Whatever You Say

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Whatever You Say Page 19

by Leigh Fleming

  “Hm. I don’t know…” Returning the gesture, she offered him a fingertip full of icing and rather than take it in his mouth, he slowly licked it from her finger. Damn, he wasn’t playing fair. Kate wasn’t sure how much longer she could sit here without touching him, kissing him. “What do you think?”

  “I think.” This time, he took a swath of chocolate and dotted it on her lips, then proceeded to tenderly lick and kiss it from her mouth. “You need to tell me.” He whispered against her lips.

  “Well.” She cleared her throat, feeling the need to pull off her sweater, she’d grown so warm. Scooting her chair back from the table to put a little distance between them, she tossed her cardigan on the chair beside her. Brody wasn’t hiding the fact that he wanted more than just cake and now that the moment had arrived, her heart was pounding and her stomach twisted in knots. She picked up her plate and carried it to the sink. “This cake is incredible. It just might be better than sex.”

  In only a few long strides, he was across the room and scooping her in his arms, folding her over his shoulder. “You want to bet?”

  “Brody.” She giggled uncontrollably. “What are you doing?” She uselessly pounded on his back, feigning outrage while her head hung upside-down. “Put me down.”

  “Nope.” He bounded up the staircase as easily as if he’d been empty-handed, and entered his bedroom. “There’s only one way to find out.” He tapped the door shut with his foot.


  Kate arched back, catching a quick glimpse of Brody’s impish grin. He still hadn’t put her down. “Okay, so you’ve got me up here. What now?”

  “What now?” He lowered her to the floor, slowly, letting his hands glide over her body on the way down. “You need to ask?” He grabbed the hem of his t-shirt and pulled it over his head, baring his chiseled chest. She drew in a shallow breath and took a half-step back. He matched her step and reeled her into his arms. Why now? Why was she suddenly feeling shy around him? Perhaps it was the dappled afternoon sunlight coming through the blinds, exposing his lightly tanned skin. Or the rumpled sheets of his unmade bed, inviting them to explore one another. Or maybe it was the fact that once they crossed the line to lovers, everything would change.

  He lowered his mouth to her fisted hands tucked against his chest and pulled her fingers into his mouth, sucking and nibbling until every fiber of her being was marshmallow. She drew in a deep breath, savoring the smell of him—spicy, outdoorsy, male. His eyes were locked on hers as he pecked his way across the back of her hand, only stopping to change course. Now his lips found the pulse thrumming at the base of her neck and trailed kisses to her earlobe, which he captured between his teeth.

  Oh, to hell with sunlight, rumpled sheets, and crossing lines. She couldn’t resist him another moment. With a quiet moan, she slipped her arms around his trim waist, tilting her head to give him better access to her neck, as she ran her nails up his spine. He released a moan of his own and cupped her face in his large, calloused hands, kissing her hungrily as he backed her toward the bed. With each step, he kissed her more deeply and she opened to him, welcoming his lips, tongue, essence. She wanted him—couldn’t get enough—was putty in his hands. She’d deal with the fall out later…much later.

  The backs of her thighs bumped the edge of the bed and Brody drew back, raking his fingers through her hair while keeping his dark, sultry gaze on her. “I want you…so bad,” he said as his hands found their way under her tank top. Cool air touched her skin as he tugged her shirt up over her head, letting it fall to the floor. “God, you’re so beautiful.” She shivered. Whether from the sudden chill or his feather-light touch along the base of her breasts, Kate snuggled up to his warm body, planting tender kisses along his chest. He had just enough golden hair to tickle the tip of her nose, bringing a smile to her lips. While she continued to taste his skin, he unlatched her bra, tugging it forward to drop between them. He placed his hands on her hips and drew her tight against him.

  “Tell me you want me, too.”

  His gaze seared into her, causing a delicious flutter in her chest. Of course she wanted him. There was no doubt about that. She couldn’t stop now if she tried. She brushed her fingertips across his soft, shaved cheek and placed a delicate kiss on his lips.

