Game Changer

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Game Changer Page 7

by Rene Folsom

  I was surprised that she was ready to order almost immediately. Usually chicks took forever to make up their mind about anything. I couldn’t help but laugh at her as she greedily licked her lips after handing the man our menus.

  “What’s so funny?”

  I shook my head, continuing to chuckle at the growing confusion on her face. “It’s just nice to hear a woman order real food. Usually chicks order shit suitable for a rabbit, so the fact you just ordered a half-pound burger makes me second guess all my assumptions about females.”

  “Well, you better learn really quickly that I’m not like other women,” she said with a fierceness that told me she meant business. “I’m no damsel in distress waiting for her knight and shining armor to come rescue her. I can hold my own, even if that means I have to scarf down half a cow to prove it.”

  The confident grin she wore had me wanting to reach out and snatch her up into my arms. I itched to touch her, just for the sake of making sure she was real, to make some sort of physical connection.

  Instead, I chose words, ones I hoped would be somewhat of a compliment. “I’m so glad you’re not like other women.” Her answering smile, almost shy-like in quality, confirmed she took it as flattery.

  Dinner was rather informative, and I learned even more about the creature who seemed to fascinate me at every turn. The worst part was learning about her family. Turns out, she was the only one left after losing both her parents and her older brother in a horrific car accident several years back. The despair evident in her eyes told me now was not the time to pry. I could only hope I would have the chance in the near future to learn everything there was to know about this amazing woman.

  I was hesitant when she asked about my family. Truth be told, I just never had the desire to think or speak of them. They were never there for me growing up, and now that I had made a life for myself, not to mention the current padding in my bank account, they suddenly no longer treated me like a burden and became the loving family I’d always wanted. Only now, I couldn’t give two fucks.

  I tried to keep the venom from my voice as I spoke about my nonexistent parents. In truth, Thad’s parents were more of a mom and dad than my parents would ever be, and I made sure she knew just how much love I felt for them. Letting her know I still had that bond, regardless of the fact it wasn’t with my biological parents, made the look of pity melt away from her features.

  As she sucked down the last of her cherry coke, I asked, “You ready?”

  “Always,” she answered, reaching up and taking my outstretched hand. It might’ve seemed corny, but I felt like I was walking on clouds as we left hand in hand. Not only was she turning the heads of everyone around, but also, she was with me—and didn’t seem to be afraid to let everyone know it either.

  Chapter Eleven

  Maci: Fatalities

  The evening was going great so far, and we weren’t even halfway through the date yet.


  Even though I gave him shit in the beginning, I was rather enamored that I was on a date with William Allen. While I tried desperately not to be that chick—the type to turn into a gooey fangirl at the mere sight of their idol—I still couldn’t help myself.

  William Allen.

  Yet, if his evasiveness when we first met was any indication, he didn’t want to be liked for the role he played in the gaming community. So, as I continued to fall for the cocky geek I met in the coffee shop, I made a solitary pact with myself that I would never treat him differently than any other schmuck I chose to date.

  Only time would tell if he actually deserved the non-special, Maci treatment.

  I also tried my best to push our past out of my mind. He obviously didn’t remember our masquerade rendezvous—hell, why should he? It was well over a year ago, and we were both masked and somewhat inebriated. But it still hurt to know it wasn’t memorable enough—I wasn’t memorable enough—to spark some sort of recollection, especially when he kissed me. So, if he didn’t remember, I was damned sure going to try and forget.

  Aside from our lapse in judgment at said party, I couldn’t help but wonder what he would say if he knew who I really was—not that I ever planned to tell him. I could count on one hand the amount of people who knew the real me. I would be a liar if I said I wasn’t afraid of the rejection I would face if those around me knew I was a best-selling Science Fiction author. Everyone was way too critical and often chose to spout off with unheeded advice. The reproach was not just something I didn’t want, but was something I definitely didn’t need in order to be successful in the publishing industry.

