Her Greek Inheritance (The Greek Brothers Book 1)

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Her Greek Inheritance (The Greek Brothers Book 1) Page 9

by Amanda Horton

  She was still pondering this decision when Tressa and Leo entered her suite of rooms through a side door. She gasped, jumping to her feet. “Get out!”

  “Gemma, my mother wishes to speak with you. I also need to explain…”

  Gemma shook her head, her feelings of betrayal warring with the romantic feelings she’d held for Alexi and the way Leo made her feel. “I don’t—please, just leave me alone.”

  Leo stepped towards her. His expression fell as she backed away from him. He stopped, holding out a folder of papers. “I just came to give you these. Since these are what sent me after you, I think you should be aware of all the facts.”

  He stared at her a moment and then placed the folder on the coffee table. He shoved his hands into his pockets. “I should apologize for deceiving you, but I cannot in all honesty say I am sorry. The chemistry between us is like nothing I’ve ever experienced. I envy the relationship you had with my brother.”

  He paused seemingly waiting for her response. Gemma stared back at him. She would not give him that satisfaction.

  Leo seemed to realise he was waiting in vain. “I will leave you to look at that folder. My mother is here to answer any questions you may have. I will speak with you tomorrow.” He turned and left the same way he’d entered, leaving Gemma and his mother staring at each other.

  Gemma glanced at the folder as if it were a snake. “What’s in there?”

  Tressa gave her a soft smile and then sat down on a couch, patting the area beside her. “Please. Sit.”

  Gemma did so, afraid to reach for the folder. Tressa seemed content to wait. Finally, Gemma’s curiosity got the best of her. She opened the folder and saw a sheath of papers. They looked like certificates of some sort. A piece of paper, written in Alexi’s familiar scrawl was attached to the front. It was smeared in several places, but Gemma thought she could make out the gist of it. She picked it up and read it quietly to herself, her eyes growing bigger with each word she read.

  I, Alexi Moustakas, being of sound mind and body, do hereby authorize the transfer of ownership of the following stock certificates in Moustakas Shipping to one Gemma Larsen, of Washington, D.C. in their entirety. This transfer will be complete upon the event of my death, or at a time I declare is right.

  A signature was at the bottom, as was a notary seal and block.

  Gemma turned to Tressa. “I’m not sure I understand.”

  The older woman inclined her head. “That is why I insisted on being here. Alexi and you had a relationship?”

  Gemma’s shoulders slumped. “I thought so. We were together for about three weeks two years ago, but then he said he had to go away on business and never returned.” She paused, her next words laced with the defeat and betrayal that still felt raw. “He didn’t even give me his real name. I tried to find him after I found out I was pregnant with Damien, but the private detective I hired couldn’t come up with anything.” Gemma laughed sadly. “I knew he was of Mediterranean descent, but not that he was Greek. Not until…until Leo found me.”

  “Did Leo introduce himself as Alexi?”

  Gemma shook her head, “No. I thought he was Alexi.” She blushed. “I fainted when I saw him. But he could have corrected my thinking at any time.”

  Tressa nodded her head, “Maybe. He was tasked with getting the stock back into the company. His father confided in me earlier that Leo is being blackmailed by the board of directors.”

  “Blackmailed?” Gemma turned to stare at the door Leo had left through.“He doesn’t seem the kind of man to allow that to happen to him.”

  “No, but family loyalty is a strong force. Leo’s uncle is prepared to gift Petrina with his share of the company stock upon the event of her marriage to Leo. Regardless of whether the stock Alexi held was returned or not, Leo would then have enough stock to control the company.”

  “So Petrina really is his fiancé?” Gemma hoped her expression didn’t convey how she felt about the idea of Leo and that vile woman as a couple.

  “No, I believe Leo would rather marry a dog than that woman.” Tressa grimaced. “Don’t get me wrong. I’ve watched her grow up, but she has not grown into a very nice woman. She is shallow and personally I can’t imagine having her for a daughter-in-law.”

  Gemma laughed before covering her mouth with her hand. “Sorry.” Her laughter was part nerves, part relief.

