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Daybreak Page 21

by Cheree Alsop

  Liora stared at the still body of the man who had controlled her life for so long. Blood ran from the hole in his forehead and dripped from the corner of his lizard mouth. A twitch jerked one side of his face into the semblance of an eerie smile.

  Liora had to look away. Tremors ran up her arms. She wanted to fight, to run, to do anything but wait for Obruo to act again. The situation was spiraling so quickly out of control she couldn’t figure out how to fix it. The best thing she could do was keep Obruo’s attention away from Tariq.

  She swallowed and said, “I thought you would never stoop to using a gun.”

  “The old ways are gone,” Obruo replied. “You should know that by now.” His arm constricted around her throat. “I’m looking forward to the next segment of your training.”

  “I finished my training,” Liora said tightly.

  “You think you did,” Obruo replied with a humorless laugh as he pushed her toward the door. He glanced back at Tariq. “What should I do about the human?”

  Liora lifted her shoulders in a shrug. It was the only way to protect him. “Shoot him again for all I care. He means nothing to me.”

  She couldn’t meet the look of betrayal in Tariq’s pain-filled eyes.

  Obruo snorted near her ear. “It’s too bad you’re such a terrible liar. It’s another one of those human traits I could never quite beat out of you no matter how hard I tried.”

  Obruo pointed the gun at Tariq.

  Liora slid the knife from her sheath and spun. Obruo caught her wrist. She slammed a fist against the side of his head and his arm when he raised it to block the blow. The gun went flying. Obruo slapped her across the face. She tried to stab him in the eye. He tore the knife out of her grip, reversed it, and shoved the blade through her palm.

  Liora gasped in pain as he forced the knife toward her throat with the blade still lodged in her hand.

  “You forgot your training,” he said with disapproval heavy in his voice.

  “You forgot your gun,” she replied.

  Obruo’s eyes widened. He shoved her backwards into Tariq before the human could fire the weapon. Tariq caught Liora and lifted the gun again. The Damaclan disappeared through the back of the tent.

  “Go after him,” Tariq said.

  Liora shook her head. “I’m not leaving you like this.”

  “I’ll be fine,” he told her. “I know you need to stop him.”

  “The Coalition could come and—”

  Voices they both recognized spoke on the other side of the tent door. Liora ducked under Tariq’s arm and helped him to his feet. He limped beside her to the back of the tent. They fled the same way Obruo had gone.

  Liora and Tariq reached a crowd that wandered through the pathways between the tents. They joined the group in an attempt to hide from the Coalition officers. A few members of the crowd shot them curious glances. Liora hoped they would pass as part of a circus act. She plastered a smile on her face to cover her pain.

  “You know we look ridiculous, right?” Tariq pointed out a few minutes later; his voice was tight. “We’re bleeding all over the place and you have a knife through your hand.”

  Liora laughed because it was all she could do. The pain in her right palm made her whole arm numb. She knew she should wrap Tariq’s leg to stop the bleeding, but she didn’t know how to do it until the knife was gone. Tariq didn’t dare remove the knife until he had bandages to wrap the wound. They were caught in an absurdly painful impasse until they reached the ship.

  As soon as the crowd neared the murky shore, Tariq and Liora branched away. Fortunately, the six-armed man who guided their shuttle didn’t look twice at the pair past holding up one of his many hands for the payment Tariq pressed into his palm. They reached the Calypsan’s Tin Sparrow and collapsed as soon as they made it inside.

  “I’ll get the med kit,” Tariq offered.

  “Don’t even think about it,” Liora replied. “I’ve got it. You’ve moved far too much already.”

  “I think my knee’s okay. The bullet went higher than he meant it to. It’s embedded somewhere in my thigh.”

  “You know that’s not very reassuring,” Liora pointed out as she lugged the medical kit one-handed to his side.

  Tariq gave her a pained smile. “I’m a positive person.”

  “Since when?”

