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by Tessier, Shantel

  Bennett chuckles.

  Deke snorts as if she insulted him. “Dive tanks. Bennett tied what was left of his lifeless body to a couple of dive tanks. Took his father’s speed boat out for a night swim in the ocean and threw his ass into the water.”

  “Doubt there’s much left of his body now,” Bennett adds.

  “What …?” She trails off as her eyes meet mine.

  I had used her plan. She had told me that very thing when I asked her how she would get rid of a body if she ever killed someone. And I must say, I felt much better that sharks were eating his rotting corpse at the bottom of the ocean. It was very poetic.

  “Did you guys ever find his car?” she asks.

  Deke nods. “It was at his house.”

  She frowns. “So how did he get there?”

  He shrugs. “Sounds like your idea that maybe Celeste picked him up was the only possibility.”

  “I don’t know …” she says slowly, her voice trailing off. “Why would he not drive? They were fighting. I don’t think he planned for me to show up, but I think he planned to hurt her. He wouldn’t have had a way home once he killed her. It doesn’t make sense.”

  We all agree with her.

  Bennett’s phone goes off, signaling a message. After he reads it, he stands. “Well, I will let you all get some rest. Boys, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  “I’m gonna leave too,” Deke says, following him.

  “Oh, wait.” I unwrap her from underneath my arm and stand. Pulling out a key, I hand one over to Bennett. “I changed the locks.”

  He nods and places it in his pocket. “Thanks.”

  I close up the door after they walk out and then go back to the couch. “Let’s go to bed.” We make our way upstairs.

  “Why did you change the locks?” she asks.

  “Deke suggested it.” Lie. I changed them because all the sharks have a key to this place, and I no longer trust Shane.

  She nods, believing me. “What about Deke? You didn’t give him one.”

  “I did the other day. Plus, he will be in Texas with us. Bennett is staying here for school.”

  She’s pushing the sweatpants down her legs when she changes the subject. “Where is Lilly?”

  “She is staying with Blanche tonight,” I answer, pulling the covers back.

  She nods. “Have you spoken to your dad about Texas?”

  I walk around the bed and over to her. “Yes.”

  “And?” she urges.

  “It’s fine, Austin. Stop worrying.” I grab the hem of my shirt she’s wearing.

  She takes a step back, but I don’t let go. “Don’t cut this one.”

  “I’m not,” I tell her with a smile. “I’m gonna help you out of it.”

  I roll it up in my hands and then help her get one arm out at a time. This one is a bigger size, so it’s easier for her to get on and off. Once it’s on the ground, I look over her body as she stands in a pair of little baby blue underwear. You can see her ribs. More than before. Her hips bones are more noticeable too. I run my thumbs over them. She still has bruises from her chest tube and IV. And one peeks out under a fresh bandage.

  “Cole.” She takes my hands in hers and pulls them away from her. “Your dad—”

  “He’s not gonna stop us.” I interrupt her. Might as well give her peace of mind when it comes to that bastard. All of Lilly’s stuff is already packed and in the U-Haul as well.

  She seems pacified with that answer and nods once. I help her into bed and then lie down beside her. Pulling her to me, I inhale her scent again. Fuck, I’ve missed her so much.

  “What about Shane?” she asks softly.

  “Someone else you don’t need to worry about.”

  “But he has to know what you guys did?” She draws little circles on my bare chest. Her fingers softly touching me. “Have you seen him?”

  “No,” I lie.

  I don’t want to worry her because the truth is I don’t know what to do about Shane just yet.

  She believes me, and asks, “What’s wrong with Deke?”

  I hold in a sigh. Her mind is filled with so many questions, and I hate how much she sees. How much she worries. “If I had to guess, I would say he’s upset over Becky breaking up with him.” But I’m not sure that’s what it is. He’s more pissed than upset.

  “They broke up?” Her fingers pause on my skin.

  Guess Becky hasn’t spoken much to her about her personal life lately. “Yes.”

