Human Action: A Treatise on Economics

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Human Action: A Treatise on Economics Page 126

by Ludwig VonMises


  economics and, ch. 38, pp. 863–876

  evaluated, 311

  for special work, 620

  Egalitarianism, 173

  Ego, 11, 23–26, 44

  Ehrlich, Paul, 700

  Einfühlung, 50

  Einstein, Albert, 39, 102n

  Elasticity of demand, 55, 349

  Elections, 647n see also, Voting

  Ellis, Howard, 406n

  Ely, Richard T., 357n, 523n, 724n

  Empathy, 50, 87

  Empiricism, 32, 69

  Employer-employee relations, see, Labor, relations

  Ends and means of action, 70, 92–94, 201–202, 208, 476

  Engels, Friedrich, 74, 165, 198n, 236n, 267, 588n, 602n, 670

  Engineering, social, 112, 113, 783 see also, Interventionism; Socialism

  England, see, Great Britain

  Engliš, Karel, 25n

  Enlightenment, Age of, 240


  activities of, 227, 230, 249, 253–257, 324, 707

  booms and, 550

  calculation and, 331, 345

  capitalists and, 502

  description of, 254, 288

  freedom restricted, 9, 269

  goodwill and, 378

  gross market rate of interest and, 536–538

  in a changing economy, 333, 531

  investment and, 582

  labor market and, 591

  mentality of, 333, 582

  monopoly and, 358

  operation of, 300, 325, 341, 704

  prices and, 333

  profit and loss of, 286–297, 375, 514, 531, 739n

  technology and, 345

  term of, 61–62

  training of, 311 see also, Consumers; Market economy

  Environment and inheritance, 46

  Envy, 90

  Epicureanism, 15, 147

  Epistemological problems, 1, 4; ch. 2, pp. 30–71 see also, Knowledge

  Equality under law, 838 see also, Inequality


  differential, 8, 351, 707–711

  of exchange, 354, 396, 410


  prices and, 248, 326, 375, 411, 706

  speculation and, 251, 253

  want-satisfaction and, 482

  Error, fight against, 184–187

  Ersatz, 925–826

  Espinas, Alfred, 3n

  Ethics, 15, 95, 147, 719–725

  Ethnologists, 84

  Euclidian geometry, 211

  Eudaemonism, 15, 21


  banks and banking of, 442

  civilization of, 85

  conservation and, 653

  Western poverty and, 832

  Evenly rotating economy

  consumption and, 482

  interestand, 523, 531, 535

  land and, 63 9n

  monopoly and, 411, 413

  prices and, 326, 351, 375, 633, 707

  production and, 676n, 620

  state of rest and, 245–251 see also, Imaginary construction

  Evolution, 33, 170, 192, 267, 485


  action and, 97–98

  autistic, 195–196

  bilateral, 794–796

  direct versus indirect, 203, 402

  equation of, 354, 396, 410

  foreign, see, Foreign exchange

  indirect, 66, 203; ch. 17, pp. 395–475

  interpersonal, 195–196, 202, 245, 322, 535

  media of, 40, 209, 395, 399, 459–463, 774

  ratios, 233, 324, 427, 449–455

  theory of, 33n, 410

  within society, ch. 10, pp. 195–200 see also, Market economy; Money; Trade

  Exorcism, 37, 68

  Expansion, credit, see, Credit expansion

  Expenditures, public, see, Spending, public

  Experience, 18, 25, 39–49, 65, 69

  Experiments, 31–32, 58–59

  Exploitation doctrine, 298, 601–606, 766

  Export and import

  money and, 448, 475, 785 see also, Exchange; Free trade; Tariff; Trade

  External costs and economies, 650–656

  External drain, money and, 437, 456, 459, 473, 569, 791


  Fabianism, British, 755

  Fact-finding board, 812

  Factory system, 615 see also, Industry; Technology

  Fairchild, Fred Rogers, 812n

  Fascism, 813

  Federal Reserve Act of 1913, 566

  Ferguson, Adam, 198n

  Fetter, Frank Albert, 262n, 271n, 486, 631n

  Feudalism, 817, 835

  Feuerbach, Ludwig, 15

  Fiats, 394, 426, 432n, 568 see also, Legal tender; Money, paper

  Fichte, Johann, 717

  Fiduciary media, 430–441, 457, 473, 548, 551, 559, 568 see also, Banks and banking; Credit expansion; Inflation; Money

