibly attracted. This was a first in his thirty four years that he was having that much effect from a woman. She’s almost fifteen years younger than you, Giovanni. His mind was telling him but it was his dick that refused to listen.

  “Raphael! You made it, man.” Logan rushed towards him as he walked in for his book launch. “I told you I was coming.” He gave him one arm hug. Logan gave him the VIP seat. Raphael finally took a breath of relief. He could now take a break from Sofia’s spell, at least until he went back. It was only minutes later when he felt the air changing around him. He tilted his head a bit and saw Sofia standing at the entrance. She was talking animatedly to a boy who was about her own age. The boy touched her arm and she smiled at him. Raphael clenched his fingers into a fist. An unidentified feeling raised inside him. It was something he hadn’t ever felt before. A feeling that world called jealousy.

  She is not yours to get jealous for, Raphael. What’s wrong with you? He needed to get laid to get Sofia out of his mind. He cannot keep thinking about her like the way he was since he had met her. And now that he was here in L.A., he needed to satisfy his libido before he did something he’d regret later.


  She needed to get drunk. If her mind didn’t stop thinking, she’d go crazy. Formerly, it was Raphael Giovanni who was messing with her head, giving her inappropriate thoughts, and then running into Jacob Hendricks had done the rest of the work. Jacob was Michael’s best friend and Sofia had gotten along with him well back at school. What she hadn’t expected was to run into him at the festival. Ontario was at small distance from L.A., so it shouldn’t have surprised her that Jacob was here and so was Michael, with her new girlfriend. Jacob had seen her earlier and came to give her heads up of Michael’s status, just in case if she ran into the couple.

  “ID, please.” The bouncer at the entrance of the club stopped her. She fetched her fake ID and handed it to the bulky muscular man. He gave her a disapproving look and then stepped aside. Loud music and overcrowded floor welcomed her. She made her way to the bar.

  “I need something strong.” The bartender gave her a pale colored liquid which she quickly drowned down her throat. Damn, that felt good. Before she knew, she was three drinks down and her head was starting to buzz.

  She looked around to see the L.A. crowd. Everyone was happy and swaying in the beats of music. It was just her who was alone. What a mess her life was that she was all alone on a Saturday night. She thought about Michael. He too would be somewhere in a club, dancing with his girlfriend and giving her a good time. And Raphael - what could he be doing? Clubbing? Or screwing someone? The thought of Raphael hitting on some girl made her more jealous than the thought of Michael with his girlfriend. She couldn’t fathom why.

  She took another glass of vodka and swallowed it. Now her head was beginning to hurt. She pressed it down against the cold marble and tried to take deep breaths.

  “Are you sure you are old enough to drink?” Raphael’s voice hit her ears and she shot her head up.

  He was sitting on the stool next to her, looking at her with a frown. He was still in the same black Ralph Lauren Polo shirt from earlier that hugged his chiseled chest in a very delicious way, and his jeans gave away his long legs. His hair were all tousled and not his usual brushed back style. She wondered if some woman had been running her fingers in them. The thought made her jealous to an extent that she could feel it on her tongue.

  “Are you following me, Mr. Giovanni?” Her voice was slurred. God, some drinker she was. “That’s not the answer to my question, Sofia. Should you be here?” His eyes looked almost black and his face was all grim. What was his problem?

  “I will be anywhere I damn well please, Mr. Giovanni. This is not your classroom where you ask the questions and I am expected to answer,” she snapped at him and stood to leave. Her balance shook and she clutched Raphael’s shoulder for support.

  “You are drunk,” Raphael gritted his teeth and got up. He easily towered her by good six inches. “No, it’s just my heels.” She brushed him off.

  “You aren’t wearing heels, Sofia.” Damn, she couldn’t even lie straight.

  “Listen,” she began to tell him to just leave her alone when her gaze went past his shoulder and stilled at the man behind. It was Michael. And locked in his arms was Lindsay, her best friend. She stared at them in horror. Of all people in Ontario, Lindsay was Michael’s new girlfriend? How could she do that to her? Hurt filled her chest.

  “Sofia?” Raphael called but she couldn’t look away from her ex-boyfriend and ex-best friend. “Sofia, you are pale.” Strong fingers landed on her jaw and then she was forced to look up. Raphael’s dark green eyes met hers. There was something tender in them for the moment. Something soothing.

