Silken Inferno

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Silken Inferno Page 6

by Taige Crenshaw

  “Sounds just like Zarya, trying to recruit you. Good job, turning it on her. Now back to the business at hand—A’rm Ageddon. Zarya will inform Allure, Storm and Harmony. The Zuri Maji is linked to this. As are the Blood Oath Hunters and Niya. Eve will fill you all in on the how,” Christos said.

  Vaughn was shocked. How could all those races be linked to A’rm Ageddon? The rest of those from the meeting filed in. Eve talked again. Vaughn’s thoughts were split between the meeting and what was going on with Allure. When the meeting broke up, Vaughn returned to his office. Without checking, he already knew Allure hadn’t returned yet. He rubbed just below his neck at his tattoo. He didn’t know what would happen once she did.

  * * * *

  The next morning Vaughn entered his office and paused, surprised to find her waiting. He sat across from her at the table.

  “Are you okay?”

  “As I said yesterday, I do not care.”

  He opened his mouth to speak. She put up her hand, stilling his words.

  “Zarya filled me in on some of what being a Maji means, but in the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t matter to any of us. Zarya mentioned your new assistant Megara is one too. Once she starts she’ll teach us about our powers and so on. Harmony will have to explain to Ebony about her own powers.”

  He remembered the little girl who was doted on by Harmony, her mom as well as Allure and Storm. They were protective of her.

  “How old is Ebony now?” Vaughn asked.

  “She’s eleven.”

  “She must have changed a lot since I saw her,” Vaughn said.

  “She has. She’s eager to see you,” Allure said gently.

  “I’d like to see her soon.”

  “Good. What has been decided so far about A’rm Ageddon?” Allure asked.

  Vaughn hesitated, wanting to pursue more of her conversation with Zarya. He decided not to. He filled her in on what they had so far.

  “We’re working on getting the four books here. It was decided that, even though the four of them together will tell where she is, it’s worth the risk of bringing them together to figure out how to break A’rm Ageddon’s tie to the veils. All of them except one are on Earth. Eve sent a message to the other dimension to the book holder there. She won’t tell us who it is. Until they reply, we can’t do anything more on that front. Until the response is received, Christos sent a message to Trance, the head of the Blood Oath Hunters, to keep a close watch on the Oath Chronicle. Zarya is protecting the Maji Lexicon. After the Book of Terra got into the wrong hands, Niya isn’t taking any chances there,” Vaughn said.

  “So until we hear from this other world fellow, we can’t break her ties to the veils. I don’t feel like twiddling my thumbs waiting for something to happen. Do you?”

  Vaughn chuckled. It was Allure’s way to go find the action instead of wait for it to come to her. She smirked, then stood.

  “I read the interrogation reports of those in the agency who were involved with Jared. There are more of them out there. Jared was a little fish in the bigger scheme. Let’s hit the streets and see if we can’t flush out some details on that.”

  Vaughn said, “I thought the same thing when I reviewed the file.”

  Allure said, “I know you did. Now come on.”

  She strode out of the door. Vaughn followed. As the day progressed, Vaughn was pleased how they got into their old rhythm as partners.

  Things will go back to normal now. He wasn’t sure if he was relieved or disappointed it would.

  “Come on slow-poke.” Allure held open the door to the bar.

  He focused on the task at hand and strode towards Allure.

  * * * *

  “We’re not getting anywhere,” Allure said in frustration.

  She closed the file she was reading. Vaughn rubbed his fingers along the bridge of his nose. He stretched.

  “It seems as if every time we get a lead it goes to another dead end.”

  “Exactly. We’re being led around,” Allure replied.

  Vaughn’s mind flashed to Zarya leading him around for so long. He looked across at Allure. In the three months since his return and her discovery of what she was, Allure seemed to have accepted it all with nary a look back and he didn’t understand why. They were back to being friends and partners, in their old rhythm with the same closeness as before. It was weird how they had clicked again so easily. He should have been content with that. Yet the feeling of needing more wouldn’t leave him.

