Love Redeemed

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Love Redeemed Page 10

by Tich Brewster

  This was not at all the evening she was hoping to have. This night had turned into one of her worst nightmares.

  Cheryl stared at her cell phone in disbelief. The idiot was actually ignoring her. She had phoned Ryder several times and each time it rang once then was sent straight to voicemail.

  Well, that didn’t matter anyway. Cassie was not the one he needed, the one he truly craved. As soon as he realized what a fool he’d been then he’d come running back into her arms.

  What her lover needed was a push in the right direction. She fished Cassie’s cell phone from her purse and scrolled through the numbers until she found Ryder’s. She pushed the text icon next to his name. Ryder, I had to leave town. I can’t handle another relationship with you. Tell dad to keep my son safe. There, that should do the trick.

  She turned the device off, tossed it into her purse, and walked into Roadies Steakhouse. The minute she opened the door the mouthwatering aroma hit her nose. The smell of steak as it cooked on the grill made her stomach rumble.

  “You came in just in time,” an older waitress informed her. “We are getting ready to shut down the grill.” The waitress escorted her to a table near the bar. “What can I get you to drink?”

  “Just water.” What she wanted was a Screw Driver but she needed to keep a clear head. She couldn’t afford to get buzzed, even if it was slight. Not when she had Cassie to tend to back at the house. “I want a Caesar Salad and a Rib-eye.”

  The waitress scribbled her order on a notepad. “Coming right up.”

  The delicious aromas from the grill drove her taste buds insane. She wanted nothing more than to order a big fat steak for herself. But as tempting as that was she had her figure to think about.

  She had been living on rabbit food for years to maintain her sexy figure. If she started eating this fattening food and gained weight then Ryder would never want her. And she could not have that. If she had to starve herself to keep his attention, then so be it.

  Ryder pulled into the Bradshaw Publishing parking lot. He spotted Cassie’s car right away. It was still parked towards the back. He called her cell phone again. No answer. Strange.

  He pulled his Mercedes into the spot next to hers. As he got out he noticed that her back door was standing wide open. He looked around the parking lot then peered inside her car. On the backseat was her briefcase.

  This was not like her at all. A knot formed in the center of his stomach. He retrieved his cell phone from his car and tried her again. Voicemail.

  Then a text appeared from her. He read it but knew that what he read wasn’t the truth. Her car was right in front of him, her laptop laying on the backseat unattended. She would never leave it out like that to be stolen. Something was terribly wrong, he could feel it.

  The office had closed hours ago but there was another car parked out here. Maybe she was leaving and had to run inside for something, getting sidetracked. Deep down, he knew that she wasn’t inside. He knew that this smelled of foul play but he had to check just to make sure. If nothing else, maybe the person in the building could help him locate her.

  He rounded the corner. The inside of the building was dark except for a small cubicle in the far corner. He knocked on the glass door. No one answered.

  He needed to speak to whoever was still in the building. He pounded on the door with his fist, desperate to find out what they knew about Cassie. He beat his fists harder and harder on the glass until he saw movement from that lit cubicle.

  The guy approached the glass doors. “Sorry but we’re closed.” He turned to leave.

  “Wait,” Ryder shouted. The man stopped but didn’t look at him. “I know you’re closed but I’m looking for Cassie Strong.”

  This got the young man’s attention. He went back to the doors, unlocked them and stepped partially outside. “Who are you?”

  Ryder extended his hand. “I’m Ryder Hanson.”

  “Todd.” He shook Ryder’s hand. “She’s talked about you.”

  A small smile pulled at the corner of Ryder’s mouth. “Is she in there?”

  Todd shook his head. She’d left the office hours ago. “No. She left at closing,” he looked at his watch. “That’s been over three hours ago.”

  “No, that can’t be.” Ryder pointed towards the parking lot. “Her car is still parked out here and her back door was standing wide open.”

