Saved by Faith

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Saved by Faith Page 10

by Jenna Brandt

  With a shrug, he stated, “That would explain why my men haven’t returned.”

  “They're not dead, if that concerns you,” Nathan explained. “My killing days are behind me, despite what you’re trying to make everyone think.”

  “I don’t think so. I think if you had to kill me to save them,” Christopher said, gesturing towards Faith and her family, “you would do it without hesitating. The old Nathan is still buried deep inside; you just hid him away very well.”

  “Think what you want, but you’re wrong. I let your men live because I’ve changed.”

  “I don’t care why you did it. Those men are expendable just as all soldiers are.”

  What kind of person thought that way? Did Nathan use to think in the same manner? Did part of him still? Faith pushed the troubling thoughts away. She refused to let the Union Captain get to her. She knew who Nathan was, and he was nothing like the soul-less monster standing in front of her.

  “What do you want, Christopher?” Nathan probed. “You must have some purpose for coming all this way.”

  “What I’ve always wanted, Nathan. For you to return to your rightful place beside me.”

  “I told you, I’ll never go back to that life. My place is here, with Faith and her family.”

  “And I told you, if you didn’t agree to my demands, I would visit Myrtle Grove. Here I am,” the captain declared with pride as he reached out and yanked Davis by the arm from his chair. “Should I be keeping my promise and taking this boy as your replacement?”

  “I told you back in that prison to never come near the Abernathy family,” Nathan growled out as he moved towards his enemy. “Take your hands off him.”

  The captain placed his hand around the boy’s neck as he continued to point the gun at Nathan. “You should know by now you can’t tell me what to do.”

  “I think the reason you’re here is because you’re jealous of me. I am and will always be, better at everything we’re supposed to do as spies. It’s why I was in charge and was given the toughest missions. They knew you couldn’t get the job done.”

  “You don’t know what you are talking about,” Christopher snapped, as his eyes darted around the room, agitation clearly mounting in him.

  “Isn’t that why you want me?” Nathan questioned as he inched towards the other man. “To prove you can best me, because deep-down you know you’ll never measure up to the legacy I created.”

  What was Nathan doing? He seemed to be baiting the other man, trying to get him to lose control.

  “Shut up! Just shut up,” Christopher shouted, gesturing wildly with his gun as he narrowed his eyes into angry slits.

  Nathan must have been pushing the right buttons because the captain was losing focus and loosening his grip on Davis.

  Without warning, Nathan lunged towards Christopher. Davis must have seen it coming because he jumped out of the way just in time to avoid being caught between the two men. Nathan knocked the captain to the ground, and they wrestled on the floor for several seconds.

  Faith’s father leapt up and rushed towards the men, grabbing one of the guns which had been knocked free during the fight; however, he couldn’t take a shot as the other two men’s bodies remained entangled.

  They fought on the ground for several seconds with loud grunts and punches echoing through the room. After a few moments, there was a loud blast that filled the room followed by a groan. Christopher collapsed onto Nathan and both men became still.

  Faith jumped up, and her hand flew to cover her mouth in alarm. Was Nathan all right? Had the bullet hit him? Was he dead?

  Faith’s father grabbed the limp body of the Union Captain and pulled it off of Nathan. “Are you okay, Son?”

  Nathan blinked several times before responding. “Yes, I’m fine. The weight of him just knocked the wind out of me.”

  “What happened? How did you stop him?” Davis inquired.

  “I’m not sure. From the noise, I assume my gun must have accidentally fired and hit him somewhere.”

  Davis flipped the other man over and felt for a pulse. “He’s alive, but the bullet grazed him on the side of the head. The impact seems to have debilitated him.”

  Faith stepped forward and looked at the man. A large red gash lined the side of Christopher’s scalp. He was breathing but not conscious.

  “We need to contact the sheriff so he can get out here to take these men into custody. If they wake up, they could still harm us,” Tabitha stated with a worried tone.

  “How about I go in to town to fetch him,” Davis volunteered.

  “In the meantime, why don’t we tie them up?” Thomas suggested as he reached down and helped Nathan from the ground. “Where are the other two men?”

  “On the sides of the house,” Nathan informed him.

  “Jack and I will go take care of them,” Thomas said, waving for his second son to come with him. Then gesturing to the captain, he added, “Why don’t you watch him while we do.”

  “I’ll take the girls upstairs and lay them down to rest,” Tabitha said. “This has been quite the ordeal for them.”

  Nancy ran forward and wrapped her arms around Nathan’s legs. “I’m so glad you got here when you did, Nathan. I thought we were going to die for sure.”

  “Never, Nancy; I’d never let anything happen to you or anyone in the family,” Nathan promised, as he patted the young girl’s head.

  “Come along, Nancy,” Tabitha said as she took the girl by the hand and exited the area with her and Ida by her side.

  Once everyone left to go about their tasks, Nathan and Faith found themselves alone. Nathan reached out and pulled Faith into his arms. “How are you doing?”

