Whatever You Say

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Whatever You Say Page 9

by Leigh Fleming

  Brody stopped her trek by stepping in her path and capturing her shoulders in his hands. She released a heavy sigh and buried her face in his chest. There were no tears, no heaving sobs, just a limp, wrung-out Kate, collapsed against him. She wrapped her arms around his waist, gave him a quick squeeze, then stepped back and smoothed her hands across her jeans.

  “Sorry,” she said. “I haven’t talked about my dad in a while.”

  “Maybe it was good to take some time, to remember him.” He reached out his hand, but she took a step back. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  “It’s okay.”

  She ran her fingers through her dark hair, letting the thick ponytail flop on her shoulders. Feeling like he was watching a transformation, she shook her head and raised her chin. “We’ve been here for over an hour. When’s Travis coming?” And just like that, the tender-hearted Kate who’d only a moment ago rested her head on Brody’s chest disappeared.

  “Katherine.” He reached for her hand.

  “Most people call me Kate.” She snatched her phone out of her pocket and turned her back on him. “I’ve got to get out of here. Do you realize how much work I have waiting for me?”

  “Okay.” For the life of him, he didn’t know where he went wrong or what caused the change. “I understand.”

  “Do you?” The wind sucked out of him as her green eyes turned to dark olive pools. “I don’t think so.” She raked her fingers through her hair again and looked down at the floor. She let out a heavy sigh. “Look, this promotion is important to me. Ever since high school I’ve set certain goals for myself with deadlines attached. No surprises, always focused. My goal now is to make senior associate then partner, and I was on track until…well until Gram fell, and well—” She was out of breath and her cheeks were fully flushed.

  “I get it…”

  “Really?” She gave a stilted laugh and threw her hand out in his direction. “Look at you, all laid back, easygoing, not a care in the world. It doesn’t seem like you have a set schedule or, you know…direction. Why are you here and not in Nashville?”

  Brody felt a sting but didn’t care to acknowledge that her words hurt a little. “I know you don’t think I do anything all day but show up when I’m least wanted, but I’ve been in your shoes. I know what it’s like to chase after money and fame, but eventually I realized I was only chasing my own tail.”

  “I’m not chasing money and fame.”

  “Okay, maybe not. But you’re chasing something. You might catch it, too, though it will never satisfy. Remember, when you reach for the brass ring, there’s a good chance you’ll fall off.”

  “Thanks, Confucius.” Kate wrapped her arms around herself and kicked at an imaginary object on the floor. “Did you read that in a Hallmark card?”

  “Listen to me.” In two strides he was in front of her, blocking her trek to the other side of the room. “You can make all the jokes you want, but I can see what you need.”

  “Really, now you’re some kind of mind reader too?”

  “You should lighten up, don’t push so hard. Enjoy the time you have here with your grandmother. Enjoy small town life.” His face was so close to hers, if she didn’t stop him first, he was going to have to kiss her. He couldn’t help himself. “Let me help you.”

  “I don’t need help.” Her face was tilted up, her eyes locked on his.

  “Are you sure about that?”

  “Maybe it’s you who needs help.” She spoke just above a whisper, her lips mere inches from his.

  “Maybe it is.” He angled his head and was just lowering his lips to hers when he heard the metal scraping of Travis’s tools in the lock. He threw open the door just as Brody and Kate stepped apart.


  Problem at the shop. Be there ASAP.

  Kate closed the text message from Riley and shoved her cell phone in her coat pocket as she pressed the buzzer outside the Brass Rail. Ringing a doorbell to enter a bar was just one more thing she found odd about life in West Virginia. It wasn’t like they ever refused entry; in fact, they seemed to let anyone in.

  “Hey, girl. It’s good to see you.” Liza slapped a coaster on the bar in front of Kate before she sat down. “I was hoping you’d come back.”

  “Yeah. It was fun the last time I was here. It’s sure busy tonight.”

  “Sure is. It’s pay day and they have cash to burn.”

