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Awakenings Page 11

by Scarlet Hyacinth

  His show of aggression turned Aurus on and his lover increased the speed and strength of his strokes. With each thrust, Aurus hit a spot inside Chrys that made the pleasure escalate even further.

  His power burst out of him, wild and uncontrollable, and flowers of chrysocolla stone bloomed around them. They grew beautiful and strong, larger and larger as Chrys surrendered more and more to the ecstasy. When Chrys found his peak, the gem flowers blossomed around them, a beautiful new garden in a barren wasteland.

  Chrys came and another cry of passion echoed inside him, washing over him like a waterfall. Aurus emptied his seed inside his passage, and the sensation of another man filling his body at the same time hit Chrys. When he collapsed in the older mer's arms, his nostrils were invaded by the scent of two other lovers. Jaden. Jaden and the dragon.

  Chrys could no longer find the energy to doubt or be scared. Jaden was his brother and sharing sexual experiences should've been awkward at best. Instead, it prolonged the pleasure, drew it out, making it so much better. He knew Aurus felt the same. Chrys could sense it in the other mer's mind, body, and soul.

  When the afterglow faded, Chrys silently cuddled in Aurus's embrace. He closed his eyes, too tired to understand the ramifications of the new discovery. He'd deal with it tomorrow. For now, he'd enjoy the moment of happiness while it lasted.

  Chapter Seven

  The next day

  Jaden stared at the landscape beneath him, squinting to see if he could spot a black dot in the distance. There was no sign of Vaar anywhere. Clouds surrounded the cliffs and the forests below seemed to mock him.

  Vaar had left in the morning before Jaden actually woke up. The night before, he'd told Jaden they needed more supplies and he'd be out for a little while. This proved to be unfortunate, because Jaden needed him most right now.

  Jaden rubbed his hands across his arms, his teeth chattering. He felt colder than he should, even taking into account the low temperatures this high up. He bundled up in the rough fur, thankful for the heavy material. It helped very little, however. If anything, the sensation of chill intensified. It made no sense, and it unsettled him. He probably should've gone inside the cave, but something wouldn't let him leave.

  Now that he'd accepted he belonged with the dragon, his mind had cleared. The haze of lust had vanished and Jaden could see things he hadn't originally been able to focus on.

  He realized, in many ways, he'd been rash to accept the dragon so easily. At the same time, he trusted Vaar. The way Vaar had touched him, held him, taken him the night before couldn't hide any deception. In time, they would get to know each other more deeply and intimately.

  Giving up on his past life wouldn't be as easy. His twin would come for him, Jaden knew it. Chrys loved him, even if not the way Jaden wanted.

  He'd realized just how far Vaar had flown them, the implications of the knowledge finally clicking in place. If Chrys and Aurus did come after them, they'd have to pass through many dangers. Jaden couldn't let that happen.

  He'd been so lost in his own confusion and dilemmas, he'd let his brother down. But he wouldn't lose hope yet. Aurus was a skilled warrior. He'd protect Chrys. Vaar would come back soon and Jaden would ask him to go after the other mer. He could find his twin through their innate bond, which seemed to have strengthened. Just a little while, just a little while. Sea Mother, why did Vaar take so long?

  After what seemed like an eternity, Jaden finally spotted the much-desired black dot. It grew larger and larger, and Jaden's heart beat faster at the sight of the magnificent dragon. The beast sped up its approach and Jaden took a few steps back from the cliff ledge, giving his lover space.

  Powerful wings brought Vaar closer and closer until, at last, he reached the mountain. Jaden suppressed his enthusiasm and anxiety and watched his dragon land and shift. He needed to keep a cool head if he wanted to help Chrys.

  Vaar made his way to Jaden's side, a worried frown marring the handsome features of his face. "Jaden, what are you doing outside?" he asked. "It's dangerous for you to be here when you're alone."

  Jaden felt the slight reprimand in the words. He understood Vaar's concern, but this had been too important for him to lay back and relax in the cavern. "I'm sorry," he replied. "It couldn't wait."

  Vaar nodded. "I could feel your anxiety. Tell me. What is it?"

