The Only One

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The Only One Page 10

by Samanthya Wyatt

  “Hold on to me, imp. I won’t hurt you,” he whispered. “I only want to give you pleasure.”

  Once again, Giles found himself lost in the sweetness of her kiss. Blood surged like fire through his loins. Eager to be inside her, he pulled her tighter and ground his hips into hers.

  Instead of being frightened, his wonderful, brave darling gripped his hair and pulled. Following his lead, her tongue tangled with his in a mating dance. A blazing inferno burned in his gut when she sucked, mimicking his movements. His head damned near blew off.

  As if she couldn’t get enough, her body writhed and squirmed, which in turn fed his raging hunger. The need to touch her consumed him, guiding his fingers. He tugged at her bodice until it opened, then pulled the ribbon free that held her chemise. His eyes lingered on her woman’s breasts as they came into full view.

  His heart pounded madly. Alex was a treasure beyond words.

  Creamy flesh beckoned. He took one pouting bud between his lips, his wet tongue laving her nipple. A mewing sound escaped her and instinctively she surged toward him, telling him with her body that she enjoyed what he did. He took advantage of her delicious offering and suckled, giving her what she craved. The more he tasted, the more he wanted. Need drove him. The more he caressed, the tighter she clutched him. Like throwing fuel to a burning flame, her response fed his appetite, triggering his desire to please her.

  He inserted his thigh between her legs and rubbed against her feminine mound. Even wedged between him and the oak, she still managed to arch her back and ride his thigh. He wanted to heighten her senses, intensify her pleasure. Devouring her mouth in another heated kiss, he tightened his fingers on her hips, pulling her higher, showing her a rhythm while riding his thigh. Higher, nearer, to his rod of steel. He angled and pressed, and absorbed her passionate cries.

  God Almighty, it felt good. So good.

  In the back of his mind, something told him to slow down. He didn’t want to hurt her. But she was ferocious in her raging ardor. Alex moved as if a violent storm had been roused in her body. Their love-play dented what little control Giles had over his fevered mind. Her vigorous reaction to his caresses nearly undid him. With everything in him, he fought the urge to throw her to the ground and thrust his throbbing member in the wet warmth he knew awaited him.

  This moment was for Alex.

  Thank God she’d taken to dresses of late. Alex whimpered when he halted the thrusting motion. Pulling up her skirts, he quickly settled his hand where his thigh had been, applying pressure against her mound. A soft groan erupted from her throat and she pushed against him.

  His fingers probed and searched. Moving the material aside, he found the slit in her drawers. He traced the crease of her inner thigh, finding her slick, swollen cove. God, she was wet and ready. He sucked air through his teeth, restraining his own urge to let the wild stallion in his trousers free. She wriggled and arched. He was sure this was virgin territory, but her female instincts had her writhing with enthusiasm.

  His finger moved over the sensitive peak of flesh and slipped inside. A small cry echoed in his ears. Fire shot to his center. Blood pounded in his temple.

  Bringing his thumb forward, he caressed her bud while his finger dipped, withdrew, and thrust inside her again. Her hips rocked. Her gasps fired his craving. Logic gone, he hungered for completion. As his fingers worked their magic, she became a wild woman in his arms. He kissed her deeply, the stroke of his tongue in her mouth a mirror of the way his finger delved her slick folds.

  Her hands dug into his back, groaning. The sound was music to his ears as he ravaged her thoroughly, intensifying her need.

  She rode his hand, her body trapped between him and the tree.

  Lost in the sensation of his own making, Giles’ fingers plunged deeper, his breathing harsh, relishing her heightened desire. When he knew she was close, he broke the kiss so he could see her face.

  Alex stiffened and ground her head back in the rough bark. He watched her explode as tremors shook her core. An awestruck expression swept across her face—from burning fever to conflicting bewilderment. Her body quivered, and she clutched him in a death grip.

  He gentled his movement until she calmed. Her hands relaxed on his shoulders as her head fell forward against his chest, utterly spent.

  Utterly beautiful.

  His heart thundered in his chest. Warmth spread through his center knowing he had pleasured her beyond her control.

  Minutes trickled by as their breathing slowed and their hearts returned to a normal rhythm. The sudden tilt of her head cautioned him. Shock covered her face as she quickly glanced down between them.


  “Hmm?” He kissed the fleshy curve of her breast.

  “What . . . what just happened?”

  “Ecstasy,” he breathed roughly. “I gave you pleasure.”

  Her palms met her scarlet cheeks and her eyes widened with realization. “You simply lifted my . . .” Dropping her hands, Alex pushed at her skirts to restore them to some semblance of order.

  Giles cupped her chin, raising her eyes to meet his. “Oh no, my dear. Don’t turn all shy on me. You wanted this.” His voice gentled. “You wanted to know passion between a man and a woman. Now you do.”

  Her teeth caught her bottom lip. “But you never removed or unbuttoned any of your clothes. And, you did not . . .”

  He could not miss the whirl of activity going on in her calculating mind. His vixen was not as shy as she was curious. His lips formed a satisfying smile. “This was for you, sweetheart. I received my pleasure in watching you.”

