Silken Inferno

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Silken Inferno Page 2

by Taige Crenshaw

  “How are Killian and Kaitya doing?” Allure asked, changing the subject.

  “They’re doing fine. Niya is glad to have them back, although she’s pissed off they won’t be joining her ranks of Amazonian Warriors.” Kalina straightened from the table.

  Curiosity filled Allure, at Kalina’s comment but she didn’t pursue it. Killian and Kaitya were Kalina’s siblings. They were triplets. They had died over three centuries prior. Then, just over a week ago, they had been reborn as Amazonian Warriors and Firebirds. It was still freaky to Allure that they had been dead, then suddenly alive.

  From conversations she had heard throughout the agency, their return was a big deal. The immortal beings who were part of the agency didn’t seem to find that odd. Allure didn’t understand why they acted like it was a normal thing to return from the dead, but, compared to most of the beings in the agency, she was a fledging in the whole immortal thing.

  What had people wondering was how they’d been brought back. From the rumours, it took a hell of a lot of power to bring someone that long dead back. Add to that combining them with another race, thus making them a hybrid… Well, that ability to create a hybrid was believed to be a myth. Hybrids were usually born, turned, or came into latent powers that they hadn’t previously known about. No one had heard of them being brought about the way Killian and Kaitya had been. Allure figured Ryne Garon, Kalina’s mate and a Firebird, had brought them back. All the speculation only added to Ryne’s mystique as ‘The Ghost’, one of the most feared assassination agents. Ryne now ran the Tracker Unit.

  “How are you and Niya getting along?”

  “Finding out your mother didn’t desert you when you needed her most doesn’t easily fix things. We have a lot still to work out. We’re working on it.” Kalina shrugged. “Just like you need to work things out with Christos.” Kalina touched her arm.

  Allure resisted the urge to tell her to ‘fuck off’. Instead she bit out, “I’m not discussing this. Do you need anything else?”

  “No. But if you need me, I’m here for you, my friend.” Kalina’s soft reply made her feel guilty.

  “I know.” Allure touched her shoulder, then walked to the door and exited.

  Striding down the hall, Allure headed to her office. Once there, she closed the door behind her. She skirted the boxes of her things. She was still trying to get settled in her office. She looked out of the floor-to-ceiling windows at the centre area within the protective circle formed by the buildings. On each floor the various division heads and their team leaders were mandated to use specific offices throughout the complex that were always part of the circle. When she’d got her new position, she had been told the reason was for a line of defence. Directly below was the atrium that ran the whole circumference of the building. The inner space consisted of parking areas for the employees, or visitors who knew what the agency really was.

  She prowled along the windows, stopping before one where she could see the people below rapidly going about their business in the Wall Street area of New York City. Those people didn’t know about the agency—just saw a building with a thriving law firm. When she was on the street and viewed the building from the outside it was deceptive, not just because of the sign, which stated they were a law firm, but because it was larger than it appeared. The shape of the building to the outside world was also false since it was circular in a way that no human could have built. From what she’d been told, the illusion of the outside structure had been specially designed that way so it could look like any other Wall Street building.

  Those people below, going about their business, have no clue how fragile life is. How it could be taken from you. How someone you love could be snatched away. Allure turned from the view. Sitting in her chair with her back to the wall she glanced left, then right, from one window to the next. One was the human world, and the other was the other beings’ community. They had to protect both.

  Allure looked forward at the mirrored wall to her unit. It could be changed between two-way or just one-way view. Unless she worked on something of a sensitive or classified nature, she preferred keeping it both ways, so she could see out to the unit, and they could see her.

  She studied the men and women she worked with then noted across the way that Lennox also had his mirrored wall set for two-way. Harmony and Storm each had an office between hers and Lennox’s. Harmony’s was closer to his. Absently, Allure rubbed at the base of her neck, then focused on her computer, getting to work. At the appointed time of their meeting, she left her office and met up with Kalina and Lennox then they headed up to the Z floor. When the elevator opened, Cairo, Christos’ assistant, waited and escorted them to the conference room. Allure steeled herself before she entered.