  “I do.”

  “Don’t move.”

  Instead of getting a confirming kiss, Brody dropped his hold and disappeared through a door which she concluded must be the bathroom. She heard the slamming of several drawers and some muttered curses. She turned toward the tall bedpost at the foot of the bed and muffled a laugh. Leaning her head against the walnut post, she silently chuckled at their luck. Last night they’d been interrupted by a pair of headlights and now it seemed he was having difficulty finding his stash of condoms. She was on the pill, so at least birth control wasn’t an issue.

  “Where were we?” He had silently snuck up behind her and drew her bare back against his chest.

  “Did you find what you were looking for?” She giggled as he attacked the sweet spot at the base of her neck.

  “It took some searching, but yes.” As he continued his tender assault across her shoulder, he cupped a breast in each hand, grazing his thumbs over her hardened nipples. “There’s no stopping us now.”

  He spread his hands over her breasts, sliding them ever so slowly down her stomach, to below her belly button, and slipping them inside her waistband. He flicked open the button of her jeans and pulled the zipper, spreading the fabric open and away, giving him better access. While one hand dipped between her legs, the other palmed her buttocks, causing her to release a tiny squeak of pleasure. Warm air brushed her shoulder as he chuckled at her reaction. He was driving her mad and he knew it.

  Kate leaned forward and rubbed her backside against his erection, drawing out a deep moan from him. He was making her crazy. The least she could do was return the favor. She snaked her hands up and behind, grasping the back of Brody’s head, bringing his face around to meet hers for a deep kiss. As awkward at their position was, she had no intention of moving. Mid-kiss, he plunged a finger inside her and used the base of his thumb to draw circles, causing her to shudder and moan. He continued his delicious maneuvering until she thought she’d burst.

  “Brody.” His name escaped on a strangled whisper. If he kept this up much longer… She gripped her jeans and shimmied them to the floor, side-stepping out of them and turning in a flash. He followed her lead and removed the last remaining barrier to their lovemaking. He gathered her in a tight hold, sliding one hand to the back of her thigh, lifting it to rest on his hip while the other gripped her butt, grinding her tight against him.

  “Katherine,” he murmured between kisses. He dropped his hand to her other thigh and lifted her in his arms, coaxing her legs around his waist. He walked to the head of the bed and placed her gently on the mattress, as if he were handling a precious crystal vase, and climbed on beside her. She gathered his face in her hands as he swiped a condom off the nightstand and eased between her legs. He lowered his head, capturing one breast in his mouth, using his tongue to send ribbons of fire through her veins. She threw her head against the pillows and groaned with pleasure.

  Using his knees to nudge hers apart, he slowly, painstakingly entered her, creating a swell of desire she had never known. This was right. They fit flawlessly together. He plunged and ground against her until she cried out.

  “Look at me, sweetheart.” He held her face in his hands, continuing to rotate his hips, watching as she reached the climax. Her eyes involuntarily rolled back in her head. Do you always roll your eyes like that? She released a breathy chuckle. He smothered her laugh with a kiss, moaning into her mouth as he reached his own. He collapsed beside her, tucking his lips against her neck.

  “So?” he whispered.

  “Nope…” Kate panted and turned to meet his eyes. “That cake wasn’t better than sex.”

  Breakfast. I promised Kate breakfast. The nagging thought forced Brody’s eye
s to flutter open then squeeze shut from the morning brightness. He rolled over and threw his arm over nothing, landing on the cool, empty sheets. She wasn’t there.

  He sat up, looked around the room, and for a second he thought maybe he’d dreamed it. Had she really been here last night? Been under him, legs wrapped around him, moaning, calling out his name? A long, dark strand of hair lay across her pillow, confirming it wasn’t all a dream. He climbed out of bed, pulled on his jeans from where they’d been crumpled on the floor, and padded downstairs.

