The Only One

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The Only One Page 23

by Samanthya Wyatt

  “You don’t need to make excuses. If Sam’s taking care of Stardust, you must have come to an understanding. I’m just surprised Stardust would let anyone other than you care for him.”

  What could she say? The duke made her crazy?

  “I thought we might have a little talk.”

  Oh, Lord. She must be in for a lecture. After the lagoon and her disillusionment, she didn’t know if she could stomach Papa’s displeasure.

  “Three years ago I didn’t want to lose you. I still don’t. But I’ve watched you, seen the sadness in your eyes.”

  Uneasiness crept under her skin. Why in the world would he bring this up now?

  “I’m honest enough to admit I thought you were too young. I accepted what you imagined you felt for the duke, as just a young girl’s infatuation. But more than that, I knew you would not adapt to the English aristocratic way of life.”

  He pierced her eyes with his stare. “I knew it just as surely as I know the sun is going to come up each morning. I knew one day you would wake up and want to come home.” He shook his head. “I wanted to spare you any controversy.”

  “Papa. That was a long time ago.”

  “I know, girl. I’m telling you what I felt. I wanted to banish Giles from your mind. I wanted to banish him from your heart. I shouldered the responsibility, denied the guilt.”


  “Why are you telling me this now?”

  He cleared his throat. If she didn’t know better, she’d think Papa was uneasy. “I’ve not seen you this excited in three years.”

  She frowned in confusion. What in the world was he talking about? She thought back to her actions. She probably looked like a madcap when she thundered down the lane to the corral. Surely Kit and Sam didn’t say anything. Ben didn’t know what happened, so his temper hadn’t been stoked. She’d barreled into the house. Slammed the door. Pounded up the stairs. Is that what he calls excitement?

  “For a long time you went through each day as it was a chore. You moved around here in drudgery. Dull, uninspiring. Stardust was the only thing you seemed to take pleasure in. Even your conduct seemed monotonous. You’ve not shown any enthusiastic emotion for quite a while. Your spirit is back.”

  She probably had a dumb expression on her face. But she did feel alive. More than she had in these past three years.

  “Something’s built a fire in you. And I’m guessing it’s the Duke of Nethersall.”

  At the mention of the duke, her hair stood on the back of her neck.

  “If this is a result of what he means to you, then . . . I approve.”



  “Does he make your heart leap?”

  In all her born years, her father had never mentioned anything concerning her private feelings. His question stunned her. She wasn’t sure if she was more shocked because he asked or because he knew of her feelings for Giles.

  “I guess you love that young man.”

  A huge weight lifted from her chest. “Oh, Papa. I do.”

  “Well, then.” He slapped his hands together and stood. “What are you waiting for, girl? Go save your man.”

  Had her father lost his mind?


  “Those boys have your beau cornered down at the stables. Before I interfere, I wanted to know from you if I should. Do I let your brothers have at him, or do you want me to save his hide?”

  Alex charged down the stairs, threw open the front door and ran as fast as her legs would carry her. When she arrived at the stables, no one was there. Then, she heard the shouting. She took off in another direction. She found him in a heap on the ground surrounded by her exasperating brothers. Strong arms grabbed her before she could reach him.

  “Giles.” Her heart in her throat, she cringed at the bloody mess. “What are you doing here?” Panting furiously, she tried to jerk free. “Let me go.” She stomped the heel of her boot on Sam’s shin. He howled and jumped, releasing her. But Kit grabbed her before she took two steps.

  She glanced to Giles, anger fueling her struggle.

  “Stop it. You’re going to hurt yourself.”

  “What is wrong with you three? You’ve wounded him. Leave him alone!” She was so mad she could spit. He looked plumb awful. Blood covered his face, his clothes were tattered and dirty. She couldn’t believe he’d followed her home.

  “What are you doing here?” she repeated in anguish.

  “I tried to find you, but I got a little sidetracked by your brothers.” A smile stretched his split lip. He winced.

  She jerked her arm free and dropped to Giles’ side.

  “Damn it, Alex, get out of the way,” Ben roared.

  She glared up at him. “How could you? Look what you’ve done.”

  “We did it for you.”

  “Go away.”

