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by Tessier, Shantel

  She had overheard her stepmom calling out Cole’s name the night before while she was fucking our friend Kellan. He tried to convince Austin that Cole was cheating on her. And she believed it for a day. That was long enough to drive her crazy. That was also the day I found out Kellan was fucking Celeste. We didn’t need to know why. There was a reason behind it, but we just couldn’t figure it out.

  Austin nods, getting my attention. “You force her hand. If she is really Evan Scott, she’ll get pissed and act without thinking it through. Make her jealous and see what Evan does next. We get another letter, message, or whatever, then you know it’s from her. But …” She pauses. “I’m just gonna give you my opinion now. It’s not Demi.”

  “Who do you think it is?” Bennett speaks up for the first time.

  “I don’t know,” she answers honestly, and he leans back on the couch, letting out a sigh. “I mean, how many enemies could you have left behind in Collins?” She shrugs. “I think it could be anyone at this point. And if for some reason, I’m wrong, and it’s Demi pretending to be Evan Scott, she’s not doing it alone. She’d have to have help, right?”

  No one answers, but she makes a valid point.

  I pull out my cell and send a quick message to Becky. She had messaged me the other day about wanting to meet up this weekend. I don’t have time to wait that long.

  Me: Wanna have dinner tomorrow night?

  “I’m not sure this will work.” Shane growls. “How are you gonna make Demi jealous?”

  I look over at him. “I’ll stay the night with Becky.”

  “Whoa …” Austin starts. “I said to make Demi jealous, not hurt Becky. She loves—”

  “Becky and I are never going to happen,” I interrupt her.

  Her mouth clamps shut at my words. Some things just can’t be undone. And Becky and I reached that point months ago. But I don’t mind using her.

  My phone dings.

  Becky: I’d love to.

  “I’m on. Tomorrow night,” I announce.

  The room falls silent, and I place my phone down without responding.

  “Do we need to tell you this stays between us?” Shane asks, narrowing his eyes on Austin. He doesn’t want her running to Becky and telling her our plan.

  Cole glares up at him, but Austin just sighs. She’s mad at me. And a part of me hates that. I see her as a little sister, but no matter how much I love Austin, it’s not gonna make me love Becky.

  “What?” Shane snaps. “She’s best friends with Becky. One word could ruin it.”

  “I’ll keep my mouth shut,” she tells him. “But thanks for the reminder.” Austin gets up and leaves the living room, making her way upstairs. Cole follows her without saying a word, knowing he’s finally gonna get his dick wet.



  STANDING AT THE foot of my bed, I look over the clothes I have thrown around my room.

  I’m having dinner with Deke tonight. And I can’t find a single thing to wear.

  Every girl’s worst nightmare.

  The problem is this isn’t a first date. I need something that screams love me. Take me back. I can’t live without you.

  And I have nothing.

  All but running out of my room, I enter Demi’s. She’s out with Seth tonight. I overheard her telling him earlier when she came home to get ready and she would meet him at seven thirty at Lake Travis. His parents have a cabin over there.

  I rummage through her closet. She normally doesn’t dress like me. She prefers frumpy shirts and jeans with tennis shoes.

  Not my style.

  But that doesn’t stop my mother from buying her expensive dresses. My mother has high hopes for Demi. She sees her representing her lingerie line one day even though my sister gives zero shits about it. I think that’s why my mother pushes her. If Demi would just give in, then our mother would probably back off.

  I come across a royal blue bandage dress. It wraps around the ribs, showing off a little midriff with a high skirt, connecting the two in the back. I hold it up to my body to measure the length. I’m taller than Demi and my boobs are bigger, but I can make it work. It would probably come to her knees so my upper thighs.

  I remove my jeans and tank top right here in her closet and then step into it, thinking it would be easier to pull up than push down. After wiggling my hips and shaking my ass, I get it on. I run my hands down the form-fitting skirt and face the floor-length mirror in the corner of her room.