  Allure pulled her braid over her shoulder, playing with the end. As she flicked it between long, slender fingers, Vaughn glanced away. He had become obsessed with her hands and how they would feel on his body.

  Let it go, Vaughn.

  “Are you okay, Vaughn?” Allure touched his hand.

  His cock stiffened at her touch. He gritted his teeth, quelling his instinct to withdraw his hand. The slow torture of her random touches and not being able to do anything about it was driving him crazy. Instead, he covered her hand with his.

  “I’m fine. I’m going to ask Christos to see the interrogation tapes of the betrayers again.”

  “Why? We went through them and the reports more than once already.”

  “Something about the tapes is bugging me. I don’t know what, but maybe seeing them again will make it clearer,” Vaughn said.

  “Okay. You want to do that now?”

  The press of his cock against his zipper made that impossible. No way could he ask Christos for the tapes now.

  “Let’s call it a day and revisit this in the morning. We can work in my office tomorrow.” Vaughn stood, turning his body slightly away so she wouldn’t see his erection.

  He gathered his files, holding them in front of his bulging shaft. They’d worked in her office for a change and now he realised that had been a mistake. At least in his office she left first and he could wait until she was gone before standing.

  “Okay. Tomorrow then.” Allure stood too.

  She put her hand behind her head, leaning back slightly. Her short jacket rode up, giving him a flash of caramel-coloured skin. His mouth went dry and his teeth ached with the need to taste her soft flesh. Vaughn jerked his gaze away, then walked rapidly to the door.

  “You want to grab a beer?” Allure asked behind him.

  “Not tonight. Have plans,” he said, not stopping.

  Vaughn walked down the centre line between the desks to the door leading out of the unit. He impatiently waited on the elevator.

  “Screw it.” He faded, then came back to form in his office.

  He dropped his files on his desk and dropped into his chair. Vaughn rested his head back on the chair.

  “You need to control this.” Vaughn breathed deeply in and out a few times. “She made it clear she doesn’t want anything but friendship.”

  Eventually, his erection subsided. Glancing at his desk, he was glad there wasn’t anything waiting for him. Megara had turned out to be a hell of an assistant. Vaughn stood, before going out of the office door.

  “I’m leaving for the day,” he said, striding past Megara.

  “Got ya, boss man.”

  He paused and looked at her. Her pixie-style cut was layered, not a hair out of place. Megara was dressed immaculately as usual. The halter-styled, big-collared red shirt she wore complemented her sepia skin. As she strolled up to him, her matching red miniskirt left skin visible above her high-heeled, thigh-high boots. Her heavily lashed green eyes were alight with mischief.

  “Weren’t you leaving?” she asked.

  “No comments about me leaving early? That’s not like you.”

  “I let it go. You seemed on edge.” Megara shrugged.

  You don’t know the half of it. “See you in the morning.”

  “Will do.” Megara turned and walked away, back into her own office.

  Vaughn continued on his way. In moments, he was in his Avalanche, heading to his house. Once there, he glanced at his door, but turned away, taking a walk aro
und his estate. The fading of the sun lit the yard in a surreal glow. Pausing at the lake, he glanced across at Allure’s dark house.

  “Put having her out of your thoughts.” Vaughn turned away and walked around the side of the house to the backdoor.

  He entered the house then retrieved a bottle of water from the fridge, before strolling to his living room. Standing in the bay window, he looked at her empty house once again, taking a drink.

  “Three months, Vaughn.”

  Vaughn stiffened, shocked. He hadn’t felt her. He turned to face Allure. She was in the shadows, sitting on the chair closest to the hall where he had entered the room.


  “I asked my question, but you haven’t asked yours. I’ve waited for three months for you to ask.” Allure’s tone was flat.

  Vaughn frowned. “Ask what?”

  “Why, after you turned me, it didn’t matter about what I could do anymore.”

  “Why didn’t it matter?” Vaughn’s heart raced.

  “Because when it came down to it, what I could do had no relevance to who I was. As I lay bleeding, my first thought was that I wanted to live for my family.”

  Allure’s words reverberated through him. Vaughn dipped his head. He knew she cared deeply about Harmony, Storm and Ebony.