  But the question rattling through my brain was—would he be as starstruck about me as I was with him? Would he still consider me one of his choice authors if he knew I wasn’t a man? Doubtful, but the idea had a smile playing on my lips as the wind blew rainbow strands of hair in my face. I felt so devious holding onto this secret, and the fact that he mentioned I was his favorite had me beyond giddy. And to top it off, we were on our way to see a movie that I simply adored, so it was likely my grin would remain permanent throughout the night.

  He wasn’t kidding when he said the gamers at the university considered him a deity of sorts. Hell, they were damn near ready to roll out the red carpet for us once they saw him walk through the doors of the arcade lounge.

  Once the few gamer geeks left us alone, Liam eyed me sideways and smiled at me in a way I could only describe as deceptive and evil—in a very playful Liam sort of way.

  “What?” I asked, backing up a few steps and feigning fear.

  “You up for a challenge?” Just as the words spilled from his lips, his eyes darted toward a wall of classic arcade games.

  “Oh, hell yeah,” I breathed, leading the way toward the wooden box with the words Mortal Kombat splayed along the top. The vintage cabinet was beautiful, and I couldn’t help but touch my fingers against the large, yellow dragon adorning the sides. “Won’t be much of a challenge though. I’ll kick your pansy ass in this game,” I nearly whispered.

  Biting my lip to hide my smile, I watched with unabashed interest as Liam’s long fingers slid a few coins into the slots and began a game. “Ladies first,” he said, gesturing toward the controls. It didn’t take me long to choose Scorpion so I could lasso his ass for the undeniable fatalities that were in his near future.

  “Not gonna go with Sonya, huh?” he blurted out as he did the predictable and chose Sub-Zero.

  Rolling my eyes, I didn’t look at him as I spoke with a bit of a bite in my tone and said, “Why, so you can stare at her tits while you attempt to kick her ass? Plus, why do I automatically have to be the girl? Is it because I should like the pretty green color of her too-tight outfit?”

  “No reason. I just wasn’t expecting you to choose Scorpion is all,” he said with a shrug as the game began.

  Jerking my body as I dodged his first freeze blast, I said, “You better learn really quick that I don’t care for gender stereotypes, Liam.”

  Failing at dodging my kunai, he sighed and laughed. “Point taken.”

  It didn’t take long before the command to finish him blasted through the speakers, and I ripped his spinal cord clean through his frigid body.

  “Fuck,” he cursed under his breath, and I couldn’t hold back my laughter anymore.

  “You totally deserved that.”

  Without saying another word, I continued to show him who was boss. After the third round and another epic fatality, he threw his hands up and said, “Okay, Maci. You done showing off?”

  Crossing my arms over my chest, I gave him an I-told-you-so smile and nodded. However, it was then that I realized we’d attracted an audience.

  I was suddenly worried he’d be pissed that I showed him up in what was supposed to be his territory. These kids looked up to him, and there I stood, holding his balls in a metaphorical vice. The smirk that tilted up on half his face told me he wasn’t mad… at least not horribly upset with me.

  Leaning close, a little
too close, he whispered in my ear. “I think these guys like watching you from behind while you play.” Before I could respond, Liam grabbed my ass, squeezed once, and winked before offering me his hand and adding, “Let’s go.”

  As soon as we made it into the hall, out of geekdom earshot, I laid into him. “Did you seriously just grab my ass?”

  “I had to even the score somehow and also show them all you were off limits. Their gawking was very distracting,” he said with a shrug, never letting go of my hand as I tried to tug it free.

  “Well, you don’t get to grope me just to prove a point, Liam.” I wasn’t really as upset as I was sounding. Having his hand on me was exciting. But a habit like that could give him the wrong impression, and I’d be damned if I let a guy get away with pawing me in public like I was some piece of ass he had to stake claim to.

