Bond of the Maleri’ 4, Ride Em Cowboy

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Bond of the Maleri’ 4, Ride Em Cowboy Page 5

by Kate Steele

  Eyes on the range, his expression bleak, Jace rode on.

  It was near dark when he rode into the barnyard at a slow walk. He took good care of Whirly, giving the big horse an extra half measure of sweet feed. He groomed him and praised him for the day’s work, then gave in to the inevitable and headed up to the house. To his surprise it was completely dark. There were no lights shining anywhere. Surely Zeb wasn’t sitting there in the dark?

  Jace quickly took the front steps and opened the front door. “Zeb!” He flipped on the lights in the living room then headed in to the kitchen, turning those lights on as well. The room was empty. Jace turned back, then took the stairs two at a time. Zeb’s bedroom door was open. His things were still there which gave Jace a measure of relief, but Zeb himself wasn’t there. He wasn’t anywhere in the house.

  Frowning, a frisson of unease twisted his stomach. Jace returned downstairs and went outside, heading across the yard to the bunkhouse. He knocked at the door and waited impatiently until the door was opened by Bill, one of the hands. “You or any of the other boys seen Zeb this afternoon?” Jace asked, coming straight to the point.

  “I didn’t see him,” Bill answered. “Come on in, Jace. We’ll find out quick enough if anybody did.”

  A couple of the men were sprawled in the living room, watching television. Another was in his room reading and Rusty was in the kitchen fixing popcorn. None of the men had seen Zeb.

  “Maybe he went for a walk,” Rusty suggested.

  “I’m gonna check the barn. See if he’s visiting with Miss Molly.”

  “You want me to come with you?”

  “Naw. I’ll let you know if there’s a problem,” Jace promised and headed out across the yard to the barn where the horses were stabled. He turned on one light switch so as not to unduly disturb the horses and made his way down the row of stalls. “Son of a bitch.” Molly was gone. “Zeb, what the fuck are you up to?” In answer to his question, he felt a touch in his head that was rapidly becoming familiar, needed.

  Jace, can you hear me?

  Jace froze and closed his eyes. Zeb? What the hell?

  Yes. It’s the link, Jace. It makes it possible for us to talk to each other this way.

  Well, good. Where the hell are you? I’m gonna ring your scrawny neck for worryin’ me! Jace could almost hear a short, strained laugh.

  That’ll have to wait. Right now I’m looking at a bunch of cattle rustlers. I need your help.

  Curdled milk and grits! Where the fuck are you? An image came into his mind and Jace knew immediately where Zeb was. Hold on and stay low. I’m calling the sheriff, and me and the boys are on our way. You hear me, Zeb? Zeb? Zeb!

  There was no answer. Jace took off at a dead run, his heart in his throat.

  * * *

  “Well, what have we got here?”

  Zeb froze as a flashlight was shoved in his face. So much for his imitation of a rock. He’d hoped by staying silent and still he might be overlooked in the darkness.

  “Who the hell are you and what are doin’ out here, boy?”

  Zeb squinted and blinked his watering eyes. He started to raise his hand to shield them. “Don’t move, kid. There’s three rifles trained on you.”

  Taking a deep breath, Zeb slowly lowered his arm.

  “Smart move. Now once more. What are you doin’ out here?”

  “I’m visiting Free Plains ranch. I went out for a walk and got lost.” Zeb had left Molly tethered to the fence about a half mile back.

  There was laughter and Zeb could make out at least four distinct vocal patterns. The man speaking hadn’t lied. There were three others with him. This was a totally unexpected turn of events. After running the data Rusty had given him and adding in the terrain and the proximity of entry from nearby roadways, the computer had given Zeb three likely locations for the rustlers’ next raid.

  Smarting from Jace’s earlier reprimand, instead of waiting to present him with the data, Zeb had taken Molly and ridden out to check the viability of the places himself. Trouble was, it had taken a lot longer than he’d thought it would. And who would have guessed that by the time he reached the third spot it would be getting dark and he’d see headlights from a truck bouncing across the range? He’d done the one thing he could think to do, open the link to Jace and call for help.

  “Greenhorn,” a voice sneered from out of the dark.

  “You picked the wrong place and the wrong time, kid,” said the first man. “Tie him up.” Without ceremony, Zeb was shoved to the ground. His hands were tied behind his back and his ankles bound together. Even though it was dark, a blindfold was wrapped around his head. “This blindfold’s gonna save your life. We’re gonna light this field up and you don’t want to see our faces.”