  “Don’t be. Now, about the stock certificates. With the declaration of my son’s death, you have become a very wealthy woman. You have enough stock to have a seat at the board table if you so desire.”

  Gemma stared down at the certificates. “I don’t want to have a seat at any board table. I don’t know the first thing about boats…”

  “Ships, dear.” Tressa corrected her.

  Gemma blushed. “Ships. Big ships. Anyway, I don’t anything about that sort of thing. I really just want to restore art and raise my son.”

  “Well, regardless of what you want, you now have enough money and leverage to make a new life for yourself.”

  “But Leo… He threatened to keep Damien here and not let him leave.”

  Tressa spoke quietly. “My husband and I are old and we would like to see our only grandchild grow up here, amidst all of the things only we can provide for him. Please, consider your next steps carefully. He is all we have left of Alexi.”

  Gemma was silent. Tressa and Vasil were Damien’s only grandparents... “You said Alexi was declared dead?”

  Tressa shut her eyes. “His ship went down at sea. After an extensive three-week search, the authorities declared him dead. There are very strong currents in the area he was last reported being in and several storms went through while they were searching.” Tressa wiped tears from her eyes. “Alexi’s body was not recovered. Vasil felt it was time to move forward with life.

  “I can’t tell you how happy meeting Damien has made my husband and myself. It is like having a small piece of Alexi back with us. Damien is a lovely boy and you’ve done a very good job with him. We would like to be a part of his life going forward. Is that too much to ask? We want to give him…the world.”

  Gemma had contemplated those very things during the long hours she’d spent in her suite of rooms after discovering Leo’s true identity. The Moustakas family was extremely wealthy and she was not. She wanted to be the one to give Damien the world, but she also worried that the price for doing so would ruin her. Gemma swallowed. “I don’t think I can make any decisions right now. This is a lot to take in.”

  Tressa patted her hand and stood. “Take all of the time you need. But, please, don’t think you need to hide up here by yourself. I very much enjoyed getting to know your son today. I know Leo has enjoyed being around him.”

  Gemma stayed where she was as Tressa left, so tired and emotionally wrung out, she simply wanted to shut her eyes and go to sleep. Alexi was presumed dead. His twin brother was not only handsome, but the chemistry between them was unlike anything she’d ever dreamed of. She drew a deep breath. He asked me to marry him. Despite everything that had happened between them, she was tempted by it. While that might solve one problem, it could also create a whole bunch of new ones.

  Gemma paced back and forth across the length of her room. Alexi’s parents obviously love Damien already and I want them to have a chance to see him grow up... But that meant bringing him to Greece, or moving permanently. What about my life back in the States? And what about Leo? What if, now that his secret is out, his offer of marriage is no longer on the table? Where would I fit into the scheme of things if I stayed here?

  She sank down onto the couch again, no closer to any answers than before. She looked at the folder containing the stock certificates and shook her head. The Alexi she’d known wouldn’t have given a second thought to doing something so extravagant. The date of the letter seemed to coincide with his departure from her life. Did he know, somehow, he wouldn’t be coming back tome?

  Another piece of the puzzle that needs solving.

Gemma yawned. Exhaustion grabbed hold of her. Knowing nothing would be gained by staying up all night, she headed for the bed she shared with her small son. Snuggling against Damien, she drifted off to sleep. Decisions could wait until tomorrow.

  Chapter 13

  The next morning…

  Gemma woke up to the sounds of Damien giggling. She opened her eyes to see Tressa playing with him in the small sitting area of her bedroom. She sat up. “Good morning.”

  “Kalimera, Gemma. I was wondering if I could spirit this young man away for the day.” Tressa beamed at her.“Vasil has a desire to drive up to the vineyards and we thought it would be a good chance for you to get some time alone to think.”

  Gemma was pleased that Tressa had asked her permission. Since she wasn’t exactly up for dealing with her rambunctious son at the moment, she nodded. “I’m sure he will have a nice time. His diaper bag should have everything you’ll need in it.”