  He gave an actual laugh, the first she remembered hearing. “Since this moment. I figure it can only go uphill from here.”

  “Hang around with me long enough and we’ll prove that wrong,” Liora shot back, winning another laugh from him. Her poor attempts at wrapping a bandage around his wound so he could work on her was a pathetic fail with the blade through her hand.

  Tariq sat up gingerly and caught her fingers.

  “Easy,” he said at her wince of pain. “Let’s take care of this first. Do you want an injection? I could numb it.”

  She shook her head. “I won’t be able to get the bullet out if you do. I need to be able to move my fingers. I just don’t think it should hurt as bad as it does.” She tried to distract herself from what was going to happen.

  “You mean getting a knife shoved through your hand should be easy?”

  “Easier,” she answered. Her voice tightened when he carefully grabbed the blade.

  “Maybe we should tell Obruo not to stab his daughter.”

  Liora glared at Tariq. At that moment, he eased the blade from the wound. She held back a cry of pain and instead bit her lip so hard she tasted blood.

  “It’s alright,” he said, his voice gentle. He concentrated on cleaning and bandaging the wound. “The hard part’s over. I won’t be able to check for damage until we reach the Kratos, but your fingers still work. That’s a good sign.”

  Liora blinked quickly to hold back tears of pain. “I’m glad you think that’s good,” she said, her voice wavering.

  Tariq looked at her closely. “Liora, I can numb this.”

  She shook her head. “I need to be able to use it. I’ll be fine.”

  He finished wrapping the bandage around it and tied the gauze off. He was careful to tuck the ends of the bandage beneath the other layers so they wouldn’t snag on anything.

  “You’ve done this before,” Liora said.

  Tariq gave her a half-smile. “A few times.”

  She sat up, careful not to put weight on her injured hand. “Alright, it’s your turn.”

  “Is this payback?” he asked. “I tried to be gentle.”

  “Don’t expect the same from me.”

  He settled on the floor with a worried expression. “I’m not sure I like the sound of that.”

  “Trust me,” Liora told him. “I’ve removed bullets before. This is going to be easy.”

  Chapter 22

  Liora let Tariq sleep for as long as he could during the trip back to the Diamond Albatross’ coordinates. As she flew, the reality of what had happened circled over and over again in her mind. Malivian was dead. Obruo was trying to kill her.

  She knew better than to think the chief would give up. He had a vendetta, and he wouldn’t rest until he made her pay. With him on her trail, nobody would be out of his reach. The Kratos crew might be safer sticking together, but Liora knew she was the one bringing them the most danger. She wasn’t sure how to come to terms with that.

  She heard Tariq limp forward from the passage.

  “Are you alright?” he asked.

  She nodded. “Are you?”

  He eased into the copilot chair and stuck his leg out at an angle. “Sure. I don’t know when I fell asleep.”

  “It hasn’t been too long,” Liora told him. “We’re almost to the Oregon transporter.”

  “Thank goodness,” Tariq replied. “I’m not sure how much longer we can stay on this Sparrow. Calypsans pack way too much grass for my stomach.”

  “I’ve never acquired the taste,” she said honestly.

  Tariq watched out the huge glass windows for a moment before he said, “So what have you been c
ontemplating? Do I want to know?”

  She glanced at him, debating how much to tell. “I’m not sure.” She was silent a moment. Nobody had ever asked her what she thought about. The memories and images in her mind probably made that a good thing; however, thinking about the most recent events troubled her far greater. She took a chance.

  “Obruo’s the reason I was caged.”

  “I heard that.” Tariq’s voice was gentle with empathy. “I didn’t realize it.”

  “I didn’t either until he told Malivian he was supposed to keep me under control.” She shook her head. “Obruo’s been controlling me this whole time.”

  Tariq settled back in his seat. “Liora, if I know you at all, nobody controls you.”

  “Not anymore,” she said firmly.

