Campus Player

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Campus Player Page 22

by Jennifer Sucevic

  “Ahhh...” I rack my brain for an answer. When one doesn’t immediately come to mind, I pull something from my ass and hope for the best. “I’ll take simple conditional probabilities for five hundred dollars, Alex.”

  Demi narrows her eyes. “Wrong. It’s the ‘at least one rule’.”

  I drag a hand over my face. “My brain is fried. I can’t do this anymore.”

  Her expression softens as she reaches out and strokes a hand over my cheek. “You’re doing great. You’ll pull off a B for sure.”

  “Um, hello? There’s no pulling off involved here. You’ve crammed all this useless information into my head. It has nowhere else to go but onto that test.”

  She glances at the sports watch adorning her wrist. “We should study for at least another hour. It’s always better to be overprepared.”

  I really hope she’s joking. That sounds fairly hellish. There’s only so much statistics I can take, and I’ve already reached my quota for the day. Probably the week. One look at her face tells me this girl is as serious as a heart attack.

  A groan leaves my lips as I steeple my hands. “I’m begging you. No more. This is torture. Whatever you want to know, I’ll tell you. more statistics.”

  She grows silent, almost contemplative, before offering an alternative. “Fine, how about we make this interesting?”

  “Ha! Make stats interesting?” There’s a beat of silence. “Surely you jest.” I stretch out on the bed and fold my arms behind my head. “Let’s hear it. What do you have in mind?”

  My muscles tense when a sparkle enters her eyes.

  “How about, for every answer you get right, I’ll take off one item of clothing, and for every wrong one, you remove a piece. Whoever has the most at the end of ten questions wins.”

  A grin slides across my face. “This sounds like a win-win situation for me.”

  She arches a dark brow. “Guess we’ll find out, won’t we?”

  “Yes, we definitely will.” I wipe the smile from my face and attempt to look serious as I get my game on. “All right, fire away.”

  “How do you calculate the probability of combinations?”

  I blow out a steady exhalation and search the dark recesses of my gray matter. After the last hour, it’s a pile of slush. But still...we’re talking about getting Demi naked here, so I need to dig deep and find my second wind. A full minute slides by as I carefully consider the merits of a few different answers before eventually discarding them.

  “If you don’t know—”

  “Give me a moment,” I grumble, unwilling to be rushed.

  Damn, this is difficult.

  Wait...I think I got it. “You need to consider the number of favorable outcomes over the number of total outcomes.” Right? That’s it...right? Or is it the other way around?

  Shit. Now I’m not so sure.

  “Yay!” A proud smile lights up Demi’s face. “You got it!”

  Damn right, I did. Was there ever any doubt?

  Don’t answer that.

  I rub my hands together before pointing a finger at her. “Strip.”

  She reaches for the elastic band that holds her hair in a ponytail.

  “Oh, hell, no! You owe me one article of clothing! And that, my friend, is technically not considered clothing. It’s a thingy ma-bob.”

  “A thingy ma-bob?”

  “Yup, it’s a technical term.”

  “Hmmm. Is that what we agreed to?” She narrows her eyes and taps her index finger against her lips. “Funny...I don’t remember that being specified in the rules.”

  I narrow my eyes right back at her. Two can play this game. “You gonna renege already? Is that really how we’re going to start off?”

  “Fine,” she grumbles, fingers drifting to the hem of her T-shirt before lifting it slowly up her toned belly. It’s enough to make my mouth go dry. The material rises until a hint of her black sports bra comes into view and then—

  She drops the shirt back into place. When my questioning gaze flicks to hers, a grin flashes across her face as she lifts her hands, circling her nipples with her fingers until the little buds stand firmly at attention.

  My eyes widen.

  Holy fuck that is hot.

  When she gives them a little pinch, my cock becomes unbearably hard, and I groan. “If stats doesn’t kill me, you will.”