  Jaden wished he knew. In fact, he had a sneaking suspicion he did, indeed, know, but it didn't help him much. He couldn't explain it. He couldn't even fully acknowledge it. He felt weird, as if his body itched to be someplace else.

  "Jaden, what's wrong?"

  "Chrys and Aurus… they're in danger. We have to go after them."

  Vaar looked surprised. "How do you know this?"

  "I'm not sure. I suspected they'd come after me, but I didn't realize how much danger they'd be in until now. Sea Mother, I'm so stupid."

  "You're not stupid," Vaar soothed him. "The fault is mine. I didn't think of this before. We'll leave at once."

  Jaden could barely believe his ears. "Really?"

  "Of course. But first, you have to bundle up better. Your lips are turning blue."

  Jaden doubted very much that any clothing could help him at this point. "It's not the cold here," he whispered. "Something's going on with Chrys and I'm feeling it the way he is."

  Vaar opened his mouth to say something, but changed his mind. Without another word, he shifted into dragon form. A large, black paw grabbed Jaden, and with a jolt, his body was invaded with heat.

  "Which way, treasure?" the dragon rumbled.

  "Toward Atlantis," Jaden replied quietly. He sensed his twin somewhere east of their current position.

  Vaar launched himself into the air once again. Jaden hoped they'd reach Chrys and Aurus in time. He would never forgive himself if something happened to the two mer.

  * * * *

  Aurus was tired and hungry. They'd run into a current of cold water that chilled them to the bone, effectively draining their energy and eliminating their chances of catching new food. Now, with their supplies low and no medical items to help them, the situation looked very glum.

  Knowing Chrys would have less resistance to the low temperature, he insisted the young mer use both cloaks. Chrys had reluctantly agreed, but the result meant they both froze their asses off. The flimsy material did very little to protect Chrys anyway.

  Chrys's movements had grown sluggish, slow. If every inch of Aurus felt heavy and sore, Chrys would be even more affected by the chill.

  "Chrys," he called out, knowing he needed to keep Chrys focused somehow. "Do you know anything at all about the dragon?"

  Aurus had asked the same question many times, only to be snapped at by the younger mer. If something could rile Chrys up and draw him out of the haze, inquiring about the dragon should do it.

  Aurus held his breath when Chrys didn't immediately answer. In fact, he showed no sign of having heard Aurus. "Chrys?" Aurus prodded, unable to keep a tremor out of his voice.

  Chrys continued to swim by his side, his blue tail sending ripples of the cold water toward Aurus. Aurus started to get significantly alarmed but then Chrys spoke at last, "I let him down," he said.

  "What?" Aurus asked. "What do you mean? Who did you let down?"

  It didn't take a genius to figure out who Chrys referred to, but Aurus needed to keep Chrys talking and swimming if they ever wanted to get out of this current in one piece.

  "Jaden," Chrys clarified. "I let him down. In my heart, I knew something wasn't right, but still I pushed him away."

  Even if the entire point of the conversation had been to get Chrys to speak, Aurus hated the pain in the young mer's words. "It wasn't your fault," he whispered. "You couldn't have known what would happen."

  Chrys let out a choked sob. "I didn't know a lot of things. I was too busy being excited about the party to see his sorrow, his loneliness. If I hadn't disappointed him, he would have never gone to the Forbidden Zone in the first place."

never explained why he went there," Aurus said hesitantly. Perhaps it would do Chrys good to let the pain out, share the load with someone.

  "To be honest, I never quite figured it out," Chrys replied. "I realized he was going somewhere but he refused to tell me, and I couldn't follow him. Remember, we were being watched by those bandits."

  Aurus nodded. Chrys had eventually explained that the bandits they'd found unconscious had kept the twins prisoner for the past weeks, forcing them to steal in order to survive. He'd also told Aurus that the band leader, Jasper, had attempted to force himself on Chrys, but backed off upon realizing who they were.

  "I only found out he was going to the Forbidden Zone the day of the party," Chrys continued. "I went after him and met him there. He told me the beast in the shadows didn't want to hurt us. I could feel the same thing but I didn't know what it meant. And even then, I didn't care enough to ask."

