American Meltdown: Book Two

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American Meltdown: Book Two Page 9

by Professor Of Geography Mark Goodwin

  "Thanks, Matt," Jack said. "I just don't know how we would get up there. It is about 1,000 miles. We might have 5 gallons in the tank. With my van, that’s probably about 100 miles. I have around $200 in cash, but there are no gas stations open around here. We could take a gamble and hope to find a station selling gas north of West Palm but, from what I am hearing on the radio, it’s near $40 a gallon. $200 bucks will only get me another 5 gallons."

  Matt replied, "Well, you might want to ask around and see if any of the remaining neighbors might want to sell the gas for less than $40 a gallon. Nobody has any cash unless they already had it out of the bank before the bank holiday. What about Trevor's car? Did the home invaders steal it when they killed him?"

  "No, it caught a stray bullet in the back tire, so it is still sitting there," Jack answered.

  Matt said, "Well, you should drain that tank before someone else gets it. He won't be needing it."

  "That’s a good idea," Jack said.

  "At any rate, it sounds like you guys have to evacuate," Matt said. "It’s a bad scenario. You don't have much to work with. Under normal circumstances, it’s always better to shelter in place if you don't have the means to make it to a better location. There’s a high probability that when you get on the road, you’ll hit more trouble than what you have now. But it sounds like the gangs are picking people off one by one."

  Jack replied, "That is exactly what it feels like. I feel like we're surrounded by predators, like sharks or wolves or something. It’s just a matter of time before they come in for the kill."

  "You both have bikes don't you?" Matt inquired.

  "Yes," Jack stated.

  "I would use some of that old PVC and rig up some type of rickshaw to carry your gear on a bike. Go as far as you can in the van, then ditch it and head out on the bikes," Matt suggested.

  "Yeah, I think I can do that. I'll give you a call back in a day or two to let you know what we are able to do." Jack sounded relieved at the suggestion.

  “Take care,” Matt said.

  Matt hung up and looked at Karen. She had a look of horror on her face. She was watching television. Matt looked to see what could be so awful, and he couldn't believe his eyes. The Texas local news affiliate was reporting from Fort Hood. The soldiers had just fired on the protestors.

  The reporter in the studio of the Lexington, Kentucky, station broadcasting the coverage was speaking. "Folks, if you have young children in the room, you need to get them out. We are trying to maintain the live coverage and it is getting very violent."

  Shots rang out and several protesters who had breached the deadline fell to the ground.

  The reporter continued. “The soldiers standing guard at the main gate of Fort Hood just fired what looked to be shotguns at the wave of protestors who breached the barricades which are set up several feet in front of the actual gate. Some of those who were shot are running away. The ones who fell seem to be getting back up. We are going to listen in on coverage of the local affiliate."

  The local reporter was speaking. "And it appears that the rounds fired by the soldiers were rubber bullets. They have also begun to fire tear gas into the crowd. The protestors began showing up by the hundreds this morning. They are blaming the governor and the military for benefit cuts caused by Texas through their defiant stance taken against D.C. President Howe said that states who would not cooperate in allowing federal agencies to enforce martial law will not receive government benefits until the governors resign and the military base commanders step down."

  POP, POP, POP. Gun fire erupted from the crowd. The camera panned over to the main gate. Two soldiers lay on the ground in growing pools of blood.

  The local reporter ducked down behind a concrete barrier. "There are people in the crowd firing back at the soldiers guarding the gate."

  The cameraman found a safe spot and kept rolling. A huge segment of the crowd of protestors fell back, but there were still several armed gunmen left standing in the front. The gunmen continued to sporadically fire upon the guards. Two armored vehicles rolled out of the gate. Several soldiers came out on the sides of the armored vehicles using the vehicles for cover. They rained down a hail of automatic gunfire on the armed attackers. Once the armed men were dead, soldiers dressed in riot gear came out and began to take down the remaining protestors who would not disperse. They tackled them and restrained their feet and hands with plastic zip-tie restraints.

  After they were all effectively hog tied, the commanding officer came out and began speaking to the captives. "You people have committed an act of terrorism against the sovereign country of Texas. The simple fact that you are here proves that you are not in agreement with our sovereignty. You people have come here because you think the government owes you something. I will agree that the way President Howe cut you off was criminal, but he is the criminal and not Texas. Your act of aggression is treason against Texas and the punishment is death. As Governor Jacobs is a merciful man, he is giving you the option of a suspended sentence if you agree to leave Texas tonight. If you accept this offer, you will be branded on your right cheek with the letter X. Anyone found in Texas with this mark in 24 hours from the time we set you free will be shot on sight. If you do not accept this offer, the other option is to assume room temperature. You will be shot right here in the road. This is a time of war, we do not have the resources to support prisoners, and you are no longer welcome in this state.

  “I think you will find that if you treat the brand on your cheek with aloe and don't pick the scab, it will be hardly noticeable in a year from now. Of course you have to stay alive for a year for that to even be an issue. Now how many takers do we have for the brand?"