  “We’re not going anywhere.” Sam flexed his fists and stepped to Ben’s side.

  “And we’re sure as hell not leaving you with him.” Ben pointed a finger at her.

  “Not happening, little sister.” And Kit, supposedly the levelheaded one of the bunch. All in on the same assault.

  Lord save her, but she wanted to kill her brothers right now.


  All three turned to find Papa at their backs. A not very happy Papa, by his brooding expression.

  “Look what we found, Pap. Sneaking around our property.” Ben sounded pleased.

  If she were bigger, she wallop him good.

  “You sneaking, Giles?” Papa asked.

  “No, sir. Just came to see Alex.”

  Papa gave a nod of acceptance. “Come on, boys.”

  “But Pap . . .” At Ben’s outburst, Papa turned with a glare. One that said he’d take Ben to the woodshed if he talked back.

  “Are you all right?” She brushed the hair away from Giles’ face.

  “I’ll live.” He wiped at the blood running in his eyes.

  “Wasn’t very smart to let my brothers get a hold of you.”

  “I concede to your wisdom.”

  “Oh Giles,” she sighed. “What are you doing here?”

  He took her hand, caressing the back. “I can’t let you go.” His eyes pleaded.

  Dare she believe? Her heart hurt.

  “You desire me.” She glanced down at the stroking of his warm fingers over her hand.

  He placed a knuckle under her chin and lifted. “I love you.”

  If she doubted before, only certainty filled her now. His eyes blazed, promising her deepest desires.

  “When you have something as important as love, anything is possible.” He squeezed her hand. “I loathed my father. I thought I was free of his bondage. Yet he detained me from the grave with duty and honor. For years I lived by a motto. ‘Never give up. Never surrender.’” His thumb brushed her lips. “The one time I needed to remember, the most important thing in the world slipped through my fingers. I gave up. The one person who mattered to me, the only one I ever loved, I let go.”

  He lifted her fingers to his lips. He gripped them so tightly, his mouth pressed against her knuckles for so long, she feared him in a daze. Then, he lifted his head and what she saw in his eyes struck her heart.

  “I ripped my own guts out the day I told you I didn’t love you. I thought you were too young, that our love would never last.”

  “You . . . you didn’t trust me.”

  “You’ve matured into a woman now. We both are stronger.”

  “We cannot live in the past.” Her voice quivered. “I cannot allow you into my heart again.”

  His hand curved along her jaw. “What words will convince you how sorry I am for my actions years ago? Although I think my leaving may have been the r
ight thing. You were so young.”

  She stiffened.

  “I will never leave you again. Even if you send me away I will not go. I hungered for you every day of the past three years. My love for you clouded my reason. I listened to others. I did what I thought was best for you. Ah, sweetheart. Seeing the pain in your eyes, knowing I destroyed your glow, replacing your love and trust with pain and grief . . .” His hand shook as he cupped her face. “I have walked the corridors of hell, aware of what I did to you.”

  Lifting her hand, she covered his as it pressed against her cheek. Leaning into his palm, Alex soaked in his warmth along with his words.

  “Then today, I saw your eyes, your look of yearning desire, your look of ecstasy. Our coming together only proves you still love me. Let me spend the rest of my life showing you how much I love you.”

  “I’ve never stopped.”

  Whether or not Alex meant to speak aloud, Giles heard her. Words to sooth his ravaged soul. Head still spinning from the last blow, one eye swollen shut, blood running into the other, he felt no pain. For his adorable nymph loved him. No amount of pain could diminish the glow in his pounding heart. He drew her close.

  “God, how I’ve missed you,” he whispered, his lips against her temple. “I’ve waited forever to hear those words again.” Her slightest touch gave him the greatest pleasure. He would never tire of holding her. And now, with her admission of what he’d most wanted to hear, he’d never leave her again.

  “My life had been laid out for me. I’ve been trained since childhood, destined to live a certain way, by certain rules. After my mother died, I became a shell. Empty, allowing no emotion. I need your enthusiasm, your energy, your liveliness.” He leaned back and stared deep into her eyes. One finger pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. He gently caressed the fleshy lobe between his thumb and forefinger.

  “My love. I love you. Only you. I’ve never loved another.” He pulled her close for a kiss, but her hand lifted to his chest with slight resistance.