  A wicked smile curves her lips as her fingers fall to the hem of her shirt before yanking it off and dropping it onto the bed. “Ready for the next question?”

  I couldn’t be more ready.

  The sexy little maneuver replays in my head as I stare at her tits. What Demi did was way more tantalizing than the girl downstairs. “Yes, I am.” If I have my way, that sports bra will be the next to go.

  I got this. I’m riding high off that first question.

  “How do you calculate the probability of permutations?”

  Well, hell. After a few silent moments, I rattle off an answer, already knowing I bombed it.

  She makes a buzzer-sounding noise deep in her throat. “Wrong!”

  “You don’t need to sound so gleeful.”

  Demi grins, pointing at my chest. “I want the shirt.”

  With a shrug, I sit up. The girl wants me to shed my clothing?

  I’m delighted to oblige.

  I grab the back of my T-shirt before dragging it up my body and over my head. Then I toss it onto hers. Apparently, that’s going to be the loser pile. Right now, we’re evenly tied.

  The way her gaze drifts over my body is almost like a physical caress. I’ve had girls eat me up with their eyes, but it’s different with Demi. I flex my muscles, wanting to give her a little something to drool over. Then I lick my thumbs and forefingers before circling my nipples like she did. When I give them a good pinch, she bursts out laughing.

  I can’t help but grin. Is there anything better than sexy times mixed in with laughter?


  “All right, hit me with the next question.”

  She rattles off another one, and I snap out the answer without having to overthink it. Instead of shedding her bra, she takes off her athletic shorts. Damn, but Demi has an amazing body. She’s lean and muscular, and that is such a turn-on.

  We go through a couple more questions. I end up peeling off my shorts which leaves me in nothing more than my boxer briefs, and she pulls off her socks. Things are starting to get interesting around here. Although, let’s hope I get the next one correct or I’ll be studying statistics buck naked. Can’t say I ever thought that would happen.

  “What is a combination?”


  I know this!

  I clear my throat as if what I have to say is of the utmost importance. “A combination is an arrangement of objects where order does not matter.”

  “You got it! Awesome job!”

  Already salivating, I point to the bra. “Take it off.”

  Instead of following the command, she says, “Should we end this and call it a draw?”

  “No way in hell. Take it off. Stop trying to cheat your way out of our agreement.”

  “Fine.” With that, Demi reaches around her back and unsnaps the clasp. As soon as the stretchy material loosens, the straps slide down her shoulders, revealing a glimpse of tantalizing flesh. Without a self-conscious bone in her body, she shrugs out of the bra and tosses it onto the growing pile of clothing.

  Demi sits back, allowing me to look my fill. She has no problem with her breasts being on display. Her confidence is so damn sexy. It’s only one of the things that draw me to her like a moth to a flickering flame. It’s been that way since I first laid eyes on her. It might have taken me time to capture her interest the same way she caught mine, but now that I have it, I won’t be letting it go anytime soon.

  “Should we finish this?” Her lips lift at the corners. We’re both down to our underwear. “One more question will determine the victor.”

  “Oh, you bet your sweet ass we’re finishing

  “All right. Final question for the win...” My muscles coil tight as she pauses. “What is statistics the study and interpretation of?”

  She’s joking, right? That can’t be the question. This has to be some kind of sly bit of trickery on her part. I narrow my eyes, but her expression remains inscrutable.

  All right, I’m going for it.

  “Data.” I mumble out the answer. Surely, it can’t be that straightforward.

  Her lips lift. “Ding, ding, ding...we have a winner.”

  No fricking way.

  That was way too easy.

  Without me asking, Demi slides her thumbs into the elastic band of her panties and slips them over narrow hips and muscular thighs before kicking them off. And then she’s gloriously bare.

  A wicked glint enters her eyes as she stretches out on the bed.

  Hot damn.

  My gaze drops to the part of her I’ve become obsessed with.

  So fucking gorgeous.

  “Be straight with me—did you throw the last question?”

