Behind the Veil: 3 (Temptation Unveiled)

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Behind the Veil: 3 (Temptation Unveiled) Page 20

by Alexander, R. G.

  Nothing she’d experienced had prepared her for this. His size. The feel of him inside her. The feeling of being taken so completely. Vulnerable because she was being claimed. Powerful because only she could give him what he needed. She almost forgot how to breathe once he stopped pressing forward, waiting to see what he would do next.

  “I need to hear you, love.” His voice was almost unrecognizable. Full of gravel and raw with emotion. “I need you to let me in. Need you to say it.”

  She didn’t understand. He wanted her talk now? How could she? How could she form words? She just wanted him to do it. To fuck her there. To fill her ass and make her beg. To give her everything, every last inch of his cock. Make her take it. To take her, body and soul.

  In the distance, she heard another male voice. This one more familiar. “Sweet Jesus.”

  Had she been speaking? She had. She’d been begging him out loud. Pleading with him to fuck her.

  Out loud.

  She might care about that later, but not now. Now she needed him.

  “I’m here, Sher. I’m here, my love. You’re mine.” His words were rough velvet against her shoulder. “I’ll never share you. Never let you go. You belong to me.”

  She wanted to say, “Ditto.” But it might have come out as a whimper. They belonged to each other.

  Finn sunk his teeth lightly into her flesh and pounded his hips against her in a passionate, glorious rhythm. Deeper. Oh God, how could he go any deeper? He slid a large hand around again and stroked her sex with his fingers, rubbing and pressing in time with his cock. Filling her. In her. Everywhere.

  Her next climax hit her unexpectedly, and so violently her knees almost gave out beneath her. Her world tilted. Her head spun. Everything around her went dark. Heaven.

  Sheridan was floating above her body. She could still feel every sensation. The ground digging into her bruised knees. The scratch of her throat as she screamed his name over and over. Every ridge and vein of Finn’s erection as it pushed inside her. His breath on her skin. But she could also see it all clearly. The crowd. The arena. Finn.

  She watched him rear back, one hand gripping her shoulders and his head falling back to stare sightlessly above him as his passion took him over. He seemed to lose control, pumping against her faster than any human could withstand. Luckily, as everyone had been telling her, she wasn’t human.

  He came shouting her name so loudly it echoed through the Realm.

  “Hello, love.”

  Finn was with her. Everything he was, everything that had brought him to her was a part of her. She knew him. More than she’d ever known anyone. She knew his wildness, his honor, his predilections…and she knew his sorrows. His family shame. His sister, Fiona, when she was happy. Alive.

  He loved Sheridan. Had from the first moment he’d seen her, though he hadn’t realized it until she’d been taken. He would always love her.

  And he knew her now. All her toughness, all her sass, was just a front. She had to be strong for everyone, had to be responsible. But he would be with her now. He would share it with her. Her burdens. Her joys.

  He was her síorghrá.

  And now she truly knew what that meant.

  “Is it going to be like this every time?” she wondered.

  “No, love.” She sensed his smile. “It will be better.”

  Chapter Ten

  “Anticlimactic for you, I imagine.” Kyle pressed his lips together and rocked on his heels. “Stole that Viking thunder right out from under the Brads. Like they weren’t already feeling performance anxiety.”

  Sheridan rolled her eyes at Kyle. Yes, last night’s union between Linnea, Hawk and Val, from the cauldron ritual to the consummation, had been beautiful and sensual. Intimate and profound. And a bit more subdued than she thought anyone would have imagined when the Imbolg festivities began.

  Maybe it was because the entire day beforehand had been spent dealing with what had happened on the second night. With the queen’s ladies. With Meara. With Sheridan and Finn.

  She smiled softly, feeling his presence even now.

  It wasn’t telepathic. He still couldn’t read her thoughts, which she knew he wasn’t happy about. It was more. Just this absolute knowledge that he was nearby if she needed him. That he loved her. And that he understood her need to be with her cousin and Kyle for a while. To show them she was fine, that she was the same Sheridan Kelly they knew.

  “You can feel him? Right now?” Meru’s voice was tentative. Almost unsure.

  “Yes.” Sheridan winked. “But he doesn’t know exactly what I’m saying, so let’s gossip.”

  She saw Meru’s shoulders relax, her dark curls bouncing, and Sheridan knew it had been the right thing to say. “For example, I can tell you that with Badger’s help, Queen Morrigan’s court has now been swept of all baddies and it is clean. Three cheers for true knowing with an extra oomph from the daddy machine.”