  Final causes, 26

  Final state of rest, 246

  Finance, public, see, Spending, public

  Fisher, Irving, 205, 221, 439–440, 486, 540

  Flaubert, Gustave, 268n

  Flexible standard, 781–783, 784–786


  capital, 515

  into real goods, 424, 466–467, 547

  Foch, Ferdinand, 509


  business, 649, 866–868

  economic, 105, 117

  quantitative, 207

  Foreign exchange

  balance of payments and, 449–455

  control and bilateral exchange agreements, 794–796

  equalization accounts, 459, 781

  external drain and, 437, 456, 459, 473, 569, 791

  free trade and, 452–453

  parity theory of, 452

  prices and, 516

  speculation and, 454 see also, Money; Trade

  Foreign investments, 493–495, 497–99

  Foreign trade, 322, 452–453, 662

  Fourier, Charles, 71n


  banks and, 443

  foreign exchange and, 516

  Revolution of, 284n, 425, 819

  Franklin, Benjamin, 78n

  Free banking, 440, 441–445

  Free enterprise, 83, 230 see also, Freedom; Laissez faire; Market economy

  Free trade

  arguments about, 743

  British, 81–84

  foreign exchange and, 452–453 see also, Money; Trade

  Freewill, 46, 105, 193, 644 see also, Choosing; Valuation


  economics and, 875–876

  foes of, 268

  preferred, 280

  restricted, 9

  significance of, 279–285

  French Banking Inquiry, 443

  French Revolution

  consequence of, 425, 819

  Constituent Assembly of, 284n

  Freud, Sigmund, 35

  Frontier, passing of the, 652–653

  Fullarton, Principle of, 441

  Functional integration, 252–256


  market, 256–257, 324

  uncertainty of, 105, 117, 207, 649, 868


  Galileo, Galilei, 41, 186

  Gambling, 106, 108, 112, 115–116

  Games, 116

  Garbo, Greta, 619

  Geist, 72, 74, 79

  Genius, 90, 138–140, 241n, 264, 311, 657

  Geometrical theorems, 38, 211

  German Historical School, 81, 202n, 755, 756

  German Reichsbank, 549


  calculation in, 698–699

  cartels and, 363

  conflict with Britain, 812

  demand for Swedish products, 793n

  Mark of 1923, 425

  Nazism and, 76, 187, 268n, 698–699, 796–799

  pattern of socialism, 471, 687, 713–714, 752–753, 759

  Sozialpolitik, 363–364, 829

  Volkwirtschaft and, 319–323, 296, 513, 518, 6

  Gesell, Silvio, 787

  Gestaltpsychologie, 45–46, 145

  Giddings, Franklin Henry, 144n

  Goal, aim for, 476, 494

  Godwin, William, 71n

  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, 231


  iron and, 121

  points, 450

  standard, 411–412, 418, 425, 456–459, 468–473, 571, 776–777, 780–781 see also, Money

  Goodwill, 376–380


  capital, 263, 292, 293, 487–490, 493, 499–502, 505, 510

  consumer, 93–94, 128, 330, 487

  induced changes, 416–419

  orders of, 93–94

  perishable, 486

  prices of, 330–336

  producers, 93–94

  quality of, 222

  real, flight into, 424, 466–467, 547

  Gordon, Mania, 644n

  Gossen, Hermann Heinrich, 124, 331, 697


  autocratic, 647, 686

  bonds, 226, 461, 841

  bureaucratic management, 305

  coercion and, 71, 149, 189, 283, 718

  currency and, 774–777, 784

  functions, delimitation of 715–719

  interference, see, Interventionism

  liberalism and, 149, 283, 321

  majority rule and, 76, 149, 153, 189, 193, 647n

  market and, ch. 27, pp. 712–729; 752–763

  ownership, 259, 650

  price determination, see, Prices, determination of

  socialistic approach to, 260, 265, 267, 563, 671n, 689–691

  spending, see, Spending, public

  subsidies of, 365, 600, 654–655, 737, 738

  world, 682, 817 see also, Capitalism; Collectivism; Depressions; Foreign exchange; Money; Socialism; Taxation; Totalitarianism

