A Cowboy in Paradise

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A Cowboy in Paradise Page 15

by Shana Gray

  “What do you expect? He has a mind of his own, especially when a sexy woman like you is sucking on fingers when you should really be sucking on something else.”

  Jimi threw back her head and laughed out loud. “Is that right? And just what should this woman be sucking on?”

  “You’re a smart girl. I’m sure you can figure it out.”

  “Yes, I am a smart girl.” She smiled and prowled over to him, liking how he fidgeted on the lounge. She playfully slapped his hand away when he reached up and took hold of the edge of the sarong she’d wrapped around herself earlier. “No touchy until I say.”

  Dallas dropped his hand and lay back. He looked as if he was about to explode out of his skin. The bulge in his shorts so tantalizingly tempting, Jimi was eager to get them off him. The juice of the pineapple drifted around her fingers and she held her hand over his chest. Jimi squeezed the fruit until a stream of juice dripped onto his chest, pooling in between the muscles of his pecs.

  He hissed but remained still as a statue.

  Jimi leaned down, the urge to lick him overpowering. His chest rose and fell with his deep breathing, making the juice spill over and trickle down lower. Across his stomach, running in rivulets between the ridges of his muscled belly and pooling in his belly button. She squeezed the pineapple, and more juice slicked over his belly, darkening the line of hair that disappeared beneath his shorts.

  “Off, shorts...” Jimi’s tongue was tied at the sight of him before her. Sexy, muscled, aroused. He had his shorts off in a flash and she sucked in a breath. His cock strut proud and firm, she licked her lips and sank to her knees beside the chair.

  Dropping the pineapple spear onto his belly, Jimi leaned over him and swept her tongue over his chest, loving the combination of the sticky sweetness and warmth of his flesh. Lower she licked, following the trail of hair. She cradled his balls, he let out a gasp and his cock jumped. She crushed what juice was left onto his sensitive flesh, and it dripped down from the head to puddle at the base.

  “Lick it off.” Dallas’s voice was gravelly and she turned her head to look at him. She moved a little bit, so his penis was between her and him. She didn’t want her head to be in the way. She wanted him to see everything she was going to do to him.

  “Did you know that pineapple juice makes semen taste sweet?”

  He shook his head.

  Jimi smiled and held the base of his cock. Its thickness was like the strongest steel in her hands. She stroked up and down. He moaned, the muscles in his neck bulging as he kept his head lifted so he could watch her. Their gazes locked and she reached her tongue out. He held his breath. She touched the tip of her tongue ever so gently to the tip. Her hair fell down like a curtain, and he grabbed it up into his fist.

  “I want to watch you.” He growled.

  “I want you to watch me,” Jimi murmured as her lips pressed the head of his cock.

  She leaned her elbow on the chair between his powerful thighs. Taking the pineapple, she placed it against his cock and pressed her lips over the top. She stroked with the pineapple while she sucked on the tip and twirled her tongue around the head. His cock jumped in her hand and she held tighter—increasing her caress on him, tightening and loosening her grip, taking him deeper into her mouth. “Oh, shit.” His voice was so deep she hardly recognized it.

  He held her hair tighter, and it shot a flash of desire through her. Jimi moaned and increased her cadence on him. She was getting more and more aroused the closer he got to orgasm. His other hand fell on her hip and pulled the sarong aside, his fingers searing a trail down her thigh until he was able to grab her butt, squeezing the cheek in rhythmic movements that matched her gobbling. He slid his fingers down the cleft in her ass, reaching and delicately touching her. The skin he caressed was so unbelievably sensitive she gasped as he pressed his fingers firmer, before sliding away to move his hand between her thighs. Seeking, pressing, finding.

  “Mmm.” Jimi was getting frantic now, wanting to bring him to orgasm before he did her with his fabulous fingers. Keeping the pump of her hand, she sat up briefly to catch a big breath and focus for a moment on his fingers inside her. Jimi cradled his balls with one hand and stroked with the other, the pineapple now soft in her hand, while she took the head in her mouth. Giving him the ultimate in blow jobs as he finger fucked her.