  Her gaze automatically went to Christos. His back was to her. His inky black hair was in its usual braid, falling to rest almost to his knees. He stood, casually chatting with two women she didn’t recognise. As if feeling her scrutiny, he turned his head. His silver gaze met hers. Pain filled her at the first sight of his rugged, masculine face. Allure averted her face, willing herself to hold it together.

  Get over it. Stop torturing yourself like this.

  While the others greeted Christos, Allure went over to look out of the window. The voices of the others drifted to her, but didn’t register as she dealt with the prospect of having to sit across from him. A tingling sensation overcame her. It was familiar, although it had been eight years since she’d last felt it. At least now she knew why she had felt out of whack and itchy between the shoulders. Allure stiffened but didn’t turn.

  “Allure.” His deep baritone vibrated through her, setting off a kaleidoscope of sensation.

  She refused to respond. His heat crowded her as he came closer. The usual instinct to move because someone was at her back didn’t come. They had watched each other’s back too often for her to fear him.

  “Aren’t you even going to look at me, or at least say hello?” He spoke softly.

  Allure raised her head and turned to face him. Too close. She stifled a moan as her body brushed his. Those violet eyes studied her. No one had eyes like his. Deep, mysterious with the ability to see everything. The ability to deceive. His black, unruly shoulder-length curls and his sun-kissed skin only enhanced his eyes. The rugged lines of his face looked even better than they had the last time she’d seen him. He shouldn’t look so good.

  “Vaughn,” she said curtly.

  She moved to go past him. Vaughn’s hand flashed out. She caught it before it could connect to grip her arm. He quirked an eyebrow, a small smile on his firm lips. Allure released his hand, giving him a warning glance. Vaughn didn’t heed it. Instead he moved deliberately slow, reaching out and gripping her arm. Allure let him, waiting to see what he could possibly have to say.

  Vaughn leaned close, whispering, “We need to talk about everything that happened.”

  “After eight years, there isn’t anything that needs to be said,” Allure said coolly.

  “You don’t want to listen to me, you mean?” Vaughn sounded patient.

  It was a tone she knew all too well. The one that made you feel as if you were being unreasonable.

  “There’s that too.” She shrugged.

  “We were partners, Allure,” Vaughn said.

  “A partner doesn’t turn you into a vampire, then leave without a word as soon as he did.” Allure took a breath, stilling the rage coursing through her. “That was lots of years ago. Now we’re nothing to each other,” she said dismissively, pulling her arm from his grasp.

  She moved to go around him. Vaughn shifted, blocking her path.

  “Get out of my way,” Allure warned.

  “Nothing? Even you know that’s a lie. We’re going to talk, Allure. Soon.” Vaughn’s tone brooked no argument.

  “We have nothing to say to each other,” Allure said.

  She pushed past him. Vaughn didn’t stop her this time. Allure was grateful to see the others hadn’t noticed their exchange.
She glanced at Christos. He looked between her and Vaughn, his expression was contained then Christos went back to his conversation.

  “Sorry we’re late.” Harmony bounded through the door.

  “Vaughn!” Storm stumbled to a stop.

  “You’re back!” Harmony rushed to him quickly followed by Storm.

  Storm and Harmony both hugged Vaughn tightly, kissing him on the cheek. They viewed him as family. At one time she had too. Vaughn met her gaze. Allure moved away then pulled out a chair and sat. She’d been foolish to put her trust in him. She wasn’t going to again.

  His scent—a mixture of cocoa butter and coconut—reached her as he sat next to her. It caused a pang in her belly. Under the table, she clenched her fist. Allure focused on the meeting as Christos called it to order.

  At least he’s not my partner any longer. I don’t have to be around him.

  Chapter Two

  Vaughn was distracted by Allure next to him as Christos started the meeting and introduced Niya—Mother Earth—to those who didn’t know her already. He could have given her some space, but he knew Allure too well. Distance would give her time to build up her armour against him. It was an off-putting feeling, being the one she pushed away…the one she hated.