  “I’m better now that I know you’re unharmed. I was so worried about you.”

  “God protected all of us like He protected me back in the prison.”

  “I know He has, and I’m so grateful.” Faith glanced towards the captain who was still lying unconscious on the floor. “What an awful man. How can anyone be so vile?”

  Nathan’s eyes fell to the ground. “Maybe some people are just born to be that way. You heard him; we’re just the same.”

  Faith extended her hand and drew his face up so his eyes met her own. “I hope you heard my response when I told him I know who you are. Let me reassure you, Nathan, you’re nothing like that man.” Glancing down at the captain, she added, “We should pray for him. No one is a lost cause.”

  A half hour later, the sheriff, along with several soldiers and a commanding officer from the Confederate Army, showed up at Oak Haven to collect the Union spies.

  “Don’t trust anything that man says,” Nathan warned, handing the Union Captain over to them. “He’s trained to lie convincingly. I should know, I taught him how.”

  The Confederate Colonel nodded. Then glancing between the men, he added, “Since you know him so well, maybe you would consider coming back to do the interrogation. You’d know how to get him to give us what we need better than anyone.”

  Faith held her breath. Would Nathan agree? She knew he was loyal to the Confederacy, but he still wasn’t healed from his captivity. She didn’t want him to risk his recovery out of a false sense of obligation.

  “I’m sorry, Colonel Mullins, but not only am I in no condition to do that, I have a wedding to attend. I’m rather sure the bride would want me to be there,” Nathan explained.

  “I do,” Faith stated adamantly as she stepped forward and placed her hand on Nathan’s arm.

  The Colonel gave an understanding smile. “I can’t say I blame you. You’ve given more than your fair share for this war. We’ll take these prisoners off your hands and be on our way.”

  The men left the house, leaving Nathan and Faith alone once more. He turned to Faith, then pulled her towards him. “Your love has saved me, Faith. If I didn’t have you, I don’t know what would have happened to me.”

  “And you’ll never have to know. I’m yours, forever and always,” Faith promised, lettin
g herself melt into his arms, knowing that no matter what came their way, she would be Nathan’s for the rest of her life.


  Just as Faith promised, Nathan realized the moment he watched his bride walk towards him, she was his forever and always. As Nathan stood under the oak tree outside the church, he knew the same was true for him; his heart, body and soul belonged to Faith Abernathy.

  His bride looked breathtaking in her mother’s soft white, lace wedding gown, which cascaded down in intricate folds with puffs of tulle at the bottom. Her blonde hair was arranged in curls on top of her head with just a handful of tendrils falling down and around her neck and face.

  She was carrying a bouquet of pink and cream flowers in one hand; the other was tucked in the crook of her father’s arm as he guided her down the path. As she approached him, what stood out the most was Faith’s smile. Joy radiated from her and Nathan felt an overwhelming sense of fulfillment. He was right where he was supposed to be.

  Faith looked around the courtyard as she walked towards Nathan. Family and friends surrounded them, grinning with excitement as they watched her make her way to the moment when the rest of her life would start.

  When she reached Nathan’s side, she heard Pastor Howell inquire, “Who gives this woman away?”

  Faith’s father answered, “I do.” Her father kissed her on the cheek and handed her over to Nathan.

  One look in her soon-to-be husband’s eyes and Faith’s stomach somersaulted. She couldn’t wait until she was Mrs. Maddox and could spend the rest of her life loving Nathan.

  “Friends and family, we’re gathered here today to witness the joining of these two people. Nathan and Faith have had a long, and difficult journey to get here, but this day has finally arrived. We have the privilege of being a part of this special day.”

  Faith stared into her beloved’s eyes and squeezed his hands, knowing that what Pastor Howell said was true. They had fought hard to get where they were and to find a way to make a life together, even after the war tried to tear them apart.

  As the ceremony continued, Pastor Howell smiled at both of them. “Do you, Faith, take this man to be your husband? To have and to hold from this day forward until your final day?”

  “Always and forever,” Faith promised.

  “And do you, Nathan, take this woman to be your wife? To have and to hold from this day forward until your final day?”

  “Always and forever,” Nathan echoed.

  “Do you have the rings?”

  Hope stepped forward from beside Faith and handed a ring to the pastor as did Davis from the other side of Nathan.

  “These rings are a symbol of your commitment to each other, a circle never-ending.” He handed them the rings and asked them to repeat after him as they placed them on each other’s fingers.

  “With this ring, I thee wed.”

  The ring fit perfectly on Faith’s finger, and she cherished it, knowing it would be a constant reminder of the vows she made today.

  “By the power vested in me by God, I now pronounce you husband and wife,” Pastor Howell announced. With a twinkle in his eye, he added, “Nathan, you may kiss your bride.”

  Nathan bent down and placed his lips upon Faith’s. It was a gentle kiss filled with hope for the future, and forgiveness of the past.

  The newlyweds turned to face the townspeople of Myrtle Grove, ready to celebrate with the people they cared most about. As they stood side by side with their fingers intertwined, everyone cheered and clapped.