  He groaned and then sucked in a deep breath before blowing it out and thrusting his hips up to her. Jimi was frenzied on him as he brought her to climax. Which made her determined to bring him as much pleasure as he had given her in the shower.

  She tried to ignore how skillfully his fingers took her to greater heights and she came fast. Doing her best not to collapse on him with satisfaction, she moaned again when he stilled. He held her head tight on him and let out a roar as he came. Jimi didn’t let him come down, though, holding him firmly with her mouth and hands, drawing out his orgasm as long as possible. His body jumped and he gasped. Slowly Jimi released his still-hard cock, cradling him gently, and rested her head on his belly.

  “Holy shit,” he murmured, and stroked her hair.

  “I know,” Jimi mumbled next to his belly. She didn’t care about the pineapple juice getting in her hair or being sticky. They had that fabulous shower to wash up in. Jimi crawled up beside him on the lounge.

  “You have a magic mouth and pineapple hands. Give me a minute, then we can wash off.”

  “I do try. But then you are very inspiring.”

  “Well, then, I’m looking forward to seeing what inspires you next time.”


  JIMI PEERED DOWN the pathway leading to the lava tube beyond. She had no idea what to expect, and her claustrophobia niggled in the back of her mind. She tamped it down, though, not wanting it to rise up and take hold. She fought it. No way would she let it ruin this amazing adventure.

  After spending the last few days basically living off each other at Dallas’s house, they finally ventured back into the world after almost running out of food. Taking this trip up to Volcanoes National Park had been a great idea.

  “So, are you brave enough to go inside?”

  She chewed her lip and looked across the little bridge that spanned the creek full of lava rock and vegetation. It was very Jurassic Park here and she almost expected a T. rex to come roaring out from the trees.

  Steeling herself, she scoffed at him and waved her hand. “Of course I am. Don’t be silly.”

  She didn’t realize she’d been wringing her hands together until he took one in his. Calm flooded through her and Jimi curled her fingers tightly around his and held her breath.

  He leaned down and whispered, “Come on, you’ll be fine. I’ll be here right beside you the whole way.”

  She drew in a breath and straightened her shoulders with determination. “Okay. Let’s do this.”

  Jimi stared up at him, looking past his unusual colored eyes she’d grown to love, deeper, trying to see into his soul, see what he was really thinking and feeling. She caught her breath. There was something in there. She knew she was falling for him with every minute that went by, but he still seemed to be holding back. Sure, they were fresh and new. Strangers still. Jimi knew she was letting her mind run away with all the possibilities. They seemed so good together. Fit perfectly both physically and, so far, mentally. So why was she afraid to test the waters, broach the possibility of more time together after this trip?

  Now isn’t the time. So much was happening so fast that all her insecurities and trust issues were bubbling to the surface. She couldn’t think about it now. It would take away from their spontaneity. Something which wasn’t in her nature, but seemed to be making itself known. She glanced at Dallas—trusting someone else in an uncomfortable situation was hard. Looking into the tunnel ahead, she chewed her lip and then decided he was worthy of her trust.

  She squ
eezed his hand and drew in a shaky breath. “Lead the way.”

  “All righty then.”

  Stepping along the path shrouded with hanging ferns and tree branches thick with leaves, they left behind the Hawaiian sunlight as the entrance to the old lava tube yawned before them. It was bigger than she thought. She wasn’t sure why she expected it to be small and cramped inside. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all. Taking a hesitant step into the tunnel, Jimi looked around in awe when she was inside the entrance. It took a second for her eyes to adjust to the gloom.

