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Crave Page 13

by Serena Simpson

  “Please tell me I’m not the only man shopping for his wife in the store.”

  I looked over to see someone with a basket full of female clothes. I started to smile, but the fact that the clothes were all different sizes and arranged haphazardly bothered me.

  “Not the only man,” I gave him a sincere smile and moved away.

  “My dad used to say, son, don’t shop for your wife it’ll only cause arguments.” He followed me down the aisle.

  The man was nondescript. He was wearing a dark blue generic polo shirt, and a pair of jeans that no one would look at twice. He was dressed to fly beneath the radar. His white tennis shoes were slightly dirty as if he jogged in them. His body said I might eat an extra bag of chips, but I can hold my own against most men.

  “I think we’re more enlightened today.”

  “My name’s Roger. You are?”

  “Nick, nice to meet you.”

  I headed down the bedding aisle with Roger following behind me. I kept enough distance from him that he couldn’t touch me, and I refused to pick up anything he handled.

  “Sorry, Roger I have to go to the little boy’s room. You know how it is.”

  “Yeah, I hear you.”

  I walked back to the little alcove where the men’s bathroom was. The ladies room and the family bathroom were there also. I lingered unable to secure my cart before I opened the door. When he reached for me, I turned around and hit him in the stomach.

  He went down but jumped up with a kick. Roger knew how to defend himself. Anywhere else that might have worked for him. Now I had two mates to protect. When he came at me with his second kick, I dropped to the floor. His follow through took him over me. I came up and hit him in the dick. It was dirty, and I knew it, but I didn’t have time to fight with him. The duct tape I picked up when walking down one aisle came in handy. When he was all tied up, I opened the janitor's closet and placed him inside.

  “Tell your wife, she needs a new husband. You can’t shop for shit.”

  I didn’t breathe freely until I got back in the car.

  “Someone made me in the store.” Cole reached for the door handle. “I took care of him. He’s in the supply closet next to the bathrooms. Someone followed us.”

  Cole nodded and pulled out doing five miles under the speed limit. We drove around for twenty minutes.

  “Noah watched the corner when we pull out from the light.”

  A sleek black car pulled around when the traffic started moving. I might not have seen it if Cole hadn’t pointed it out. I looked at him, but he was making noises to be quiet. His tail came out and pointed to the rearview mirror. I nodded and sat back trying to figure out how I was so comfortable with the fact that the male I loved had a tail.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I was sitting on the roof of the car Angel provided, waiting for the black car following me to show up. The car Angel provided has a nice little OnStar feature. Great for tracking. I have a nice tail great for causing interference. Noah and Leta were safe. Now I could focus on the males that finally showed up.

  They parked a good distance away. The passenger door opened. The male got out holding a gun. It wasn’t the standard Glock that the FBI carried even though the suit screamed FBI. I watched as he looked around. We were a good distance from the city. The land was flat with few trees around.

  He hollered something at me. I put my hand to my ear and shrugged my shoulders. He and his friend would have to get closer if they wanted to talk.

  He took his time walking towards me with his gun held steady in his hand.

  “I said, where is the girl?”

  I frowned; I thought they were after Leta. “I don’t know who you’re talking about.”

  “The girl, the one you kidnapped from her house.”

  “I never kidnapped a girl.” Now I was being deliberately obtuse. I didn’t like hearing Leta called a girl as if the fact that she was a woman meant nothing to the agent in front of me.

  I watched as his partner climbed out the car.

  “Markovic, come check the car.”

  The male in front of me hadn’t taken his eyes off me. Which could have meant his life if I had a surprise waiting in the car.

  “Keys,” Markovic said.

  “On the hood of the car with my gun.” I was pretty sure I could have taken them, but I was protecting my family. A tiny smile crossed my lips before my face went blank. I have a family.

  He opened the door and quickly checked the inside of the car.

  “She’s not hiding in here.”

  Leta may be small, but she’s not that small. He went around to open the trunk.

  “If anything happens to him, I will blow your brains out.”

  Looks like he cares for his partner, then he should understand how I feel about Leta and Noah. The top of the trunk came open.


  “Where is she?” The agent with the gun on me demanded.

  “Don’t know.” I didn’t know. I sent them off with a phone number to get medical attention for Leta. If I survived this, then we would find each other if I didn’t, Jace was going to get them off the planet. That’s all I could do on such short notice.

  “Get down.”

  “You going to cuff him?” Markovic asked.

  “Zip tie, I don’t trust him.”

  Smart male. I jumped down, spread my legs and placed my hands on the roof of the car. I wasn’t sure if that was the correct procedure, but I saw it in a movie once.

  “Hands behind your back.” I moved them.

  “Keep your gun on him.” He slipped them on and pulled them tight. No wonder he went with the ties my circulation was almost cut off. I didn’t complain because I was protecting my family.

  “I hate it when they try to escape.” I was pulled down and kicked before the one with no name followed me to the ground and began punching me.

  “Robertson went for his gun.”

  His name was Robertson. I’d have a chat with him later.

  “Where is she?”

