A Forbidden Temptation: A Vampire's Obsession: Book 2

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A Forbidden Temptation: A Vampire's Obsession: Book 2 Page 5

by Rylai, Stephanie

  Since Matilda didn’t need to eat, Olivia went ahead and made herself a small dinner and ate before she came. She made a bowl of pasta and sat down at the bar to eat it. Just as she took her first bite, there was a knock on the door. She furrowed her brow, looking outside. It was just getting dark outside. How was she there that fast?

  Standing from the stool, she walked to the door and looked through the peephole. There was a middle-aged black woman standing at her door. Was it a neighbor? She didn’t know the neighbors very well so it was hard for her to say. The woman looked harmless… What if she was in trouble? She debated whether or not to open it. There was another knock. If she was a part of the rogues, wouldn’t she have broken in? Olivia unlocked the door and opened it, giving the woman a polite smile.

  “Hi,” the woman smiled.

  “Are you Olivia?” She nodded to her.

  “I’m Ethel. Matilda had something to do so I came in her place.”

  Immediately, Olivia swung the door closed—but the lady’s foot darted into the door and kept it from closing.

  “Olivia, please hear me out. Matilda really does have something that she urgently needs to attend to. I was just sent in her place to keep you safe, darling.”

  Olivia looked at the woman skeptically. Why would they send this woman and not let her know?

  She went to shut the door again when the woman gave a shrug, “Fine,” she then gave a chuckle, “If you aren’t afraid of the rogues finding you, I’ll be on my way.”

  “Wait,” Olivia blurted out, chewing on the inside of her cheek as she tried to debate.

  Matilda should have been there right around that time, but she wasn’t. What if she really was sent there to watch her? She didn’t look dangerous and she certainly didn’t appear rogue.

  “You can come in,” she said, opening the door.

  Ethel gave a polite smile and stepped inside.

  “I’m just going to call Gabriel and chek in with him, let him know you’re here,” she called to her as she went to get her phone from the living room.

  Calling Gabriel would verify the woman was meant to be there.

  “Of course,” Ethel nodded, looking around the apartment.

  “Wow, it’s amazing to see how much human homes has changed. You know, my brother would have loved to see these. See, we were from the slave trade, back when America was first established. We ran away successfully, thanks to my brother. He was such a strong man, but I suppose he wasn’t the strongest vampire—since he wasn’t as old as Ezekiel and Gabriel.”

  Olivia gave her a bit of a strange look as she tried to find her phone, not entirely sure as to why the woman was telling her about her brother.

  “I thought he could have been stronger since he was so strong in his mortality. And I thought immortality would be a blessing to us so that we could outlive all of the pain that we had suffered in our human lives. But, it seems it was a curse to me.”

  Olivia started to feel the tension shift in the room, unsure why. The way the woman was talking was really unsettling, and she wasn’t sure why she was even telling her all of this.

  “I never thought I would outlive Mercutio. I thought we would live on into eternity together. Us against the world,” Ethel’s eyes flickering at the thought, staring lovingly into the distance.

  Then her eyes fell back to Olivia, and they turned cold, “But then Gabriel robbed that from us. He ended him so quickly, without much thought at all. All because of his loyalty to you.”

  Olivia’s heart fell into her stomach. Mercutio… the dark-skinned man who came up to Gabriel in a rage at the bar when they had first started hanging out together… This woman was his sister? Then, it was like it all clicked in her mind. Ethel wasn’t just a vampire who didn’t approve of her and Gabriel, she was trying to avenge her dead brother—whom Gabriel killed.

  An eye for an eye.

  Her face drained of all color, and she snatched her phone from the couch and started to unlock her cell to call Gabriel. Ethel was next to her in a blur then and slapped the phone from her hand.

  Ethel gave a cynical chuckle and called into the distance, “Come on in boys!”

  The doors to the living room’s balcony opened and three guys walked into the room. How long had they been waiting out there? Olivia was completely paralyzed by fear. She fucked up. She should have never let the woman into the apartment without calling Gabriel first. Why had she knocked on the door instead of just breaking in? It just didn’t make sense to Olivia. The group of men swarmed to her; two grabbed her arms and the other grabbed her head and jerked it back to where her neck was completely exposed.