  “I’ll bet.” She leaned around to hang her coat on the back of her chair, fished her phone from her pocket, and caught a glimpse of the same gas company workers sitting at the same table as last time. She received a wink from one of the guys she’d noticed leering at her before. “I’m supposed to meet Riley here, but she’s held up at the shop.”

  “Let me get you a beer. Same as last time or something different?”

  “Surprise me.”

  She couldn’t stop herself from surveying the crowd, wondering if Brody was there. She scanned the length of the bar, silently humming along to the Brad Paisley song blaring through the speakers, and felt a prick of disappointment when she didn’t see him. After their encounter at the community center last week, she hadn’t been able to get him off her mind. He had worked on the ramp a few days which made it that much harder to concentrate. She found respite from her unplanned attraction to him by working in her little corner at the Sit and Sip. Distance from Brody was necessary if she wanted to stay on task and win the promotion.

  “Okay, here you go. This is Tucker’s latest brew, a pumpkin ale. Very seasonal.” Liza placed the amber mug on the bar and watched as Kate breathed in the spicy, caramel aroma before taking a long draw.

  “Really good.” She took another sip, enjoying the tangy cinnamon flavor. “Where’s his brewery?”

  “Paula’s Creek. It’s a little area about ten miles outside town. Only thing there is the brewery, a diner, and the remnants of an old grist mill.” Liza talked as she wiped down the bar and cleared empty glasses. “There are a few houses—oh, and a really pretty covered bridge. That’s about it.”

  “I love covered bridges.”

  “Maybe I could go out there with you, cutie.” Warm breath brushing against her cheek and the stale smell of cigarette smoke made her turn toward the raspy voice. The gas company worker who’d winked at her a few minutes ago slid onto the barstool beside her. A quiver of dread surged through her as he raked his eyes over her from head to hips. “What’re you drinking?”

  “I’m fine. Thanks.” She grasped the mug handle while shimmying as far across the stool as she could.

  “You can say that again.”

  She took a long sip of beer and raised her eyebrows at Liza, considering how she’d get rid of him without making a scene.

  “I’m Jonas Hinkle. And you are?” He didn’t offer his hand, didn’t tip his hat, simply leaned in closer, causing her to bump into the man sitting beside her.

  “Would you mind scooting your chair over a little? It’s rather crowded,” she said.

  “Oh, sure, anything you say, little lady.” At least he obliged by moving his chair away a few inches. Maybe he’d get the hint she wasn’t interested in making small talk. She picked up her cell phone and swung her left leg over her right, angling away from his ogling gawk.

  “So, I seen you’re quite a pool shark.”

  Kate’s cold shoulder and icy glare didn’t seem to squelch his interest. Where was Riley? Keeping her eyes on her cell phone, she pretended to be engrossed in an important message.

  “Yeah, I seen you here a while back playing pool. You got a good aim,” he said.

  “Thanks.” Where the hell are you? Being hit on by a fracker. She tapped the send button, hoping Riley responded with a life-saving in the parking lot.

  “Thought about cutting in on the game, but you left before I had a chance.”


  “You didn’t tell me your name.”

  Damn it, how was she going to get rid of this guy? There was no doubt he would persist un
til she talked to him. If her cold shoulder and clipped responses didn’t give him the hint, what would? She hoped she wouldn’t have to resort to stronger measures.

  “It’s Kate.”

  “You look like a Kate. A girl as pretty as you should have a pretty name.”

  “Thanks.” Finally, her phone lit up with a reply from Riley. Sorry. Cooler died. Moving flowers to another one. Might be another hour.

  This evening was quickly becoming a bust. She could either endure the fracker for the next hour or finish this beer and head home. The idea of another lonely night at her grandmother’s wasn’t appealing, but the alternative wasn’t much better. As subtly as possible, she tipped her head in Jonas’s direction and signaled Liza with her eyes.

  “Another?” Liza asked, nodding to Kate’s near-empty glass.

  “Let me get that for ya.” Jonas raised his hip and reached for his wallet.

  “Not necessary,” she said and started to rise. “I’m leaving.”