  Using my hand, he pulled me closer and threw his arm around my shoulder like it was second nature for us to be connected. “I know, and I’m sorry. Their eyes were practically glued to your ass though. I was just giving them something to look at,” he said with a holier-than-thou smirk. “Hell, even the one chick there was nearly undressing you with her stare.”

  Smacking his chest, I pushed him away and said, “Next time, grab yourself. I’m sure they’ll get an eyeful then.” But the smile on my face betrayed me and turned into a full-blown laugh that echoed off the marbled floors as we made our way toward the stairs leading to the theater.

  Deciding we still had plenty of time before the midnight showing, I took a few steps and turned abruptly so he was now one step below, making him eye level with me. My stomach jumped with nerves when I noticed just how alone we really were. Not many students were wandering the halls at the moment and the fact we were isolated made me feel bold.

  Grabbing both his hands, I guided them around my waist until his palms rested just at the small of my back. I wouldn’t need to get on my tiptoes for what I had planned, which made me feel like I was in control.

  “Maci, wh—?” My fingers over his lips abruptly cut off his words.

  “Shh,” I hissed. “No talking. Not right now.”

  Letting my touch trail down his mouth, I felt the softness of his lips with the pads of my fingers. He lightly pecked and nipped at one before I pulled them away and stared into his striking, blue eyes.

  While attempting a seductive touch, I laced my fingers behind his neck and pressed my chest to his, feeling his warmth against me. I couldn’t help it as my breath quickened and my heart began to beat frantically. I was sure he’d be able to feel it thrumming through my body, an obvious sign that he had some sort of effect on me in the most delicious way.

  Before I could close the distance and kiss the adorable geek of a man in front of me, he brought one of his hands up and grasped my fingers, gently placing them on his chest, over his heart, so I could feel the rumbling staccato beneath my touch.

  “I’ve walked on many planets and floated through the heavens… yet you’re the only one in the universe who can make my hearts move.” His voice, just a mere whisper, radiated through my soul as he spoke the all-too familiar words I wrote so long ago.

  The man just quoted my first book.

  Chapter Twelve

  Liam: Great Scott

  At first, I felt silly for letting the words spill from my mouth. Even if she’d read M.L. Thomas’ books, there was no way she’d remember the words verbatim like I did. The way she stared into my eyes, with nothing but pure shock, led me to believe I’d overstepped my boundaries.

  Then, one single word spilled from her lips, making me realize just how amazing this woman was.

  “Celestial,” she whispered, pegging the name of the book I pulled the quote from and completely recognizing the reference. It wasn’t until a single drop of moisture pooled in the corner of her eye that I grasped just how much she understood—unspoken knowledge clear in the depths of her distant gaze.

  I knew enough about Maci to know she wouldn’t be entirely comfortable with this display of emotion, so I did what any man would do in my situation—I kissed her.

  If I thought her name felt great on my lips, her mouth was pure ecstasy. She tasted even better than she looked, which was saying a lot considering she was smoking hot. I’d never thought a woman could bring me to my knees before, but I was damn near collapsing at the feel of her warm lips against mine.

  Standing on the steps of the stairwell, her hand still splayed out on my chest, we kissed. Our tongues touched as our breathing quickened. A soft moan emanating from her had me straining for control not to take her right here on these cold, marble stairs.

  Pressing her soft body against mine, I tangled my fingers through her hair and continued to ravish her with my lips. There was only one other time I’d ever been kissed like this, and I honestly never thought I’d experience such passion again. She entranced me, not just with her kiss—everything about this woman had me inspired… mesmerized.

  She was spunky. She was sexy. She was independent. She was passionate. She was smart. And, right here—right now in this stairwell—she was mine.

  Nipping at her bottom lip ever so lightly, I finally pulled away and managed to suck in a ragged breath, catching any little bit of oxygen I could muster after that incredible kiss.

  Bringing her fingers to her mouth, she touched the moisture on her swollen lips and whispered, “Great Scott.”