  She buries her face into my chest and sighs heavily. I tighten my arms around her, and she flinches. “I’m sorry.” I immediately loosen my hold.

  “They’ll figure it out.” She ignores my apology.

  “Maybe.” I’m not so sure, though. If Deke knew what I knew, he’d be so pissed at her. And me.

  “You told me that he loves her.” She yawns.

  “I did.” I run my hand over her soft hair. “He does.” I’m not sure now.

  “Then they will figure out a way to make it work.”

  I pull away from her enough to look down at her face. Her eyes are closed and her lips slightly parted. When I run my knuckles down her cheek, she opens her eyes and looks up at me. “Are you okay?” she asks.

  I don’t answer her. I’m not sure how. Saying yes would be another lie, and answering no would worry her. I already had problems sleeping before she came into my life, but now it’s pretty much nonexistent. I’ve been running on fumes for too long.

  She sighs. “I can tell something is bothering you. Please tell me.”

  This time, I decide to lie again. What’s one more? “Nothing is bothering me.”

  “Cole”—she pulls away and slowly sits up— “I want you to talk to me.”

  I sit up too. She has the sheet pulled up to her chin, shielding her body, and I wonder why she chooses now to hide from me. But I don’t pull it away. I cup her cheek, unable to keep my hands to myself. Not like I ever have since I met her.

  “Cole, please …? Whatever it is. We will get through it together.”

  She thinks I’m hiding more from her. I am, of course, but it’s all to protect her.

  “Did you …?”

  “I love you.” It’s the only words I can think to say to her.

  The only thing that I know with a hundred percent certainty at this very moment. I’ve known it for a while now. Everything else is out of my control. I don’t know if Shane will come for me. I don’t know if my father will one day want Lilly. And I don’t know if Austin will one day wake up and realize I’m not good enough for her and leave me.

  Her lips part, and her eyes widen.

  “I love you, Austin Lowes. And I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you sooner.” Those beautiful green eyes begin to well with tears. God, she’s so gorgeous. “You’ve changed me, sweetheart. And I’m gonna do everything in my power to protect you and take care of you.”

  My hand slides into her soft hair, and she closes her eyes, sucking in a shaky breath. When they open, the first tear rolls down her cheek. Then the second tear falls. And the third as we sit in silence. My heart pounds in my chest, waiting for her to say something to me. Anything. Even if it’s that she hates me. I can work on that. I can show her how much I love her …

  She licks her wet lips and whispers. “I love you, Cole.”

  I never thought words could mean so much—all I’ve ever known were hate and rage—but this woman brings a whole new meaning to my life. And that feeling is stronger than anything else I’ve ever felt. I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding and kiss her softly with just our lips touching, but when she tries to deepen it, I pull away. “We can’t.” I hate saying those words to her. I never want to turn her down or make her feel unwanted.

  “I want you,” she whispers, her watery eyes running over my chest.

  “I want you too.” I run my hand through her soft hair. “But I don’t want to hurt you.” She smiles up at me, and I return it. Kissing her forehead, I say, “Come on. Let’s
get some rest.”

  We lie back down, and she buries her face in my chest once again. I stay awake, watching her fall asleep in my arms, and eventually, her breathing evens out. I kiss her forehead and whisper, “I love you, sweetheart.” Then I close my eyes, hoping tonight will be the first night in a long time I’ll actually get some rest, knowing she’s in my arms.



  I OPEN THE clubhouse door and step outside. The air has a slight chill, and the wind has picked up, making the trees surrounding the clubhouse howl. The sun is just starting to rise. Crossing my arms over my chest, I watch the detective get out of his unmarked police car. “Monroe.” I nod in greeting.

  “Cole.” He comes to a stop before me, dressed in a black button-down and jeans. “How is she doing?”

  “Great,” I answer.

  Austin’s been out of the hospital for three weeks now. She, Lilly, and I have been living here. We’ve already made one trip with Deke to Texas and moved all of our stuff into our house but came back for Austin’s checkup. The doctor gave her the green light yesterday.