  “Don’t go. We were just getting to know each other,” Jonas said.

  “Um, yeah…” Kate said as she pulled her coat from the back of the chair. “I don’t think so.”

  “What I think she’s trying to say is her boyfriend wouldn’t like it if he caught her talking to another guy in a bar. Right, Kate? Wasn’t he supposed to meet you here about now?”

  “Oh, um, yeah. But, he’s been held up.” She appreciated Liza trying to help get rid of the guy, but figured he’d see right through her ploy. “I’ll just see him later at home.”

  “Actually, no.” Liza glanced at the door. “He just walked in.”

  Jonas and Kate whipped around, bumping shoulders in their rotation, and saw Brody stroll in. He slowed his progress toward the bar, apparently noticing three sets of eyes watching his entrance.

  “See? Now you don’t have to leave. Your man is here,” Liza said, taking Kate’s empty mug with her to the sink.

  “Didn’t realize you had a boyfriend,” Jonas said.

  Neither did I.

  “Hi, honey.” She hopped down from the bar stool and met Brody before he could reach the bar. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and to the unknowing eye, appeared to kiss him on the cheek. In reality, she whispered in his ear, “Please play along. I’ll explain later.”

  Without missing a beat, he enveloped her in a tight hug and whispered back, “What are you up to?”

  She froze. His breath against her ear, his strong arm embracing her…this was a bad idea. His tone didn’t sound happy and she wasn’t sure if he’d play along. She felt sick, felt the blood drain from her face. Oh god, what must he be thinking? Why did she go along with Liza’s impromptu plan?

  “I’m sorry. It wasn’t my idea. Just act like you’re my boyfriend…please?” She leaned back and dropped her arms from around his neck, refusing to make eye contact. When she tried to step back, he only increased his hold on her.

  “Boyfriend, huh?” He nudged her chin with his hand, forcing her to look at him.

  “Who’s idea was it?”

  “It was—” Releasing the icy tingle of guilt, she thawed into a hot rush of desire. God, he smelled good. Was it a light cologne or his shampoo? His long, lean body was pressed against hers and his dark eyes were mere inches away, looking deep into her soul—her manipulative soul.

  “Trying to ditch that guy over there?”

  “Look, I just need you to pretend for a few minutes.” Her warm blush was surely turning to a flaming red as her cheeks raged with fire. Even in her high-heeled boots, he was an inch or two taller than her, the perfect height for talking, dancing, kissing. Her eyes fell on his soft pink lips, surrounded by the silky, smooth beard which lay soft against his chin.

  “Why not use your tae kwon do on him? Thought you could take care of yourself.”

  The flame blew out and the heat extinguished. “Didn’t want to get arrested on an assault charge.” With her hands flattened against his chest, she pushed away, but he threw his head back and laughed as she attempted to wiggle free.

  “I’ll bet.”

  “Just forget it. Let me go. I don’t need your help. I don’t need anyone’s help. You’re right, I can take care of myself.” She pushed again, but he only tightened his grip. “If you’re not willing to play along, let go, damn it.”

  “I didn’t say I wasn’t willing to play.”

  “Then why are you being so difficult?”

  “Just waiting on your cue.”

  “My what?” She stopped fighting for escape and noticed the humor in his eyes.

  “If I’m supposed to be your boyfriend, where’s my hello kiss?”

  “Oh, I didn’t—”

  Before she could finish, Brody tilted his head and lowered his face towards hers, stopping a breath away from her lips and said, “Is this what you had in mind?”

  Intending to plant a chaste kiss on her lips, for appearances of course, Brody couldn’t stop himself from pressing for more. Ever since their entrapment at the community center, he’d had a hard time keeping those lips off his mind. He slid his hand along the back of her neck, forking his fingers into her soft, flowing hair and teased her lips open. Damn if she didn’t taste better than he’d imagined—warm, tender, dewy, perfect. He finally tore his lips away when he felt Kate dig her nails into his side, aiming a sharp pinch through his shirt.