  Ethel stalked towards her, hatred burning in her eyes.

  “You have been a problem since Gabriel met you. You’ve made him irrational and given him a weakness—though I suppose I can’t say much about the latter since I’m taking advantage of it,” she smiled sickly sweet to her, a dark hand brushing against Olivia’s cheek.

  “Your pathetic mate killed my brother because of you. If you had never come into the picture, Mercutio wouldn’t have felt obligated to stand up to Gabriel. You’ve made our nest weak simply by existing. You’re a distraction and a catalyst. A filthy troublemaker. Never would Gabriel strike out at my brother like that if it weren’t for you. Perhaps it isn’t your fault, but you are the problem and you need to be eliminated. That way balance can be restored, and my brother can be avenged.”

  An wicked smile crossed the lady’s face, “So it’s nothing personal, darling. Still, I’m going to enjoy this far too much.”

  Ethel’s expression darkened before tilting her head and biting into Olivia’s neck. She gave a yelp, the woman not being gentle like Gabriel always was. Her powerful jaw clamped down on her neck, drawing blood from more than just her fangs. Pain surged through her neck, but a strange mix of arousal came from it. It wasn’t the same as it was with Gabriel at all, but the arousal was there. It was downright embarrassing. Olivia was not only completely terrified but also uncomfortable.

  Ethel gulped down her blood quickly, having sunk her fangs deep enough to cause a faster blood output than Olivia was used to. It was making her feel woozy already. Her body twitched, wanting so badly to be able to get away but she knew there was nothing she could have done—especially with there being four of them. Even with one, there wouldn’t be much she could have done, with each of them being equal to the strength of four grown men.

  Olivia just remained completely still, tears stinging her eyes as the woman drank her blood. Then, Ethel pulled away, wiping the blood from her lips.

  “Whoever wants to go next, be my guest,” she said to the other men.

  Olivia’s eyes widened. They… They were all going to feed on her? Four of them?

  The man holding her left arm stepped forward, Ethel taking his place and gripping her arm hard to keep her still. Olivia recognized the man as the blonde from the bar the night she and Gabriel met. What was his name? Amalric? He looked her over and smirked before dipping his head as well and bit on the other side of his neck. From the mix of fear, pain, and embarrassment, Olivia began to bawl. Why do his to her? She hadn’t done anything to any of them. Was loving Gabriel really such a crime? Everyone seemed to be treating it like it was.

  Amalric sucked hard on her neck, taking large gulps at a time. The room started to spin from the blood loss, her knees giving out from underneath her but the vampires held her upright. Once Amalric was done, he withdrew his fangs and ran his tongue up her neck and over Olivia’s cheek in a disturbing fashion. Even in her weakened state, she made a disgusted face.

  The next man stepped up, biting into the crook of Olivia’s neck. His hands gripped her sides as the arousal hit him from drinking her blood. Her face was drained of every ounce of color, her entire body too overwhelmed from the blood loss to feel anything except the urge to pass out. When the last vampire began to drink from her, her vision began to spot, and she could feel her body growing heavier.

  Suddenly, v
ampires’ heads all snapped up and looked at the door.

  “Gabriel is close,” Ethel breathed in a panic.

  “You guys hold him off,” she instructed before snatching Olivia up and tossing her over her shoulder.

  Olivia could barely see from the spots in her vision, and she could feel how weak her heart rate was. Then, in an instant, they were moving inhumanly fast. Olivia’s stomach churned, experiencing immediate motion sickness. Ethel ran from the apartment, heading for the stairwell and flying up the stairs. Within a minute, they were at the door to the roof. She kicked it open and made her way across the rooftop. Once they were, she put Olivia to the ground and held her up by the neck and the sternum.

  At that point, Olivia was barely conscious, not at all responsive. She had lost far too much blood and it was still spilling from her neck from all of the deep wounds the four of them had left. She felt like she was going to die. Her body felt light and her head burned. Well, she had never thought she would have died like that.