  I smile at myself. It’s a little tighter than I’d like, but it will work for dinner. If I play my cards right, he’ll be taking it off me later. Just like old times. It reminds me of this one time when he took me on a date, but we had to keep it a secret ’cause I was with David.

  Junior year

  “What are we doing here?” I ask Deke as he pulls into his sister’s driveway.

  He turns his Range Rover off. “Don’t panic. Shelby’s at work tonight.” Getting out, he comes around the SUV and opens my door for me.

  “Thank you,” I say with a nod.

  We enter the house, and I wait in the entryway for him to turn the lights on, but he doesn’t. Instead, he grabs my hand and leads me down the hallway. “Deke, what are we doing?” I ask again with a soft laugh, but he doesn’t answer.

  Why did he bring me here? No one knows about us. Even if Shelby isn’t home, it’s too risky.

  We turn the corner, entering the kitchen, and I gasp. A single red rose sits in a glass vase surrounded by four candles in the center of the round table. A white tablecloth covers it, and it’s set for two. He lets go of my hand and walks over to the table. He picks up the lighter and lights them, giving the room a soft glow.

  He places the lighter in a drawer and looks over at me with a sly smile on his handsome face. “I hope you’re hungry.”

  “Starving,” I lie. I had dinner earlier with David and his parents. I tried to get out of it, but he wouldn’t let it go. And his mom offered me a glass of wine, so I couldn’t turn that down. She’s a lush and doesn’t care if you’re legal age or not.

  He walks over to me and places his hands on my hips. His blue eyes look darker in the dim light. Sexier. “You did all this for me?”

  His answer comes in a smirk.

  I lean forward and place a chaste kiss on his lips. I go to pull away, but he places his hands in my hair and devours my lips with his. When he pulls away, I open my heavy eyes. He runs his knuckles down my cheek. “I’d do anything for you, Becky. All you have to do is ask.”

  I smile at that memory. Let’s hope he still feels that way.


  I park Austin’s Range Rover in Becky’s mother’s driveway. Her father had bought her a red BMW when she arrived in Collins last January, but she traded it in for an SUV like mine after we moved to Texas. She said it was a better choice and safer for Lilly. But where mine is black, Austin’s is white. I drove it tonight because I don’t want Demi spotting mine in the driveway when she arrives home. I wanna surprise her. And then Angelica won’t question why a guy’s car is here all night either. She knows Austin’s ride, and she’ll think for some strange reason Austin stayed here. Not me.

  I knock on the front door, and Mrs. Holt’s housekeeper answers the door. “Hello, sir.” She nods her head in greeting.

  “Ma’am. I’m here to pick up Becky.”

  She smiles at me and gestures for me to enter. “She’s upstairs getting ready.”

  “Thank you.” I make my way up the left staircase, knowing that Demi’s room is on the right. I come to a stop and lean up against the doorframe. Becky stands in her room, bent over looking at herself in her vanity mirror. She wears a dark blue dress that looks a little too small, but that’s nothing new. She’s always liked to show off every curve, not that she has many. Demi may be smaller than her sister, but Becky isn’t big by any means. She has no hips and no ass, but she does have long, sexy legs. I’ll give her that. I used to love having them wrapped around my hips. An
d her tits, they’re a good handful. I always wanted to fuck them, but Becky wasn’t into that sort of thing.

  As I stand here looking her over, I can’t understand why I fell for her. What was it that made me believe every lie? Made me fall in love with her? Was it because she chose me over David? I wasn’t faithful to her, but she knew that. I didn’t lie to her. She was very aware that I slept with other girls and she couldn’t say shit to me about it. She fucked both David and me, and I fucked whoever I wanted. I mainly just did it to piss her off, though, and it worked.

  Now I’m going to fuck her to piss her sister off. And I’m hoping that it works. When I find out that Demi is the one fucking us over, I will give her what she wants—me. A motherfucking shark. I’ll destroy her.

  Becky smacks her lips together and straightens. She pulls her blond curls over her shoulder and turns to face me. She jumps back, letting out a squeal of surprise. “Deke. How long have you been standing there?”

  Even her voice makes my skin crawl. “Long enough.”