  Chrys's agitation grew with every word. "Every time, I told myself that after the ball, I'd talk things out with Jaden. We'd fix the rift, be like we once were. I never did."

  "Why?" Aurus asked. He had a feeling therein lay the key to Jaden's disappearance. Jaden and Chrys had always been inseparable as children. The fact that they'd become distant to each other, especially in such difficult circumstances, was odd, indeed.

  "I-I… don't know," Chrys stammered. He sounded honest, if very hurt. Aurus had always been able to read the twins well. He suspected Chrys knew and, perhaps, wanted to forget.

  A loud, screech-like roar interrupted the conversation and sent shivers down their spines. With the reverberations of the sound came a wave of deadly chill. It shocked Aurus they could even feel an increase in chill in such cold waters, but they did, nevertheless.

  Chrys gave Aurus a wide-eyed look, sorrow temporarily shrouded by fear. "What is that?"

  The monstrous sound echoed again and Aurus suppressed a wince. Perhaps it was better that Chrys didn't yet realize what creature approached them. Panicking wouldn't help either of them.

  Since they'd left friendly waters behind, they needed to be on their guard. The possibility of running into a dangerous predator increased with each passing moment. The cool water helped, to the extent that few truly fearsome killers of the deep enjoyed low temperatures. However, Aurus hadn't expected having the misfortune of meeting the worst one of all.

  The saurion—or great sea-serpent—was a rare creature, all but extinct now in the waters of the Windswept Sea. Few were those who'd seen it, and fewer still had survived the sight. Aurus had never met one, but during his studies he'd been instructed in its abilities and weaknesses, or lack of thereof. The saurion had impenetrable scales and its eyes could hypnotize its prey. Whenever it was around, the water turned frigid in reaction to the chemicals in the body of the great beast. Only one creature could defeat the saurion; the dragon.

  Aurus would very much like it if the beast they pursued made an appearance now. They could find Jaden and get out of their predicament, all at the same time. Naturally, things didn't happen like that in real life.

  Aurus desperately scanned the surroundings for some place they could take shelter. There were no caves or stone formations big enough. His gaze fell on a small crack in the ground, barely big enough for one of them to fit in.

  He pulled Chrys to the crevice and gestured for the young mer to get inside. The atmosphere grew chillier with each breath they took. They were running out of time. "Go on," he told Chrys. "Hide there."

  The saurion would probably be able to get Chrys out of there, but it was better than nothing. "But… what about you?"

  "I'll distract it," Aurus replied simply.

  Chrys shook his head, his voice trembling as he spoke. "No. No. I refuse. I can help. My magic works now."

  Aurus met Chrys's azure gaze, his heart constricting at the disbelief and agony he read in those blue orbs. "Please, Chrys. You're not a soldier. There's no time. Please, do this. For me."

  Chrys opened his mouth, obviously intending to protest, but Aurus silenced him with a kiss. "It will be all right," he whispered. He very much doubted that was the case. Not even an entire battalion of Atlanteans could defeat a saurion, let alone a single soldier. For Chrys's sake, Aurus would die trying.

  Finally, Aurus could make out the form of the great serpent looming ahead. Its sinuous body slithered through the waters, heading straight toward them. Aurus swam away from Chrys's hiding spot and summoned his magic. His element answered his call and Aurus manifested a spear of gold. He prepared himself to throw it at the beast when he saw Chrys emerge from the crevice.

  The saurion's gaze fixed upon the younger mer. Aurus let out a gasp of terror. "No, Chrys! Run."

  But Chrys didn't listen. He waited there, frozen, watching the serpent approach. Aurus swam toward his lover, but he'd never manage to save Chrys. "Chrys!"

  * * * *

  Chrys winced but ignored Aurus's shout. He hated doing this to his lover, but he had no choice. He couldn't wait around and watch Aurus die. Their only chance was Chrys and Jaden's ability to sway aquatic creatures. Chrys didn't know if it would work on the serpent, but he needed to try.