  “Do you know why I was never mad at you for taking my humanity? Or why I don’t care if I’m Maji? Why I left you that message—asking why you left me?”

  “No.” Vaughn shook his head.

  Allure stood, stepping into the light. His breath caught at the wealth of emotion in her eyes.

  “My humanity paled with the thought of losing you. Being a Maji is of no consequence to me without you in my life. I left you that message, because the thought of being without you was too much for me to bear. Harmony, Storm and Ebony might be my family, but you, Vaughn, are my home, my shelter, and you have been for a long time.”

  Allure stepped closer. Vaughn kept his gaze locked with hers. She paused, a little away from him.

  “I was so angry that you left me. That you walked away when I needed you most. I convinced myself over the years that you didn’t care. But I realised you do. I remember what you said to me as I lay bleeding with death whispering my name. Did you mean it?” Allure asked softly.

  Vaughn trembled, unable to speak. She knew how to unravel him in the worst way. Knew all that was needed to shred his soul. Allure’s eyes went bleak then she turned away, head bent. He caught her arm, holding her there.

  “Let me go, Vaughn.” Her voice was raw.

  He moved close, shifting her until her back faced him. Vaughn brushed her braid over her shoulder, revealing the back of her neck. She shivered.

  “I couldn’t all those years ago. And I can’t now.” He spoke against the back of her neck, then kissed it gently.

  Allure moaned, shaking uncontrollably. Vaughn licked the spot he had kissed. He pressed his lips on her satiny flesh.

  “You’re mine, and will be forever, Allure. In life, I will be yours. In death, I will follow you and find your essence. Our souls will never leave each other.”

  “Don’t say that if you don’t mean it, Vaughn,” she whispered.

  He turned her, pulling her against his body, hissing as they touched. Gently, he held her chin, moving her towards him.

  “I meant every word I said, Allure. This time I say it to your face, my gaze on yours, my heart wide open. I love you, Allure, with all that I am,” Vaughn vowed.

  Allure sagged against him. Vaughn held her, inhaling against the side of her face.

  Shaking, Allure closed her eyes, tears burning them as Vaughn scented her. He had messed up their rhythm. He hadn’t come to her demanding they talk, so they could face things. It had been aggravating, watching him hold back. After months of waiting for him to confront her, or at least poke at her until she did, she’d been tired of waiting. Admitting the feelings she’d experienced all those years ago was not easy. Yet it was his stillness and silence that frightened her more than death.

  She had hoped he still felt the same. Yet now that she knew he did, she wasn’t sure what to say. Her thoughts scattered as he licked along the pulse in her throat. Vaughn’s bass growl vibrated along the side of her neck.

  “I l—”

  His blunt finger covered her lips, stopping her words.

  “Don’t just repeat it because I said it. It’s enough that you want me as I want you.” Vaughn groaned.

  Allure frowned. She started to correct him. Vaughn nuzzled against the side of her neck, scraping his teeth along her pulse. Her thoughts scattered again as heat filled her.

  “What’s happening to me?” she whimpered.

  “Inferno.” Vaughn growled. He shifted, and his teeth scraped along the back of her neck. “I need…” Vaughn’s voice was so deep it was almost unrecognisable.

  Allure’s body went tight and goose bumps broke out on her skin. She pressed back against his brawny frame, her pussy flooding with wetness.

  “Take it.” She moaned.

  “Accept my mark, Allure.” The intensity of his tone caught her attention.

  She turned her head until she met his smouldering, violet eyes. The words flowed from her in an ancient tongue.

  “Uluirs kalius meliysyshsh. Melzie.”

  “Mark me as yours, my mate.” Vaughn’s violet eyes started to flash with hazel-green streaks.