  Zeb kept his mouth shut and prayed that Jace and his men were on their way. Fear made his stomach queasy and his chest tight. The short breaths he was able to take weren’t filling his body’s needs and his control was starting to fray at the edges. From behind the blindfold, he could see bright lights go on. There were several sharp reports as the rifles barked. He jumped and flinched, hearing the sound of heavy bodies dropping even as hoof beats pounded the ground. The cows not hit were lowing in panic and running off into the darkness.

  The sounds of the cattle stampeding away receded and Zeb could hear movement as the shooters walked out to their kills. The truck they used started up and moved further into the field. Its engine died and the door opened and shut. Just as it did, another blaze of light lit the field from somewhere behind Zeb.

  “This is the Sheriff speaking. You boys can freeze and drop your weapons. We got a shit load of men and guns trained on you. You’re all under arrest.”

  There was a tense moment when everything went still. To surrender or fight hung in the balance. The rustlers chose to surrender. Zeb could hear cursing and the faint thuds of their weapons hitting the ground. Heart in his throat, Zeb struggled against the ropes holding him. The unreasoning panic he’d kept at bay at being tied up and helpless started to overwhelm him. He felt a scream building in his throat and managed to hold it in, only a small whimper escaping from between his tightly clenched jaws. Suddenly a scent he knew filled his nostrils. Jace. He sagged with relief.

  A hand squeezed his shoulder. “Hush now, it’s all right. Hold on, let me cut you loose before you hurt yourself.”

  Zeb nodded and felt the tension on the ropes loosen as Jace cut him free. He reached up and pulled off his blindfold.

  Jace was squatted down, his expression calm, his eyes filled with concern. “You all right?”

  “Yeah,” Zeb replied, his voice a little shaky. He drank in the sight of Jace. The man always looked good to him but for some reason, Zeb couldn’t take his eyes off him. All he could do was take deep breaths and stare while his heartbeat struggled to return to normal.

  “That’s good. Where’s Molly?”

  “About a half a mile down that way. By the fence.” Zeb gestured in the general direction of the ranch house.

  “All right. Come on.” Jace stood and reached out his hand to Zeb. Zeb took it and was pulled upright. “Go get in the truck, Zeb. I’ll be there in a minute.”

  Zeb frowned at the calm in Jace’s voice. Surely the man should just about be foaming at the mouth now? “What about Molly?”

  “I’m gonna see to her. Go.” From Jace’s tone, he’d clearly brook no argument.

  Zeb went as quick as his shaky legs could carry him.

  * * *

  Jace watched Zeb until he was safely inside the truck, then turned back to the sheriff and his men finish rounding up the rustlers and their weapons. Once their truck was back through the fence, his boys quickly began putting together a temporary repair. They’d have to come back out in the morning and do the job up right. Not to mention take care of the cows that had been shot.

  For some reason, he felt surprisingly calm now that he knew Zeb was safe and unharmed. He sought out Rusty. “I’m gonna take Zeb on home. Ca
n you handle this all right?”

  “Sure, boss.”

  “Have one of the boys get Molly. She’s about a half mile down the fence line.”

  “Sure thing. I’ll see to it myself. It’s a nice night for a moonlight ride.”



  “I won’t be gettin’ up early. Don’t come lookin’ for me.”

  Rusty grinned and clapped him on the back. “Sure thing, Jace.”

  Jace grinned back. “Good man.”

  Chapter Four

  Jace hauled himself into the truck and after casting a quick look at Zeb to be sure he was wearing his seatbelt, he started the truck, put it in gear and headed home. Zeb sat quietly, at first still and unmoving, but slowly his tension became visible. From the corner of his eye, Jace could see him start to fiddle with his fingers. Little twitches and touches of one finger over another. Then his foot started to tap, a soft, barely there movement that accelerated. By the time the made it to the ranch, Zeb’s knee was jiggling up and down like mad.

  Jace pulled the truck to a stop in front of the house, turned off the ignition and looked over at Zeb with a raised brow. Zeb was looking at him in return, his eyes questioning and anxious. “Nervous?” Jace asked, looking down at Zeb’s knee.

  Zeb immediately stopped the movement. “No. Um. Yes. Um…” He bit his lip. “Why aren’t you yelling at me?”