  Kyle laughed. “You didn’t get everyone though.”

  No. In the chaos, Meara had somehow gotten away. But Finn’s brother hadn’t. The queen had been—to say apologetic would have been an understatement. Badger had suggested she drink from the cauldron herself, to ensure her own clarity. It was advice that she’d followed and the awareness of what she’d almost allowed to happen had shamed her. She’d been used. Her loyalties questioned. In the privacy of her own suites, Queen Morrigan had offered to step down. To pass her throne and crown to Sheridan until Crystal came of age.

  She’d declined, of course. Instead, she’d asked for the boon. The replica of Lugh’s spear. She knew what they needed to do now. She’d seen it last night while she slept. Kyle and Nyctimus, Badger, Finn and Sheridan would stand in a circle around the replica. She would call on her ancestor Lugh and tell him their need was great.

  It was as magically, oddly simple as that.

  But despite what she’d learned in the rest of her dream, Sheridan hesitated to tell the others. Finn knew, of course, but he was leaving it to her to decide. The spear was powerful. Would the Dark stop going after it? Would she ever know peace if she called it to her?

  On the other hand, would she ever forgive herself if she didn’t take advantage of one of the greatest weapons they could have should Enlil finally escape?

  The answer to that was no.

  “Sheridan.” Kyle snapped his fingers near her ear. “You’re beautiful when you go all space cadet, but Meru has something to tell us. Don’t you, Meru?”

  Sheridan turned to her cousin, an alert awareness creeping over her. “Another stanza in the prophecy?”

  Meru sucked in her lower lip, studying her with a strange expression. “Stop it. Okay? Just stop it, Harridan. You’re supposed to be all snarky and angry about the ‘woo-woo’, remember? You are seriously freaking me out and there could be dangerous repercussions. I’m pregnant, you know.”

  Kyle and Sheridan spoke at the same time. “We know.”

  Meru’s lips twitched, and then she was beside Sheridan, wrapping her arms around her and crying. “I’m just…I’m just really hormonal. I don’t mean it. I love that you’ve finally seen Danu and that you and Finn have…have…”

  Kyle looked down on the two women and shoved his hands in his pockets, grinning. “She’s just jealous because she didn’t get to see the dirty gladiator mate sex like everybody else.”

  Meru sobbed and nodded against Sheridan’s neck, making her laugh.

  “Unfortunately, we aren’t going to repeat that performance.” She narrowed her gaze on Kyle threateningly, trying to ignore her cheeks heating. “And you and I are never going to discuss it again.”

  “Why not?” Kyle’s expression was one of utter innocence. “I figure it’s only fair. I saw you become one with Faery Finn, and you saw me have a ménage with Ceri and Dian. It’s healthy, wholesome fun for the whole family.”

  “Wait, you knew about that?” Oh God, which Fae did she have to kill?

  Kyle nodded, his bare cheeks revealing his blush. “How
could I not? You were making a lot of noise.”

  Meru pulled back with a gasp and looked between the two of them. “You— He?— Hey, no one’s ever seen me—”

  “No, of course not,” Sheridan assured her, patting her on the shoulder. “Heard you? Yes. Repeatedly and in graphic, screaming, grunting, wall-pounding detail. Seen you? Not so much.”

  “This is so wrong,” Meru muttered, chuckling. “Funny, but wrong.”

  “Prophecy, anyone?” Sheridan grinned. “Come on, you tell us about the new stanza and I’ll tell you about my dream. It was about the spear, and Lugh was there and I also saw something I don’t quite understand happening in that moving tapestry from my room in Raj’s lodge.”

  “Raj?” Meru’s voice perked up. “I think the stanza is about him as well. Among other things. It’s not written in the usual rhythm, if that makes sense.”

  “Hurry up, Meru. I want to read it and then find out more about this spear.” Kyle sat down in the chair across from them.

  Meru said something in Gaelic and the book appeared in her hand. It still made Sheridan shake her head. Magic. Her life was full of it now.

  “It appeared this morning.” She showed it to Sheridan, who read silently while Kyle waited with his usual lack of patience. Her eyes widened as she took in the new stanza. “This one does feel different. We’re obviously not wading in the kiddie pool anymore. Look at that first line.”

  Now with urgency

  The West must join with South and North

  The dragon and the scarred god

  Who journey together or not at all

  Must retrieve the final key and restore balance

  The piper will play her song of no return

  Or Dark will finally fall

  But still the dragon must open the door

  “I get the feeling Raj is not going to like this.” Sheridan handed the book to Kyle and turned to Meru. “And that makes my dream even scarier.”