  Allure’s complete attention was on Christos. That, more than anything else, let him know his task of convincing her to listen to him wouldn’t be an easy one. Allure looked even more beautiful now. Her caramel skin glowed. Those cat-like, hazel-green eyes still didn’t miss anything. Her dark brown hair was as usual neatly braided, resting over her shoulder, curving down against her full breasts, which were covered by her immaculate suit jacket.

  Vaughn’s attention returned to the meeting in time to hear Christos’ next words.

  “This is Eve. As you were already told, she created the agency to protect humanity. Even though she’s back, business at the agency will go on as normal with no interference from her or Niya.” Christos glanced first at Eve then at Niya, then back at the room. “Eve will have offices here on this floor, and will be working closely with me.”

  Vaughn listened absently as Christos continued to lay out the strategy of immediate plans for Eve’s role in the agency. He noticed the careful distance between Niya and Christos—even after all this time they still hadn’t worked out their problems. Vaughn glanced at Allure. He wasn’t planning on being like Christos with unresolved issues. He returned his attention to Christos.

  “The information I am about to share is not to leave this room. With the permission of Eve and the Firebird race, I’m sharing this with you. Eve is the Firebird.”

  Vaughn’s gaze locked on Eve. She was radiant in her burgundy and cream halter-top dress. Her gorgeous honey-toned face had an innocent quality. It was a face carved by a master artist. Her sloping forehead led to sharply defined cheeks, an aristocratic nose, full lips and a firm chin. Her gold, slightly tilted eyes met his. Knowledge of who she was suddenly burst through him.

  Christos’ voice drew his attention. “For those of you who don’t know what that means, she is tied to humanity itself. If she suffers, so will humanity. Eve was the first Phoenix to rise from the ashes and be born anew. Because of some circumstances, she took the knowledge of her from everyone. Now she has returned, and with the world she once knew changed we thought it best to keep who she actually is a closely guarded secret. Excerpt for Cairo, those in Niya’s warriors she trusted to tell, and Cipher from Oracle Psychiatric Investigators, no one else knows. Everyone outside this room will just know she is an ancient Firebird, one of the oldest of them, and that’s it.”

  “Why would you tell us this?” Allure brushed her braid over her shoulder. Vaughn heard the surprise in her tone.

  He knew her well enough that when she’d said ‘us’ she referred to Storm, Harmony and herself. Vaughn glanced around the table. Ryne and Kalina didn’t seem surprised at the news. Lennox had an enigmatic expression, so he wasn’t sure if he had already known or not. Vaughn nodded at Kaitya and Killian who also didn’t seem surprised. He glanced at Storm and Harmony noting the shock, although they were hiding it well. Allure’s face was contained, but he could tell her mind had worked out the reasons why they were being brought into such a huge secret. Vaughn had already figured out Christos’ reasons.

  “You’re the people I trust the most,” Christos answered without hesitation.

  Allure said nothing else. But Vaughn could practically feel her disbelief.

  Christos continued, “Believe what you will, Allure, but I trust you, even if you don’t trust me.” There was a wealth of meaning in his words.

  “Trust has to be earned.” Allure stiffened.

  “Exactly.” Christos studied her for a moment. “Moving on. The Interrogation Unit in conjunction with the Oracle’s has questioned those involved in Jared’s duplicity. So far, what we have found indicates they still believe their plan will succeed.”

  “I can’t see how they would. Eve isn’t who they believed, thus Armageddon is avoided,” Kalina cut in.

  “Say that again,” Eve said sharply.


  “The way you said Armageddon. Forget that. Tell me exactly what happened when you first heard the word.” Eve sat forward.

  Kalina complied. In a concise description, she repeated her experience with those talking of Armageddon. At the end, she glared at Eve.

  “Stay the fuck out of my head.”

  “I needed to see and live what you did.” Eve was unapologetic.