  Olivia had never been one to dwell on the idea of death, but the scenario she was in would have never crossed her wildest imagination. Even though she was barely conscious, she started to think of all the things she would never get to experience in life. Marrying Gabriel, having kids, getting into a career—hell, she would never even get to see her parents again. She was going to die just after she had met the love of her life.

  Ethel’s muscles tensed suddenly, jerking Olivia’s head to the side and baring her fangs to her neck. Within a few seconds, the door to the roof flung open, and Gabriel appeared. His raven locks were pulled back in a bun but was starting to fall out of the hold the elastic band had it in. A bit of blood was splattered on his face, which went well with the fury burning in his eyes; he radiated a deadly aura. He looked downright terrifying.

  “Let her go, Ethel,” he snarled.

  She kept her fangs extended, lips lowered to her neck.

  “Don’t step closer, Gabriel. I’ll finish her off without a second thought.”

  “She has nothing to do with anything going on in the nest!” Gabriel screamed, venom seeping into his voice.

  “She has everything to do with it!” Ethel hissed.

  “Before she came along, things were going just fine. She gets here, and you turn into this weak and erratic leader. You killed Mercutio just because he questioned your relationship with this puny human being.”

  “No,” Gabriel snapped back.

  “I never wanted to kill him, Ethel. I told him to leave me alone when I was sitting with her. And when he proceeded to make a scene, I walked him outside. He was the one to pick a fight and actually challenge me for dominance of the nest. He started the fight, he simply couldn’t finish it.”

  He paused then, his eyes drifting down to the nearly lifeless Olivia. His anger seemed to dampen then, his eyes softening.

  “Please, Ethel, she’s innocent, and you know it. She can’t help that she got involved with me, she didn’t know. If anyone is to blame, it is me.”

  “And what better way to hurt you than kill your new little playtoy?” Ethel grinned sadistically.

  Gabriel looked deep into Ethel’s eyes. “That would be the best way to get back at me personally, but what will it do? After she dies and I’m depressed, what will change in the nest?”

  She was silent then, seeming a bit baffled and caught off guard by his question. She shook it off, though,

  “You’re not going to trick me. She is weakening the nest no matter what way you look at it. And you know it. Ask anyone in the nest! We’ve been here far too long, Gabriel. And you’re gone half the time. With her around, you are no leader. You’ve taken far too long to decide what to do about the situation, so I’m going to make that decision for you.”

  Ethel lowered her fangs to Olivia’s neck.

  “Wait!” Gabriel exclaimed.

  “Wait. Please,” he begged.

  He ran a hand through his hair, trying to think of anything to remedy the situation. “Two months,” he breathed.

  “What?” Ethel snapped.

  “Give me two months. If I don’t turn her in sixty days, I’ll kill her myself. Then we will leave town and never look back. I know I hurt you by killing Mercutio, and I am so sorry for your loss. You know the rules when it comes to dominance of the nest. He challenged me. I know she’s complicating things… Just… Just grant me two months. If I don’t turn her or kill her by then, you can kill us both. Please, Ethel. She’s my soulmate. I’ve done a lot for you and Mercutio over the years. Just two months is all I ask.”

  She hedged, staring him down and not moving from her spot.

  “Why two months?” she asked him.

  “To give her a chance to leave me herself, in case she wants to live an ordinary human life,” he told her, holding eye contact.

  Ethel looked down to Olivia, who was unconscious at that point. Her eyes drifted back to Gabriel.

  “Fine. You have two months. If nothing has changed by then, she’s dead. And it won’t be nearly as humane as this one would have been. She will suffer unimaginable pain.”

  Gabriel gave a nod. Then, in one motion, Ethel dropped Olivia to the ground and then jumped backwards onto the ledge of the building, then leaped to the next building. Gabriel rushed to Olivia and scooped her up. The girl was out cold, blood still seeping from her neck and heart rate barely detectable.