  “I spoke to your father, and he said you guys are leaving town tomorrow morning.”

  Why is he talking to Liam? “Am I not allowed?”

  “No. No, you are,” he assures me.

  I’m no longer a suspect. Haven’t been since I was questioned, but my father’s attorney called me last week to tell me it was official. Like I didn’t already know. “So what was so important that you couldn’t talk to me over the phone?”

  He had called me last night while Austin was giving Lilly a bath and asked if he could come by. I offered to meet him at the station, but he insisted on making a house call.

  “I was wondering if you had heard from Kellan?” he asks, placing his hands in his pockets.

  “No.” I shake my head.

  He looks over my shoulder to the clubhouse for a long second and then back at me. “Funny how he just … disappeared.”

  He knows I did something, but he just can’t prove it. “Wouldn’t be the first time that’s happened here in Collins,” I say, and his eyes narrow.

  Mr. Biggs’ business partner went missing a couple of years back, and nothing was ever done about it. Monroe was the detective on the case. Funny how he makes fifty grand a year but lives in the same neighborhood as Deke’s parents. He gets paid under the table to overlook shit, and the whole town knows it. His time will come, and he’ll have to answer for his mistakes in blood.

  “You wouldn’t know something about that, would you?”

  He’s referring to Jeff. I couldn’t thank Austin enough for what she did to his body. “Are you accusing me of something?” I arch a brow. “Because this time you’re gonna need a warrant.” I won’t willingly lie down on the gravel and allow them to take me again. And sure as hell not for Kellan. What I did was for Austin.

  He smirks. “This case also wasn’t the first one your daddy paid to go away.” Taking a step forward, he closes the small space.

  “Yes, but we both know if you had done your job the first time, then you would have realized my car was tampered with, and it wasn’t really an accident, right?” I tilt my head to the side.

  He removes his hands from his pockets and fists them down by his sides, ignoring that. “I know your girlfriend stabbed him in self-defense. But I also know that you and your group finished him off.”

  I smile. “I dare you to prove it.”

  His face tightens. Then he looks over my shoulder at the clubhouse once again. I refuse to turn around and see what he’s looking at. I won’t be caught off guard. When his eyes meet mine again, he gives me a curt nod. “Have a safe trip, Cole.”

  “Is that a threat?” I ask and try to hide my smirk. You can try to fuck with me all you want, but you will lose!

  He doesn’t answer. Instead, he gets back in his car and drives off, ending our pointless conversation.

  I walk back inside, and Lilly sits on the couch watching videos on her phone. Her blond hair is a mess from moving around in her sleep, and she still wears her Frozen nightgown. I make my way up the stairs to find Austin making the bed. “You’re up early.”

  “Yeah, Lilly and I are meeting Becky for breakfast.” She tucks the end of the top sheet under the bed and turns to face me. “What were you doing outside?”

  “I had to call and talk to Deke about something,” I lie. It used to be so easy lying to her, but now it chips a piece of me away every time she looks up at me, knowing she loves me. How easily she believes anything I say. It makes me sick to my stomach.

  She nods and then begins to bite her bottom lip nervously.

  “What?” I ask her.

  “I need to talk to you about something.”

  “Okay.” I sit on the side of the bed, and she comes to stand between my legs. “What is it?” I place my hands on her hips. She wears a little pair of cotton shorts and another one of my T-shirts. I can’t wait to get to our house in Texas where we have our own bedroom with a door that locks. So she can sleep naked for me again.

  “I’ve been thinking about Texas.”

  “And?” I ask.

  “And we have four bedrooms.” I nod. “I spoke to Becky the other day …” Shit, I know where she’s headed with this now. “And she’s having trouble finding a place to live. I thought maybe she could move in with us.”

  “Austin …”

  “I heard Deke say he was going to be in the dorms. And they’re still not a hundred percent on speaking terms right now.”

