Sage Gardens Cozy Mystery Series Box Set Volume 1 (Books 1 - 4)

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Sage Gardens Cozy Mystery Series Box Set Volume 1 (Books 1 - 4) Page 23

by Cindy Bell

  “Okay Walt, I have some information for you. I want you to look into Jacob's financials, as well as Vince's, and Vince's brother, Carl's.” Samantha looked over the information on her computer to make sure that she hadn't missed anything.

  “Oh? Do you think his brother had something to do with this?” Walt asked.

  “I think that we're missing something. Supposedly Vince is the one who got Jacob the job. So, if he did that, why would Jacob turn around and kill Vince? They were obviously friends, at least at one point. Maybe the financials will tell the truth.” She frowned. “Something has to lead to the truth.”

  “Money always tells the truth,” Walt spoke with confidence. “I'll get on it right now.”

  “I'm going to go speak with Jo. I think we're going to need her help.”

  “Good luck with that.” Walt chuckled a little. “She doesn't seem to be in a very helpful mood.”

  “Well, maybe if you were a little kinder to her, Walt…”

  “Samantha, I'm not sure why you insist on involving her. You know that you're just playing with fire, don't you? A woman like Jo, she doesn't have loyalty to anyone,” his tone softened as if he was trying to be gentle.

  “I don't agree with that,” Samantha spoke sternly. “I might know a little bit more about her than you do, Walt.”

  “No matter what you know, statistically speaking…”

  “I know, I know. Once a thief, always a thief.”

  “Precisely.” Walt hung up the phone.

  Samantha frowned and tucked her phone into her purse. Walt might be right, but sometimes to catch a criminal you had to be a criminal, or at least have some firsthand experience.

  * * *

  After hanging up the phone with Samantha, Walt logged into his computer. It only took a few minutes to track down Jacob’s assets. Walt gasped as he saw that Jacob owned a large house, a very expensive car and a boat. Walt imagined that the drug dealing had bought him that, not a job in maintenance.

  He then did a search on Vince. Vince was in a completely different financial position. He was in huge debt.

  He then did a search on Carl, Vince’s brother. He discovered that Carl and Vince's parents had been killed in a car accident when the brothers were young. No money had been left behind.

  “So, they were orphans, along with their sister,” Walt said softly. From his research he believed that Vince was in more debt than he could find proof of, probably illegal debt and it was not a surprise to Walt that the young man had ended up dead.

  Chapter 14

  Eddy sorted through the papers he had spread out before him on the table. Although everything was on the computer, he did much better with hard copies. Each piece of paper had a list of the crimes that either Vince or Jacob had committed. He also found a history of crimes that Jacob and Vince’s brother, Carl, committed together. It was really rather overwhelming to see that three men could cause such destruction and chaos. Their history of crime went back to their juvenile records. Eddy couldn't get the information from those, but he guessed it was more of the same.

  There were arrests for assault, arrests for possession and distribution of drugs, as well as arrests for petty theft. He wondered how it came to be that the two men could even be hired with such records. But he understood that knowing the right person could make all the difference. As he swept all of the papers up into a pile there was a knock at his door. He looked up at it for a moment. His mind had been immersed in crime and for an instant he forgot that he was no longer an active police officer with a gun constantly on his hip. He brushed his palm along his side, instinctively looking for it. He shook himself out of the memory and walked over to the door. When he opened it he found Samantha standing outside.

  “Sorry to just drop in.” She offered an apologetic smile.

  “You know you're always welcome, Sam.” Eddy stepped back to allow her inside. Then he closed the door again.

  “I was going to call to give you this information, but I was on my way to look for Jo, so I figured I'd stop by. I think there is a pretty strong connection between Jacob and Vince.”

  “I can see that, too.” Eddy gestured to the pile of paper on his dining room table. “They have been arrested together more than once.”

  “So, it is likely that Jacob was involved in Vince's death. Maybe we'll be able to get Simon off the hook with this information,” her voice started to rise with excitement.