  The world came back in a sequence of beeps and flashes of bright lights. Olivia’s head tossed from side to side as her consciousness slowly surfaced. Her eyes opened to find Emily and Isaac next to her. Emily looked like she had been bawling, big bags under her eyes and streaks on her cheeks.

  “Oh my god! You’re awake!” Emily cried, leaping at her and wrapping her arms around the girl’s ribs.

  Olivia was still disoriented, not entirely sure what was going on or where she was even at. Her eyes slowly left Emily and traveled around the room she was in. The hospital. A slight panic came over her, not remembering why she was there. Then in blips, she remembered flashes of the episode with Ethel and the four male vampires. Her eyes went to Emily and Isaac, wondering what that knew.

  “What happened?” Emily asked, tears brimming her eyes yet again as she reached and held Olivia’s hand.

  There was nothing she could tell her without giving anything away. She was too out of it to come up with a good excuse.

  “I don’t remember…”

  “You lost four pints of blood, and you don’t remember how?” Emily questioned, her tone one of complete shock.

  “She’s been traumatized, Em. Give her a break,” Isaac tried to calm Emily, rubbing her back.

  Emily deflated a bit then, looking to Isaac with big eyes. She turned back to Olivia then, “I’m glad you’re okay… I just can’t believe you were attacked twice in the time you’ve been here. Granted, one time was Kent… but still…”

  “I know,” Olivia sighed.

  “How are you feeling?” she asked.

  “I’m alright,” Olivia smiled weakly, though she was completely wiped out. She didn’t want Emily worrying, knowing she had a wedding to plan.

  There was a knock on the door then, and she looked over to see Gabriel standing in the door with a sheepish look on his face.

  He held up a paper bag, “I brought food.”

  Olivia smiled weakly to him but looked to Emily and Isaac as they stood.

  “Well, we should get going then and let you guys have some alone time. I’ll be over first thing in the morning, okay Liv?”

  Olivia nodded, and Emily leaned over to give her a careful hug, minding the bandages over Olivia’s neck and shoulders. The two then exited.

  As soon as they left, Gabriel walked to the bed and sat on the edge of the bed. His gray eyes scanned over her face, his eyes glossy as he grew emotional.

  “I’m so glad you’re okay…” he breathed.

  “For a moment there, I genuinely thought I was losing you… I wanted to b
e here the entire time, but with the sunlight…”

  “It’s okay… I understand,” she smiled weakly.

  He sat the bag of food down on the bed table before resting a hand on her leg, letting his hand rub the length of her thigh slowly.

  “Liv, I never wanted to get you in the middle of this… I knew they wouldn’t be happy, but I didn’t think they would stoop low enough to make you a pawn in it.”

  “Exactly, you didn’t know so you don’t need to blame yourself…” she told him.

  “But I should have suspected it. I knew how they feel about humans.”

  His eyes scanned over her face, “I’m just glad you’re alright… You were as cold as I am,” he frowned, lifting her hand and pressing it to his cheek to enjoy her warmth.

  “What happened up there exactly?” she asked him softly.

  Gabriel paused, his body going rigid. She could see in his face that he was hesitant to tell her.

  Eventually, though, he looked into the distance and spoke, “She’s giving me two months to change you or kill you. If I don’t, she will kill us both.”

  Olivia’s eyes were wide then. She had been so faint and out of it on the roof that she couldn’t hear or see much at all. Ethel was going to kill both of them if he didn’t kill her or change her into a vampire? Having her mortality being hung in the balance like that was a lot to process.

  “Well, why did you take me to the hospital then instead of changing me? Are you actually debating what to do?” she asked him, her tone a bit sad.

  Was he actually considering not changing her? While Olivia knew he didn’t want to kill her, he could be debating whether or not to change her. Gabriel, she knew, wanted a normal life for her—but would he really kill her just to keep her from being a vampire? Didn’t he want to be with her forever?

  “No, baby, of course not,” he tried to soothe her.

  He turned and opened the paper bag of food and grabbed out the food container and moved it closer to her.

  “You need to eat. I’ve heard hospital food is terrible, so I wanted you to have something decent.”


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