  Grading, valuations, 97, 126, 201, 331

  Great Britain

  bank laws of, 439

  businessmen of, 633

  capitalism in, 617

  Chinese history and, 836

  Currency School and, 204, 563

  deflation and, 565

  economists of, 493 n

  economy of, 9, 147

  Fabianism of, 755

  free trade and, 81–84

  Labor Party of, 726

  monetary problems and, 778

  socialism in, 812, 855

  Speenhamland system and, 600n

  Greenback period, 469

  Gregory, T.E., 470n

  Greidanus, Tiardus, 427n

  Gresham’s Law, 232, 432n, 447, 469, 754, 775–777, 780

  Grillparzer, Franz, 139

  Grotius, Hugo, 817

  Guild socialism and corporativism, 812–813


  Haberler, Gottfried, 552n, 789n

  Haller, Karl Ludwig, 860

  Hammond, John Lawrence and Barbara, 614n, 617

  Haney, Lewis Henry, 63 3n

  Hansen, Alvin Harvey, 72 5n

  Happiness, 14–15


  conflict of interests and, ch. 24, pp. 660–684

  predetermined, 240

  Hayek, Friedrich August, 277n, 278n, 395n, 493n, 512n, 525n, 578n, 705n, 711n, 767n, 844n

  Hazlitt, Henry, 65 5n

  Heckscher, Eli Filip, 660n

  Hedonism, 15, 21

  Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 72, 74, 80, 151, 690, 717, 828

  Hegemonic bonds, 196–199, 281, 497

  Heraclitus, 172

  Herzfeld, Marianne, 464n

  Heteronomous ethics, 15, 148

  Historical method of economics, 66–67

  Historical School, 206, 267, 643, 697, 755

  Historicism, 4–6, 267


  categories of, 202n

  Chinese and English, 836

  development of, 80

  duty of, 618

  economic, 51, 66, 266, 327, 426, 502, 603, 863–865

  human action and, 59

  inflationist view of, 463–468

  lessons from, 41, 679

  natural and human, 58–59

  of capitalism, 9, 264–270, 495, 611

  of private property, 264, 679

  origin of socialist idea and, 685–689

  philosophy of, 28

  praxeology and, 28, 30–32, 59

  scope and method of, 47–51

  studies, 88

  theory and, 604

  wages and, 606

  war and, 645–646 see also, Civilization; Progress

  Hitler, Adolf, 76, 84, 645, 794n

  Hoarding, 78n, 399–400, 518–520

  Hogben, Lancelot, 77n

  Hohenzollern Electors, 320

  Holistic concepts, 1, 145–153, 397

  Homme moyen, 646

  Homo agens, 14

  Homo oeconomicus, 62–64, 241, 646

  Homo sapiens, 14, 24, 33

  Hot money, 461–463

  Hours of work, 133, 599, 608, 740–741

  Human action, see, Action, human

  Human existence, ch. 8, pp. 143–176 ch. 39, pp. 877–881

  Hume, David, 3, 73, 147, 204, 413–416, 662

  Husserl, Edmund, 100n

  Hutt, William Harold, 591n, 594n

  Hypotheses, 115


  Id, 12, 878

  Ideal types, 59–62, 252–256, 194

  Ideas, role of, ch. 9, pp. 177–194


  influence of, 644

  Marxian connotation of, 5, 74, 78–79, 82, 207

  ruling, 188

  traditionalism and, 191–192

  world view and, 178–187 see also, Laissez faire

  Imaginary construction

  autistic, 244

  exchange and, 202

  method of, 237–238

  socialist society and, ch. 25, pp. 685–693

  state of rest and, 245–251

  stationary economy and, 251, 256, 292 see also, Equilibrium; Evenly rotating economy