  Allure stared as his eyes colour changed with the lines that represented her eye colour mixed with his becoming permanent streaks on his pupil. A tingling sensation in her eyes came as they went through the change. She turned her head, tilting it down. Vaughn’s rumbling moan vibrated along her back. His teeth sank deep into the back of her neck. Allure gasped then moaned, grinding her cloth-covered ass against his bulging shaft. Each pull of his teeth made her pussy throb in time as he drank. A tingle of power raised along her skin. She moaned as her now naked body slid along his silken flesh. Vaughn moved his hot hand along her waist onto her bare stomach, then down between her legs. His calloused fingers rubbed against her slit, parting her. With a sure stroke, Vaughn filled her pussy with his fingers. His nail plucked at the hood of her sensitive clit.

  Shivering, Allure widened her stance to give him better access. Vaughn murmured then plunged long fingers into her wetness. Moaning wildly, she rocked against them. They filled her while he continued to suck from her neck. Vaughn plunged his fingers in and out. Allure raised her hand, gripping the back of his neck as she arched her hips into his touch. Fire licked along her body, burning her up.

  “Vaughn,” she breathed.

  He growled, increasing his finger fucking. Allure stood on her toes, rotating her hips into his thrusts. Vaughn clamped down hard, biting deeper and sucking in time with each movement of his fingers. She peaked, going over into a silken agony of release. Screaming, Allure bore down against his fingers. He withdrew, turning her quickly, pushing her across the room, slamming her against the wall. She heard the crack as it broke. Vaughn lifted her, then surged into her greedy cunt. Allure arched, taking his demanding thrust, countering it with a downward motion.

  With wild growls, he pushed in and out of her. He braced his hands on either side of her head, pinning her with his hips as he fucked her. Allure gripped onto his rigid arms, undulating her hips in time with his.

  “All…ure. Yessss…ummm…fuuuccck,” Vaughn rumbled.

  She moaned incoherently as he stroked faster and faster. Her pussy walls clenched around his cock as he filled her over and over. A sensation tickled the tips of her fingers. Blearily, she noticed a violet glow under them. It flowed from under her fingers, then up her arms. It didn’t feel hot, more like silk. A caress along her skin. Surprised, she lifted her head. Vaughn glowed, violet clouds obscuring his body. His power coated her in its embrace. The brush of silk rubbed all over her body.

  Allure gasped. “What is that?”

  “The Inferno.” Vaughn’s voice was muffled.

  Allure moaned as it
slid along her silt, then into where he thrust inside her. It stroked her, flowing into all those places hidden by skin and bone. She moaned as it closed around her heart, moving along it in a slow caress.

  “Oh…my… I…need…” Allure whimpered.

  “Take what you need, Melzie.” Vaughn’s voice reverberated against her and in her mind.

  Leaning forward, she licked his chest just above his heart, then sank her fangs deep. The sweet, cloying taste of his blood filled her mouth. Moaning, she drank as he thrust into her pussy. He got harder as she drank, moving more urgently. Allure purred against the bite. Vaughn roared. His release flooded her, setting off her own. Closing the bite with a swipe of her tongue, she slid her arms over his shoulder, burying her fingers in his sweat-damp hair. She pressed her nose against the side of his face, then moved to his ear, biting down on the bottom of it. Vaughn growled, continuing to pulse, filling her. Licking around the base of his ear, she softly nibbled. Vaughn sighed. Curling his arms around her head he held her.

  She felt the rapid beat of his heart inside her. Allure slowed her own that raced. His matched hers. Vaughn raised her face, then kissed her slowly. He stroked his tongue inside her mouth, tangling with hers. Allure revelled in his taste. He pulled her down gently. Allure frowned as her back met softness. Vaughn leant back. She realised he had moved them to the bedroom. He stroked inside her, fully erect again.

  “Oh my.” She moaned.

  Vaughn thrust lazily, slowly building the heat. Allure clamped her legs around him, body sensitised. Her thoughts went blank as he took her long into the night.

  * * * *

  Allure slid the last pancake onto a plate. Quickly she plated the eggs and bacon beside it.

  “What’s all this? Since when can you cook?” Vaughn asked behind her.

  “Learned a few things over the last few years. Why aren’t you in bed? I was going to serve you there.” Allure looked at him.

  “Smelt something wonderful.” Vaughn came over to her. “Your eyes look sexy mixed with streaks of mine.” At the possessive growl in his tone she got wet.


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