  She runs her hands down her dress nervously, and I give her a smile. I’m not gonna hurt you. Just gonna use you.

  “I’m ready when you are.” She clears her throat and reaches for a clutch that sits on her dresser. Her eyes move to her bed for a brief second, but I don’t miss the longing in her eyes. There was a time when I would have already had her dress off and her lying on her back with my head between her legs.

  Not tonight.

  I’m in no rush to fuck you. I’m gonna take my time. I’ve got all night, after all.

  She makes her way over to me, and I reach my hand out for her. We make our way down the stairs, and just as we reach the door, I hear a set of heels clapping on the tile floor behind us. “You kids have fun tonight.”

  I turn around to see Angelica walking toward us. I remember her back when we were younger—back before the divorce—and she has always been a bitch. Angelica has her bleach blond hair up in a tight bun. She wears a skintight black skirt that reaches her bony knees and a white silk blouse tucked into the high waist with a black blazer. A string of pearls rests along her thin neck. She looks every bit of the powerhouse woman she is. A self-made billionaire. Becky looks identical to her. She has Becky’s height, but I’m pretty sure she weighs less than Demi. I don’t think the woman ever eats. The buzz going around town was she used to be addicted to diet pills back when we were in middle school. My mother chatted about it for months because she was jealous of Mrs. Holt. I think because she wasn’t afraid to go after what she wanted. She wanted to be skinny, and she was willing to do whatever it took to achieve that. My mother wouldn’t know commitment if it bit her in her silicone ass.

  She comes to a stop and frowns. “Becky, isn’t that Demi’s dress?”

  Becky smiles but rolls her eyes. “Yes, but it’s not like she’s ever gonna wear it.”

  Her mother sighs. I know Becky is her favorite because she never hid that from anyone. Becky was her mini-me in every way. Demi may look like them, but she never had that desire. She was forced. But that doesn’t stop her from wanting Demi to give in to their ways.

  “Just be careful with it.” She places her hands on her nonexistent hips. “And put it back where you found it afterward.”



  HE TOOK ME to Austin Stonelake. I’ve never been here before, but I’ve heard of it. It’s just as fancy as they say. Dim lighting with white tablecloths and folded black napkins. There’s a vase at every table with a single rose in it. It immediately reminded me of our dinner at his sister’s house that night. It must be a good omen.

  We’ve already had our appetizers and are currently finishing our main course. It’s been awkward. We’ve been quiet, but I’m not sure what to say. And I don’t think he has much to talk about.

  I lick my lips and take a deep breath. “I was in Collins last weekend.”

  “Oh, yeah?” he asks, not bothering to take his eyes off his plate.

  “I saw your father.” That gets his attention.

  He drops his fork and looks up at me. Slowly, he lifts his black napkin and rubs the corners of his mouth. “And?” His voice has gone cold.

  I knew it would. His father is the last thing I want to talk about, but if it gets his attention … “He misses you.”

  He snorts at that. “Doubtful.”

  I lower my eyes to my plate. “He said he’s been calling you.”

  “And I’ve been ignoring him.”


  He takes a drink of his water and sets it down. “Since when do you care about my father? You never have before.”

  Honestly? I hate that man. He always tried to use Deke. He had Deke’s life mapped out for him from the moment he was born, but Deke didn’t care. That was the problem Langston had. His only son wanted nothing to do with him or his plans to take over the world. Deke always had that ability on his own. Deke and Langston both know it.

  I shrug. “I don’t. I just thought you should know.”

  “Thanks,” he says dryly before picking up his fork and getting back to his meal.

  The rest of dinner went by slow and silently. We didn’t speak, and I hated it.

  Things aren’t going how I wanted them to. He was supposed to see me in my dress, take it off, and make love to me. I can work with that, but this? I don’t know what to do. Things used to run smoothly between us, but now nothing but secrets and lies hang in the air, choking us with every breath.

