His For The Night

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His For The Night Page 3

by Helen Cooper

  There was a long pause on the phone, and Lacey cleared her throat before starting to talk. “I’m so sorry, Holly, we totally messed up. I’m not sure how long we are going to be. Can you go and grab some food, and then we can go out dancing?”

  “Are you joking?” Holly’s voice rose again. “You know what – forget it, I’ll see you later.” And with that, Holly hung up the phone. She leaned back and closed her eyes. Well, there went her night. She was going to go back to her room, pull off the uncomfortable high heels she was wearing, rip off er too-tight black dress, and she was going to relax. She’d order room service and watch some Law & Order: SVU reruns on TV.

  “Your client cancel on you?” The slow drawl startled her, and she screamed as she opened her eyes.

  “Don’t creep up on me like that.” She snarled at him angrily. “Why are you always around? Are you some sort of psycho or something?”

  “Do you think I’d tell you if I was?” He laughed and shook his head as he surveyed her. “It does look like it isn’t your day today, doesn’t it?”

  “Oh, shut up.” She sighed and leaned back against the wall again. “You have no idea.”

  “Oh?” His interest was piqued, and he looked at her curiously. “I’ve been told I have a good ear if you want to talk.”

  “Don’t you have something to do?” She looked at him in surprise. “I mean, aside from come to my rescue and bothering me.”

  “I was meant to go to dinner with a business partner.” He smiled. “But it seems like he is otherwise engaged.”


  “Yes. It’s unfortunate that I flew here just for this meeting, but what can you do?” He shook his head with a wry smile. “Would you like to accompany me to dinner, and you can tell me what ails you?”

  “You want to take me to dinner?” She looked at him in disbelief. “Or is that code word to ask me if you can have me for dinner?”

  “Well, I wouldn’t be opposed if you’re on offer. I am quite hungry.”

  “Pervert!” She laughed reluctantly. “I am not on offer, no matter what my dress says.” She laughed. “But you know what? You can buy me a big juicy steak with a baked potato and a big salad.”

  “No drinks or desert?” He asked seriously with a twinkle in his eyes.

  “I thought you’d never ask.”

  “Where shall we go?”

  “If it’s no bother, let’s just eat in one of the restaurants here. I’m too hungry to drive around and find another place.”

  “Long day?”

  “Something like that.” She groaned.

  “Work problems?”

  “You could say that – I have the boss from hell.”

  “Well then, that could definitely pose a problem for you.” He laughed. “Why is he from hell?”

  “He’s just a jackass - over-demanding, obnoxious. You name it.” She huffed.

  “Why don’t you just quit? You shouldn’t work with someone who treats you like that.”

  “Well, I don’t want to leave him in the lurch. He really relies on me and my skills. In fact, I honestly don’t think he could get as much done without me.” Holly wasn’t quite sure why she lied, but she didn’t want him to think she was some sort of loser, complaining about a boss she hadn’t even met yet.

  “Sounds like he needs to give you a raise.”

  “Yeah.” She nodded in agreement. “I’m going to tell him you said that.” She laughed. “But let’s not talk about work. I’ve only got the weekend off and have to be in first thing Monday morning. I don’t want to dwell on it.”

  “Sure.” He smiled. “I wish I had an employee like you. My latest assistant seems to have no work ethic. I think I’m going to have to fire her.”

  “Oh, wow.” Holly looked up at him in surprise. She wondered what profession he was in to need an assistant. “What do you do?”

  “Business stuff.” He smiled. “But that’s not important. Let’s go grab a bit to eat.”

  “You have a very healthy appetite.” He smiled at her as she finished eating her crab cake appetizer.

  “Sorry, I’m really hungry.” She laughed self-consciously and sipped some of the Merlot he had ordered for the table. “Are you going to tell me your name? I feel kind of weird calling you Don Juan.”

  “Oh, but I like it.” He leaned forward. “It tells me that you are thinking lots of sexy thoughts about me.”