  “Wow. This is really quite amazing.” Lights were strung along the curved wall of the cave, casting an orange glow inside. Water dripped down from the arched and craggy ceiling. Jimi whispered, “I shouldn’t have worn flip-flops. Look how uneven and rough the floor is. Puddles everywhere from water dripping.” She gripped Dallas’s hand tighter. “It’s really weird to think that lava flowed through here.”

  “I know. Makes you realize how small we are in the whole scheme of things. Imagine that below us somewhere is molten lava.” Dallas was whispering, too.

  “Like, right below us?” Jimi gripped his hand tighter. “Maybe it isn’t safe in here.”

  “It’s fine,” he assured her.

  “Why are we whispering?”

  “I don’t know—maybe because the other people are whispering, too.”

  Jimi tilted her head to the side and listened. It was very hushed in the tunnel, and she felt almost a respect for it that called for whispering. It was damp, the humidity seemed high and it was surprisingly cool.

  “Watch yourself,” Dallas said. “The floor is very uneven, with lots of dips and puddles, and we know how you like to hurt yourself,” he teased.

  They walked deeper into the tunnel, the people ahead of them disappearing around a curve, and Jimi stopped again.

  “Listen,” she whispered. “It’s so quiet.”

  Dallas looked behind them. “And we’re the only ones in here.” He raised up his hands and wiggled his fingers, opening his eyes wide. “Oooh, spooky.”

  Jimi laughed, and even though she hadn’t realized she was feeling tense, his making light of them being alone was helping.

  “We can take a walk up there if you like.”

  Jimi nodded. “I’d like that—if only I hadn’t worn such stupid shoes.”

  Dallas pulled her into his embrace, and she wrapped her arms around his waist and looked up at him. “Don’t worry—I can carry you if need be,” he assured her.

  She smiled and tipped her face up, pursing her lips for a kiss. He didn’t disappoint her. She loved his kisses. Right where they stood, in the ancient lava tube where a long time ago thick hot lava had flowed from the volcano down to the ocean, he kissed her. He held her tight, and tongues meshing and sighing into each other, they tasted each other, lost in themselves, until they heard voices of more people entering the lava tube.

  Dallas whispered against her lips, “Well, then, I guess that’s the signal to move along.”

  “I guess so.” She sighed.

  He nudged her forward and she led the way. With him close behind and his fingers resting lightly on her hip, Jimi felt the heat of him behind her. It was so tangible in the damp coolness of the cave she was no longer cool.

  They approached a curve in the tunnel.

  “I see some light ahead.” Jimi looked behind them. The other people were back a ways. Carefully walking over the uneven ground inside the tunnel, they emerged into the light of day. It almost felt different, though, as if something happened to them back in the cave. She had the feel of a new beginning. She was beginning to get clarity on her life and how she’d distanced herself from her origins. Who she was hidden behind an armor of clothes and makeup. She glanced down at herself and realized how far she’d come. She pushed some wayward curls out of her eyes and smiled. Maybe curls weren’t so bad after all.

  “So what did you think?” Dallas asked. “Was it scary?”

  “No, not at all. I was silly for even worrying about it.”

  Dallas checked his watch. “Hmm, it’s getting late. Are you hungry?”

  “Yes, a bit. What did you have in mind?”

  “Well, I have to run over to the ranch and wondered if you’d like to come with me. Or I could drop you back at the hotel?”

  Jimi was a little surprised with this news. She’d almost forgotten he had a life besides being with her. It was very self-centered of her to think of having him all to herself.

  “I don’t know. Do you drive past the hotel?”

  He shook his head. “No, we don’t go that way. But it’s no problem to drop you off.”

  They walked back through the overhanging trees, and Jimi thought about it. She wasn’t sure about going even though she’d like to. It was weird, wasn’t it? To go to his place of employment with him?

  “How long would you be? I don’t want to be a bother or intrude.”

  “Don’t worry—you wouldn’t be intruding or a bother. It’s just that I’ve been away for a couple days and I need to touch base.”