  All of the prisoners began calling out for the brand.

  The commander said, "I've never seen a bunch of folks so anxious to get branded. I wish my cattle liked it this much. Sergeant, get a nice hot fire going. We got some dogies to brand."

  The reporter said, “Similar actions are being reported all over Texas. They have officially adopted the 'run the deadbeats out of town' policy. The branding seems cruel, but it ensures the trouble makers won’t be back night after night.”

  Matt and Karen looked at each other. Matt was stunned by what he had just seen.


  “Dependence begets subservience and venality, suffocates the germ of virtue, and prepares fit tools for the designs of ambition.”

  -Thomas Jefferson

  Matt and Karen got up early on Saturday to walk over to Adam’s for breakfast. Miss Mae stayed boroughed under the covers of the bed on cold winter days and only came out briefly to eat and stretch her muscles. Matt patted the small bump in the covers which he knew to be Miss Mae.

  The snow still covered the ground, but the sun was out. It was warm on their faces. It felt warmer to be in the natural light than staying cooped up in the house. The snow was just deep enough to make the walk a bit of a work out. The country road that wound around the hill to get to Adam's was completely covered by snow. There was no sure way to tell where the edge of the road was until it was either cleared or melted off.

  As they walked through the countryside, Karen stopped to look around. The trees were topped with soft powdery snow. The ground was covered as far as the eye could see. The bright light of the sun reflected off the surface of the snow and made them both squint.

  "It is so beautiful," Karen said. "So clean and pure."

  "I knew you would get used to it." Matt smiled as he spoke.

  "I didn't say I like being cold. I just said the snow in the country is pretty." Karen had dreaded leaving South Florida. She hated the cold.

  "But we stay warm with the stove in the house, don't we?" Matt had done his best to keep her warm since they moved to the mountains of Kentucky.

  Karen stopped walking again. She faced Matt and took his hand. "We did the right thing. I knew you were right when we moved. It was hard, but the call from Jack last night made me realize that we might not be alive if
we had stayed. You are a good husband."

  Matt pulled her close. "And you are a good wife."

  When they arrived at Adam’s, the smell of biscuits and coffee lured them to the kitchen.

  "It smells great!" Karen exclaimed.

  Mandy said, "I made the biscuits."

  "I helped." Carissa added.

  "She cut them out all by herself." Mandy tried to brush some of the flour off of her jeans.

  "I can tell," Karen said with a laugh. Both of the girls were fairly well-dusted with flour.

  Everyone sat down around the table and Adam prayed.

  "Father God, thank you for this meal. We know that many folks around the country are not so blessed today. Our country has never known want like it’s experiencing today. We pray for those who have less and hope you will provide for them and comfort them. We pray that you will guide our leaders to make the right choices. Your blessings made this country great. We pray that our nation will turn back to you so that you may heal her. Amen"

  Everyone echoed, "Amen."

  During breakfast, Matt had several questions about caring for the livestock during the winter. Adam and Wes had been doing this for a while. Matt was realizing just how little he knew. Adam learned most everything he knew from Mr. Miller, an old-timer he often traded with for honey, butter, cheese and livestock. Matt bought his goat and chickens from Mr. Miller when he first moved to the area.

  Adam reminded him, "You know you can always go over to Mr. Millers. He loves to teach folks the lost arts of homesteading. He gets lonely over there by himself. I always try to stop by a couple times a month at least. It is mutually beneficial."

  After breakfast, the adults gathered around the television. Howe was giving an address. They watched it on CNC.

  Howe began, "Yesterday, rogue military bases around America fired on peaceful protestors that were only asking their state governments to comply with the law of the land. Citizens were murdered or evicted from their own states. These types of actions cannot be permitted. I will be sitting down with the Joint Chiefs on Monday and we will be developing a military response to be conducted at a time of our choosing. I am suspending all Federal aid to the states that have issued letters of rebellion to the Federal Government. This will include FDIC insurance monies to cover lost deposits from the derivatives situation. I am revoking the amnesty period for banned firearm confiscation in those states and enacting the portion of the firearms regulation order which will outlaw all types of firearms in those states. Anyone found to have firearms in rebellious states will be detained indefinitely and without bail. Responsible citizens may turn in their firearms to any Federal agency in those states next Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. After that, you will be arrested and prosecuted under Federal law.

  “The governors of Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas, Idaho, Wyoming and Montana will be tried for treason and, if found guilty, they will be executed. Military leaders on bases in those states who are supporting this seditious behavior will also be executed if found guilty. The state leaders of Northern Colorado, Eastern Washington and Eastern Oregon who are responsible for separating themselves from the compliant sections of their states will also be held accountable in a like manner.