  “Efkharisto. We will see you at supper then. Come, little one. We shall go find your grandfather and tell him the good news.”

  Gemma lay in bed for another hour, trying to figure out what she was going to do next.

  She was no nearer an answer when a knock sounded on her door. Petrina entered, holding a breakfast tray. “Kalimera, sleepyhead.”

  Gemma eyed the woman warily. She sat up, pulling the covers up to her chin. “What are you doing here?”

  Petrina smiled at her. “I heard about Leo’s little deception. Honestly, if I’d known what he was doing, I would have told you the first time we met. I still can’t believe he let you think he was Alexi.” Petrina crossed herself. “God rest his soul. So…I’ve come to rescue you. I passed Tressa in the hallway. She told me they were taking Damien with them to the vineyards. I thought maybe you and I could escape the city and take the boat over to one of the islands for the day.”

  Gemma looked at her. Was Petrina really this nice, or just playing a game? “I thought you didn’t like me?”

  Petrina laughed, the sound grating on Gemma’s nerves. “Well, to be honest, when I thought you were after Leo, I was extremely jealous. I intend to marry Leo and that made you my natural enemy. No hard feelings? You know what they say, ‘All’s fair in love and war.’”

  Gemma studied her carefully. She still wasn’t sure this complete change of attitude was for real. “You said some pretty hateful things to me and my son.”

  Petrina waved her statement away. “I’m Greek. We always do things in a big way.”

  “So, what’s changed?” Gemma asked.

  Petrina shrugged. “Silly, you slept with Leo’s brother and are raising his son. He lied about his identity to you. Now that the truth is out there, I figured you would want to stay as far away from Leo as possible.”

  “You’ve got that partly right.” But I’m still not sure we’re on the same page here. My reasons for wanting to put some distance between Leo and myself have more to do with the fact that I’m raising Alexi’s son and want to be in Leo’s bed. That is so not right! But she didn’t feel she could tell Petrina that. “Maybe I should call him anyway.”

  “Do you really want to talk to him right now?” Petrina asked, one hand on her hip.

  Gemma shook her head. “Not really…”

  Petrina was watching her. When she didn’t say anything more, Petrina smiled. “Well then, eat your breakfast and let’s go. I already called the marina and the boat is ready and waiting for us. You’ll see, a little Greek sunshine will make everything seem so much better.”

  Gemma ate a piece of bread and quickly put on some cutoff shorts and a tank top. She didn’t bother putting on the swimsuit Leo’s cousin had gotten for her, still wondering when she was going to get to meet that mystery woman. She’s missed all of the excitement these last few days!

  An hour later, still not completely sold on Petrina’s about face, she slid into the passenger seat of a little yellow Corvette. “Shouldn’t I leave a note for Tressa?”

  “Oh, I told her where I was taking you. We’ll be home by dinner time, don’t worry.”

  Gemma settled back in the seat and enjoyed the ride. It appeared Petrina had turned over a new leaf and had everything well in hand. There was one huge point in Petrina’s schemes favour. If Gemma was sailing on the ocean, she wouldn’t have to worry about talking to Leo or making any life-altering decisions. That is a definite bonus!


  Sailing was a novel experience for Gemma. She was glad Petrina had two shipmates onboard to handle the finer aspects of sailing the yacht. Petrina took great joy in showing her all over the fifty-one-feet luxury yacht. It was white fiberglass with three cabins and two bathrooms. It was larger than Gemma’s entire apartment back in the States, and boasted two deck levels as well as a full kitchen.

  There was a slight breeze as they left the port. Petrina invited Gemma to join her on the top deck, explaining that the bikini top would need to wait until they reached their destination. They were going quite a way, needing to travel at top speed to get there and still have time to enjoy the island.

  Gemma didn’t mind. She changed into the black bikini Leo’s cousin had chosen for her, wrapping a towel around her torso before climbing the small ladder. She discovered Petrina lying on her stomach soaking up the sun. Gemma followed suit.

  She was surprised when Petrina offered to spray some sunscreen onto her back. “The sun here is vicious if you’re not used to it.”