  “Well, that's not exactly true,” Eddy muttered. “What we have is a connection, not a crime. So, Vince and Jacob knew each other. That doesn't mean that Jacob killed Vince. If they were friends why would he?”

  “Okay, that is something that we don't know yet. But it seems they were working hand in hand. So, they both must have been involved in something dangerous.” She frowned.

  “Yes, which means that we are wading deeper and deeper into a dangerous situation,” Eddy said grimly. “I think we need to slow down and think this through.”

  “Eddy, if we slow down then Jacob is likely to disappear. He is probably only still hanging around till he manages to get the money. Then he’ll disappear,” Samantha spoke with conviction. “We can't let that happen, Eddy. I wanted to see if Jo could break into the shed where Jacob keeps his stuff and see if there is something of Jacob's that can prove his guilt, then we might be able to get all of this settled quickly.”

  “Or she might get caught breaking in.” Eddy shook his head. “I don't know about that.”

  “You said yourself that we needed more proof of Jacob's involvement.” Samantha placed her hands on her hips. “How else do you think we're going to get any solid evidence? If the cops even question Jacob he'll probably destroy any evidence and disappear.”

  “That may be, but we can't just go around breaking into places, Samantha.”

  “We won't be. Jo will be. What are the chances that she won't be able to break into a simple garden shed, Eddy? She's broken into museums and mansions with the highest security. I think that she can handle a padlock.” Samantha laughed a little.

  “So, you're just going to run off and get Jo involved? What happens if it goes sideways, Samantha?” He locked eyes with her. “What do you think is going to happen to Jo?”

  Samantha glanced away guiltily. She hadn't really thought about that. But she was still determined.

  “It's her choice if she wants to take the risk. I'm sure she can handle it. There's nothing wrong with her using her skills to help rather than to hurt. I'll let you know when Jo and I find the evidence that we need.” She turned and walked out of Eddy's villa.

  Eddy contemplated going after her, but he decided against it. As she said, it was her choice if she wanted to take the risk.

  He turned back into the villa just as his phone began to ring. He answered it quickly.

  “Hello?” Eddy sounded a little annoyed.

  “What's wrong? It's Walt,” Walt said perplexed.

  “I know it's you, Walt.” It was clear that Eddy was exasperated. “What is it that you want?”

  Walt narrowed his eyes. He thought about questioning Eddy further to figure out why he was annoyed, but he decided the information that he had to offer was more important.

  “I did some research like Samantha asked me into the financial histories of Vince, his brother, and Jacob. I've found some interesting information.”

  “Ah yes, Samantha just left here. She was looking for Jo.”


  “Yes, she is going to try to get Jo to break into the shed that Jacob stores his tools and personal items in,” Eddy didn't sound terribly pleased about the idea.

  “She does like to tap into Jo's…” he paused a moment, “creative talents.”

  “That she does,” Eddy said sternly. “What did you find?”

  “Jacob's assets are far too luxurious and expensive for a maintenance worker. He's either got his hands into something illegal, has a rich family, or he is very overpaid.”

  “Hmm, sounds like Samantha
might be right then. She was determined that Jacob was the one who killed Vince.”

  “I think it's a very real possibility.” Walt took a breath. “I noticed something else as well.”


  “Vince was up to his ears in debt. For a young man, I'm not sure how he racked up so much debt in so little time. That is only the legal debt. He probably had more owed to loan sharks as well.”

  “Well, that is very telling.” Eddy cleared his throat. “I suppose that if Vince was hurting for money he might have decided to increase his pay from Jacob, without letting Jacob in on the deal.”

  “Yes, I think that’s very possible. Of course that's only what it looks like. It's possible that the funds were coming from somewhere else entirely.”

  “Sure, it's possible. Listen why don't you meet us down by the garden shed. If Samantha can convince Jo to break in, then we might be able to get even more evidence against Jacob.”

  Walt frowned. He considered leaving it at that, but he simply couldn't. “You don't have a problem with that, Eddy?”