  Todd stepped fully out of the building. He peeked around the corner, checking the parking lot. He looked back at Ryder, completely shocked and at a loss as to what this meant. “I haven’t seen her.” He waved toward the building, inviting Ryder inside. “I haven’t seen her since she walked out this door.”

  “Is there a chance that she came back in and you just didn’t hear her?” Ryder knew that he was grasping at straws here but he had to cover all of his bases.

  Todd cocked his head to the side. The chances of Cassie coming back into the office without his knowledge were slim to none. “I’ve been in the back getting some cover art finished for one of my clients. I would have heard her come in but we can check just to be sure.”

  Both men went into the building calling Cassie’s name. There was no response, just as they had expected. Ryder peeked into every office, break room, and even the bathrooms. She was nowhere to be found.

  Todd met Ryder in the lobby. “I couldn’t find her anywhere.” A deep frown formed on his face. “I’m really sorry. Should I call the police or something?”

  “I doubt they’d even consider her missing yet.” He jotted down his cell phone number on a piece of paper and handed it to the man in front of him. “Call me if you see or hear from her.”

  “Sure. Please have her text me when you find her. Just so that I know she’s okay.”

  “Will do.” Ryder didn’t even bother with a goodbye, he just ran out of the building to his car as fast as his feet could carry him.

  Ryder drove the streets praying for any sign of Cassie. She was nowhere to be found. He was past panic mode by now, he was downright petrified.

  He jumped at the sound of his phone vibrating in the console. Snatching it up quickly, he answered the call. “Cass?”

  “No son, I’m sorry.” Tom sounded as deflated as Ryder felt.

  “Any word? Please tell me you’ve had some luck.” He held his breath, even crossed his fingers, as he waited for Tom’s answer.

  “None.” Tom’s voice wavered slightly in his fight against his raging emotions. “I’ll see about calling in a favor at the Police station.”

  “I’ll call immediately if I find her.” Ryder ended the call and tossed his cell phone back into the console. Anger and fear threatened to suffocate him.

  He slammed his fist on the steering wheel. Was God punishing him for his past mistakes? The steering wheel bounced under the second blow from his fist. He pulled over on the side of the road.

  What he needed was some fresh air before he completely lost it. Maybe this is what Cassie went through when he left her to go on tour. This heart shattering ache that wanted nothing more than to chew him up and spit him out.

  Making sure he had his phone in hand, he locked up the Mercedes and started walking the streets.

  The waitress set a plastic bag down in front of Cheryl. “Here you go, Hun.”

  “Thanks.” Cheryl handed her a tip, grabbed her bag of food, and left. First things first, she’d take Miss Do-Gooder her last meal. Then she’d set out to bring Ryder back home.

  Cassie sat quietly, listening to the footsteps as they neared the bedroom. If all went as planned she might possibly be home by morning.

  The clicking of high heels stopped abruptly. The bedroom door opened in one swift movement. Upon seeing Cassie in the same spot with the ropes still secure, Cheryl loosened her grip on the plastic bag and walked in.

  The aroma of the steak hit Cassie’s senses even before Cheryl took a step into the room. As a result her stomach rumbled painfully. She couldn’t even remember when she had last eaten. She remembered eating a
banana on the way to work this morning but nothing else.

  Oh man was she hungry now that food was in the same room. If Cheryl didn’t hurry up and give her that darned steak she may just eat her way out of these ropes to get to it. Oh, and she wouldn’t stop there…if she had to, she’d eat Cheryl to get to that yumminess.

  Cheryl sat down across from her, Indian style. “Don’t move.” When she was positive that Cassie would obey, she opened the plastic bag.

  The food boxes were neatly stacked inside. She pulled them out, setting them next to her on the floor. She was tempted to eat Cassie’s steak while the girl watched. But wisdom won out and she refused that hearty piece of meat knowing that it wouldn’t do her body any good.

  The more Cassie’s stomach rumbled, the more Cheryl smiled. Jeez, the woman was getting a kick out of her torment. If only she could free herself, she’d slap that flippin’ smile off of her face.