  Gemma thanked her. Soon she was lulled into a dreamlike state as the boat moved smoothly across the water to their destination. “Where exactly are we going?”

  Petrina had her eyes closed but smiled as she replied. “The Moustakas own a private island. I thought we would head there and spend a few hours swimming before we returned.”

  “They own an entire island?” Gemma’s awe was evident in her voice.

  “Don’t sound so surprised. Many people own their own islands. The Moustakas family just happen to own several.”

  Several islands? I didn’t even know that was possible. Gemma stared out blankly over the ocean. Leo and Alexi inhabit an almost alien world. I bet they never had to work a third job just to pay the electric bill.

  “So, how did you meet Alexi?” Petrina asked.

  Gemma didn’t want to be rude, but the last thing she wanted to discuss was Alexi—or Leo. “Would you mind if we talked about something else?”

  “Oh! How insensitive of me!” What appeared to be regret flashed in Petrina’s eyes. “Tell me about your work at the museum. That is a neutral topic, yes?”

  Gemma nodded. She launched into a lengthy explanation about her work and the intricacies of restoring masterpieces. Petrina closed her eyes and appeared to be listening. After about fifteen minutes without any comment, Gemma was certain the young woman wasn’t paying any attention to her. “Enough about me. What do you do?”

  “Do?” Petrina asked.

  “Yes, for a career.”

  Petrina laughed. “I don’t do anything. I serve on several charitable committees, I handle some public relations issues for my uncle and I attend a variety of social events.”

  Gemma managed to not roll her eyes. Just as she’d expected. Petrina was a spoilt rich girl whose only job was to look good and put in a public appearance here and there. Gemma personally thought that was a waste of a life, but then again, she worked as many hours of the day as was humanly possible and not by choice. It was what was required of her right now to keep everything running smoothly.

  Those thoughts brought her mind back to Damien and Tyler. “I hope Damien is okay. How long will we be gone?”

  Petrina shrugged her shoulders. “We’ll be back by dinner.” One of the shipmates stuck his head over the ladder and spoke to her. She frowned, lashing out with a few harsh words. He hastily ducked back down the ladder. Petrina smiled at Gemma, her expression cheerful. “We’ll be there in about half an hour. Would you like to rinse off and get dressed?”

  Gemma nodded, not liking the sticky f
eeling of the sunscreen on her hot skin. “That sounds very nice.”

  “Good. Just go down the ladder and down the stairs. You can use the bathroom at the back of the hallway. Take your time. I’ll let you know when we get ready to dock.”

  Gemma noticed several islands off in the distance as she descended the ladder in search of the bathroom.

  By the time she’d showered and changed, the boat was slowing down. The two-man crew moved frantically around the small craft. Gemma climbed the stairs and was shocked to see that the blue sky was turning an angry gray in the distance. Clouds were rolling in fast. She sensed the crew wasn’t happy to be out on the water in these conditions.

  Gemma found Petrina standing inside the navigation cabin. “What’s happening?”

  “The crew thinks a storm is coming. They’ve advised we should only spend a short time on the beach.”

  If the crew is concerned, shouldn’t we be listening to them? “We don’t have to dock on the island at all,” Gemma said. “We can turn around and go back right now.”

  Petrina waved her concerns aside. “These storms pop up all the time and are nothing to worry about. I want to show you this gorgeous little lagoon I discovered a few years back. It’s like a hidden paradise. I think the artist in you will really appreciate it.”

  “Are you sure it’s safe?” Gemma eyed the storm clouds once more.

  Petrina nodded. “Yes. Come. They won’t be able to take the boat all the way in so we’ll have to wade the last fifty yards or so. Don’t worry, the water will only be up to your knees and it’s very warm this time of year.”

  Gemma took off her shoes and tied them around her neck as Petrina demonstrated. She followed her down the dive ladder until her feet touched the white sand on the bottom. The water only reached her knees. As the two women walked towards the pristine beach, Gemma stored up visuals to remember once she returned to the States.


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