  “No, I’m not.” She blushed.

  “Yes, you are, and that’s okay because I’m doing the same, Vixen.”

  “Do you do this a lot?” She leaned towards him as well and stared into his eyes. “Do you try and get a different woman for your bed every night?”

  “Of course not.” He laughed.

  “So I’m special?”

  “As special as any other one night stand would be.” His face grew serious. “Make no mistake, whatever happens is just for fun. I’m not looking for anything serious.”

  “Neither am I.” She glowered at him. “I don’t even live in Vegas anyway.”

  “Where do you live?”

  “I’m not going to tell you, Don Juan.” She grinned inwardly at his disappointed look. He wanted to know about her, but he wasn’t willing to share details about himself. Well, she wasn’t going to be the one doing all the talking.

  “So you like the game?” He reached over and held his hand in his, tracing his finger around her palm. “Do you like to play games in bed as well?”

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  “You’re very sexy, Vixen. When I saw you earlier, you looked pretty but a bit of a mess. Now you look sexy, and I know you’re still a mess, but I want to take you to my bed and do unthinkable things to you.”

  Holly’s face flushed with embarrassment, anger, and lust. “I’m not a mess.”

  “You’ve tripped twice today, and I’m pretty sure you paid for your room with a credit card you were unsure was going to go through. I’d say you’re a bit of a mess.”

  “You’re a real judgmental asshole, aren’t you?”

  “Maybe.” He grinned. “So, Vixen, tell me why this week has been so hard for you, aside from your boss from hell.”

  “Well, my boyfriend…”

  “You have a boyfriend?” He frowned.

  “What do you care?”

  “I don’t care. I just don’t want some guy coming to make trouble.” He bit out. “I’m not interested in women who are attached.”

  “Well, I’m not attached. I was about to say my boyfriend dumped me.” She looked at him in shock as he burst out in a huge grin. “What’s so funny about that?”

  “Nothing.” He continued grinning. “I’m just very happy to hear that there is no boyfriend to stand in the way of our coupling.”

  “I’m standing in the way of our coupling.” She sat back and drank some more wine. “So sorry about your luck.”

  “Your breasts are magnificent, did you know that?” He stared at her heaving chest and licked his lips. “I do love a woman who has ample real breasts and isn’t afraid to display them.”

  “You’re a pervert. I’m not displaying them. It’s the dress.”

  “You choose the dress.” He chortled. “And a very sexy dress it is.”

  “I wore it because it is fun to dance in.” She sighed. “My friends and I were going to go dancing.”

  “The friends who abandoned you?”

  “They didn’t abandon me, but yes.” She sighed annoyed. “Let’s talk about something else.”

  “We can go dancing if you want to after dinner.”

  “Thanks, but no, my bed is calling me.” She smiled impishly. “I’ll be happy to take off this dress and these shoes and just chillax in bed.”

  “Is that an invitation?” He grinned at her wickedly. “I’ll help you take the dress off.”

  “Look.” She sighed. “I’m not trying to be a bitch. You’re definitely handsome, and I’m sure you’re a great lover, but honestly, I’m not going to sleep with you. You
’re wasting your time.” Please don’t keep pushing me she thought. Holly knew that she wanted this man badly and that if he made a stronger move on her there was no way that she could keep resisting.

  “Well, I guess that puts me in my place.” He chortled. “You’ve just won your first point, Vixen.” He sat back as their main meal was delivered and thanked the waiter. “So what sort of TV shows are you going to watch tonight?”

  “Friends? Seinfeld? Whatever’s on.” Holly shrugged. “I wish Mad About You was still on TV, but no such luck.”

  “You watch Mad About You?” He laughed. “My mother loves that show.”

  “Are you comparing me to your mother?”

  “Well, I think that show appeals to those in her age group.”

  “So you’re calling me old now?”

  “Maybe that accounts for your bad knees and wobbly legs.”