  We pull up to my house, and I pause when he brings the car to a stop. I haven’t asked him why he’s driving Austin’s Range Rover. I’ll ask her tomorrow. She won’t lie to me. Not like Deke will. I lick my lips nervously, trying to think of an excuse to get him to come inside, but he turns the car off.

  We make our way inside silently. All the lights are off, and I know my mother is already in bed. She goes to sleep early ’cause she starts her day before the sun ever rises. I make my way up the stairs slowly, and he’s right on my ass.

  We enter my room, and I flip the light on. He makes his way to the end of my four-post bed and sits down on the peach satin comforter. I watch him unbutton his cuff links and roll up his sleeves. He wore a black button-down and black slacks, making him look so much older than I know he is. This moment feels as if we’re a married couple coming home from an anniversary dinner. Our kids at the sitter. And an endless night of me and him rolling around in our bed.

  My mouth goes dry at the thought of him touching me. It’s been too long. Deke always has had this hold on me. No matter how many lies I told him, I loved him. And I know he loves me just as much. It’s just gonna take a little push on my end.

  “Would you like anything to—”

  “No,” he interrupts me, standing.

  I swallow the knot that forms in my throat when he reaches up and undoes the first button on his button-down.

  Why am I so nervous? Maybe because he knows the real me. No matter what I tell him now, he’ll see right through me. And that’s terrifying.

  “Stop,” he orders.

  “What?” I blink.

  He comes to stand in front of me. His hands go to the hem of my dress. He grips it in his fingers and slowly pulls it up my thighs. “Thinking.”


  “Shh,” he whispers, bringing the dress up and over my hips to expose the black lace thong that I wore just for him. He used to love it when I wore lace. It’s a pair from my mother’s line.

  “Undo my pants,” he commands.

  My hands go to his black belt, and I undo it quickly. I pop the button on his slacks and then the zipper. His right hand slides into my hair, and I whimper when he tilts my head back. I stiffen, afraid he may rip my throat open with his teeth. Just because I want him to love me again doesn’t mean I trust him.

  “Tell me,” he whispers before peppering my neck with feather-like kisses.

  “I miss you,” I say, knowing exactly what he wants to hear. It’s the same thing h
e told me the night he kissed me in Cole’s kitchen before we went to Silence.

  “How much?” His left hand slides between my legs, and he rubs my pussy over the thin material. I’m already wet. Have been all night.

  “So much,” I pant.

  “Tell me to fuck you.”

  My heart beats quicker at his words. He knows I don’t like the word fuck when used in reference to us. I know Deke has a dark side, but he can be the gentlest lover. He can make you feel loved and not used, but clearly, tonight is about him. I should have suspected it would go down this way. He’s still mad at me, and he’s gonna make me grovel before he gives me what I want.

  “Fuck me.” I choke on the words, but I feel him smile against my neck.

  He’s gonna win this round because I need him to think he has me right where he wants me. Enjoy it, Deke. It won’t stay this way for long.


  I pull up to my mother’s house and get out of my car. I frown when I spot Austin’s Range Rover parked in the driveway. What is she doing here this early? It’s a little after eight a.m. Doesn’t she have to take Lilly to school? Maybe she’s already dropped her off and came over here to pick up Becky to hang out for the day.

  I enter the house, not caring about going unnoticed. My mother is already at work, and by the five texts she has sent me, she knows I didn’t come home last night and that I’m running late to school. I just haven’t cared to open them up to read them. I make my way up the right staircase but slow my pace when I hear Becky’s door creak open. What’s she doing up this early anyway? She stays up late and sleeps in, which makes me question why Austin is here even more.

  I get my answer the very next second. She leans up against the doorframe, and Deke stands in front of her, his massive size filling the doorway. He has his right hand on her hip and his left in her hair. She smiles up at him like a fucking schoolgirl. I reach the landing and quit walking completely, but I don’t release the railing. I grip it so tight my knuckles are white.

  “I had a great time,” she purrs.

  He smirks down at her. His black dress shirt is unbuttoned and untucked. It’s wrinkled so I know it spent all night on her floor. She wears an oversized T-shirt, and that’s it. It barely covers her pussy.


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