  She sucked in air and released a heavy sigh. Then her eyes grew wide. “I had no idea. Uh . . .” She glanced down again, staring at his groin. Her hand strayed toward his thigh. Hard as stone, yet her glance—and the vicinity of her reaching hand—had him ready to erupt. He caught her wrist just in time.

  Bringing her fingers to his mouth, he brushed his lips across her knuckles and against them cautioned, “No, sweetheart. You tread into dangerous territory.”

  “I think we’ve already soared into danger.” A mischievous glint filled her dark, molasses eyes.

  “As I said. This was for you.”

  “Please, Giles,” she purred like a contented kitten. “I want to touch you. I want to give you pleasure, too.”

  She wriggled her hips against the bulge of his maleness. A harsh gasp escaped him. God, what a bloody coil. He wanted. She was willing. His control felt ready to snap.

  “Giles,” she whispered. “Show me.”

  Chapter 15

  Alex knew she shouldn’t linger. She should hurry to the house. But she wanted to enjoy those precious moments over and over before greeting any of her family. With her arms wrapped around herself, she embraced the aftermath of when the duke held her in his arms. Oh, my. Her heart raced at the thought of what they had done.

  Mating, she understood. After all, her father owned studs. But she never knew—never dreamed—such delight existed between a man and a woman.

  The duke had touched her, there.

  She was still floating. Although her curiosity had been roused to recklessness, he hadn’t allowed her to caress his hardness. He’d smiled, bundled her up and carried her to her horse.

  She danced a little jig and screeched aloud, unable to contain her joy.

  “What are you up to, Alex?”

  Guiltily, she swung around. Her eyes widened at being caught by Ben. She only hoped he couldn’t read her mind. Heat rushed to her cheeks.

  “Uh . . . nothing.” She tried to calm her racing heart.

  “You’re up to something.” His eyes narrowed and penetrated. “What is it?”

  “I told you, nothing.” Ben might be the most hardheaded of the three, but growing up she’d been closer to him t
han the others. She simply couldn’t share this bit of information. She chewed on her bottom lip.

  “Now I know you did something. You only do that when you’ve done something you shouldn’t have.”

  Her hands flew to her cheeks, knowing they were red. Her heart took off at a gallop. How could he possibly know?

  “Out with it.”

  “Out with what?” Sam stepped around the corner of the stables.

  Oh Lord. “Nothing.”

  “Didn’t sound like nothing the way you two were going at each other.”

  “Our little sister is guilty as sin.” Ben shoved up the tip of his hat with his thumb.

  “What did she do?” Sam asked, pinning her with his stare.

  “That’s what I’m trying to find out. And it ain’t nothing. You gonna tell me, little sister?”

  “Stay out of it Ben,” she said.

  “Gor, Brother. I believe you’re right.” Sam studied her more closely. “And it must be something we won’t approve of,” he declared.

  “You too,” Alex snapped at Sam. “I don’t need either of you sticking your noses in my business. I’m a grown woman.”

  “And when did this happen?” Sam bent over, clutching his belly as he burst out a laugh. “Don’t half the lads ‘round here call you a tomboy? They say you’re considered to be in the domain of boys.”

  Of everything Sam could have said, that had to be the cruelest. She had no idea others were talking about her behind her back. No wonder no one had ever tried to tempt her. No boy had ever claimed to be sweet on her.

  Well, it didn’t matter. She shoved a curl behind one ear as she pushed away the hurt. With a deep breath Alex released it along with the insult. She’d set her sights on one man long ago. He was the only one who mattered.

  “I’ve set my cap for the duke.”

  Ben and Sam stared, agog.

  “Kit made it clear,” Ben said in a low voice. “And in case you didn’t hear him, I’ll tell you again. You can’t have him.”

  “I will have him.”

  “Just wait till Kit hears about this,” Sam warned.

  A fist seemed to grasp at her lungs. “You can’t mean to tell him.”

  “Of course we’re going to tell him. Right, Brother?”

  “Right, Sam.” Taking her firmly by the arm, Ben propelled her toward the corral.

  “How can you do this to me?” She dragged her heels.

  “Then tell us what’s going on.”

  “I’m not a child.”

  “How many times we gonna have this discussion?” Sam braced his fists on his hips.

  “The man is too old for you.” Ben took off his hat and brushed his fingers through his hair. “The duke lives in England. What’s wrong with the boys around here?”

  “You just said they think of me as a boy.”

  “What’s the blasted duke going to do? Write you a sonnet to pledge his eternal love?” Sam held his hands up, at a loss for words. He looked as frustrated as she felt. He ground the heel of his boot in the dirt.

  Ben tipped his hat back on his head and dropped his arms by his side. “I asked you before and I’ll ask you again, did something happen?”

  Sam’s head jerked up.

  Oh, no. She never could hide her exploits. With her face flaming, they were bound to jump to the wrong . . . well, not so wrong conclusion.

  “Did the Brit do something?”

  “Answer Ben. What the hell happened?” Sam never swore in front of her. She felt like a lit fuse attached to a powder keg with the flame way too close to the explosive.

  “That whoreson,” Ben shouted.