  The saurion continued its approach and Chrys shivered. He held his ground and sent his message out. "Please, stop! We don't mean any harm. We just want passage through your lands. My brother is in trouble and we wanted to help."

  The serpent didn't seem to hear. Chrys took a deep breath, pushing away the terror he felt at his imminent death. His connection with his twin pulsed, and Jaden's power swept over and mingled with his, giving Chrys the strength he needed.

  Chrys focused on that bond and tried again. "Please. Don't hurt us."

  The saurion didn't slow down, but Chrys felt the change all the same. It still approached, but the chill dwindled and the numbness started to leave Chrys's body.

  When the great snake reached him, terror nearly made him keel. With the saurion right there in front of him, this didn't seem like such a good idea after all. The creature swiped his long forked tongue toward Chrys, and only fright prevented him from recoiling.

  "You reek of dragon," the saurion said, its speech a strange mix of hissing and grumbling.

  Chrys swallowed around the knot in his throat. Saurions were notoriously violent, particularly against their natural enemies, dragons. Chrys processed the information and realized something else. "I-I can understand you," he said with a gasp.

  The snake's unblinking eyes analyzed Chrys with frightening intensity. "So it would seem," the saurion hissed.

  Aurus reached them and took position in front of Chrys, shielding him from the saurion's gaze. Chrys felt the great snake's amusement. "What do you possibly believe you can achieve, puny worm?"

  "I'll die before I let you get Chrys," Aurus replied. Apparently, he understood the saurion, as well.

  The great snake chuckled. "No need. You are in luck. You two bear the mark of a black dragon."

  Chrys had no idea what that meant, or why it was relevant. He remembered the wave of power he'd experienced in Atlantis, and how they got away unscathed when the bandits had all lost consciousness. He recalled the feel of the second man emptying his seed, and wondered how it could be possible for them to have such a bond with the dragon.

  It didn't matter. The saurion almost seemed friendly and he gestured for the two of them to get on his back. "You are going west, yes?" When Chrys nodded, the creature continued, "I can take you to the edges of my land. From there, you're on your own."

  "Th-Thank you," Chrys stammered. He gave Aurus a shocked look, not sure what to believe of this sudden development.

  Aurus seemed just as surprised, but nevertheless climbed on top of the saurion. Chrys followed his lover's example and almost gasped when his tail came into contact with the snake's skin. He hadn't expected the saurion's scales to be so soft. Unfortunately, he couldn't shift, since, unlike Aurus, he didn't own any clothing.

  If the saurion noticed Chrys's predicament, he didn't comment. "Hold on," the
great snake hissed. "Use the fins."

  It was surprisingly easy to follow the saurion's instructions. Even with the smoothness of the great snake's scales, Chrys could cling onto the saurion's side fins and lean on Aurus. The creature's motions didn't even seem abrupt. It deliberately swam slowly for their comfort.

  "Why are you helping us?" Aurus asked.

  "Foolish little mer," the snake hissed, still sounding amused. "You don't know when to listen and be silent."

  "Because of what you said about the black dragon," Chrys said. "But I don't understand. I thought saurions were the natural enemies of dragons."

  "Of most dragons, yes," the great snake replied. "Not so with the black ones."

  "But why?"

  This time, the snake didn't reply. Obviously, he had exhausted his supply of conversation for the day—or perhaps the decade. Chrys didn't push it. He knew they traveled through dangerous waters and making the saurion angry would very likely lead to them being eaten.

  His curiosity dissipated when he felt a bright, shining power not far in front of him. It approached, getting closer and closer, until Chrys finally realized what it was. Jaden.

  "Wait!" he told the saurion. "Wait!"

  "Don't presume to order me around, little mer. I—" The saurion stopped his speech and his muscles tensed as he felt the presence as well.

  A shadow loomed over them, great and threatening. A powerful splash reverberated all around them, sending dark power through the ocean. The sea serpent managed to withstand the assault and Chrys clung to it with all his might. He buried his face in Aurus's shoulder, his magic instinctively emerging, creating a protective shield of gems around them. It met Aurus's gold, but instead of clashing, the two elements bonded, protecting them from the shockwave and debris.


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