  He nodded as if he appreciated the words. “Good. I’m glad to hear it.”

  A silver object drew near on the screen.

  “There’s the Oregon transporter.”

  “Thank goodness. I can’t wait to get back to a real medical bay.”

  At Liora’s surprised look, Tariq shrugged with a hint of embarrassment. “Do you know how pathetic those tools are back there? Mine would walk miles around the Calypsan’s. You might even have stitches right now.”

  He raised his eyebrows invitingly.

  Liora fought back the urge to smile. “As fun as that sounds, I think I’ll stick with bandages.”

  She guided the toggle toward the transporter. As soon as it coupled, she hit the button to jump.

  Liora sat back in the pilot’s seat. The pulling sensation felt like cold water spilling over her from head to toe. Before she could decide if it was unpleasant, the sensation was gone.

  “That’s not the Atlas.” Tariq sat up straight.

  Liora’s heart skipped a beat. In the exact coordinates where they were supposed to find the Coalition’s lost Diamond Albatross, a different Coalition starship waited.

  “Incoming,” Tariq said. He pushed the receiver.

  Colonel Lefkin’s face came on the screen.

  “Hello, Officer Tariq. What a pleasant surprise.” The colonel gave a humorless smile. “I invite you both to come aboard my ship.”

  Liora and Tariq exchanged a glance. The invitation was a thinly-cloaked order. Malivian was gone for good. Obruo had vanished, and the Kratos was nowhere to be found. Colonel Lefkin knew exactly what Devren carried aboard his Iron Falcon. Given the number of Coalition ships and mercenaries the colonel had put on their trail, he would do whatever he could to ensure the Omne Occasus became his.

  “This is what I get for being positive,” Tariq said as he pushed cautiously to his feet.

  Liora turned her head so the colonel couldn’t see her speak. “We could always run for it,” Liora whispered.

  “You’re insane,” Tariq replied.

  “I’m part Damaclan,” Liora reminded him.

  He watched her for a moment. The slightest hint of a smile twitched at the corner of his mouth. He glanced at the screen, then back at her.

  “I’m putting my money on the Damaclan.”

  About the Author

  Cheree Alsop has published 31 books, including two series through Stonehouse Ink. She is the mother of a beautiful, talented daughter and amazing twin sons who fill every day with joy and laughter. She is married to her best friend, Michael, the light of her life and her soulmate who shares her dreams and inspires her by reading the first drafts and giving much appreciated critiques. Cheree works as a fulltime author and mother, which is more play than work! She enjoys reading, traveling to tropical beaches, spending time with her wonderful children, and going on family adventures while planning her next book.

  Cheree and Michael live in Utah where they rock out, enjoy the outdoors, plan great quests, and never stop dreaming.

  You can find Cheree’s other books at

  Find Girl from the Stars Book 2- Daylight wherever books are sold.

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  Never stop dreaming!


  The Silver Series-







  Silver Moon

  The Werewolf Academy Series-

  Book One: Strays

  Book Two: Hunted

  Book Three: Instinct

  Book Four: Taken

  Book Five: Lost

  Book Six: Vengeance

  Book Seven: Chosen

  Heart of the Wolf Part One

  Heart of the Wolf Part Two

  The Galdoni Series-


  Galdoni 2: Into the Storm

  Galdoni 3: Out of Darkness

  The Small Town Superheroes Series- (Through Stonehouse Ink)

  Small Town Superhero

  Small Town Superhero II

  Small Town Superhero III

  Keeper of the Wolves


  The Million Dollar Gift

  Thief Prince

  When Death Loved an Angel

  The Shadows Series- (Through Stonehouse Ink)

  Shadows- Book One in the World of Shadows

  Mist- Book Two in the World of Shadows

  Dusk- Book Three in the World of Shadows

  The Monster Asylum Series

  Book One- The Fangs of Bloodhaven

  Book Two- The Scales of Drakenfall

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22




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