  Sam spun on his heel and before he could take two steps, Alex screamed, “Wait! Where are you going?”

  “To find me a Brit.”

  “Stop,” she shouted. Ben grabbed her arm to keep her from following.

  “Is it true? Did the Brit do something, Alex?”

  “You can’t let Sam take off like that. You’ve got to stop him. He’s mistaken.”

  “Alex,” Ben growled.

  “I told you. Nothing.” She jerked her arm free.

  “I don’t believe you. Something happened. If you won’t tell me, you’ll just have to face Kit.”

  “What’s been going on around here?”

  Speak of the devil.

  “Now we’ll see what’s what.” Ben crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Well?” Kit asked. “I just saw Sam hightailing it out of here like the barn was on fire. Then I find the two of you yelling at each other. One of you going to talk?” He stared at her face and his eyes widened. “Alex?”

  “Nothing.” With a toss of her head, her long hair flew across her shoulder. She swung around in the opposite direction, intent on escape.


  By Kit’s tone, she dared not take another step. She turned with reluctance. And immediately regretted not running. She took a tentative step backward, which earned her a scowl. Unable to stand his scrutiny, she dipped her head.

  “What mischief are you up to now?”

  “Sneaking around. Our dear sister is up to no good, and I’m going to kill me a Brit.” Ben’s low growl befitted a wild bear.

  “Someone better start talking.” Kit stepped closer, his voice taking on a cutting edge.

  “The duke.” Ben glanced to Kit. They stared at each other for only a moment, communicating some unspoken message.

  Kit’s eyes were hard when he glanced back to her. “Alex, you seem far too comfortable with the man for my satisfaction. Do I need to wring the bastard’s neck?”

  Exactly the reaction she expected from her brother.

  “Kit, no.” God, they were such hotheads.

  “Did he take advantage of you?”

  “No. He did not.” She had been a willing participant. But she couldn’t tell her brother that. How did she get into this mess, anyway?

  “You have no idea of a man’s—”

  “Damn it, Alex. You know nothing . . .” Ben interrupted Kit.

  “Will you two just stop! Nothing is wrong. Nothing happened.” She would go to hell for lying. “I’m tired of you telling me what to do. I know what I want!”

  “And just what is it you want?” Kit asked.

  “You’re too young to know what you want,” Ben stated.

  Ben was yelling, Kit accusing, and Sam tearing off to find her love—how had her world crashed in a matter of moments? Damn her brothers. “You’re ruining everything. You’ve got it all wrong.” Tears ran down her cheeks in exasperation. Anger raged from her bones. Her fists shook, her body trembled. She flashed her most ruthless glare. “I’m getting tired of being told I’m a child.”

  She spun around, ran to her horse, and swung into the saddle, kicking Stardust in his ribs. He took off quicker than a flash of lightning.

  Chapter 16

  In all Giles’ born days, he’d never met a woman as bold as the elfin brat. He fully ignored the nagging voice of his conscience reminding him he had aided her impertinence. Sharing zealous kisses was not the actions of a man who did not welcome a woman’s diligence. Therefore, his conduct needed to be more principled.

  Yet his pulse increased at the mere thought of this outing. He glanced at the sun overhead. Midday. A few clouds speckled in a canvas of blue. A bird or two soaring with a gentle breeze. His eyes crinkled as he took in the form swaying on the black in front of him. Excitement? An unusual feeling, this. Different from anything he’d known in all his years. How a slip of a girl snaked under his barriers, attacked his sensibilities, procured an emotion totally foreign to his being . . . His lips tugged at the corners. He liked it.

  “This is a special place. No one else knows of it. At least, I�
�ve never seen anyone near here.” Alex spoke over her shoulder as she led Stardust through a thick copse of trees.

  “Your father’s land is immense. I’m sure there are a number of areas you could get lost in.”

  She eased Stardust to a halt. “It’s just through here.” She dismounted, holding onto the lead strap. Finding her excitement infectious, Giles swung down from his own mount. Lifting some of the hanging brush, he followed her.

  And stepped into one of God’s creations.

  A high wall of dark gray rock sheltered a waterfall more glorious than any he’d ever seen. Waves spilled over the ledge to splash in a resounding rush, creating a whirling circle in a pool of crystal blue. Sun-glinting ripples flowed in a waltz to the edge of the embankment, while golden rays formed a mystic cocoon of enchantment. Lush green foliage hung in abundance, decorating the private lagoon which intimated at a lover’s paradise.

  His blood heated several degrees.

  “Do you like it?”

  He gazed at the fetching angel before him. “It’s beautiful.”

  Like you.

  “At night you can see a thousand fireflies.” She glanced about the picturesque landscape. “Green diamonds glowing through their gossamer wings.”

  “You come here at night?”

  “In the summer sometimes, when it’s too hot to sleep. A nice dip relaxes me as well as cools the skin.”

  He didn’t even want to think of the image that thought created.

  “When I was younger, I would dance and chase the lightning beetles. The most wonderful feeling centered in my chest when I captured them. Their tiny feet tickled my palms. Their light glowed through my fingers like a magical mist. Then I’d open my hands and watch them fly away. My heart lifted with them.”


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