  Instead of answering, she spreads her thighs wide before trailing her fingers over the lips of her splayed pussy. “Now why would I do a thing like that?”

  My mouth turns cottony as my eyes widen.

  “What’s wrong?” She smirks. “See something you like?”


  “Yeah.” Barely is the word able to escape.

  “Then get over here and do something about it.”

  She doesn’t need to tell me twice. I toss the statistics book off the bed. The heavy tomb lands on the carpeted floor with a loud thud. Then I’m crawling across the mattress and squeezing my shoulders between her thighs. With heavy-lidded eyes, I stare up at her before lowering my mouth. A whimper slides from her as I make contact with her delicate flesh.

  The way she’s stretched out on the bed with her elbows propping her up, head thrown back, and lips softly parted makes my cock throb with painful awareness. Demi is the sexiest girl I’ve ever laid eyes on.

  I lick my way from the bottom of her pink slit to the very top. When I get to her clit, I circle it with my tongue before sucking the little bundle of nerves into my mouth. She whimpers, arching her back off the bed as if trying to get closer.

  Who would have ever thought that studying statistics could be such a turn-on?

  We might have to do this more often.

  A lot more often.

  When her body tightens, I realize she’s moments away from orgasming, and it only drives me on. I want to give her more pleasure than she’s ever experienced.

  “Rowan,” she whimpers.

  “What, baby?” I whisper against damp flesh.

  “I want you inside me.”

  “That’s exactly where I am.” To prove this is true, I spear my tongue inside her heat.

  “No, I want your cock.” She sucks in a shuddering breath. “I need you...please.”

  This feels like a dream. Is Demi Richards really begging for my dick? I’m almost afraid that I’ll wake up and none of this will be real. She’ll still be keeping me at a firm distance, pretending I don’t exist. Now that I’ve sampled her sweetness, there’s no way I can go back to the way it’s always been between us.

  I lift my head and stare into her dazed eyes. So much need swirls around inside them. Damn if I don’t want to give her everything she desires. “Are you sure?”

  She nods.

  I chew my lower lip and contemplate the situation at hand.

  Here’s my problem...

  I’m pretty worked up, if you know what I mean. If I attempt to get inside her in this condition, I’ll come within thirty seconds. Probably quicker than that. It was embarrassing enough to admit that I’m still a virgin at age twenty-one, to blow my load after a few strokes would be the ultimate humiliation.

  Like...change my name, forget about football, and transfer to another college embarrassing.


  I drag a hand through my hair and try to keep the tortured expression off my face. It’s not like I planned for tonight to turn out like this. Hell, I thought we’d be knee deep in stats. And that’s the least sexy thing in the world.

  Or so I’d thought...

  Had I suspected this was the direction the evening would swerve in, I would have rubbed one out...or maybe three in preparation.

  Before I realize what’s happening, Demi rolls up to a seated position. Her hands go to my cheeks, cradling them in her hands. My head is still between her spread thighs. “I want this, and I want you.”

  “Yeah,” I gulp, trying to figure out how to best verbalize my problem, “I feel the same way. It’s just...” As my voice trails off, realization dawns in her eyes.

  “Turn over.”

  When I don’t immediately comply, she drops her hands from my face and pushes at my shoulders. I scramble up before rolling onto my back. As soon as I hit the mattress, she’s crawling up my body and pressing her lips against mine. Oh-so-slowly she moves down my chest, peppering kisses and soft nips over hard muscle until she reaches the waistband of my boxers. She tugs the material down an inch before flicking her eyes at me and pressing a caress against the newly revealed flesh.

  I clear my throat as my erection throbs painfully. “You realize that you’re not helping matters, right?”

  Her expression turns seductive as she torments me with her mouth until I’m shifting beneath her, trying to hold it together. I’m hard as steel. There’s an excellent possibility I won’t make it inside her before I come like a geyser.

  You’ve heard of a two-pump chump?

  I can only hope to make it twice.

