by Kaylee Ryan
“I heard there’s a party?” Grant says, entering the room, Conrad right behind him.
“Where’s Marshall?” Stanley asks.
“He’s on his way,” I tell him. “I asked him to do me a favor.” Stanley nods, and understanding crosses his face. I guess it’s no secret Marshall has been blaming himself. Speaking of the devil, Marshall comes rushing into the room. He rushes to my side and hands me the giant cup of ice. “Thank you.” I smile at him the best I can with a busted lip.
“How are you?” he asks.
“Better now that I have this.” I hold up the cup. Owen takes it from me and pours some of the ice into a small cup that I can hold easier, and hands me the smaller cup.
“Thank you.”
He leans in and kisses my temple. “Love you, Lay.”
“Oh my God!” Sawyer shrieks. “What is that?” She’s moving and doesn’t stop until she reaches the bed and takes my hand gently in hers.
“Did we not tell you? We’re engaged.” Owen grins.
There is a chorus of congratulations, and each of them hug both Owen and me. We spend the next hour or so just talking about anything and nothing at all. They’re distracting me from the pain that seems to be getting stronger as time passes by. That makes me wonder what the test results are going to say. What else could be wrong with me that they missed?
“You hurting?” Owen asks. He’s so in tune with me.
“I’ll call the doctor,” he says as the door opens.
“I’m not even going to scold you about the rules you’re breaking right now.” The doctor smiles at each member of my family. “However, I have some results for Layla, so I’m going to have to ask you to leave,” she tells them.
“No,” I speak up. “They can stay. They’re my family,” I say, choking up at my admission. “You can speak in front of them,” I say once I have my emotions under control.
“Are you sure?”
Dr. Higgins nods. “Okay, well, we did some bloodwork, and I was able to determine why you were vomiting.”
“Congratulations, Layla. You’re pregnant.”
“What?” I breathe, my hands automatically going to my stomach.
“You’re pregnant. I have ordered an ultrasound to make sure everything is okay with the baby.”
“Baby?” I whisper.
“When?” Owen asks her.
“They should be up soon.”
“Thank you, Doctor,” Owen says.
She nods. “The obstetrician on call will be in to speak with you after the ultrasound.”
I nod, still unable to process what she just told me. She leaves the room, and it’s eerily silent. I look up to Owen, and he’s smiling. Not just smiling, his teeth are shining brightly through his beard, his eyes are squinted, and there are tears shining in his blue orbs. He bends so that our mouths are just a breath apart.
“We’re having a baby,” he says reverently.
“I’m so sorry. I don’t know how I let this happen. I promise you I didn’t do it to trap you. I-I’m so sorry.”
“Layla.” He shakes his head, grinning. “I already asked you to marry me, and you said yes, remember?” I nod. “We have to build a new house.”
“What? We have a house.”
“I can’t ask you to live there. Not after—” His jaw hardens. I take a minute to process what he’s saying. Can I live there? Yes. Yes, I want to live there. It’s my first home, and yes that’s where I was attacked, but it’s also where we’ve made our life. Owen loves that house, and so do I. I don’t want to move.
“I love that house. That’s my first real home. The first place I ever really felt like I belonged.”
“Babe, I don’t—” He starts, but I talk over him.
“No. Owen Riggins, you are not selling that house. I want this baby to grow up there. I want the life you promised me when you gave me this ring.” I wiggle my fingers in front of him. “I mean it.”
“Okay.” He nods, but I know I’m going to have a fight on my hands. I can see the concern written all over his face. I know we both have healing to do emotionally, and me physically. However, with Owen by my side, I’ll get through it. We both will. Together.
“What if the baby’s not okay?” I ask him.
“Oh, sweetheart.” Lena comes to my side. “I’m sure everything is fine. You getting sick was a good sign. Regardless of what happens, you have us in your corner.”
“All of us,” Marshall speaks up.
I nod, hot tears pricking my eyes.
“Damn you, Owen. You just had to beat me to the first Riggins grandkid, didn’t you? I’m the oldest, remember?” Royce asks. He’s smiling wide, so I know he’s trying to lighten the mood.
“You need some pointers, big brother?” Owen asks him. The room erupts into laughter, and I know that everything is going to be okay. I can feel it in the lightness of my heart, and the love in this room. Piece by piece, we’re going to figure it out, and everything is going to be okay.