  She waited patiently for Cheryl to untie her hands so she could eat but the woman never did. Cheryl just sat there with her salad in her lap, eating. Taking her time to savor each and every bite.

  She closed her eyes and tried not to inhale. The pain in her stomach was enough to make a person pass out. I swear child birth wasn’t even this horrendous. The world could be such a cruel place at times.

  “You know,” Cheryl said in-between bites, “I talked to Ryder while I was out getting dinner.” Another bite. “He didn’t even seem to know that you were missing. That or he just doesn’t care. We made plans to get a beer later on.” She glanced at Cassie to gauge her reaction and frowned when there was none.

  Cassie struggled to maintain a straight face. She didn’t want Cheryl to know just how much that statement affected her. Deep down she knew that Ryder was not this cruel person Cheryl was making him out to be. There was no way he could fake his feelings for her. The last couple of weeks had been pure bliss. But that didn’t stop her overactive imagination from running wild.

  If Cassie could just get her hands free she’d strangle the wench with her bare hands. This woman was nothing more than a thorn in her side. The sooner she plucked her out the sooner she could heal.

  Cheryl chewed the last bite of her salad. She picked up the extra fork she’d brought in with her, handing it to Cassie. She slid the remaining box to her and stood to leave.

  “Um,” Cassie began, “I can’t cut this meat with a fork.”

  Cheryl tapped the toe of her expensive heels, seemingly deep in thought. After a moment she shrugged her shoulders. “Well, since I have a hot date with Ryder.” She made sure to draw out his name. “I suppose I can give you something to cut that with.”

  Cassie watched her walk out and sagged in relief. Her plan was falling into place nicely. Cheryl came back and handed her a butter knife. A butter knife? How on God’s green planet was she supposed to cut through the ropes with a butter knife?

  Cheryl smirked. “What? You didn’t think I’d be dumb enough to give you a sharp one did you?”

  “Of course not.” She took the butter knife and began sawing on her steak.

  “That should keep you busy until I get back,” Cheryl sang as she left the room.

  Cassie shuddered. She was so angry she could spit nails. The car started. She waited until the engine faded out before she began her escape.

  Ryder had walked the streets for the last hour. There was no sign of Cassie. He’d received zero phone calls from her. It was like she’d just vanished from the planet.

  Finally, his phone rang. “Hello?”

  “Hey, baby,” Cheryl cooed into the phone.

  “Not now.” He rolled his eyes. Could she just not take a hint? He was no longer interested in anything she had to offer. “I have other things to do right now.”

  “Where are you?”

  “Look, I really need to go.” He was in the process of hanging up when she spoke again. Her next words stopped him in his tracks.

  “But I’m parked right behind your car. Where’re you at, baby?” A bubble popped from her chewing gum.

  “You’re behind my car?”

  “Um hum.” More bubble gum smacking and bubble popping.

  “You’re in Texas?” He walked back towards his car, eyes looking in every direction. He was about four blocks away. If she was here, he wanted to know why.

  “Yes, silly.” She giggled. He hated the sound of her giggling. “Where are you? I want to take you out for a drink.”

  “Headed your way.” He picked up his pace. “I’ll see you in just a few short minutes.”

  Her excitement flowed out of her in her contented sigh. “I can’t wait.”

  He disconnected the call and practically ran to his car. It took him a little bit to reach the street he’d parked his car on. At this moment he was glad that he kept in shape for the stage, otherwise he’d have been a real sight to see. He slowed to a brisk walk when his car came into view.

  There she was, sitting on the hood of his car. What the heck? The creeper could have sat on her own cotton pickin’ car. Nothing grated on his nerves faster than a woman who treated his belongings as her own.

  Cheryl slid off of his car and sashayed to his side. There was a time when that would have excited him but now it did nothing at all for him. “Hey there hot stuff.” She stood on tip toes to kiss his lips.

  When he stepped back she frowned. “How in the world did you manage to track me down?” This was very suspicious behavior. It was unnerving how stalker like this was.