  This isn’t good.

  Actually, it’s much too good, and that’s the problem.

  Once my dick springs free from the stretchy fabric, I grit my teeth. The way she stares with focused determination only makes matters worse. She swipes her tongue over the head of my cock before licking at the damned thing like it’s a lollipop. Sure, I’ve fantasized about her doing this a million times but at the moment, it will be my undoing. I’m like some prepubescent teenager ready to come all over the place at the drop of a hat.

  It’s embarrassing as hell.

  “If you keep that up much longer, I’m going to come,” I ground out, voice scraped raw with need.

  She lifts her head enough to smirk. “Yeah, that’s kind of the point.”

  When Demi sucks the crown of my dick into her mouth with tight suction, I know it’s game over. There’s no holding back. I bury my fingers in her hair as she moves up and down my rigid length.

  Goddamn that feels amazing...

  I arch my hips and enjoy each wave of intense pleasure as it crashes over me, dragging me to the bottom of the ocean. I don’t think anything has ever felt so damn good. It’s only when I’m softening in her mouth that she releases me with an audible pop before crawling up my body and kissing my lips. When I open, her tongue slips inside to tangle with my own.

  “Feel better?”

  “Fuck, yeah,” I practically slur.

  Her lips tremble against mine. “Good. I aim to please.”

  Mission accomplished.

  With one final kiss, she pulls away before sitting up and straddling me so that her pussy is spread wide against my abdominals. I thrust my hips until her naked body can slide against mine. My hands drift from her thighs, over gently flared hips, to her ribcage before wandering to her breasts and palming the soft weight. Her eyelids feather closed as she arches her back, pressing herself into my hands.

  God, I love her tits. Anything more would be a complete waste.

  “You’re so fucking perfect,” I murmur, captivated by the sight of her. She looks so wanton, sitting astride me naked, like the goddess she is. She has no idea how significant this moment is for me. I’ve waited so long to be with her. If I dwell on it, I’ll freak myself out.

  Even though I just came, my cock is already stiffening up. I groan as she flexes her hips, brushing again
st me. My dick slides through her silky folds until I’m once again clenching my teeth. Demi rearranges herself so that the head of my cock is poised at her entrance.

  It takes every ounce of my willpower not to thrust deep inside her and bury myself to the hilt. “I need a condom.”

  “It’s okay.” She pauses, her movements stilling. “I’m on the pill and haven’t had sex in six months.”

  My eyes nearly cross at the thought of being inside her tight heat without anything between us. “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah.” As if to prove the point, she lowers herself onto my erection.

  Holy fuuuuck!

  “God, that feels so good,” she groans, her eyes closing as if to savor the feeling of us finally coming together.

  “Yeah,” I mutter, “praise the Lord.”

  Her lips twitch. “Let’s not talk about God at a time like this.”

  “You’re the one who brought religion into it,” I point out.

  “Rowan...” She opens her eyes only to narrow them before shooting me an exasperated look.

  “Yup, got it.” A hiss escapes from me as she slides down my length until fully seated.

  My gaze shifts to where we are now connected in the most intimate way possible. I can’t envision anything more erotic. Sure, I’ve seen porn. Who hasn’t? And I’ve wacked off to the images, but nothing compares to the sight of Demi riding my dick.

  My hands fall from her pebbled nipples to her hips before wrapping around them as if to anchor her to me. Maybe that’s exactly what I’m trying to do. This is the best damn feeling in the world, and I want it to last forever.

  Although, I think we all know that’s not going to happen.

  Unable to stand another moment of this stillness, I flex my hips, sliding from her tight heat before thrusting deep inside. As I do, a heavy wave of pleasure crashes over me. She tips her face toward the ceiling as a moan slides from her. Even though I came ten minutes ago, I won’t last much longer. The pleasure rushing through every fiber of my being is much too intense. It’s almost unbearable.

  But...I can’t get off again without her orgasming first.


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