  Faith looked up at her husband and mouthed the words, “I love you.”

  Nathan mouthed them back, squeezing her hand as they rushed down the walkway and towards the rest of their lives together.

  Authentic Civil War Recipe

  Molasses Apple Pie

  As one can imagine, there were very few treats to be found during the American Civil War. Sugar was scarce, but molasses endured in many kitchens. Added to the fact it was easy to store and transport, the few sweets offered often had the dark liquid substance as a key ingredient. Even with the war raging on, the seasons still changed and what crops that could be harvested were. One of the most consistent crops was apples. A recipe like this would have been easy for anyone short on ingredients, but wanting to satisfy a sweet tooth or celebrate a special occasion.


  •5 green apples, peeled and sliced

  •1 teaspoon nutmeg

  •1 teaspoon cinnamon

  •1 cup molasses

  Line a pie pan with an uncooked pie crust. Fill with sliced apples, nutmeg, cinnamon, and molasses. Cover with a lattice crust and bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour and 15 minutes.

  A Note from the Author

  I hope you have enjoyed Saved by Faith and plan to continue to read the Civil War Bride series along with my other books. Your opinion and support matters, so I would greatly appreciate you taking the time to leave a review. Without dedicated readers, a storyteller is lost. Thank you for investing in my stories.

  Also by Jenna Brandt

  Most Books are Free in Kindle Unlimited too!

  The Lawkeepers is a multi-author series alternating between historical westerns and contemporary westerns featuring law enforcement heroes that span multiple agencies and generations. Join bestselling author Jenna Brandt and many others as they weave captivating, sweet and inspirational stories of romance and suspense between the lawkeepers — and the women who love them. The Lawkeepers is a world like no other; a world where lawkeepers and heroes are honored with unforgettable stories, characters, and love. Jenna’s Lawkeeper books:


  Lawfully Loved-Texas Sheriff

  Lawfully Wanted-Bounty Hunter

  Lawfully Forgiven-Texas Ranger

  Lawfully Avenged-US Marshal

  Lawfully Covert-Spies (Coming Soon)

  Lawfully Historical Box Set


  Lawfully Adored-K-9

  Lawfully Wedded-K-9

  Lawfully Treasured-SWAT

  Lawfully Dashing-Female Cop/Christmas

  Lawfully Devoted-Billionaire Bodyguard/K-9

  Lawfully Heroic-Military Police (Coming Soon)

  Billionaires of Manhattan Series

  The billionaires that live in Manhattan and the women who love them. If you love epic dates, grand romantic gestures, and men in suits with hearts of gold, then these are books are perfect for you.

  Waiting on the Billionaire

  (Also on Audiobook)

  Nanny for the Billionaire

  Merging with the Billionaire (coming soon)

  Stand-alone Billionaire Book

  A billionaire playboy banished to an island, a local girl trying to save her family's legacy. What happens when their worlds collide resulting in a fake marriage?

  Billionaire in Disguise

  Second Chance with You Series is written by a group of sweet, clean contemporary romance authors connected by the idea that past loves, broken apart for a myriad of reasons, can be brought back together--some by chance, some by circumstance, some by choice. Jenna’s Second Chance book:


  Match Made in Heaven Series-standalone stories that are sweet, clean romances designed to whisk you away. Not every man has six-pack abs, nor every woman the model of femininity, but everyone needs someone. We believe in building a world that begins at the very core of what makes romance stories work—faith, hope, and love. Now it’s your turn to find love. Set your imagination and heart free with us. The next happily-ever-after is at your fingertips, just waiting to be told…Jenna’s Matched books:

  Royally Matched-Contemporary

  Discreetly Matched-Historical

  Silverpines Series-centered around the fictional town of Silverpines, Oregon, during the turn of the 20th century. When a disaster takes most of the men, the women are left to save the town by placing mail-order groom advertisements. Get to know the various lovable characters and their stories from some of todays
bestselling historical authors.

  Wanted: Tycoon

  Belles of Wyoming Series-centered around the fictional small town of Belle, Wyoming. Each set of books take place during a season of the year.

  June’s Remedy-Summer

  Bride Herder Series-take one failed rancher turned matchmaker and ten unexpected brides at once with no clue as to who wanted them. What could go wrong?

  Herd to Please

  Mail Order Misfit-a mail order bride story about a woman running from a broken past and a widower with three children who is hiding from a broken heart. What happens when they decide to take a chance on each other?

  Mail Order Misfit

  The Window to the Heart Saga is a recountal of the epic journey of Lady Margaret, a young English noblewoman, who through many trials, obstacles, and tragedies, discovers her own inner strength, the sustaining force of faith in God, and the power of family and friends. In this three-part series, experience new places and cultures as the heroine travels from England to France and completes her adventures in America. The series has compelling themes of love, loss, faith and hope with an exceptionally gratifying conclusion.


  The English Proposal (Book 1)

  The French Encounter (Book 2)


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