  She looked speculative. Eve glanced at Niya, and they both looked grim. Eve glanced at Christos.

  “I trusted you when you chose these people to tell who I am, but with what Kalina just revealed, I’ll need more than your word. I need to scan you and some of the people you told, including those outside this room. If one doesn’t agree, he or she will be wiped of all knowledge of who I am.”

  “I can’t just agree to that, Eve, nor have my people do it. Not without something to go by,” Christos said.

  “Fine. Then wipe it is,” Eve said.

  “You can’t just wipe memories.” Christos lowered his voice. “I chose these people for a reason.”

  Vaughn watched him closely in case he had to intercede.

  “I did it once, and I will again. This is to protect what is mine—the human race. And no one, including your ego, will get in my way.” Eve’s voice was deadly.

  “Eve, calm down,” Niya interjected.

  Eve turned to her furiously. “No, Niya. You know why it must be this way. Do you stand with me on this?”

  “I do.” Niya inclined her head. “But I chose Christos as leader of this agency for a reason. He would not be the man, the leader, he is if he gave in to pressure from anyone. You might be powerful, Eve, but don’t underestimate him. If you do this, he’ll make a powerful enemy. He and the Silan Guardian, and, by extension, the Blood Oath Hunters.”

  Eve looked at Christos. “I had forgotten who is behind the Silan Guardian. You are of the BOH?”

  “Yes. Vaughn, Allure and myself are.”

  “Vaughn, I have no worry about telling what I know.” Eve waved a hand.

  She leant back, seeming to think for a moment, then said, “Okay. In private, I will fill you in. Then you will let me probe those I need to, or I will wipe them. I’m not asking for permission. I’m doing it either way, no matter what you say. Humanity is more important to me than making a new enemy.” Eve stood and left the room.

  “Niya, either she accepts me as the head of this agency or not. I won’t take this sort of interference,” Christos gritted out.

  “This goes way beyond this agency. Come, Christos. Once she tells you, you’ll understand.” Niya stood, exiting the room.

  “Wait here while I deal with this. We’ll be back to continue the meeting in a moment,” Christos stated.

  Vaughn listened absently as the others talked amongst themselves.

  “You know Eve.” Allure spoke, capturing his attention.

/>   “Is that a question?” Vaughn stared at her, willing her to look at him.

  “Just an observation.”

  “It sounded as if you cared,” Vaughn taunted.

  Allure didn’t say anything further. Vaughn studied the side of her composed face. He glanced past her and noticed Storm and Harmony were strangely silent.

  “Stop trying to listen in.” Allure slapped Harmony on the arm.

  “Shh…we’re combining our energy on them. Every time we seem to get it, Eve bounces it off. From what I can tell, she has some major juju.” Harmony cut her gaze to Allure.

  “We’ll be filled in when or if we need to be,” Allure said.

  “Unlike you, we like to know now. Now shut up,” Storm said in exasperation.

  They were silent again. Vaughn stifled a chuckle at their antics. The door opened and Eve and Niya came in, then Christos followed, a grim expression on his face. Uneasiness filled Vaughn’s gut. The trio retook their previous seats and exchanged glances before they focused on those gathered around the table.

  “Those not in the room that Eve feels the need to scan have already agreed and been checked. Eve feels they are acceptable to give the information to. As for those of you here, it’s up to you if you decide to let her. If not, with what Eve revealed to me, she, with my permission, will wipe all knowledge of who she is from you. The way she explained it, it’s similar to what some of you are able to do with your powers, but on a deeper scale.” Christos paused, then said, “She wants to scan Harmony and Storm.”

  “What? Just us? Is it because we’re human?” Storm demanded.

  “You’re human? I could swear you weren’t.” Eve cocked her head to the side, studying them.

  Harmony and Storm exchanged a confused glance.

  “What do you mean?” Allure asked sharply.

  "Do not." Vaughn sent the thought along a private path to Eve.

  She flicked her gaze to him, inclining her head, then shrugged. “I was mistaken. Been a while since I’ve been about in the world.”


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