  I couldn’t help the laughter that exploded from me at her quick wit. “Yeah, let’s get to the theater before things get too heavy,” I added with a wink and a light peck to her nose.

  The theater was a bit chilly, which meant I inadvertently got to appreciate the view, at least until the lights went down. The thing I loved about seeing flicks at the campus union was the lack of ads. We were able to jump into the opening credits right away, the vibration from the surround sound giving me exciting chills.

  Maci didn’t waste any time grabbing my hand and lacing her fingers with mine, the act warming me and making me smile at how easily affectionate I could be with her. She made me feel… comfortable.

  Since the stadium seating was only about half full, I felt like we had a bit of privacy—enjoying one of our favorite films without the constant racket of other moviegoers. Of course, there was the occasional laughter during the funny parts, which made the scenes even more enjoyable—at least to me.

  As Doc Brown opened up his door, a crazy helmet littered with wires covering his head, I looked over at Maci and marveled at her smile. The lights from the screen shone in her eyes, making them look like glittery orbs, her grin obvious as her lids squinted shut.

  A burst of her laughter had me chuckling as well, not only because the scene was funny, but because I was completely enraptured by how amazingly gorgeous she was—her expression carefree and overjoyed.

  I must’ve gotten completely lost in her beauty, because before I had a chance to tear my gaze away, she glanced over at me, biting her lip when she realized I was staring. There was no sense in hiding my attraction. Being bold, I leaned over and whispered, “I love watching you laugh.” I finished my compliment with a light peck on her cheek that sent a thrilling sensation over my lips.

  Damn, this girl was going to be the end of my self-control.


  Once we got to the Jeep, I made sure to help her back up, fully aware she could do it herself, but wanting to enjoy the view for a moment.

  And that was when I saw it.

  As she climbed into the cab of the Jeep, I caught sight of a small Batman tattoo, just a simple black batman symbol that was seated perfectly on the small of her back.

  I’d seen that tattoo before. I’d remember that ink anywhere… and especially on an ass like hers. How could I have not noticed before?

  She’s the one.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Maci: My Escape

  Not sure what his problem was, but Liam hightailed it as soon as he dropped me in front of my building. I was lucky he didn’t make me
jump and roll. Hell, I even invited the man up, certain he would take the bait. But, nope. He feigned some sort of thing he had to do at home, leaving me to wrack my brain and try to figure out what the hell spooked him.

  Maybe he was trying to pay me back for how I acted at the charity function. After all, I did kinda flip shit that night and, if he weren’t my ride, I likely would’ve walked out. He didn’t seem like the vindictive type though, so I was probably making something out of nothing.

  Making my way up to my apartment, I thought of what I’d done to make him spaz and take off. He was pretty clear of his intentions all evening, especially during the movie. Yet, the ride home was excruciatingly silent. Maybe he was afraid his Jeep would turn into a pumpkin if he didn’t make it home in time.

  Stripping down to nothing but my tee and panties, I curled up on my couch with my favorite blanket—the one my grams made. Fingering the frayed fabric along the edge, I wished I could talk to her. But it was late. Tomorrow, I’d be sure to spend several more hours with her than usual. She was my comfort zone.

  As I slugged my way to bed, dragging the blanket with me, a text pinged through on my phone, and I was surprised to see it was Liam.

  Liam: Sorry to bail so quickly. Lunch tomorrow?

  Maci: Yeah, what up with that? No can do on lunch. I’ll be busy most of the day tomorrow.

  Liam: Then lunch sometime later this week?

  Maci: Lunches are out. Got any other game plans, Mr. Allen?

  Liam: Why not lunch?

  Maci: I have other obligations, and you’re being nosy.

  Liam: Okay. Guess I’ll just see you at Ramon’s sometime. Nite.

  Well, hmm. That was a bit abrupt. But I wasn’t going to trade my lunch dates for anything in the world, so he could pout all he wanted.


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