  “With what?”

  “With encouraging Jo to fall back into old habits? If they are even old habits, for all we know she could still be an active criminal.”

  Eddy was silent for a moment. When he spoke again, his tone was lower than usual, “Listen Walt, not everything in life is as simple as right and wrong. I mean, technically when a police officer kicks down a door to stop a crime, he is breaking in. Only his crime is sanctioned. In this case, getting a search warrant for the garden shed will take time, and by the time it's done Jacob will likely be long gone. Is it right? I can't say for sure. But isn't it wrong to let a murderer go free?”

  “But the old saying, two wrongs don't make a right,” Walt reminded him.

  “Of course. But two wrongs don't always make another wrong either.”

  “Huh.” Walt thought about arguing that point, but instead he nodded. “All right then. I'll meet you by the garden shed.”

  “See you there.” Eddy hung up the phone.

  Walt sat at his desk for a moment. He noticed that some of his pens were out of order. Carefully he eased them back into place. Walt was always happier when things had a place and an order. When it came to Jo, he didn't know where to put her. Was she a criminal? Was she reformed? He sighed and stood up from his chair. He was fairly certain that the debate raging in his mind was not one that was going to be settled any time soon.

  Chapter 15

  Samantha knocked on Jo's door but there was no answer. She walked around the side of Jo's villa, hoping to peer in one of the windows. The villa looked completely empty inside. On a whim she walked around behind the villa. Samantha finally spotted Jo in her garden. It was a little surprising to her to see Jo in gardening gloves. The vivacious woman was not someone that struck Samantha as nurturing to plants.

  “Jo, there you are,” Samantha spoke as cheerfully as she could. “I've been trying to reach you.”

  “My phone is off for a reason.” Jo pushed some dirt around a flower she had just planted. “I like to have some quiet when I work in the garden.”

  “I can understand that.” Samantha smiled as she walked towards Jo, undeterred by the hint that she wanted to be alone. “I thought you might like an update on the case.”

  “No, I would not.” Jo picked up a spade and began shifting soil.

  “Really? It's getting very interesting.” Samantha stood at the edge of the garden. She knew better than to get too close. Jo was still fairly volatile in Samantha's opinion.

  “No, thank you. I prefer to stay out of the business of others. I find if I do that, then others pay me the same courtesy.” She lifted her eyes to Samantha with an annoyed look. Samantha got the message plain and clear, but she pretended that she didn't. She wasn't going to give up that easily.

  “I respect that. But you are already kind of involved, aren't you?” Samantha asked.

  “What do you mean?” Jo studied her intently. She must have heard the conniving tone in Samantha's voice.

  “I mean, I know what you did.” Samantha cleared her throat. She took a slight step back from the garden, just in case Jo got the wild idea to attack her.

  “I have no idea what you're talking about,” Jo said. She spoke each word sharply.

  “Maybe you can fool Eddy, and maybe even Walt, but not me, Jo. I saw you smuggle some of that money into your shirt before you left Bill's house,” Samantha had lowered her voice, but apparently she still wasn't speaking quietly enough for Jo.

  “Shh!” Jo hissed. She stood up quickly from the ground. “What are you playing at here, Samantha? Do you have any clue who you are dealing with?”

  “I'm dealing with a woman whose skills I need to help me solve a murder.” Samantha met Jo's eyes directly. Even as Jo prowled closer, Samantha stood her ground. She was doing her best to appear unafraid, but the truth was she was highly intimidated.

  “I don't want to hear another word about it,” Jo's voice was hard. “What happened was none of my business. I made the mistake of letting you convince me to get involved. What you're talking about is a serious crime. Not only murder, but also drugs. No one has that much cash hidden unless they are a major dealer. You think I'm afraid of the police finding out that I took some of that money, but that is not the case. The real people that you should be afraid of, are whoever that money belongs to, Samantha. Not me, not the police, but whoever that money belongs to. Because they will fight to the death to get it back. So no, I'm not getting in the middle of that mess. I've survived to this age, and I'm not going to blow my good track record now.”