  “I’m not really sure. I feel very calm and serene at this point. Come on in the house, Zeb,” Jace invited softly.

  Jace stepped out of the truck and was hit by a sudden wave of emotion. It rushed over him, the force of it nearly causing his knees to buckle. Panic, anger, relief and pure fiery lust flowed hot and wild through his veins. Taking a deep breath, he closed the truck door and mounted the porch steps. Keeping his expression blank, he held the door for Zeb.

  Zeb eyed him warily but stepped through the doorway.

  Jace closed the door and pounced.

  He pushed Zeb against the closed door with enough force to wring a grunt from him. It was only Jace’s hand cradling the back of Zeb’s head that kept it from hitting the wood with a crack. As it was, Jace figured his knuckles would be bruised from absorbing the impact. It was his last coherent thought for awhile.

  His mouth slammed down on Zeb’s in a hard, punishing kiss. Instead of being stunned or fighting him, Zeb went every bit as wild as Jace. He wrapped his arms around Jace and climbed his body, ending with his legs wound around Jace’s hips. Jace grabbed two handfuls of tight, firm ass and ground his hips against Zeb’s. Both of them were hard, hot and ready for whatever came next.

  Zeb’s sweet moans and whimpers were pushing into his mouth and Jace drank them down like nectar. His invading tongue was welcomed with desperate touches and sensual slides, Zeb’s tongue quickly becoming an apt seducer. The feelings that had been growing between them coalesced and boiled down to one sure and undeniable thing. They needed each other.

  Jace pushed hard into the cradle of Zeb’s thighs, his hips undulating to force their cocks together. The pressure was good and hard, the caress of fabric a rough rasp against his skin. He knew he could come, could bring Zeb off with him this way, but he wanted skin, silky skin and heat and sweat.

  The memory of Zeb’s naked body under his hands made his fingers dig harder into Zeb’s ass, his heart pounding harder. Turning them away from the support of the door, he crossed the space from the door to the sofa in quick, sure strides and lowered the two of them down. Jace came to rest on top of Zeb, pulling back from the kiss and leaning up to give himself room.

  Brown eyes met blue with an intensity that burned. “Don’t ever do that to me again!” His hand slipped the button of Zeb’s jeans and quickly but carefully lowered the zipper. “Do you have any idea what it felt like when you stopped talking to me?” Zeb squirmed under him helping Jace to free his cock from jeans and briefs. “I thought they hurt you. I thought you were… thought you were…” Jace couldn’t finish his sentence. He paused and stared down at Zeb to see the helpless fear and the shocking need he felt mirrored in Zeb’s eyes.

  “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” Zeb held his gaze but never stopped moving. He tore open Jace’s jeans, his hands shaking while he pushed and shoved them down. “They found me. I couldn’t think. I was… I was scared. But I knew you’d come. I knew it.”

  Zeb reached up and desperately pulled at Jace. Jace went with a groan. His mouth once more found Zeb’s. Searching for his tongue. His invited Zeb’s in and captured it, sucking softly. Needy moans and hoarse whimpers vibrated against his palate making his head swim. The sensation of their cocks lined up together and rubbing, was fierce and sweet. Jace met the frantic humping of Zeb’s hips with his own eager, urgent movements.

  Their cocks were leaking. The slick fluid, already warm, added to the steamy heat building between their bodies. Jace rolled slightly to the side and slid a hand between them. Long, callused fingers wrapped their cocks, squeezing them together, pulling hard and fast.

  “Oh, oh, fuck, Jace!” Zeb gasped.

  “That’s right, baby. Look at me, Zeb. Wanna see you look at me when you come,” Jace ordered. Zeb’s eyes had gone a stormy blue and heavy-lidded with need. Jace hissed at the sight. “So sexy, so hot. Come on, baby, give it up. Right in my hand so I can lick you up.”

  Jace swept his thumb over the plump heads of their near bursting cocks. Zeb’s eyes widened and his piercing shout sounded out as wet heat spurt between them. Jace kept stroking, pumping hard, his own orgasm following on the heels of Zeb’s, another powerful and fragrant spume of male seed coating their bellies and abdomens. Jace buried his face in the crook of Zeb’s neck, his growl of completion a hard, guttural rasp.