  “Who?” Markovic kicked me in the stomach. I guess that wasn’t the right answer. I rolled just enough to protect certain areas that wouldn’t do well with a kick or a punch.

  “Let’s take him to the warehouse,” Robertson said.

  I might have to fight after all. I didn’t want to chance being seen in my true form, but I wasn’t ready to die. Two days ago, maybe, now Noah’s life was linked to mine.

  “We can’t. We already called it in. If we come in empty-handed, we’ll raise suspicion.”

  “Throw him into the car,” Robertson said punching me in the gut.

  “What about his car?” Markovic stood to look it over.

  “Leave it, we don’t need it.”

  Markovic dragged me to the car stopping to kick me every so often. I closed my eyes allowing my other senses to take over. I knew when we hit the city limits. When we stopped, I knew we weren’t at a police station. That meant we were at the FBI division on the south side. They dragged me in. Letting me walk may have been too much for them. They avoided getting information on me and took me directly to an interrogation room.

  I was handcuffed to a table then left alone. When they finally came back, Robertson sat in front of me with a smile on his face.

  “Don’t get comfortable. Accidents happen in jail. We’ve traced you to the motel you’ve been staying at. You and a Carl Ford.”

  I looked down and then looked up with a blank expression. Robertson smiled wider.

  “Don’t bother denying it. We showed the manager your picture, he confirmed that you and your friend rented a room there.”

  I stared at him.

  “Something you want to tell me?”

  Robertson reached across the table to punch me. I guess silence wasn’t the right answer.

  “Robertson,” Markovic’s voice was loud, maybe to drown out the sound of his fist on my face. “Johnson wants to see us.”

  I sat
quietly wondering who was watching me. The door opened; a new male came in. He was older maybe in his fifties. His body was still lean. His hair was slightly gray. He greeted me with a big smile.

  “Cole? I’m special agent Johnson, in control of the Pittsburgh branch of the FBI.

  “I’d shake your hand but…”

  “You don’t seem like the physical type to me.” Special agent Johnson remarked.

  I was, but I was blending in.

  “I heard you went for your gun trying to escape.”

  I nodded my head in agreement. “You know how it is. Your hands are zip tied behind your back, and you’re on the ground being kicked. Then you think I should stand, grab my gun and shoot my way out.”

  “That’s always a mistake. Robertson and Markovic were told that you went to the subject’s house, kicked opened her door and forcibly took her against her will. They would like to get her back. What do you have to say to that?”

  “They are right I did go to her house. We had a meeting at noon.”

  “Then you know the name of the woman you were meeting?”

  My head nodded. “Her name is Le… Leigh Taylor Anderson.”

  “You had a meeting with Ms. Anderson at noon. What happened when you got to the house?”

  “Tina answered the door. I didn’t know what her name was at first. She denied my entry. I explained that I was an expected guest. I don’t think she believed me at first.”

  “Then how did you get in?”

  “I hate to admit it, but I charmed my way in. I have been told that my charm can be lethal.”

  “I see. So, Tina told you her name?”

  “There was a male hiding behind her skirts. He said her name giving me the ammunition to charm her enough to get in. I may owe her some flowers and dinner.”

  “You may have to teach me that skill. What happened next?”

  “I asked her Leigh was,” Johnson raised an eyebrow at the use of her first name. “She admitted to being concerned. It seems she did not come down from her room. I would have come back later, but the way Tina was wringing her hands bothered me.”

  “She seems very concerned.” Special agent Johnson nodded for me to continue.

  “Since I was there I decided to check on her. That’s when I realized she had been drugged. I was so concerned that I decided to take her to see a physician.”

  “Then all we have to do is speak to Ms. Anderson to get this sorted out.”

  There was a knock on the door.

  “That’s my cue. I’ll be back soon.”

  I watched as he walked out the room.

  Chapter Twenty


  I woke up with a whimper. My head was throbbing, and my mouth tasted like cotton. What was worse is I had no idea where I was.

  “You’re safe.” I knew that voice. I opened my eyes. More in a slit than totally opened. Light hit me, and I closed them again.

  “Close the curtains.” A voice I didn’t know spoke to someone. “You can try opening your eyes again.”

  I did. It was slow at first. I could feel every pain in my body behind my eyes. They finally adjusted, and I was looking at Noah. A sigh of relief came from me. If I had my choice, he was who I would have wanted to see. I casually swept the room. There were two other males in the room with me.

  A shaft of disappointment went through me. I tightened up not wanting to betray my feelings.

  “Cole’s in custody. He gave us the time we needed to escape.”

  Now I was trembling. Images of what could be happening to him infiltrated my mind. Noah placed his hand on top of mine.

  “We’re going to get him after I know you’re well.”

  I nodded there shouldn’t be a we’re in that sentence I shouldn’t be here. Yet, I was glad to be right where I was.

  “This is Nicolas Dare and Damon A’rouk. They’re doctors who came to examine you.”

  “How long do I have to live?” They frowned at me, which wasn’t making sense. Maybe they weren’t good doctors?

  “You’re dying?” Nicolas asked me.