  “Sorry,” he said. He wasn’t.

  “We’re in the middle of a crowded bar.” She murmured the words against his ear, followed by a melodic laugh that plucked his heartstrings. He reluctantly loosened his embrace but couldn’t hold back a self-satisfied grin.

  “Okay, let’s get rid of that guy.” Brody released her and grabbed her hand. His nosy sister was up on her tiptoes, leaning over the bar for a better view. Her eyes were glowing and her smile was stretched from ear to ear.

  “Hey, you two. Glad you could make it, Brody.” He followed Liza’s tilted head and roving eyes to the gas company guy sitting one stool down.

  “How you doing?” He acknowledged Jonas, slumped over his beer and wearing a noticeable scowl.

  “Not bad,” Jonas said as Brody returned his attention to Kate.

  “Yeah, I was running a little late. Sorry about that, sweetheart.” He pecked a kiss on her cheek and gave her a wink. She wanted him to play boyfriend? He could play boyfriend. Let’s see how the little vixen liked that. “What are you drinking, babe?”

  “I, um…” Kate cleared her throat and he silently chuckled at the blush in her cheeks. His sweet little nothings were making her nervous. “I was drinking Tucker’s pumpkin ale.”

  “Excellent choice.” He patted her heart-shaped butt and slipped three fingers into the pocket of her jeans. “Liza, can you get my girl another?”

  He turned to Jonas, gave his shoulder a nudge, and said, “What is it with women and pumpkin? Must be something about the spice, huh?” He chuckled and then tugged Kate closer.

  “Let me get a taste of that again.” Without giving her a chance to protest he locked her lips under his and slipped his tongue inside for another gut-twisting kiss. If he wasn’t careful, this little charade of hers was going to get him in trouble. She didn’t hold back and, if he wasn’t mistaken, seemed to be enjoying this as much as he was. Then again, she might be pouring it on because of Jonas. When he finally released her, he could have sworn her blush had grown deeper and she was fighting back a smile.

  Ninety minutes and two beers later, Brody and Kate walked out of the Brass Rail, keeping up the hoax—for Jonas and his buddies, of course. They walked across the parking lot as tiny snowflakes fell from the midnight blue sky, leaving a frosty coating on vehicles and the ground.

  “It’s snowing,” Kate said.

  “Yeah, once the leaves are down, snow usually follows.”

  When they arrived at his SUV, she kept walking.

  “Hey, where’re you going?” He reached out and grabbed her hand, spinning her around. Her chest hit his with a thud.

�I’m walking back to Gram’s,” she said as she tried to squirm out of steely arms.

  “No way. I’ll take you home.”

  “Brody.” She pressed her palms against his chest while a fine white powder coated his shoulders. “I appreciate what you did for me in there, but you don’t need to keep it up. It’s only four blocks.”

  “Exactly. It’s only four blocks, so it’s no bother. Besides, it’s snowing. Get in.” As much as he hated to admit it, he had a great time pretending to be her boyfriend and he didn’t want the night to end.

  “Really. I intended to walk. I don’t need you to drive me.” She’d leaned back and he studied the determined look in her eye, the steel rod of her posture. Once again, there was that tough turtle shell.

  “You have a real hard time accepting help from people, don’t you?” he said.

  “I accepted your help in there tonight. What do you call that?”

  “I’d call that—” Fun, sexy as hell, dangerously close to falling for you. “Saving Liza’s ass.”

  “That’s the only reason you played along? So your sister didn’t look like a liar? And here I thought you were being chivalrous.”

  “That, too. Plus I thought it would be fun to give them something to talk about in there.” Who was he kidding? It was more than that. He’d been fantasizing about kissing her for days. As soon as she draped her arms around his neck, he was done for. Even if it was just a performance for Jonas, Brody enjoyed every minute, maybe a little too much. And that’s what worried him.

  “That’s it, huh?” She dragged her fingers through her snow dampened hair and he finally loosened his hold on her. She stepped back, releasing a cloud of warm breath into the frigid night.


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