  “Are you alright?” his words were soft whisper. “Kiss me, Raphael,” words slipped her mouth before she could stop them. Raphael sucked his breath.


  “Please,” she didn’t let him complete. “I cannot take another rejection.” She was pleading him.

  “I can’t.” Humiliation took over her and she broke away from his hold. He didn’t want her. What was she thinking? Tears threaten to fall as she turned away.

  “Sofia, stop. Listen to me,” Raphael called from behind but she didn’t look back. He caught her by elbow and she was pulled back until she hit his strong chest. “When I tell you to stop, you stop, alright?”

  “Just let me go, Mr. Giovanni. I can’t …” her voice faded as Raphael’s lips covered her mouth and he kissed her. She tried to fight him off first but that only made the kiss more furious. Moments later, she was kissing him back with equal passion. It was like she had never been kissed before. His lips moved in synchronization with hers and she moaned in pleasure.

  Raphael snaked his arm around her and pulled her close. She could feel his arousal on her abdomen. That’s because of her? Was he affected by her as she was by him?

  “Sofia, is that you?” the voice made her tear her lips away from Raphael. She looked at her right, Michael was gaping at her in surprise.

  “I thought it was you but I wasn’t sure,” Michael engulfed her into a hug. Sofia looked up at Raphael whose face was impassive. “God, I missed you so much,” Michael was speaking into her ears but she wasn’t listening. Her eyes were stilled on her Professor whom she had just kissed in a way that could put heaven on fire. Her Professor. She kissed her Professor!

  “Raphael, I…” she tried to speak but Raphael was already in motion. He walked past her without giving her a glance.

  She was so screwed. And what the hell did Michael want?


  “For the coming session, I want you to do a research on the writing style of Thomas Hardy and write a review about it. You’ll be giving me a two minute presentation to convince that what you think of him and why. You may now leave.” Raphael dismissed the class and sat on the edge of the desk with his arms folded across his chest. Students left one after another, bidding him farewell for the weekend.

  His eyes travelled across the hall to the curtain of dark hairs that were hiding the face of Sofia who had effortlessly managed to take away the peace of his mind. That girl was injurious to his sanity, yet he was incapable of looking away from her. It was weeks since he had kissed her and God knew he couldn’t stop thinking about it for even a second of the day. And specially the hours spent in lecture hall with her eyes on him, it only signified his sexual frustration.

  The way those blue eyes followed him, he could barely concentrate on anything else. But whenever he had seen in her direction, she’d look away, not meeting his gaze.

  Looking at her gave him mix feelings inside; lust and desire was fathomable, but there was another thing, infuriation. Seeing her in another man’s arms right after he had branded her, sparked ferocity in him. He told himse
lf countless times that she was out of his league and thinking about her should be the last thing he should be doing. But he kissed her! How was he supposed to forget that big detail? Even after weeks, he could still taste her on his tongue and it made him hard like never before.

  “Raphael,” Sofia was standing in front of him, looking away from him.

  “It’s Mr. Giovanni for you, Ms. Hawthorn.” He stood straight and buttoned his coat. “Mr. Giovanni, may I have a moment please?”

  “Make an appointment if you want to discuss anything related to your course.” He walked out of the room, never once looking back.

  Yes, this was what he should be doing. Keeping the things professional between them. He walked into the room and closed the door behind him. Leaning against the hard wood, he closed his eyes and tried to do some pep-talk to himself. But was interrupted by the buzz of his phone. It was his mother. Always the wrong timing.

  “Mom, now is not a good time.”

  “Your time is never good enough to talk to your mother, son,” Rosalie Giovanni said in a stern voice. “Anyway, I just called to tell you that Samuel Vikings’ daughter, Leah will be meeting you at the engagement party. She is pretty, well-mannered and is from a well-off family. A perfect match for you.”

  What?! His mother was matchmaking again?

  “Mom, listen. You are not going to start this,” he warned her.

  “Then who else is? Look at you, Raphael, you are so alone. You need someone.”

  “I am seeing someone, Mom, and it’s serious. Please, don’t make things awkward with Leah. She’s a friend.” Lying was the only option, but that silenced his mother for a few seconds.


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