  Beneath him, Zeb’s body shuddered and jerked with the aftershocks, then slowly relaxed. Jace pulled his hand away and captured Zeb’s gaze as he licked their combined cream from his fingers. His expression dazed, Zeb’s mouth opened like a baby bird’s waiting to be fed. Jace slid one of his fingers between those parted lips. Zeb took it in, sucking and licking it clean.

  Jace groaned. “Mmm, fuck. That’s beautiful. Gonna make me hard again, babe.”

  Zeb released his finger. “I hope so.”

  “Somebody’s hungry,” Jace laughed, happiness crawling up his spine as sweet as you please.

  “I was hungry when I got here,” Zeb admitted. “You just made me realize how much.”

  Zeb’s admission made him feel good, like a randy bull. “Come on upstairs.” Jace levered himself up and off the sofa and tucked himself back in his jeans. “I bet I can satisfy that hunger right quick.” He laughed. “Actually, I had slow in mind.” Zeb had gotten his feet under him and was pulling his jeans back up. Jace slid his arms around him and cupped the cheeks of his ass. “When I get between these sweet cheeks I’m takin’ my time. Gonna love on you till you scream for me.”

  Zeb jumped and his cheeks flushed. “Jace, I… I never, what I mean is…

  A small knowing smile curved Jace’s lips. “Zeb? Baby, are you a virgin?” The thought of being Zeb’s first. Well now, that was fine, really, really fine.

  “Don’t say that,” Zeb retorted.

  “Why not?”

  “It makes me sound, I don’t know…”

  “Sweet, innocent, cute as a bug’s ear?”

  Zeb reached out and lightly cuffed him on the arm. His cheeks had gone scarlet, his body taut and his feet were shuffling on the carpet in discomfort. He looked away.

  Jace reached out and hooked a finger under his chin, bringing Zeb’s gaze back to him. “Everybody has a first time, Zeb. You’re a prime young bull and this old stud wants you in his bed.” Jace brought their lips together, teasing soft and light. Zeb moaned and relaxed against him.

  When Jace let him go there was a smile on Zeb’s lips and a teasing light shining in his eyes. “So you want to gore me with your horn?”

  His words surprised a bark of laughter from Jace who popped him on the ass. “Get ups
tairs. I’ll show you horns.”

  Zeb grinned and went, his feet light on the stairs. Jace followed, enjoying the sight of the tight little ass that was about to be his. At the top of the stairs, Zeb sent him a questioning look. “My room, babe,” Jace answered. He caught Zeb around the waist and led him down the hallway. “We gonna need condoms?”

  Zeb shook his head, “I’m perfectly healthy and immune to anything you could give me. If you had anything.”

  “I don’t. I’ve always used protection and it’s been awhile since I was with anyone. My last physical was eight months ago. Everything tested clean. I figured if your people were smart enough to get you here, you probably had advanced medical technology too.”

  Once in his room Jace didn’t waste a minute. He wasn’t going to give Zeb time to grow scared. He immediately took him in his arms and started kissing him. Slow, languid kisses that aroused and drew soft moans of need from Zeb. Jace’s hands stayed busy, running over Zeb’s back and the curve of his ass. Their kisses were interrupted long enough to discard both their shirts and Jace felt his breath hitch in his lungs as their naked chests came together.

  He sent his fingers questing over the light ripples of Zeb’s abs and up further to tease a hardened nipple. Zeb pulled his mouth free from Jace’s and gasped. “Jace!”

  Jace smiled and whispered against his lips. “Mmm, there’s a hot spot. Let’s see if you like this.” He bent and slid his tongue over the taut kernel before sucking and teasing it with his teeth.

  Zeb’s hips bucked against him, slamming their cocks together. Jace groaned and blinked at the stunning impact. In a rush that left Zeb speechless, he stripped them both and tipped Zeb back on the bed. Jace crawled over him and plastered his body against Zeb’s.

  “Now, where was I,” Jace growled. “Oh, yeah. Right here.”

  Once again he found Zeb’s nipple and went to work, licking and sucking the tender flesh. Zeb moaned, one hand landing on Jace’s shoulder, the other clutching his hair. With teeth and tongue and lips, Jace teased and explored Zeb’s body. He loved all the lines and curves and hollows of Zeb. The scent of their need intensified as the heat grew between them. Moisture broke out on Zeb’s skin, and with relish Jace took in the taste of his lovers tart, salty musk.


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