  “I missed you.” She ran a fingernail along his jaw line. “I had to come see you, to be with you.”

  He grabbed her wrist, probably harder than necessary, and pulled her hand away. “I really don’t have the time to do this. I’m out searching for someone that went missing earlier.”

  “Forget that witch. Cassie doesn’t want you or she wouldn’t have left,” she blurted out. She bit her bottom lip. That was something she hadn’t meant to say.

  He froze, letting her words sink in. “What do you know about Cassie?”

  Cheryl fidgeted. “Nothing, I…I just meant…” She twisted a lock of her hair around her finger. “I don’t know anything about her.”

  He searched her face. The woman was hiding something. “You don’t look like a woman that doesn’t know anything. What is it?” The way she kept cracking her knuckles over and over didn’t sit well with him.

  “How about a drink?” she cooed into his ear.

  Biting his inner cheek to keep from lashing out, he nodded. “Sure. Let’s head over to the pancake house. It’s just around the corner.” He had a heck of a time prying her hands off of his arm. She clung to him tighter than a leech to fresh meat.

  The café was nearly empty. The only occupants were a younger couple. Cheryl went straight to the jukebox. He ignored her beckoning and sat at the first booth he came to. She stuck her bottom lip out in a pout.

  She made a big show by stomping to the booth, tossing her purse on the table, and sitting down with a loud humph. When he paid no attention to her tantrum, she began checking her emails on her phone.

  The waitress came over and Ryder never looked at nor consulted Cheryl, he held up two fingers and said, “Two cups of coffee, please.”

  “Sure thing, sugar.”

  He breathed in a deep cleansing breath before turning his attention back to Cheryl. “So, when did you arrive in town?”

  “Oh, um, just a day or so ago.” She tapped her finger nails on the tabletop. She was nervous and tiny beads of sweat formed on her upper lip.

  “Okay, Cheryl.” He placed a hand over hers to quiet her annoying nail tapping. “It’s time to be honest here. You are not acting like yourself. What in the world is up with you?”

  “Nothing, I swear. I just wanted to see you.”

  “I’ve told you on numerous occasions that I do not want a relationship with you. So why are you here? Why’d you track me down tonight?”

  “I…” She held her phone in a death grip. “I need to use the restroom
.” She fled the table faster than a criminal on the run.

  Ryder pinched the bridge of his nose. This was not what he needed to deal with right now. Cheryl’s drama was drawing his time and attention away from Cassie. He took his cell phone in hand and called Cassie, hoping that this time she’d answer.

  A buzz from Cheryl’s purse caught Ryder’s attention. He eyed it, wondering whether or not he should dig in her purse and answer her phone. Deciding that it wasn’t a good idea to go through the girl’s purse, he left it alone. She’d discover it later.

  Cassie’s voicemail picked up on the third ring. Interesting. She’d turned on her phone since the last time he’d called it. He dialed again, hoping she was fine and would answer this time.

  Just like earlier, a phone buzzed in Cheryl’s purse. This time Ryder hung up. When he did, the buzzing stopped. He looked toward the restrooms. No sign of Cheryl. Opening her purse, he dug through the contents until he found what he was looking for. A bright pink phone.

  This was the same model that Cassie owned. “What in the world?” He thought back, trying to remember what Cheryl had been holding. She’d had a black phone, much larger than this one and definitely more expensive.

  Pressing the home button, he lit the screen. The wallpaper was that of their son, Lucas. No doubt about it. This phone belonged to Cassie. The question was; why did Cheryl have it in her possession?

  Red flags shot up from every direction. This wasn’t right, Cassie was in trouble and somehow Cheryl was involved. He had seen enough movies to know he shouldn’t ask Cheryl about the phone. God only knows how unstable she may really be.

  When he saw her emerging from the restroom, he slid the cell phone in his back pocket. Cheryl sauntered across the café. She smiled, manically, at Ryder as she sat in front of him.

  “Where are you staying?” he asked.


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