  “Maybe.” She laughed, pleasantly surprised that he could be light and teasing.

  “I hope your knees aren’t too bad though?” He winked at her, and she felt a warm feeling rise up in her belly.

  “Why’s that?” She looked at him with veiled eyes, almost begging him to say the words. After the day she’d had, she was eager to go off on someone.

  “You need to walk to your room, don’t you?”

  “Yeah.” She frowned and stared at him. “Look, Don Juan, I don’t have time for your innuendos either.”

  “You seem like you’re stressed out?”

  “That’s none of your business.” She snapped, annoyed. “But let me guess, you can help relieve me of your stress?”


  “And let me guess, it’s not your hands that will be helping but your dick?” Holly’s voice rose and several other patrons in the restaurant looked at her in shock.

  Don Juan stared at her and burst out laughing. “It seems like you have a lot of pent up anxiety.”

  “And you can fix it?” She sighed and stared at his face. He was hot. Really hot, she thought to herself. And maybe he was right. Maybe what she needed was just one really hot and sexy night. What did she have to lose? She wasn’t a prude. “So, Don, do you think you have what it takes to make me forget my worries?”

  “Wait, what?” His eyes looked shocked and she grinned to herself. He had no idea who he was dealing with. She could give just as good as she got.

  “Are you a good lover?” She leaned across the table and grabbed his hand and studied it. “You’re hands aren’t huge, but I guess they aren’t like feet size. They don’t tell me how big your cock is.”

  He looked at her with amused eyes. “You’ve been waiting for this all night, haven’t you?”


  “I bet you chose me from the moment in the lobby. You figured you’d find the richest man?”

  “You’re rich?” She looked at him with unimpressed eyes. “Don’t even bother to answer. I don’t care. I’ve had a bad week, and I’m just looking to get some. Don’t look so shocked. Isn’t that how men act all the damn time?”

  “You’re not a man.”

  “And that makes a difference?”

  “It shouldn’t, but it does.”

  Holly sighed and reached under the table to squeeze his leg. “You have one minute to decide what you want to do.” She ran her fingers up his inseam and caressed his thigh. “Or are you just talk?”

  “I’m not sure you know what you’re getting yourself into.” He stared at her with a closed expression. “You don’t want to play games with me, Vixen.”

  “You don’t want to play games with me, Don Juan.”

  “If you’re serious, I want you to come with me to my room. I have something I want you to change into.”

  “Okay, and?”

  “Then we’ll come back downstairs.”

  “I don’t want to hang out with you. I want to have sex.”

  “Don’t you mean you want to fuck?” He grinned and licked his lips.

  “You’re a pervert.”

  “You’re the one massaging my cock.” His eyes issued her a challenge. “And don’t worry, we’re not coming downstairs to hang out.”

  “Then what are we coming back down for?” She removed her hand, unable to believe that she had just felt up a hot stranger under the table.

  “You’ll see.” He opened his wallet and took out three $100 notes and dropped them on the table. “Are you coming?”

  “We didn’t even get dessert.”

  “What are you hungry for?” His words were low and sultry. Holly felt herself getting wet just thinking about spending a night with this cocky, arrogant, but ever-so sexy man. She had an internal struggle that lasted about 30 seconds, and she decided that she was just going to go with the flow.

  “Let’s go.” She jumped up and walked in front of him. Her heart was beating fast, and she had no idea what she was doing. But she walked with pep that she hadn’t had in a while. It was one night. She’d be his for one night, and then she’d leave. And she’d never think about him again. As she walked to the elevator, Holly felt her legs wobble, and there was a string of nerves in her stomach. She stopped and pressed the button, and Don Juan smiled down at her sardonically before running his hand down the back of her dress and cupping her ass. She kept eye contact with him, and both of them stared at each other in silence until the elevator arrived. They stepped into the elevator, both excited about what lay ahead for them that night.