  “Well, if you think it’s okay for me to come, then sure. It’ll be different to see it without the pounding rain and driving hurricane.” She smiled at him. Plus, she wasn’t ready to say goodbye to him just yet.

  “It’s really hard to believe that storm actually happened.”

  He held aside a branch and guided her through the narrow opening through the brush.

  He’s such a gentleman, too. So much about him I adore.

  “I’m not sure taking a walk down that path is a good idea. It’s starting to get dark. Plus, you have the wrong kind of shoes on.”

  Jimi looked up and realized he was right. The sky was starting to darken with what looked like storm clouds coming in and the approach of sunset.

  “If you think that’s best. We’re not getting another hurricane, are we?”

  He looked up as if reading the sky. “Nah, but I think we’re in for some rain. It’s a treacherous path, and not wise to do if it’s going to get dark or rain.”

  The little parking lot only had a couple of cars and his truck. He held the door for her and helped her up before slamming the door shut. She watched him walk around and could see he had something on his mind. Her belly did a little flip with trepidation, and she wondered what had made him seem pensive all of a sudden. He climbed in beside her, started the car and grabbed the steering wheel. “This was a great day. It had been a long time since I’d been up here and I’m glad we came. I was happy to show you a bit of our island.”

  “I loved it. Thank you for driving me around.”

  Lightning flashed overhead and Jimi sucked in a breath.

  “Tell me about your mom.” His voice was gentle and encouraging.

  “When I was a kid, a weird storm blew in through the night.” She took a breath and hesitated.

  “And...a storm blew in. They happen. It’s nature.” His voice was gentle, comforting, and made telling the tragedy a little bit easier.

  “My mom died, though.” Jimi looked at him, blowing out a puff of breath, and cringed when another bright flash of light lit the darkening sky. Thunder seemed to crash right on top of them.

  He raised his eyebrows, then turned back to concentrate on the road and was silent, but she liked how he reached across the console and took her hand. Jimi clutched it, thinking of that horrible night. His fingers stroked with a reassuring motion, and she relaxed a little bit.

  “What happened?”

  “It’s so stupid. We all stayed in bed, and Dad was in another house while she ran around shutting the windows.” Jimi swallowed. “She’d gone out on the deck to lower the umbrella, of all things! And lightning struck it, killing her.”

  “Holy shit.”

  “Yeah, right? Why would she do such
a dumb thing? And why would lightning hit the umbrella and not the tree so close by. It’s supposed to strike trees, right? Why her?” Jimi’s throat tightened and she didn’t want to cry! “If we hadn’t lived in the country, out in the boonies, or if Dad wasn’t banging another woman, then maybe she wouldn’t have died.”

  “As hard as it may seem, when your time is up your time is up. And that’s why you must live in the moment.”

  Jimi stared at him as he watched the road. He turned to her quickly and her belly tumbled over. Those unique and expressive eyes that captured her in so many ways expressed concern. What a simple explanation. “But I want her back.” She sniffed and was so overcome that the tears flowed. “I was eleven, and even fifteen years later I still can’t bear it.”

  “You only have one mom. Of course you miss her.” His thumb brushed a tear from her cheek and Jimi leaned into his hand. “And that is why you are afraid of storms.”

  She nodded. “My dad wasn’t there for her. He wasn’t even in the house. She tried so hard to please him and she never could. I hate him and the commune way of life for that.”

  “Honor her memory by overcoming storms, then, and remember all the good things about her.”

  Jimi nodded. Her heart swelled and she actually felt lighter, like a load had been lifted—the anguish and pain she’d kept buried and hidden and not really acknowledged was there. This wonderful man had said only a few words that seemed to lift the pall that she’d been under for so long. “Th-thank you.”

  “My pleasure. You mentioned once ‘all the children.’ Do you have siblings?”

  She nodded. “Not all from the same mother, though. I was her only.” She peered out the window, glad he didn’t ask her to elaborate that point because she was pretty sure he understood the whole free love thing.


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