  Expecting to find Kate sitting at the table, sipping a cup of coffee, he was taken aback with the silence of the house. Pots and pans from last night’s dinner were still stacked on the counter, the overhead light was off, and her jacket was gone. As he headed for the great room to look for her car through the window, he noticed a folded note sitting teepee-style on the counter. He flipped open the yellow lined paper.

  Good morning sleepy head,

  You were dead asleep when I woke up and I didn’t have the heart to interrupt your dreams. (Dreaming of me, I hope.) Yesterday was great, dinner was great, everything else was great, but I think you know that. I’ll have to take a rain check on breakfast. Derek texted me. He’s at Gram’s. Maybe I’ll see you later.



  Brody leaned against the counter, awash with relief, as he reread her note. In the few seconds he’d found the house empty, his chest had tightened and he’d imagined the worst: she regretted last night. Unable to control a full-on smile, he read the note once more and decided she wouldn’t need to take a rain check on breakfast. He’d bring it to her. But first, he needed a shower.

  As quietly as possible, Kate opened the front door and tiptoed into her grandmother’s house. The living room was dark, the blinds drawn, but she saw Derek’s car outside and his coat draped over an armchair so she knew he had arrived. She hung her coat in the closet and turned toward the stairs.

  “You’re home awfully late, young lady.” Derek’s booming voice split the silence, causing her to jump. He crossed the living room from the kitchen with a coffee mug in his hand and drew her in for a hug.

  “What are you doing sneaking up on me?” She wrapped her arms around her old friend, feeling an instant calm to her fright. It seemed much longer than a few weeks since they’d last seen one another. “I’m sorry. I had every intention of coming home sooner. Why are you up so early?”

  “I have a meeting before training starts.”

  “Sounds like you have a busy day. Is there enough coffee for me?” She walked into the kitchen and poured herself a cup of the steamy brew. He sat on a kitchen chair, looking uncharacteristically rumpled in a wrinkled t-shirt and baggy flannel pajama bottoms. His baby blue eyes were locked on hers, waiting to see who would speak first in this game of chicken. Whenever he wanted to get information out of her or Annie, he’d stare them down as if he were practicing an interrogation technique.

  “Fine, I’ll go first. Did you sleep okay last night?” she said.

  “Did you?” He continued to stare, but she could see he was fighting back a smile.

  “I slept like the dead. Did you have any problem getting in?”

  “None. Thanks for leaving the key.” He helped himself to more coffee and then leaned against the counter beside her. “Okay, now you have about ten minutes to tell me everything.”

  Brody pulled his pickup in front of Virginia’s house a half hour later, noticing a government-issued SUV in the drive next to the Buick. He grabbed the bag off the seat and walked to the porch. As he approached the door, he heard loud music playing, but low enough he couldn’t recognize the song. He pressed the doorbell and stepped back.

  The door swung open and a tall, shirtless man flashed him a movie star grin.

  “Hey, you must be Brody,” he said. Brody couldn’t help but notice the six—no eight pack abs rippling across his torso. This tool couldn’t be—

  “I’m Derek. Come on in.”

  He shook Derek’s outstretched hand and stepped inside. R&B music blared through the speakers, making it hard to hear.

  “Kate’s in the shower. I’ll turn this down and go get her.” Derek walked over to the entertainment center and turned the knob on an old radio that Virginia had probably owned since the eighties. When Kate mentioned her friend Derek was coming to visit, he hadn’t pictured Ryan Gosling’s body double answering the door.

  “Hey, what are you doing here?” He looked up and saw Kate standing on the staircase, draped in a white terry cloth bathrobe with her hair wrapped in a towel. Why did he feel like he was interrupting something?

  “I better get moving.” Derek pulled a shirt off an ironing board set up in the kitchen and passed Brody at the bottom of the stairs. “I hope we can get together later.” He patted Brody’s shoulder and ran up the stairs. “Better get some clothes on, young lady,” he said as he passed Kate.

  “So, what brings you here so early?” Kate stopped on the bottom step and rested her arms on Brody’s shoulders. She gave him a brief hug and a tender kiss, and he felt stupid for ever doubting her.