  Chapter 4

  Holly followed the man out of the elevator slowly. She had half a mind to race back into the elevator and leave him, but something in her wouldn’t walk away. If she admitted it to herself, she knew it was her pussy that wouldn’t let her walk away. She was so horny. It had been so long since she’d had some good sex. And so what if Don Juan was a jerk? It wasn’t like she was going to be marrying him. Or even be seeing him again. She could get hers and leave. Isn’t that what men did to women all the time? She grinned to herself. She’d play the player. How’d you like them apples?

  “This is my room.” He paused before opening the door as if to say, this is your last opportunity to turn around and say no.

  “Let’s see it then.” She followed him into the room and gasped. It looked nothing like hers. It was huge with big plush leather couches and a king-sized bed covered in red velvet. “Wow. This is pretty magnificent.”

  “It’s not really my taste.” He crinkled his nose. “But I’m glad you like it.”

  Holly kept her mouth shut at his words. He was such a pompous ass. She wondered why all hot guys were such jerks. Life wasn’t fair. She had tried dating an average guy, and he had sucked in bed and then dumped her. He was meant to be the reliable one. Men like Don Juan, who were gorgeous and rich, well, she expected them to be jerks. But the average guys? She expected them to be better.

  “Penny for your thoughts?”

  “How’s about ten grand, and we call it a night.” She laughed.

  “You need ten grand?” He frowned at her, and she shook her head quickly before he thought she was serious.

  “I was joking.”

  “I see.” He stood there looking at her, and she knew he was wondering if she was a prostitute after all.

  “So where’s this outfit?” She looked around the room. “And why did you bring it? Were you expecting to hook up with someone?”

  “There is no outfit.” He grinned at her and loosened his tie.

  “You lied?” She frowned at him. “I thought we were coming to change, and then we were going to go back downstairs.”

  “I lied.” He nodded and pulled the tie off and threw it on the bed. “Is that a problem?”

  “No,” Holly mumbled, irritated.

  “You see, Vixen. I very much want to bed you. There is no outfit because I didn’t come to Vegas with the purpose of finding someone to sleep with. I’m here on last minute business. But now that we’ve met and I find you agreeable, I figure we may as well have some fun.”

  “Oh, you do, do you?” Holly w
atched him walk towards her as he unbuttoned his shirt, and she swallowed hard at the chest hair she saw exposed as she saw more and more of his naked chest.

  “Yes, I very much want to make love to you.”

  “Make love?” She laughed.

  “Or would you rather I say I want to fuck your brains out and wipe that smirk off of your face?”

  “If that’s what you mean?” Holly felt her panties get wet at his words. She very much wanted this man to fuck her brains out.

  “Then, Vixen, I want to fuck your brains out.” His eyes were dark as he threw his shirt onto the floor and stopped in front of her. “Is that acceptable?”

  Holly nodded silently, and he pulled her towards him. He looked into her eyes briefly before pressing his mouth down upon hers. His lips crushed down on hers as his tongue plunged into her mouth. He kissed her roughly and passionately, and she kissed him back with fervor, reaching her hands up into his hair. She felt his hands on her back, and she pushed him back. He looked at her questiongly, and she grinned at him as she pulled her dress down. He whistled as she stepped out of her dress and his eyes fell to her scantily covered breasts and lacy thong.

  “You look good enough to eat.”

  “I hope so.” She replied, and he laughed.

  “How adventurous are you, Vixen?”

  “Adventurous?” She cocked her head the side, and all she could think about was what it would feel like to feel his lips on her breasts sucking on her nipples.

  “You want to do something naughty?”

  “I’m doing some naughty.” She laughed and he grinned.

  “Do you want to do something adventurous?”

  “How adventurous?”

  “We’d have to go back downstairs.”

  “I thought we weren’t going downstairs again?” She sighed.

  “Because you just want to fuck?”

  “Don’t you?” She was starting to feel a little embarrassed standing there in front of him.


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