It’s been three months since the worst day of my life. Little did I know forty-eight hours later, would be the best day of my life. My fiancée is resilient. She has a few bad dreams here and there, but she put up one hell of a fight to keep our house. We compromised on a remodel. New furniture, paint, flooring. Anything that won’t make the house match the one in our nightmares. The counseling also helped. Layla and I both sought the medical attention we needed to help us get past the hurt, the anger, and the pain that surrounded that night.
We both have them.
I can’t tell you how many nights I’ve woken in a cold sweat reaching for her. All it takes is to feel her body next to mine, my hand over our son growing in her belly for me to calm.
That’s right. We’re having a little boy. We found out three days ago. We haven’t told anyone, not wanting to take away from the excitement of this weekend. My big brother is getting married to the love of his life. Sawyer is going to be my sister, and I couldn’t be happier for either of them.
“How’s she doing?” Marshall asks from beside me.
“She’s good, brother.” I pull my eyes from my fiancée, who is talking to our mother and the bride. “You have to let it go, Marshall. It’s going to eat at you.”
He nods. “I know. I’m doing better. I just worry, you know? About both of you and the baby.”
“My son is just fine.”
“Shit.” I chuckle. “Don’t tell anyone. We were keeping quiet until after the wedding. Not wanting to take the spotlight away from Royce and Sawyer.”
“What about me?” Royce asks, sneaking up behind me.
“Nothing.” I try to evade him.
“You always were a shit liar, O.” Grant laughs as he and Conrad join our little circle.
“Marsh knows,” Conrad calls him out. “I can see it in your eyes.”
“Mum’s the word.” Marshall makes a show of zipping his lips and throwing away the key like we used to do as kids.
“It’s my wedding day. You can’t keep secrets from me,” Royce comments.
“I’ll tell you soon enough,” I tell him. My eyes are glued to Layla and Sawyer as they walk toward us.
“This looks like a whole heap of trouble,” Sawyer says, sliding up next to Royce. He pulls her in tight.
“Hello, wife,” he whispers, but we all hear him.
“What’s going on?” Layla asks.
I offer her my hand and pull her into my side. One hand is around her waist while the other rests over our son. “Nothing.”
“Bullshit,” Royce grumbles. “O has a secret, and he’s not giving it up.”
“And Marshall knows,” Conrad adds.
I look down at Layla, and her eyes are wide. I give her a subtle nod and shrug. She rolls those baby blues, but the smile that tilts her lips tells me she’s not really mad.
That’s the thing about Layla. She’s lived through what most of us will never endure. She’s a glass half-full kind of girl and doesn’t sweat the small stuff. We both know life is too short for that.
When I pull my eyes from Owen, Sawyer is watching me. She tilts her head to the side, and I know my best friend is going to figure it out. I’m surprised I’ve made it this long. “Wait a minute. You had a doctor’s appointment this week.” She looks down at my belly, and I know I’ve been busted. “I’m such a bad friend I forgot to ask.”
“No, we wanted to wait until after the wedding. This is your special day,” I tell her.
“Fuck that. That’s a Riggins you’re carrying. We need to know,” Royce says.
“You’re holding out on me. You know I’ve been dying to shop,” Sawyer says, her hands on her hips. “Come on, woman, the suspense is killing me.”
“Are you sure?” I ask her. “This is your wedding day.”
“And you’re my best friend and future sister-in-law. I’m sure.”
“Wait, if you’re going to tell them, we need to get Mom and Dad over here,” Owen tells me.
“I’ve got one better.” Royce takes off for the DJ, and I watch as he reaches for the mic. “Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your attention?” he says into the mic. “Not only is today the best day of my life, but my brother and his fiancée have some news as well. Come on up here.” He motions for us.
“That’s one way to get you to spill the beans.” Grant laughs.
Hand in hand, Owen and I make our way to where Royce is standing. A year ago, being the center of attention would have stressed me out. Now, I’m so used to their antics, and I know they are on my team, so I just roll with the antics.
“I love you, brother,” Royce says into the mic.
Owen gives him a hug, and Royce steps in front of me. “You too, baby momma.” He smirks before handing Owen the mic.
“Well, we didn’t want to do this today, but my big brother is impatient.”
“So is my wife!” Royce calls out.
“Tell us!” Sawyer yells out.