  “How long have you had your license?” I didn’t want to be rude or to offend them, but I wanted to know before I educated them.

  “Five hundred or more,” Damon said.

  No wonder they had been doctors less than two years. I would take it easy on them.

  “I’m dying; I've seen several doctors who have all told me the same thing. I’m being eaten up, and I will die this month.”

  “Do you know the name of the doctors you’ve seen?” Nicolas asked me.

  “I do. Don’t be upset you’ve doctors for less than two years. Of course, you would miss the signs of my impending death.” There was no reason to make them experience the hell I lived through. There was no need for them to know my pain. Soon it would be all over. My eyes went to Noah’s. The blue of them so calm I almost felt like I could swim to him, and he would keep me safe.

  I looked back at the doctors their hands were over their mouths, and shoulders were shaking. It didn’t look like they were crying. I was sorry I couldn’t find a gentler way to break it to them.

  “Do you want to die?” Damon asked me.

  I opened my mouth and closed it with a snap. The best answer was yes. But that didn’t work for me anymore. My will to survive had been asserting itself even as I begged it not to. It’s what kept me alive through all the years of captivity. Then I met Noah and Cole yesterday, and I refused to play dead any longer. It felt like they breathed life into me.

  “Why are we here? How did I get here? Why don’t I remember agreeing to come?” I placed my hand on my head. I was trying to remember what happened, but my thoughts ended at a cup of tea I drank last night.

  Noah explained that they came to visit me and were denied entry. When they finally got in, they found me drugged on my bed.

  “You were in a drug-induced coma,” Damon told me.

  “We’ve no idea how long you were under, or how long they intended to keep you under. We used medicine that has just been approved to reverse the effects of the coma.” Nicolas said.

  “The sensitivity to light is a side effect of the medicine. The headache is a side effect of the coma.” Damon said.

  “We also gave you a complete physical but didn’t want to make any decisions until you were awake.”

  I was still at drug-induced coma. The taste of the tea came back to me. It was done deliberately. Whenever I brought up the fact that the people who were supposed to be serving me seemed like they were out to control me. I was told I was paranoid. That’s why I couldn’t live alone. The court mandated that I had to have companions, or I would become a ward of the state, my money would be controlled by others. When I was first released, I was in such a state of shock that I couldn’t protest, I didn’t want to. There was no way I could take care of myself. When I began to grow stronger, no thanks to my various therapists, I started to think I could survive on my own. Now I wanted out. Out of the house I lived in, out of the forced companion situation.

  “What now?” I heard everything they were saying, but it felt like it’s all over my head. None of this was touching me or even about me.

  “You’re undernourished and show signs of your body not growing normally.”

  I looked at Damon and decided I liked his tact. It didn’t take much to see I was severely abused in the past.

  “We want to give you a few shots. They will help with your vitamin deficiency. One will help with the stunted growth. That can’t be totally erased, but we can negate it.” They listed a few more shots and what it would do for my body. I wasn’t paying attention because medicine wasn’t that good. It’s the last shot that claimed my attention.

  “You may not want this shot. I’ve been known to be wrong.” Nicolas looked at me and then he looked at Noah.

  I was nervous, which didn’t make any sense. I took all the other shots. I didn’t believe them, but I took them. Why should this one be any different?

�Let me start by saying you’re not dying. After all the medicine we gave you, you’ll live a long life.” Damon came and knelt in front of me staring into my eyes.

  “I know you mean well, but you’ve only been a doctor for five hundred days.”



  “We’ve been doctors for at least five hundred of your centuries, maybe more. If we say you’re not dying, you’re not dying.”

  Right. Except no one was laughing including Noah. They’re trying to trick me. My brain screamed. The live-in companions told me I was crazy. There were no such things as aliens, but I knew better. You didn’t live through hell without learning a couple of things.

  “Why aren’t you trying to kill me?”

  “Contrary to popular belief, very few aliens are trying to kill you.”

  I believed them.

  “Tell me about the shot.”

  “It will begin to restore your sexuality and your desire.”

  They said it didn’t happen. They, being my therapists. When I told them that all the desire to be touched was dead. They laughed at me, one even scoffed.

  Therapist: One day when you get married —

  Me: I’m never getting married.

  Therapist: All it will take is the right guy with the right equipment you’ll be begging for it like the rest of us.

  Me: Any sexual desire I ever had died when I was in captivity.

  Therapist: You’re lying to yourself. Give it a year or two before your hands are creeping between your legs.

  Me: Where did you go to school?

  “How is that possible?”

  “It’s not,” Damon said. “Not on your planet, but we’ve dealt with other victims of extreme abuse.”

  “We don’t take this lightly. Not everyone chooses to take the shot.”

  You’ll become a nun or a whore. One potential therapist had whispered in my ear when I was interviewing her. That’s when I thought, I’d was able to pick my own.

  My tongue came out to lick my bottom lip. What did I need the shot for? All I had was Noah, who wanted to feed me and Cole, who carried me away from the house that haunted my dreams and cowed my very existence. I wasn’t even awake for that.


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