  “What if you change your mind . . . again?”

  “For God’s sake, Alex. I need you like I need my next breath. You are my every wish.” He cupped her face and seared her with the intensity of his longing. “I want to live with you, every day. I want you to be the one I fall asleep with at night and wake up to every morning. Together, I want to watch our children grow. I adore you. Everything about you. Even your damn breeches, which I will allow you to wear only for me.”

  Her fingers lovingly traced over the stubble on his cheek. He leaned his forehead against hers.

  “I want you for my wife. For always. Whatever we had before, know from this day forward you are the only woman I will ever love. The only one I will ever need. I want you always by my side.” He kissed the end of her nose, then leaned back so she could see his eyes. His gaze pierced hers, letting her know the depth of his devotion. He spoke from his heart.

  “I’ll give it up, Alex. I’ll give up my dukedom for you.”

  A long moment passed before he sensed she comprehended the impact of his words. She gasped.

  “You . . . you can’t. You are a duke!”

  “From this moment forward, all I ask is that I may love you. The aristocracy and nobility and the ton can go to hell. You are the only one I care about.”

  A tear spilled over and slid down one cheek. He caught it with his thumb. She cupped his face, her gaze boring into his. “Will you marry me?”

  A smile crossed his puffy lips. “If you will have me.”

  With a squeak, she gave him a hard kiss. He flinched. “Oh, my poor love. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t you dare pull away. Come back here.” He tugged her onto his lap and cuddled her against his chest, ignoring the twinge in his ribs.

  “Does this mean you will not leave me again?”

  While one hand caressed her back, the other massaged her nape. His harsh breathing rumbled and vibrated just below her ear. “Never.”

  She purred with contentment. Her fingers slipped along the plane of his face, and into the thick strands of his hair. God, he loved her fingers on his scalp.

  “Where will we live?”

  “Anywhere you want.” His heart swelled with happiness.

  “Will I be a duchess?”

  “My love, you may be the wife of a duke, if that is what you want. We will live in England if you but say so. If you wish to stay in America, close to your family, I will grant you your heart’s desire. I’ve already made a mess of things. I want only you. We will make our home wherever you want. The choice is yours.”

  “Oh, how I love you.” She spread kisses on every cut and swollen wound, mindful of his injuries. With this kind of attention, he could learn to pout a bit.

  “Can we stay part of the year in England and part of it here?”

  “Of course.” He wondered if one’s heart could burst with gladness.

  Her chest rose and fell in a sigh.

  “A duchess. I think I would like that.”

  See how it all started with Book One of

  The One and Only Series:


  (One and Only Series - Morgan’s Story)

  A Man Without A Heart.

  Morgan Bartholomew Langston, Earl of Whetherford, has finally decided to accept his fate. Tired of dangerous assignments and putting his neck on the line, he has returned to his ancestral home to accept the title of his birthright and produce the required heir. But, when he arrives, he finds his home has been invaded and a female has taken off with his mother’s jewels. Morgan decides the traitorous jade will not get away, so he sets into motion a plan to bring her back. When he abducts the wrong woman, his reaction to her brings him dangerously close to breaking his vow of forbidden emotions.

  A Woman Without A Love.

  Katherine Elizabeth Radbourn is a strong, independent woman and at the age of twenty three, is still unwed. In a desperate attempt to find her brother, she is abducted which leads her on a journey to love and mistaken identity. Once she meets her captor, fear and indignation dissipates to an overwhelming awareness. Even though he tells her she is the wrong one, Kat realizes she has finally met a man that—not only she is attracted to—but has awakened her woman’s body. Does he really care for her, or does he secretly yearn for the woman she is supposed to be? Uncertainty makes her risk the very man she has given her soul.

  Available now on Amazon:


  (One and Only Series - Jennifer’s story)

  His ship in splinters and his men captured, Stephen is a broken man. Yet the torture he received by his enemies is nothing compared to the torment he bears from an angel with lavender eyes.

  Jennifer left England full of a young girl’s fantasies of romance and adventure. When she cares for a near-death captain, memories emerge of the family she left behind. Will the passion they share be enough? He must choose—her or revenge.

  Available now on Amazon:




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