  I release her and run a hand through my hair. They’re not speaking at all actually. Deke told me the other day that she won’t return any of his texts or phone calls. I haven’t spoken to her once since we got into it while standing in Austin’s closet, and I’m fine with that. Becky and I don’t need to have any kind of conversation or interaction. That’s how things work between her and me.

  “Come on.” She places both of her hands on my face, and I melt for her. “It will only be for a little while.”

  I look up at her soft smile, and my shoulders fall. I’m going to be in classes and busy with swimming. Austin hasn’t decided what she’s going to do regarding school yet. She said she just wants to make sure Lilly is taken care of and adjusting to the new living situation and school. I guess having Becky around won’t hurt. It’s not like I’m going to see her much. “Sure,” I relent.

  She squeals and leans down, giving me a kiss on the lips. “I love you,” she mumbles against them. When I don’t say it back, she pushes me away so she can look me in the eye. “You okay?”

  I run my hand over her hair. “Of course.” Lie.

  All I’ve done is lie to her. Over and over again. Is this how I want our relationship to go? I plan on marrying this girl, and if I’ve learned anything, it’s that life is unpredictable. I don’t want to lie to her. Austin is strong—physically and mentally—so I need to tell her what she deserves to know.

  “I love you too,” I finally say, picking her up we fall onto the bed. She laughs and wraps her arms around my neck. I bury my face in hers. I don’t know how much longer I can last with these blue balls. It’s been almost three months. Two weeks ago, I couldn’t keep my hands off her anymore, and she begged me so sweetly that I brought her to orgasm with my fingers between her legs. Then the next day it was with my mouth. And every day since then. She’s tried to return the favor, but I refuse her every time.

  Austin giggles. “Just gotta wait one more day,” she says, knowing exactly where my mind is going. Once we’re in our new house in our own bed, I’m going to spend all night between her legs.

  I nod. “Just one more day.” Giving her one more kiss, I push off her and help her stand. “I’m gonna call Blanche and see if she can keep Lilly today.”

  She eyes me skeptically. “Why?”

  “She called me yesterday wanting to take her to the aquarium before we leave for Texas.” Not a total lie. “I told her she could have her for a few hours to

  “Okay.” She nods once and then kisses my cheek before making her way to the bathroom.

  I look over my shoulder and watch her close the door. I pull my cell out and send a text. I have plans for us, and I don’t want Lilly around when we do what must be done.


  I stand inside Liam’s office in his house because he insisted that I come over before I leave town tomorrow. Austin doesn’t know I’m here. She thinks I’m out having lunch with Deke. I didn’t want her worried about anything else. Whatever he is about to throw at me, I can handle.

  “What do you want?” I ask when he finally enters. He left me in here for the past fifteen minutes while he did who knows what with who knows who. Typical. Any way he can show he is in control, he will.

  He shuts his door, walks around his desk, his shoes slapping on the hardwood, and sits down. “To show you something.”

  I lean my shoulder against the bookshelf and refrain from sighing. I need to get home. After Austin and Lilly left for breakfast with Becky, I jumped in the shower, and afterward, I decided to give him a call. He’s been blowing me up for weeks, reminding me that he needed to talk to me and that we needed to do a press release. I told him it won’t fucking happen, and nothing would change my mind! There was nothing to release. I took the fault of the car wreck, and nothing was going to change that. Even if it meant that people now know Bruce paid to cause the accident, it wasn’t going to change anything.

  “Come over here. You need to see the computer,” he orders.


  “Cole!” he snaps, interrupting me. “Get your ass over here. It’ll only take two fucking minutes.”

  I push myself off the bookshelf and walk over behind his desk. He begins to press buttons on his keyboard, and I see him bring up his Skype on the screen.

  “What the hell are you doing?” I ask. Who could he possibly be calling?

  He doesn’t answer. Seconds later, a picture pops up. It’s of a small room that consists of concrete walls and floor. It’s bare with no tables or chairs. “What the hell is this?” It reminds me of the interrogation room they threw me in when I was taken in for questioning.


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