  Import and export

  of money, 448, 475, 785 see also, International Monetary Fund; Trade

  Impoverishment and booms, 562, 574

  Impulses, 15–16

  Imputation, physical, 491


  capital and, 260–261, 482

  national, 218, 292n

  prices and, 390–391

  problems of, 255n

  wealth and inequality of, 285–286, 731–732, 836–847

  Index numbers, 221–224, 439

  Indian philosophies, 28


  methodological, 41–43

  versus collectivism, 152, 726


  action of, 45–17, 403, 719–725

  changing features of, 46–47

  market and, 311–316

  monetary calculation and, 230

  nature and, 1

  society and, 143, 164–165, 178–179

  Industrial democracy, 281, 809

  Industrial Revolution, 8, 613–619


  process of, 619

  Western, 497


  booms and, 557

  concentration of, 341

  infant, 505–507

  location of, 506–507, 510

  modern, 587

  processing, 341


  of men (inborn), 90, 134, 157, 173–174, 837–838

  of wealth and income, 285–286, 731–732, 836–847 see also, Equality under law; Privileges; Restrictions

  Infant industries argument, 505–507


  catallactics and, 420

  credit expansion and, 568

  deflation and, 419–421, 428, 564–567, 779

  domestic, 452

  effects of, 545, 547–563

  engineering of, 783

  European, 424

  passive, 570n

  progressing, 424–425 see also, Credit expansion; Cycle theory; Depression
; Money


  radical, 236

  view on history, 463–468

  Inheritance and environment, 46

  Insecurity, 847–849

  Instincts, 15–16, 26–28, 169

  Institutionalism, 62, 66, 206, 636n, 643, 697, 755

  Insurance, 109, 112n

  Integration of catallactic function, 252–256

  Interdictions, 13


  computation of, 533–534

  credit expansion and trade cycle, ch. 20, pp. 535–583

  defined, 523

  originary, 238, 427, 521, 523–529, 531–533, 545–547, 548, 639, 842n

  phenomenon of, 521–523

  problems of, 535–536

  productivity theory of, 263–264, 522–531 19, pp. 521–534

  gross, 535–542, 564–567

  height of, 529, 531

  market, 536–568

  money relation and, 455–459

  neutral, 536, 538–539

  unpopularity of, 569–570


  class, 5, 81

  harmony and conflict of, ch. 24, pp. 660–684

  “rightly understood,” 669–678

  vested, 269, 276, 334, 848

  Interference, see, Interventionism

  Interlocal exchange rates, 449–455

  International capital market, 498

  International monetary cooperation, 473–475

  International Monetary Fund, 475, 785

  International organization, 365, 683–684, 817

  International trade, 160, 392, 446, 737, 741


  acquisition of wealth and, 310

  advocates of, 365

  banking and, 437, 444

  depression, contracyclical policies and, 792

  confiscatory, 802

  consumption and, 727–729

  crisis of, ch. 36, pp. 851–857

  end of, 854–857

  harvest of, 851

  labor and, 610

  legal tender legislation and, 777–779

  market economy hampered, Part 6, pp. 712–857

  market reaction to, 756–761

  method of, 312

  monetary matters and, 468, 570

  patterns of, 713–715

  planning, 104n, 113, 672, 696, 725, 784

  policy of, 193, 471, 713–715

  price structure and, ch. 30, pp. 752–773

  production and, 655, 736, 800

  public works and, 792

  superhuman, 146

  taxation and, 227; ch. 28, pp. 730–735

  war and, 821 see also, Cartels; Government; Nationalism; New Deal; Socialism

  Intolerance, 148

  Intuition, 84

  Inventions, 508


  boom and, 574

  capital, 342, 369, 378

  convertibility and, 499, 505, 510

  foreign, 493–495, 497–499

  government, 226, 841

  inconvertible, 342, 391, 576

  malinvestment, 391, 556–558, 561

  overinvestment, 556–558

  reluctance toward, 582

  saving and, 517–520 see also, Capital goods; Entrepreneurs; Interest, rate; Production, factors of; Security; Speculating


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