  “As it turns out—” he held up the bag “—I still owe you breakfast.”

  “What’s in it?” She lifted it from his hands and looked inside. “Aw, you brought your own pancake mix and syrup. Sweet.” She brushed a kiss across his lips and took him by the hand, leading him into the kitchen. “So, you met Derek.” She filled a mug with coffee and handed it to him. “What do you think?”

  “Seems like a nice guy.” He tried to hide a smirk behind the brim of the cup, but was unsuccessful. “I just wasn’t expecting a Calvin Klein underwear model to open the door.”

  Kate pulled the towel off her head and let it drop to the floor as she shook out her damp hair. She tugged on his jacket, signaling for him to take it off. “He’s a great guy and I think you’ll really like him, once you get used to his ridiculous looks.”

  “Are you trying to make me jealous?” He unlaced the sash on her robe and glided his hands around her bare body. “Because it’s working.”

  “Maybe.” She snaked her hands under the tail of his shirt and ran her nails up his back. “I like it when you get all hot and bothered.”

  “Well, then, you should really be enjoying yourself right now.”

  “Oh, I am.” She giggled and pulled him in tight, opening her lips to his. It had only been, what, eight hours since they’d made love before falling asleep last night, and he wanted her like it had been much, much longer. Slowly, she lifted his shirt higher, touching her skin to his.

  “I’ve got to head out.” Kate scrambled to cover herself when Derek strolled into the kitchen. She quickly tied the sash on her robe, and Brody turned away, pulling down his shirt at lightning speed. Derek kept his eyes locked on the coffee pot while he filled his travel mug, pretending as if he hadn’t just walked in on some serious foreplay. “I should be back around six.”

  Kate kept her eyes cast on the floor, a deafening quiet hung in the air, as she tried to hide her obvious embarrassment. If Derek had been a few minutes later, who knows what he would have walked in on.

  Derek cleared his throat, breaking the silence. “Brody, it was good to meet you. Maybe I’ll see you later.” He tapped a kiss on Kate’s cheek before heading toward the door.

  As soon as he was gone, Brody pulled Kate back into his arms. She opened her robe and snuggled tight against him.

  “Are you sure I have nothing to worry about with that guy?”

  “He’s harmless.”

  “You know I’m kind of selfish when it comes to my woman.”

  “Oh, so I’m your woman, huh?”

  “Something like that.”

  “You’re staking your claim on me, is that it?”

  “That’s the idea.”


  Kate tucked her feet behind her and rested her elbow on the arm of the sofa, sipping her second cup of coffee while savoring the quiet. It was only nine o’clo
ck and she’d been up since six, having breakfast with Derek and seeing him off. After his morning training session in Clarksburg, he was heading home to DC. She was fending off a mild headache, a remnant of last night’s trip to the Brass Rail where she and Derek met up with Liza, Brody, and Riley.

  As soon as Derek was out the door she had a call from Riley asking her to help sell poinsettias at tonight’s Christmas parade and street fair in town. Then came a call from the rehabilitation center reminding her of the patient release meeting this afternoon. Gram was scheduled to come home Monday morning. When she had first come to Highland Springs, her intentions were to stay until Gram got home and settled, but since she’d taken the leave of absence, she was happy she was staying until Christmas. The grand opening of the community center was the tenth of December and Misty Mountain Brewery was having a holiday open house on the thirteenth. She couldn’t leave town before then.

  A rumbling came from outside and she recognized immediately the sound of Brody’s truck pulling in the drive. She scurried to the front door, and sighed against the jam, drinking in his sexy masculinity. He was dressed in his faded, stained jeans and worn navy coat, with his hair tucked under the dirty ball cap, and she couldn’t think of any man more handsome.

  “Good morning, sweetheart.” He gave her a tender kiss while his large hand palmed her bottom. “How’s the headache?” He handed her an insulated cup from Sit and Sip as they backed into the foyer.

  “How did you know I had a headache?”

  “I saw how much beer you drank. You have a headache.”


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