“Well, Layla and I are happy to announce that baby boy Riggins will be arriving in April.” Owen smiles down at me and bends until his lips press to mine.
The crowd erupts around us, and Royce and Sawyer are the first to wrap us in a hug and offer congratulations. Grant, Conrad, and Marshall are next before Lena and Stanley are standing in front of us. The moment is more than I ever dreamed it could be, as my family wraps us in their love.
“A grandson.” Lena smiles through her tears. “Two daughters and a grandson, we are blessed. So incredibly blessed.” We share hugs with her and Stanley before Owen leads me out to the dance floor.
“The day I met you, I wasn’t sure what to think. I could never have imagined that this is where we would end up less than a year later.”
“It’s the magic.” Owen grins.
“Well, the magic, and you, Owen Riggins. Piece by piece you saved me, you gave me love and a family, and every shattered piece of my heart is now whole, all because of you.”
“Piece by piece, baby,” he says, kissing me softly.
Thank you
Thank you for taking the time to read Piece by Piece. Are you ready for more of the Riggins brothers? Grant’s story is next in Kiss by Kiss.
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More from Kaylee
Anywhere with You | More with You
With You Series:
Anywhere with You | More with You
Everything with You
Soul Serenade Series:
Emphatic | Assured
Definite | Insistent
Southern Heart Series:
Southern Pleasure | Southern Desire
Southern Attraction | Southern Devotion
Unexpected Arrivals Series
Unexpected Reality |Unexpected Fight
Unexpected Fall | Unexpected Bond
Unexpected Odds
Standalone Titles:
Tempting Tatum | Unwrapping Tatum | Levitate
Just Say When | I Just Want You
Reminding Avery
Hey, Whiskey | When Sparks Collide
Pull You Through | Beyond the Bases
Remedy | The Difference
Trust the Push
Entangled Hearts Duet:
Agony | Bliss
Co-written with Lacey Black:
It’s Not Over | Just Getting Started
Can’t Fight It
Cocky Hero Club:
Lucky Bastard
Riggins Brothers Series:
Play by Play / Layer by Layer
Piece by Piece
To my family:
I couldn’t do this without you. I love you. Thank you for always standing at my side.
Golden Czermak:
It’s always a pleasure working with you. Thank you for your talent behind the lens and bringing Owen’s story to life.
Kevin Lajeunesse:
Thank you for doing what you do. You brought Owen to life. Best of luck to you in all of your future endeavors.
Tami Integrity Formatting:
Thank you for making the paperbacks beautiful. You’re amazing and I cannot thank you enough for all that you do.
Lori Jackson:
You nailed it. You were patient with me, and worked your photoshop magic. Thank you for another amazing cover. It has been my pleasure working with you.
Lacey Black:
You are my sounding board, and I value that so very much. Thank you for always being there, talking me off the ledge and helping me jump from it when necessary. We both now have a Royce to love and share with the world. Great minds and all that. LOL.
My beta team:
Jamie, Stacy, Lauren, Erica, and Franci I would be lost without you. You read my words as much as I do, and I can’t tell you what your input and all the time you give means to me. Countless messages and bouncing idea, you ladies keep me sane with the characters are being anything but. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking this wild ride with me.
Give Me Books:
With every release, your team works diligently to get my book in the hands of bloggers. I cannot tell you how thankful I am for your services.
Tempting Illustrations:
Thank you for everything. I would be lost without you.
Julie Deaton:
Thank you for giving this book a set of fresh final eyes.
Becky Johnson:
I could not do this without you. Thank you for pushing me, and making me work for it.
Marisa Corvisiero:
Thank you for all that you do. I know I’m not the easiest client. I’m blessed to have you on this journey with me.
Kimberly Ann:
Thank you for organizing and tracking the ARC team. I couldn’t do it without you.
Thank you, doesn’t seem like enough. You don’t get paid to do what you do. It’s from the kindness of your heart and your love of reading that fuels you. Without you, without your pages, your voice, your reviews, spreading the word it would be so much harder if not impossible to get my words in reader’s hands. I can’t tell you how much your never-ending support means to me. Thank you for being you, thank you for all that you do.
To my Kick Ass Crew:
The name of the group speaks for itself. You truly do KICK ASS! I’m honored to have you on this journey with me. Thank you for reading, sharing, commen
ting, suggesting, the teasers, the messages all of it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you do. Your support is everything!
With Love,
Kaylee Ryan