  “I am encouraging all citizens of those states and partitioned areas to leave. We will be setting up FEMA relocation camps in neighboring states to make sure you are kept safe from the horrific violence from the rogue madmen who have taken your states hostage. We will be announcing the exact locations of the camps early next week. I recommend you start making plans to get to the border soon. FEMA will have transportation available at the borders to take you safely to the relocation centers.

  “Those citizens who are leaving the rogue states will be issued Federal Ration Notes for food and personal goods in the bank deposit amounts they lost due to the derivatives situation. We will be supplying MREs and several other types of essential items to get your lives back to normal. You will be able to pick and choose the items you would like at the commissaries inside the relief camps by paying for them with your new Federal Ration Notes. This will give you a sense of normalcy as you buy and trade in a safe environment.

  “Folks who are relocating will not be permitted to bring any type of weapons. Even the restricted firearms that are permitted in the states you are traveling to will not be allowed until we have established your new residency in the compliant state.

  “We are temporarily suspending all types of firearm and ammunition sales until this crisis is behind us. Effective immediately, ammunition and gun manufacturers and retailers will only be allowed to conduct business with the Federal Government or law enforcement agencies that have been cleared by DHS. This will ensure that much needed resources can be allocated to the men and women who are putting their lives on the line to secure our country.

  “Thank you in advance for your support on this very important issue."

  The screen switched back to the CNC news room.

  Everyone sitting around Adam Bair’s living room was in a state of shock.

  Shelly was the first to speak. "What just happened? Is he declaring war on Kentucky and the rest of those states?"

  Janice asked, "How can he just shut down firearms and ammunition sales to the public all over the country? I think he just announced that he is taking over the entire industry."

  Wesley was a history professor prior to the crash. He said, "I have a pretty good idea what comes next after an announcement like this from a dictator. This is worse than the Soviet Union, China and Nazi Germany combined."

  Statements like these had been made comparing America to these oppressive regimes for years now. Up to this point, they were just rhetoric, but now it was a very factual statement.

  Matt was disgusted by the speech. "How did you like that part about 'peaceful protestors?’ Every news station in the country has played the footage of the armed gunmen from the crowd opening fire and killing those two soldiers at the main gate of Fort Hood. That scene has been played over and over. I bet those gunmen were plants. The White House probably put them there or had something to do with arming them. No one, and I mean no one, can possibly believe anything this man says. It’s all blatant lies. I guess the liberals have just decided to go along with the lies."

  "Well, boys," Adam said, "sleep tight tonight and tomorrow, because training is going to get pretty rough Monday."

  "Don't hurt 'em, Adam," Shelly said.

  Karen gave a nod of agreement to Shelly's statement.

  "I don't want to hurt them," Adam said. "I want to give them the skills they need to save their lives."

  Matt and Wesley looked at each other. Matt knew Adam's training would be tough, but he knew it was all out of love and it was in their best interest.

  Matt could see the look of concern in Karen's eyes. Not about the training, but about what would come after. He quickly tried to change the subject. "So I am curious to see what these Federal Ration Notes look like. They sound an awful lot like Federal Reserve Notes. Howe is going to issue them instead of the deposit insurance money to refugees of states considered to be in rebellion. It almost sounds like it could be an alternative currency."

  Wesley agreed. "And, they’re exchangeable for a specific category of goods. So in a way, they are commodity-backed notes."

  Karen asked, "Think they're intended to compete against Paul Randall's gold and silver barter networks? After all, they’re directed at the people coming from the states that are most likely to have been using gold, silver and other types of barter."

  "Howe is a slippery devil," Matt said. "I'll bet you’re right Karen."

  "And it’s the only way people from those states can get anything for the bank deposits they lost." Wesley spoke with contempt. "It's a perfect lure into Howe's concentration camps."

  "Seriously?" Shelly said, "He’s going to get those people into the camps where they will have nothing to do except sit around all day and consume the goods the government i
s going to steal. They'll buy it all with this fake money the government is just going to print out of nowhere."

  Janice said sarcastically, "Sounds exactly like the system that just collapsed. What could go wrong?"


  "Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!"

  -Patrick Henry

  Paul Randall was making regular speeches to keep those standing against the White House up-to-date. He tried to inform them of the plans and progress of Texas and the other Coalition states. At first, FOX News was carrying some of the speeches. After the FCC threatened to take their license, they quickly folded and complied with the demands. They told Randall that they could no longer carry his speeches or any other news that may serve to aid in the secession movement. FOX continued to market their wares to the marginally conservative viewer, but did not dare get involved in any substantive conversations.

  Paul Randall’s speeches were now all via the internet. He had several people helping him with internet security and setting up proxy servers around the world. The servers were all connected in a decentralized network that was difficult to shut down. Every time Randall delivered a speech, the NSA went to work finding and shutting down the server which was propagating the feed. As each server shut down, viewers were automatically delivered a feed from a new server. Often, the broadcasts would go seamlessly, almost uninterrupted by the attacks. At worst, there would be a five-to-ten second delay. Paul knew his supporters were committed to getting the information; they would wait for hours if they had to.


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