  Samantha was stunned. She could actually see a glimmer of fear in Jo's eyes. She didn't think the woman was capable of being afraid. The fact that she was, made Samantha even more wary of what she might have gotten herself into.

  “Jo, that's all the more reason to help us catch whoever did this. If they're behind bars, they can't hurt any of us.” Samantha searched the other woman's eyes for some sign of compliance. She was certain that without Jo's help they would never find out the truth.

  “Samantha, you're still wearing those rose-colored glasses. You don't get it, do you? The courts, the prisons, they are run by people who have their hands in every kind of crime. You're going to tell me that they are going to help us somehow? Protect us? No, that has never been the case for me.” Jo shook her head. She turned back to her garden. “I'm not going to risk everything over a bus driver who had his hand too far in the cookie jar.”

  “What does that mean?” Samantha asked.

  “Oh please. Drugs, money, and murder. There's only one reason a dealer ever risks his business to kill someone, and that's if they are a thief or a cop. I'm pretty sure our friendly tour guide wasn't a cop. So, that only leaves one option, doesn't it?” She glanced back over at Samantha. “This is how these people handle their business, Samantha, and your best bet is to just stay out of it.”

  “But it's too late for that now, isn't it?” Samantha asked. She felt a little breathless from Jo's description. “We are all involved.”

  Jo didn't answer. She just pushed more dirt around the flower. The poor, thin, green stem was nearly buried. Samantha knew that Jo was nervous.

  “The truth is it's too late, isn't it, Jo? Maybe not for you, because you know how these things work. But it's too late for Walt, and me, and especially Eddy. Isn't it?” Samantha frowned. “What would a high powered dealer like that do to an ex-cop investigating him?”

  Jo stared hard at the dirt beneath her. When she finally looked up her expression was grave.

  “I don't understand how I keep ending up in the middle of your messes, Samantha. Will you ever learn to not be so nosy?”

  Samantha swallowed hard. Jo's words hit home. She was the reason that any of them were involved in this.

  “I'm sorry,” she said quietly. “But it's too late now.”

  Jo sighed and dusted off her gloves. She tugged one off and then the other. She turned t
o face Samantha reluctantly. “What do you need me to do?”

  “Just a simple break-in. The garden shed is where Jacob would store most of his personal items. I thought maybe he had some work shoes in there that might match the footprints we found. Or maybe even something else that implicates him. We can't search his house, that would be going too far. But if he committed the crime here then there might be something that implicates him in the crime here, too, don't you think?” Samantha looked at Jo with some hesitation. She wasn't sure if Jo would agree, or even if she should.

  “All right, a garden shed, that's it. Then I'm done with all of this, understand?” She held Samantha's gaze.

  “I understand.” Samantha nodded.

  * * *

  On the walk to the garden shed Samantha explained to Jo what type of shoes they were looking for and that they weren’t very big as the gardener shared the shed with Jacob and Samantha didn’t want her to pick up the wrong shoes.

  When Samantha and Jo arrived at the garden shed, Walt and Eddy were already there.

  “What's this? A reunion?” Jo asked. Her tone was mildly sarcastic.

  Eddy offered her a wry smile. Walt only sunk his hands into his pockets.

  “We're all here to look out for you, Jo, that's all.” Samantha shrugged.

  Jo raised an eyebrow. Her expression was one of disbelief, but she didn't protest. “So, what exactly is the plan?” Jo asked.

  “We want you to break into the shed and see if Jacob's shoes are in there. They might match the footprints that we found behind my villa and by Vince's body. Can you do it?” Samantha looked at her nervously.

  “Of course I can.” Jo swept her hair up into a tight ponytail at the back of her neck. Then she walked over to the shed. She glanced over her shoulder at Eddy and Walt. “No watching.”

  Eddy and Walt glanced at each other. Then they both looked at Jo strangely.


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