  “What happened?” Meru cupped her stomach protectively.

  Sheridan spoke softly, so as not to disturb Kyle while he read from the book. She told Meru about her visit with Lugh first. That he’d told her he was proud of her, proud his line continued in her. Told her that it was his blood that shielded her from those who would read her.

  Then he showed her how to perform the spear ritual and reaffirmed what Danu had said, that it would be whatever it needed to be to win the day.

  He also assured her he was with Danu. He had found his way after all, despite his Archon blood. And he promised they would both guide and watch over her and those she loved for as long as she lived.

  But then he took her into her old room at Raj’s and made her study the tapestry. The one she’d pulled down before she left. She saw the dragon clearly now. Had it always been there? He guarded the gates of the palace and all the people who lived in the houses around it. And inside the palace was the sun.

  Suddenly, lightning besieged it from all sides, and the people in the tapestry ran to escape it. There she saw the men in the clouds directing the lightning, battling with the people below for the prize they protected.

  The dragon tried to fight them off, but there were too many. In the end, they forced open the door to steal the sun.

  But the sun was gone.

  Sheridan shivered. “I know it sounds silly, but it chilled me. And like I said, I have no idea what it means, but it’s obviously about this prophecy. And Raj’s people, his home? She didn’t mention the East but I think that must be the door. Right? Either way, he won’t be a happy dragon.”

  Kyle shook his head. “Neither will the scarred god. Nyc and Raj don’t exactly see eye to eye, but the prophecy says they go together or not at all. Let’s just say I’m glad I’m sitting this one out.”

  Meru looked surprised. “You are?”

  He leaned back in his chair. “I’ve had more than enough excitement in the land of Odd, thank you very much. I’m not saying I didn’t enjoy parts of it,” he sighed. “Especially all the attention. I’m just ready to going back to being average. Unnoticed. Bearded.”

  Sheridan laughed. “I’ll believe it when I see it. You’re too involved now. You’ve never been able to stand not seeing something through to the end.”

  Kyle tilted his head thoughtfully. “I did want to see the other portals,” he mused. “And Dian has already convinced Ceri that wherever Sheridan goes, they go.”

  That wasn’t funny. “What do you mean?”

  Kyle shrugged. “He keeps saying he owes you his life and more. He’s pretty adamant about it.”

  Uh-oh. She sensed Finn reach out to her, knowing something was different now. So many people to protect. So much at stake. And the stanza said “with urgency”. But with this much on the line… “Meru? I think this is it. I think if we can fulfill this part of the prophecy and the Dark falls, it’s over. I mean the horrifying-end-of-the-world-here-comes-super-bad-guy part anyway.”

  Meru nodded. “I feel the same. But that means, even after all we’ve been through, this next part might be a little harder.”

  So did she. There was more to lose now. For all of them. She sent love to Finn and let him know she needed him. She knew he would come. He would always come. He was her other half. She was finally whole.

  She helped Meru off the couch and took Kyle’s hand, gazing at the two people who had always meant the most to her with a new determination. Together they could handle anything.

  She believed. “Well, that settles it then. I think it’s time to get that spear.”

  About R.G. Alexander

  Stolen away by a free spirited gypsy as a child (though she still swears she's my mother), I spent my childhood roaming the countryside, meeting fascinating characters and having amazing adventures. As the perpetual "new kid", my friends more often than not were found between the pages of a book...and in my own imagination. I read everything I could get my hands on. At the age of 11, I read my first romance and I've been hooked ever since.

  I've been a nurse, a lead vocalist in several bands, a published lyricist and even a returning student at University majoring in Anthropology and Mythology. Throughout all of my varied careers I would sigh as I read one fantasy-filled story after another saying, "Someday I want to write one of those." Until one day my husband said, "So do it." And I did. Now I can't imagine doing anything else.

  R.G. welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email addresses on her author bio page at

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  Also by R.G. Alexander

  Temptation Unveiled 1: Lifting the Veil

  Temptation Unveiled 2: Piercing the Veil

  Who Needs Another Superhero?

  Who Wants to Date a Superhero?

  Print books by R.G. Alexander

  Temptation Unveiled 1: Lifting the Veil

  Temptation Unveiled 2: Piercing the Veil

  Who Loves a Superhero

  Ellora’s Cave Publishing

  Behind the Veil

  ISBN 9781419935763


  Behind the Veil Copyright © 2014 R.G. Alexander

  Edited by Briana St. James

  Cover design by Syneca

  Cover photography by Conrado/

  Electronic book Publication March 2014

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